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Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind

Palestinian’s last moments before being killed by Israeli forces | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

Gaza is nearly unrecognizable after 15 months of war. @CNN has created a visual guide to the devastation.


#Gaza #Israel #War #MiddleEast #Ceasefire

#Israel Presses Ahead With Raids in the #WestBank

At least 10 people have been killed in the raids, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Dozens have been arrested, #Palestinian officials told the Wafa news agency.

from #NewYorkTimes #NYT
[gift article - link can be shared. Expires in 30 days.]
[Bias alert - #NYT usually favors Israel]

By Lara Jakes, Fatima Abdul Karim, and Hiba Yazbek
Jan. 22, 2025 Updated 8:58 a.m. ET

“The #Jenin battalion of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, an armed group loosely affiliated with #Fatah, the political faction that controls the #PalestinianAuthority, said in a statement...that its fighters were engaged in “fierce clashes” with #Israeli forces in several areas of Jenin and had detonated explosive devices.”


#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

Revolut°Permanente🚩 10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés : le siège de Jénine se poursuit: Deux jours à peine après la déclaration du cessez-le-feu à Gaza, l'armée israélienne fait des avancées brutales en Cisjordanie, prenant d'assaut la ville de Jénine où elle a fait au moins dix morts, 35 blessés, et rendu les hôpitaux inaccessibles.International / Palestine / Israël / Cisjordanie / Moyen-Orient / Guerre en Palestine 2023-2025 https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/10-morts-hopitaux-encercles-le-siege-de-Jenine-se-poursuit?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Palestine #Israël #Guerre #Cisjordanie #Jénine

Revolut°Permanente🚩 10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés : le siège de Jénine se poursuit: Deux jours à peine après la déclaration du cessez-le-feu à Gaza, l'armée israélienne fait des avancées brutales en Cisjordanie, prenant d'assaut la ville de Jénine… 🚩RP #Palestine #Israël #Guerre #Cisjordanie #Jénine

10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés :...

La destrucción masiva producida por #Israel en #Gaza.
Esto es Rafah totalmente arrasada.
El principal objetivo de los nazi-sionistas siempre fue dejar inhabitable la franja.

Hamas attack on Israel ‘destroyed’ chance for US nuclear deal negotiations, claims Iran – Firstpost https://www.byteseu.com/675791/ #Conflicts #GazaConflict #Hamas #Iran #Israel #JCPOA #Negotiations #NuclearAgreement #October7 #WorldEconomicForum #Zarif
Hamas attack on Israel 'destroyed' chance for US nuclear deal negotiations, claims Iran – Firstpost

1/ #Harvard just adopted the #IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of #antisemitism for the purpose of campus rules on harassment and discrimination.

If you're new to these definitional difficulties, there are many prominent and non-equivalent definitions of antisemitism, and the debates about them can be bitter.

I'm a Harvard employee of Jewish descent who lost family in the Holocaust, and I'm not happy with the recent decision.

The IHRA definition (2016) is not careful to distinguish criticism of #Jews from criticism of #Israel. On the contrary, most of its 11 examples of antisemitism deliberately mix the two.


Warum #Hamas noch existiert: Verfehlte #Militärdokrin prägt Denken der #IDF

Die Armee hat postmoderne Militärdoktrinen übernommen, die ihre Fähigkeit, Kriege zu gewinnen, untergraben haben, sagt Ran Baratz, Dozent an der IDF-Kriegsakademie.

>> Krusi:
Da könnte was dran sein. Ist das die Strategie der IDF? Das hat ja sogar die Hamas-Fanboys gewundert, dass #Israel die #Geiseln einfach nicht befreien konnte.Führt man einen Krieg nicht in etwa so? Angreifen – erobern – verteidigen – säubern – weiter angreifen? Somit wäre doch dieses kleine Stückchen Land längst erobert, die #Geiseln befreit und die Hamas Geschichte.Aber ich bin kein Soldat, vielleicht liege ich ja falsch?<<



🕸glané sur le net🕸 Palestine : Un mur de fer contre Jénine: Netanyahou a donné le coup d'envoi d'une vaste offensive militaire qui s'étendra de la ville palestinienne à l'ensemble de la Cisjordanie : déjà 9 tués Après une attaque de colons israéliens dans le village de Jinsafut en Cisjordanie - Ap RAMALLAH Le coup le plus dévastateur sur le camp de (…)
-- Palestine & Israël, Gaza, Cisjordanie / Territoires occupés,… https://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article73395&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Palestine #Israël #Cisjordanie #Gaza #Colonialisme

What resources and time will Donald Trump’s “America First” administration devote to keeping the Israel-Hamas deal on track? The challenges may appear overwhelming, but the idea of a grand deal is enticing. Gaza #trump #Israel #Hamas

#Katz : #Jenin -Operation wird iranisch unterstützten #Terrorismus

„Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass die Waffen der iranischen Krake und des radikalen sunnitischen Islams das Leben der [israelischen] Einwohner gefährden und eine östliche Terrorfront gegen den Staat #Israel aufbauen“, so der israelische Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz.


#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #idp / #warfare

»In a report published in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemned what it described as the “massive, deliberate, forced displacement” of nearly the entire population, with “no plausible imperative military reason.”«


See also:
»UNDP chief: Gaza must 'rebuild 60 years of lost development'«

LIVE: Israel’s deadly West Bank attack mirrors military action in Gaza | Al Jazeera

- UNRWA education director says ‘no alternative’ available as ban looms
- Pro-Israel ADL faces backlash for defending Elon Musk’s raised-arm gesture
- Hamas commander appears in Gaza after Israel claimed to have killed him: Reports
- ‘Hardest situation I’ve ever faced’: Palestinian woman freed from Israeli detention

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

#australia #israel #palestine : #antisemitism / #islamophobia / #violence / #escalation

„A rash of antisemitic attacks in recent weeks has rattled the Jewish community in Australia, home to the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors outside Israel. There have been no reports of major casualties but the violence represents a dramatic escalation of tensions reverberating from the war in the Middle East, which has also spurred Islamophobic episodes in Australia.“


Israeli forces surround Palestinian hospital and refugee camp in West Bank | West Bank | The Guardian

Repeating in the West Bank what they weer doing in Gaza.

