Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind
Israeli army chief to resign over security breach in Hamas' Oct. 7 attack
Herzi Halevi said on Tuesday he would resign on March 6 to take responsibility for the massive security lapse.Steven Scheer (The Japan Times)
Gaza ceasefire to help Israel’s credit rating, implementation is key, agencies say
JERUSALEM - The ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza reduces the risks to Israel's public finances and could improve its sovereign credit rating, the major credit rating agencies said on Jan 21.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Une opération militaire israélienne à Jénine, 10 morts selon l’Autorité palestinienne
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #GazaDeal
Une opération militaire israélienne à Jénine, 10 morts selon l'Autorité palestinienne - [mcInform@ctions]
Israël a lancé une opération militaire d’envergure à Jénine, en Cisjordanie occupée, tuant dix Palestiniens, selon l’Autorité
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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Israel should be made to pay for it all - but of course, it won't be.
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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Und Israel ist es trotz der großen Übermacht und der gewaltigen Zerstörung mit Zehntausenden Toten nicht gelungen, die beiden selbst gesteckten Ziele allein mit militärischen Mitteln zu erreichen: die Hamas dauerhaft zu zerschlagen und die Geiseln zu befreien.
Auch der Auftritt der uniformierten Hamas-Kämpfer bei der Geiselübergabe war kein Zufall, und das Signal an Israel und Hilfsorganisationen war klar: Für die Umsetzung des Deals und den Wiederaufbau braucht es die Zusammenarbeit mit der Terrororganisation.
Die Präsenz uniformierter und bewaffneter Hamas-Kämpfer sei „eine Ohrfeige für die israelische Regierung und die Armee“, so der frühere Geiselverhandler Gerschon Baskin gegenüber dem „Wall Street Journal“. „Es zeigt, dass Israel seine Kriegsziele nie erreichen konnte.“
Geiseldeal: Hamas demonstriert Macht in Gaza
Bereits die Bilder, die bei der Befreiung der drei israelischen Geiseln – der ersten Stufe des Gaza-Deals – um die Welt gegangen sind, haben klargemacht: Die Terrororganisation Hamas will zeigen, dass sie weiter die Macht in Gaza hat – und zwar auch …
Israel launches 'significant' military operation in West Bank
The move into Jenin, where the Israeli army has carried out multiple raids and large-scale incursions in recent years, comes two days after the start of a ceasefire in Gaza.James Mackenzie (The Japan Times)
#Israel #US
Quelle confiance accorder à Messieurs Trump et Netanyahou, s’agissant de l’accord de cessez-le-feu à Gaza, car ce sont deux repris de justice !
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza
Quelle confiance accorder à Messieurs Trump et Netanyahou, s’agissant de l’accord de cessez-le-feu à Gaza, car ce sont deux repris de justice ! - [mcInform@ctions]
Soyons clairs ! Toute heure sans massacres, tueries, bombardements à Gaza est une heure de gagnée qu’il faut tenter de prolonger par
Israeli security forces launch operation in West Bank city of Jenin | West Bank - EUROPE SAYS
Israeli security forces have launched an operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, a day after bandsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#israel #palestina #franjadegaza #conflictoarabeisraeli #hamas #global
Gaza: Palestinians confront a landscape of destruction
RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinians in Gaza are confronting an apocalyptic landscape of devastation after a ceasefire paused more than 15 months of fighting between Israel and Hamas.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Știri #Palestina #Israel #FâșiaGaza #SUA
Trump nu este încrezător că încetarea focului din Gaza va rezista
Președintele american Donald Trump și-a exprimat scepticismul cu privire la durabilitatea încetării focului în Gaza, căutând în același timp să își asumeRedacția (G4media)
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #Israel #Terorism
După 15 luni de război devastator, Hamas conduce în continuare ce a mai rămas din Fâșia Gaza
În timp ce o încetare a focului a adus calmul în orașele ruinate din Gaza, Hamas a ieșit rapid din ascunzătoare. Gruparea militantă nu numai că aRedacția (G4media)
How the Gaza war brought Morocco and Israel closer
MENASource January 21, 2025 Print this page How the Gaza war brought Morocco and Israel closer By Sarah Zaaimi Many analysts predicted the end of the Moroccan-Israeli rapprochement, which was initiated by the 2020 tripartite agreement brokered by the…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Ukraine #Russia #Israel #Lebanon
Израиль предложил передать Украине захваченное в Ливане российское оружие
Израиль предложил передать Украине российское вооружение, захваченное Армией обороны Израиля (ЦАХАЛ) в Ливане или изъятое у противников Израиля в других местах.Русская служба The Moscow Times
These snipings occurred completely at random.
