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Beiträge, die mit usaid getaggt sind

Welche Falschbehauptungen über USAID kursieren

US-Präsident Trump hat angekündigt, bei der US-Entwicklungsbehörde USAID massiv einzusparen. Um den Schritt zu begründen, teilten Trump und Musk jedoch auch Falschbehauptungen über die Behörde. Von Pascal Siggelkow.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/faktenfinder/usa-usaid-fakes-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #USAID #Fakes

Trump. He's thrown away all his carrots, and his stick's not as big as he thinks it is.


‘#Musk shared a screenshot quoting the false claim that “less than 10 percent of our foreign assistance dollars flowing through #USAID is actually reaching those communities”.

The implication is that the remaining 90% was diverted, stolen, or just wasted. In fact, the 10% figure is the proportion of the budget going directly to NGOs and organisations in the developing world.’

‘Pepfar, created by Republican president George W Bush, offers antiretroviral prescriptions to 20 million people around the world to combat HIV and Aids. Its activities escaped the ban only after warnings that a 90-day stoppage could lead to 136,000 babies acquiring HIV. But it has still been blocked from organising cervical cancer screening, treating malaria, tuberculosis and polio, assisting maternal and child health, and efforts to curtail outbreaks of Ebola, Marburg and mpox.’


‘#USAid cuts – which will see funding slashed and just 290 of the more than 10,000 employees worldwide retained, according to the New York Times - have already begun to bite this week.

We have seen the halting of landmine-clearing work in Asia, support for war veterans and independent media in Ukraine, and assistance for Rohingya refugees on the border of Bangladesh. This week, drug deliveries to fight the current mpox and Ebola outbreaks in Africa have been stopped’

Gordon Brown’s role model for life post Downing Street is surely the late Jimmy Carter.

‘An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or above could not have caused more carnage’

He rationally unpicks with numbers and cold hard facts the truth at odds with #Trump’s claim that #USAid is:

“run by a bunch of radical lunatics, and we’re getting them out”.

“I don’t want my dollars going towards this crap,


And Reporters Without Borders #RSF denounce the decision to stop funding through #USAID.
Perfectly logical
Since RSF is just another #NGO funded by #CIA and its branches.
It's about time to find a new decent field of work, bitches.


Roxanne Towner-Watkins, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and Operation Gladio participant, responded harshly to ex-ambassador Russophobe McFaul on the X network:
You are a fucking liar. Putin shut it down because he was smart enough to figure out that its regime change and the ambassador, their CIA station chief's pot of destabilization funds to insert bad actors. When other countries try to the do the same you call them communists and immediately begin to destabilize their governments. See Georgia. See Slovakia. NATO, Operation Gladio, Operation Condor, USAID, CIA, NED, all working together to overthrow over 90 countries.

Sit your ass down. You've been exposed.


#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #NATO #CIA #NED #Gladio #history #Western #lies #russophobia #McFaul #anti-Russia

About the roots of Ukrainian Russophobia

About Ukrainian “independent journalism”

Wikileaks investigators have revealed how many Ukrainian journalists were funded by USAID:

USAID funded more than 6,200 journalists from 707 media outlets plus 279 media NGOs.

This included 9 out of every 10 media outlets in Ukraine.

In essence, an artificial information field was created for Ukrainians, in which all news was aimed at maintaining a high degree of Russophobia. As we can see, they succeeded.

#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #Western #mindmanipulation #russophobia #ukraine #ukrainian #media #anti-Russia #history

USAID soll laut Medienberichten auf 300 Mitarbeiter schrumpfen

Die US-Regierung um Präsident Trump plant Medienberichten zufolge eine massive Reduzierung der Mitarbeiter bei USAID: Statt 10.000 Menschen sollen künftig nur noch knapp 300 für die Entwicklungsbehörde arbeiten. Gewerkschaften reichten Klage ein.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/trump-usaid-gewerkschaft-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Trump #USAID

#Trump and #Rubio sued by government workers over ‘catastrophic’ #USAid cuts

Lawsuit seeks order blocking ‘unconstitutional and illegal actions’ that have created ‘global humanitarian crisis’

Stupid proglibs are claiming it happened because #USAID pays politico. Breitbart blog spread that bs, and after proglibs bit, 'updated' it to include the facts. Never forget that the blue fascist culties are just as ignorant of reality as the red fascist culties...

