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Beiträge, die mit Israelwarcrimes getaggt sind

A bombshell investigation reveals hundreds of former pro-Israel lobbyists working in America’s top newsrooms. How neutral is our media when it comes to Israel?

Read Alan's full investigation via the following link:


#GazaGenocide #IsraelWarCrimes
A bombshell investigation reveals hundreds of former pro-Israel lobbyists working in America’s top newsrooms. How neutral is our media when it comes to Israel?

Dat is het plan al die tijd geweest. #Israel kan ook niet samenleven met #Palestijnen. Dat is hun werk geweest om het onmogelijk te maken. Die staat moet er komen of jullie zijn nooit veilig. Dat is de reden waarom er zoveel vrouwen en kinderen onder de burgerslachtoffers zijn. #IsraelWarCrimes #gazagenocide #westbankannexation #ethniccleansing

Israëlische minister: Palestijnse staat 'niet realistisch' https://nos.nl/l/2544071#UPDATE-container-81913056

MBS, Saudi crown prince and de-facto ruler, calls Israel’s actions in Gaza #Genocide. Given the close friendship between Trump, Kushner and MBS, could Netanyahu be in for a surprise? Hmm?? Difficult to parse this one. #israelHamasWar #GazaGenocide #Palestine #EthnicCleansing #Lebanon #IsraelWarCrimes #KSA


#MiddleEast #Hactivism 💥

The #Iranian #Hanzala #hackers group has #hacked the personal phone of Major General Ehud Shani, current Commander of the #IDF #Cybersecurity Corps and former Chief of the #Israeli Army's Communications Corps

They released, amongst other things, an image of the him lying naked inside the bath tub, innapropriately touching himself. We have censored the photo.

The hacker group also published Ehud Shani's personal information, including phone number, and threatened to release more sensitive and scandalous information if he does not abide by their demands.

From the Middle_East_Spectator channel on Telegram.

3 images on screenshot with info from post above.
Photo of him in bathtub.
Photo of him with his Israeli terrorist pals.
Photo of his personal identification.

Macron and Starmer meeting in Paris to discuss the "Russian invasion of Ukraine and the humanitarian situation in Gaza".

BBC Radio 4 just now.

See how it works? The blatant gaslighting and double standards? It's relentless, just like IDF attacks on defenceless Palestinians.

#Gaza #OccupiedWestBank #Palestine
#Lebanon #IsraelApartheid #IsraelPogroms #IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelGenocide
#IsraelGaslighting #CeaseFireNOW #StopArmsSalesToIsrael

Sunday morning, recommended #documentary film.

Before the formation of the Israel Defense Forces in 1948, there were three underground #Zionist #militias - The #Haganah, the #Irgun and the #Lehi.

They differed in tactics and beliefs, and at times fought with each other - but together they terrorised #Palestinian villages and executed attacks and #bombings against the #British to force them to give up control of the land.

They blew up hotels in #Jerusalem, embassies in #Europe and #assassinated a UN mediator.

After #Israel was officiated as a state - the three #terrorist militias would create the #IDF - and their leaders would go on to form Israel’s government, become #politicians, #ambassadors and #PrimeMinisters.

And their dark #history would be forgotten.



The death toll has risen to 36, including 15 children, following the horrendous Israeli massacre targeting the Alloush family home in #Jabalia earlier today, according to medical sources.
#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState #genocide #Gaza #warcrimes

Les groupes de hooligans violents, supremacistes, racistes, et provocateurs d'où qu'ils viennent ne sont pas les bienvenus.
A fortiori quand ceux-ci sont les représentants d'une nation prédatrice, qui commet des crimes contre l'humanité, en massacrant des civils, a #Gaza et au #Liban.
#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState

Germany, almost always on the wrong side of history ⬇️

Germany’s Commissioner for Human Rights isn’t able to name a single war crime Israel committed in the past year. Germany’s Human Rights Commissioner, hard at work it seems.

#Germany #Palestine #IsraelWarCrimes #GazaGenocide

Germany almost always on the wrong side of history.

Germany justified Israel’s recent strike on the Al-Tabi'in school in Gaza, which killed almost 100 Palestinians during morning prayers, saying that Israel has the “right to defend itself.”

Palestinian survivors of the attack described how men, women, and children sheltering at the school were torn to pieces after Israel targeted it with three separate strikes on Saturday.

#Palestine #GazaGenocide #IsraelWarCrimes


Finally a reaction and now procecute #Israel. #IsraelWarCrimes #IDF #idfterrorists

The #UN rights officer chief calls for ‘due reckoning’ for violations in #Gaza

A video captures the moment the Israeli military targeted tents of displaced Palestinians in the vicinity of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs #Hospital in central #Gaza.
#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState @israel @palestine

«The OHCHR report noted the "unprecedented levels of killings, death, injury, starvation, illness, disease, displacement, detention, and destruction"…by Israel's onslaught, as well as…"wanton disregard" by Israeli forces and Hamas of international humanitarian law.…

Last month,…Oxfam International said that Israel's yearlong assault on #Gaza has been the deadliest year of conflict for women and children anywhere in the world over the past two decades.»


from #CommonDreams
As Millions Starve in #Gaza, #Israel Terminates Agreement With #UNRWA

"Restricting humanitarian access and at the same time dismantling UNRWA will add an additional layer of suffering to already unspeakable suffering," said the U.N. agency's commissioner-general.