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

The opposition to Netanyahu (you know, those who are supposed to save Israel from far-right messianism) propose annexing a huge chunk of the West Bank because it's a “strategic asset”.

Netanyahu's government turned it down because annexation “needs to be done in the right way".

Can't make this up.


#Israel #Palestine #WestBank

#usa #israel #palestine : #university / #antisemitism / #zionism / #criticism

„Many universities have been reluctant to embrace a definition that, among other things, considers some criticisms of Israel as antisemitic. The university’s decision was part of a lawsuit settlement.“


“Israeli forces surround Palestinian hospital and refugee camp in West Bank.” So the genocide continues. #Israel #Palestine

Für einen gerechten Frieden in #Palästina und #Israel gehen wir am am 15. Februar in Köln auf die Straße. Wer kommt mit? @medicointernational
Pinkes Plakat "Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel" Kundgebung: 15.2.25 um 15 Uhr. Heumarkt Köln. Unten die Logos der unterstützenden Organisationen, u.a. medico international, DFG-VK, ippnw und forumZFD

A ceasefire is not enough.

Decolonizing demands from us that we pursue these simple, straightforward, easily defensible goals:

1. make sure that crimes do not pay
2. try to prevent people from committing them.

These goals apply as much to the state of Israel as to any other violent colonial power.

We have to keep insisting that the organizations we work for subscribe to them.

A ceasefire is not enough.


#Palestine #Israel #Decolonize #Genocide
Palestinian flags and a sign saying "Decolonize" and "Palestine land back".

[Vidéo] Gaza : Anatomie d'un génocide colonial

Après plus d’un an et demi de destruction de Gaza et d’anéantissement de sa population par Israël, un accord de cessez-le-feu a été conclu le 17 janvier 2025. Célébré par les Gazaouis comme une libération, s’il est respecté, il restera désormais tout à reconstruire à Gaza.

Infrastructures détruites, déplacement forcé de…
https://www.blast-info.fr/emissions/2025/gaza-anatomie-dun-genocide-colonial-OKbz0dZ8S7i-NIjpkEzpWA #Israel #MoyenOrient #ONU

[Article] À Jénine, en Cisjordanie occupée : « L'Autorité palestinienne est au même niveau de cruauté qu'Israël »

Pendant près de deux mois, l’Autorité palestinienne (AP) a mené une offensive sans précédent contre ceux qu’elle considère comme des « groupes palestiniens hors la loi » semant « le…
https://www.blast-info.fr/articles/2025/a-jenine-en-cisjordanie-occupee-lautorite-palestinienne-est-au-meme-niveau-de-cruaute-quisrael-5gGsbe6BQRWZpHJTkDHG5Q #Guerre #International #Israel #Palestine

Ook maar even de namen van 55.000 Palestijnen voorlezen die gedood zijn door #Israel. #vrouwen #kinderen #IsraelWarCrimes

Namen Holocaustslachtoffers zes dagen lang voorgelezen in Westerbork https://nos.nl/l/2552786

Israeli operation in Jenin 'could jeopardise' Gaza ceasefire

Some Israeli media have interpreted the military's deadly operations in the West Bank on Tuesday as a gesture of appeasement to Israel's right-wing ministers angry over the ceasefire deal in Gaza, but the deadly operation's in Jenin "could jeopardise" the truce, says FRANCE 24's Chief Foreign Editor, Rob Parsons, reporting from [...]


#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #Palestine #News

#Israel has turned into a huge group therapy (gr) https://eksegersi.gr/diethni/se-terastio-group-therapy-echei-metatrapei-to-israil/
#ceasefire #palestine #zionazis #zionism #IsraelTerroristState
Military analyst Noam Amir:

How is it possible, after 1 year and 3 months, that there are still Hamas military jeep vehicles in Gaza? This is exactly Israel's military failure.

And Amihai Stein from #Zionist channel i24:

The images from #Gaza leave no doubt: Israel has failed to create a government alternative for Hamas.

Researcher Michael Milstein:

There is no point in discussing “next stage”, because it is clear that “next stage” is already here: #Hamas.

Yedioth Ahronoth military analyst Ron Ben Yishai asked his countrymen to become realistic and recognize reality:

We must recognize that Hamas is not a religious extremist movement and external force imposed on the people of Gaza. Hamas is an authentic organizational expression of the culture, aspirations and ideology of the injustices of the majority of the more than two million people in Gaza. Hamas is Gaza and Gaza is Hamas. Terms like “collapse of Hamas” and “complete victory” are expressions that belong to the field of literature and poetry and are not demands that a responsible government can impose on a “ideologically harsh enemy” like Hamas.

In his last interview as president of the United States, Joe Biden tells the story of his first meeting with Netanyahu in Israel after October 7. Bibi told Joe: “We did in Gaza what you did in Berlin.”#UnitedStates #JoeBiden #BenjaminNetanyahu #Israel #Gaza #Palestine

Israël verdrijft Palestijnen uit vluchtelingenkamp in Jenin
Vies vuil Israelisch tuig! We moeten #Israel aanpakken. Zij maken de toekomst voor ons, Joden in de rest van de wereld, kapot. #BDS #FreePalestine🇵🇸