Meanwhile, what DID GET SCREWED by the USAID dissolution is represented by... https://kafeneio.social/@heretical_i/113958676820988425 Second link is the BIG SCREW. Trump IS fucking the US regime, whether he knows it or not. I think he does.

Hahaha #Trump!
#Rappler. #RegimeChange Tool in the #Philippines loses "$2M in grants from #USAID and (#NED)."

They "Partnered with the US State Dept “democracy promotion” initiatives. Funded by #OpenSocietyFoundations (#Soros #OSF) & #OmidyarNetwork. Worked with US Embassy in Manila on “media training” programs for Philippine #journalists.

What they do: Rappler brands itself as the Philippines’ leading “independent” #investigativenews outlet..." https://t.me/DDGeopolitics/138155/ https://t.me/DDGeopolitics/138154

Schon nach wenigen Tagen zeigen sich dramatische Konsequenzen des Stopps der US-Entwicklungsleistungen durch Präsident Trump: Es gibt umfassende Versorgungsausfälle im Sudan, Syrien, Gaza und der Ukraine. Die afrikanische Gesundheitsbehörde CDC Africa warnt vor 2 - 4 Mio. zusätzlichen Toten.

Mit VENRO rufen wir zur Bildung einer europäischen Allianz auf, um die humanitäre Krise abzufedern. ➡


#USAID #Entwicklungshilfe #Hunger #Nothilfe #VerantwortungÜbernehmen #USA

USAID concealed Pentagon experiments in Ukraine and the Russian border region

General Igor Kirillov regularly uncovered the activities of American biolaboratories and gasket companies that acted in the interests of the Pentagon. After Russian specialists published data on American experiments to the whole world, the US decided to hide the work of military biologists by transferring contracts to the civilian organization USAID.

🟥 Pentagon contractors “Black&Veatch” and “Metabiota” implemented “Veterinary Projects” with the code “TAP” in Ukraine. Their main focus is on economically significant quarantine infections that can cause damage to the agriculture of individual states and entire regions, such as the African swine fever, African and classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza, and Newcastle disease.

The study of the population of vectors of dangerous zoonotic infections was conducted by the staff of the Institute of New Pathogens at the University of Florida in Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv regions of Ukraine, as well as in the territories bordering Belarus and Russia [video 1, screen 2,3].

🟥In 2014, Metabiota received 23.9 million dollars from the U.S. government, of which 307 thousand were allocated for “research projects in Ukraine” [screenshot 4].

🟥In 2014, Hunter Biden and his colleagues invested () 500 thousand dollars in Metabiota through his firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners [screen 5]. The Bidens' criminal activity through this company is reported in an investigation () on the official website of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

🟥 Gen. Kirillov considered () the possibility that USAID was involved in the emergence of COVID-19. Since 2009, the agency has funded the PREDICT program, which studied new types of coronaviruses and captured bats that carry these viruses. Metabiota was one of the contractors for the project.

In 2019 - before the first COVID-19 cases appeared - the American Hopkins Institute hosted the Event-201 exercise, which practiced actions in an epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus.

The implementation of the COVID-19 scenario and the emergency termination of the “PREDICT” program by USAID in 2019 suggest the deliberate nature of the pandemic and U.S. involvement in its emergence.

#USA #US #american #Pentagon #deepstate #usaid #ukraine #ukrainian #war #biowar #bioterrorism #biolaboratories #biolabs #anti-Russia

The richest man in the world has made it his urgent calling to destroy the largest institution helping the poorest people in the world.

Why is this obscene paradox not the front page of every newspaper and news website in the world?