Jake Johnson
Nov 04, 2024


#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

De #israelis hebben nog werk voor de boeg om de 55000 doden te halen die ze in #Gaza hebben aangericht. #IsraelWarCrimes

Meer dan 3000 doden in Libanon sinds oktober 2023 https://nos.nl/l/2543177#UPDATE-container-81758220

For some reason #Israelis seem to be happy about the #floods that so far have killed more than 200 #Spaniards.

After #Spain recognized the State of #Palestine and despite condemning the Hamas attack against Israel, many Israeli netizens posted on their social networks that they are glad that hundreds of Spaniards have died due to the floods.

Some of them have said this is a divine punishment to Spain for recognizing Palestine and stopping some explosives shipments to #Israel, similarly to how some of them believed #Florida was hit by hurricanes due to the pro Palestine protests.



"Do not argue about #genocide. Do not even **use** the word #genocide. Stay by the facts about #gaza. Do not exaggerate. Do not pick anecdotal evidence. Do not call it #IsraelWarCrimes."

#Israel #Palestine


Dans le seul service des grands brûlés du #liban : « Montrez ce qu’Israël fait à nos enfants » https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/021124/dans-le-seul-service-des-grands-brules-du-liban-montrez-ce-qu-israel-fait-nos-enfants?utm_source=global&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SharingApp&xtor=CS3-5

« #israel ment. Ils n’étaient pas des combattants du Hezbollah. Ils étaient mes enfants. »

#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState

from #MotherJones
The Doctor Who Saw Children Shot in the Head in Gaza—and Tried to Tell the World

Dr. #FerozeSidhwa has spent six months talking about what he saw as an emergency physician in #Gaza. Why don’t people believe him?

Sophie Hurwitz
October 29, 2024


#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Israel #Palestine #politics #MiddleEast
#USA #US #USPolitics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

The editors of Israel's oldest newspaper on Wednesday published an editorial decrying the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from northern Gaza amid a ferocious Israeli offensive there that's killed more than 1,000 people over the past three weeks.

#Gaza #Palestine #Lebanon #Gazagenocide

#IsraelTerroristState #israelPariahState #IsraelWarCrimes #Zionazis

Sveriges handfallenhet för krigsbrotten kommer att gå till historien. Orden för att ska beskriva det fasansfulla som sker i Gaza är uttömda. Israels regering fortsätter m sina illdåd trots de lagar som gäller i krig, Många liv som redan är förlorade kommer aldrig att få rättvisa. Deras fasansfulla upplever är raderade. Alltför många i Sveriges
journalistkår har förvrängt verkligheten el rent inte rapporterat fakta. Skamligt!

#krigsbrott #Israel #gaza #media #svpol #svpolitik #IsraelWarCrimes
Krönika: Israels krigföring i Gaza har sparat ur - och världen tittar bara pả.
Orden börjar ta slut för att beskriva Israels ödeläggelse av Gaza. Landets beslutsfattare passerar dagligen nya gränser: tältläger bombas och patienter bränns till döds, sjukvarden slas ut och civila massbegravs under raserade byggnader. FN:s generalsekreterare förklaras persona non grata och fredsbevarande FN-trupper beskjuts i Libanon, oberoende press förbjuds och journalister dödas, ministrar hetsar om att driva bort palestinier och bygga nya illegala bosättningar.
Ända terstär en allt mer löjeväckande grupp som vidhäller det rättfärdiga i den israeliska militärmaktens agerande. Som med hänvisning till 7 oktober inte verkar kunna halla Israel ansvarigt för vare sig handlingar eller metoder - oavsett hur extrema. I takt med att krigsbrotten ackumuleras blir deras argument desperatare. Den senaste trenden är att peka pa andra konflikter och ifragasätta varför de inte väcker samma engagemang. Ofta fran skribenter och tyckare som själva aldrig tidigare har visat intresse för nämnda konflikter.

95 #Palestinians killed in Israeli raids on the #Gaza Strip since dawn today, 75 of them in northern Gaza - where #Israel is carrying out a brutal #siege and extermination campaign. #IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState #GazaGenocide #genocide

#Gaza #Palestine

San Francisco State University has begun the process of divesting from four weapons manufacturers currently involved in Israel's war on Gaza.

The announcement comes at a crucial time as several universities across the country look to punish and deter students from restarting pro-Palestinian advocacy on campuses, and social media companies like Meta look to censor pro-Palestine activism by student groups on their platforms.


✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️

That explains why Saturn has such progressive politics.

While Earth is still struggling with ‘Is genocide bad?.

#auspol #uspol #IsraelWarCrimes