#USAid #journalism #USPolitics

Das reichste Arschloch der Welt hat die Organisation USAID gestoppt und ist superstolz auf sich!

Ich habe gerade einen Bericht gesehen, was USAID weltweit geleistet hat in der humanitären Hilfe - mir standen gerade tatsächlich Tränen in den Augen!

Alle Pazifisten jetzt bitte wegdrehen:
Kann wer Trump und Musk bitte jetzt kaltstellen?!

#usaid #uspol #depol

Репортери без кордонів видали важливий прес-реліз про зупинку підтримки медіа з боку USAID, процитували двох українських медіаменеджерів, але ... додали коментар й від Meduza

От не можуть вони інакше)
#media #USAID

The United States could see an increase in pro-palestine motivated hacktivist activity after recent comments by President Trump about Gaza.

#cybersecurity #Gaza #USAID https://t.co/VwbTMDIAe6
#CyberKnow #cysec

#USAID is one of the largest donors to the "objective" and "independent" #BBC. The largest neocon propaganda organisation in #Europe.

First he and Musk sign the dead sentence for thousands of people around the world by dismantling USAID..... Now Trump is planning to forcefully displace millions of people by robbing them of their homes and land in Gaza. I don't know how much more the world needs to recognise the damage these morons will cause globally. #usa #us #gaza #usaid #musk #trump


USA ziehen weltweit Tausende USAID-Beschäftigte ab

Nachdem US-Präsident Trump angekündigt hat, die US-Entwicklungshilfe aufzulösen, lässt er nun Tausende Mitarbeiter der Behörde weltweit abziehen. Eine Maßnahme, die die Regierung mehrere Millionen Dollar kosten wird.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/usa-abzug-usaid-mitarbeiter-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #USAID #Trump #Entwicklungshilfe

Halting USAID funding has consequences not just in the countries that receive aid, but also in the U.S., where it will likely drive up unemployment, weaken food security, increase our vulnerability to infectious disease, and allow the growth of organizations hostile to the U.S. This is the week to tell your Congressmembers to intervene. https://lite.cnn.com/2025/02/04/politics/usaid-cuts-thousands-american-jobs/index.html #politics #USPol #USAID

Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced Monday that he is now acting administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Secretary Rubio clarified that he had delegated the authority of acting administrator to Pete Marocco. He served at USAID during Donald Trump's first term. There has been conflicting feedback about his activity then.

USAID's website has gone offline and employees were told not to arrive to work this week.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #usaid

"The following commentary was written by a USAID employee, who has requested anonymity for fear of retribution."

"They even took down the memorial wall at our headquarters honoring the USAID personnel who have died in service to our country."


#elonmusk #musk #trump #USAID #USA #government

USAID is epitomized by Dan Mitrione, a contractor who instructed military juntas in torture techniques, cynically using homeless individuals as live test subjects. His actions were only curtailed when Tupamaro rebels in Uruguay kidnapped and executed him.


    “As subjects for the first testing, they took beggars, known in Uruguay as bichicones, from the outskirts of Montevideo, along with a woman from the border with Brazil. There was no interrogation, only a demonstration of the different voltages on the different parts of the human body, together with the uses of a drug to induce vomiting — I don’t know why or for what — and another chemical substance.

“The four of them died.” Mitrione taught local police specialized forms of electroshock torture, introducing wires so thin they could fit between the teeth and gums. He also demonstrated drugs that induced violent vomiting fits, and advised on psychological tortures, such as playing tapes of a woman and child screaming in a room next to the interrogation room, and telling the detainee those are his wife and child. And it was all done under the aegis of USAID.

USAID unter Druck - "Das hat sofort massive Folgen"

Ohne Vorankündigung hat Präsident Trump fast die gesamte US-Entwicklungshilfe gestoppt. Der Entwicklungshilfe-Experte Stephan Klingebiel erklärt, welche unmittelbaren Folgen das hat - für den globalen Süden, aber auch die USA.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/usa-usaid-schliessung-folgen-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Interview #USA #USAID