In this clip an elderly man cross a street as bullets land at his feet. Thankfully the sniper missed in this case.
Updated: The total dead and injured has continued to climb. 😢
#WestBank #Jenin #GazaDeal #Israel #IDF #FreePalestine
Negen doden gemeld bij grote Israëlische inval in Jenin op de Westoever
Negen doden gemeld bij grote Israëlische inval in Jenin op de Westoever
De militaire operatie zal volgens Israël meerdere dagen duren. De Palestijnse autoriteiten melden tientallen gewonden.NOS Nieuws
#conflictoarabeisraeli #hamas #treguaengaza #cisjordania #global #israel #palestina #franjadegaza
Hamás asegura que entregará este sábado a cuatro soldados israelíes en la segunda fase de canjes
El Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica (Hamás) ha asegurado que la segunda fase de la liberación de cuatro secuestradas durante los ataques del 7 de octubre de 2023 arrancará el sábado, en el marco del acuerdo de alto el fuego pactado la semana pasada…Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #Terorism
Hamasul anunţă, în a treia zi a armistiţiului cu Israelul în Războiul din Fâşia Gaza, eliberarea altor patru ostatice israeliene sâmbătă
Hamasul urmează să elibereze sâmbătă alte patru ostatice israeliene ţinute în Fâşia Gaza, în al doilea schimb de ostatici şi deţinuţi cu Israelul,Redacția (G4media)
Hezbollah commander shot dead outside his home - EUROPE SAYS
The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, affiliated with Hezbollah, reported Tuesday evening that the commander of Hezbollah's western al-Baqaa region,EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel
Itamar Ben-Gvir ha renunciado como ministro de Seguridad Nacional de #Israel. El político ultraderechista deja el puesto en desacuerdo con la tregua acordada entre el Estado israelí y la organización político-militar «Hamas». Bezalel Smotrich, otro referente de la ultraderecha israelí y ministro de Finanzas, amenaza con dimitir si no se reanuda la campaña militar sobre los #TerritoriosPalestinos una vez que hayan sido liberados los rehenes israelíes.
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Gaza #Qatar #US #USA #America #UnitedStates #ArmsEmbargo #BDS #CeaseFire #Boycott #Zionist
Israeli Sniper Killed Child in Gaza 1 Day After Ceasefire Went Into Effect
Israeli forces have violated the ceasefire numerous times since Sunday, Palestinian news sources say.Sharon Zhang (Truthout)
Las fuerzas armadas israelíes han realizado “una operación militar significativa y amplia” en #Cisjordania. El Ministerio de Salud de este territorio palestino reporta 35 heridos, sin diferenciar entre civiles y militares.
“#Israel no ha logrado alcanzar sus objetivos en #Gaza”, opina la Yihad Islámica, una de las principales organizaciones político-militares de los #TerritoriosPalestinos. La tregua entre Israel y «Hamas» rige solo en la #FranjaDeGaza.
Ha dimitido el teniente-general Herzi Halevi, uno de los cuadros militares más altos de #Israel. Halevi ha renunciado tras asumir su responsabilidad en los fallos que le facilitaron a «Hamas» planificar y ejecutar la operación terrorista «Diluvio de al-Aqsa», que dejó cerca de 1.200 muertos y casi 250 rehenes el 07 y 08 de octubre del 2023. Su salida se volverá oficial el 06 de marzo.
Gaza ceasefire: Hamas emerges strong
As a ceasefire brought calm to Gaza's ruined cities, Hamas was quick to emerge from hiding.The militant group has not only survived 15 months of war with Israel — among the deadliest and most destructive in recent memory — but it remains firmly in co…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
MIT Shuts Down Internal Grant Database After It Was Used to Research School’s Israel Ties
Amid Gaza protests, a report from MIT Coalition for Palestine details research funded by Israel on drone swarms and underwater surveillance.Akela Lacy (The Intercept)
#Știri #Palestina #Terorism
Israelul anunţă lansarea unei operaţiuni ”antiteroriste” la Jenin, în Cisiordania. Un mort, anunţă Ministerul Sănătăţii la Autorităţii Palestiniene
Armata israeliană anunţă marţi că a lansat o operaţiune militară într-o zonă autonomă palestiniană, la Jenin, în Cisiordania, unde potrivit MinisteruluiRedacția (G4media)
Thread of images and video clips from Gaza.
US citizens, here is what our US tax dollars and Biden’s unconditional support for the Israeli government have accomplished.
Raphael Mimoun רפאל מימון (
Attached: 1 image This is what Gaza looks like today 1/15 #Israel #Palestine #Gaza Photos and videos from Haaretz:
Wir schließen den Liveblog für heute. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse!
🕛 22.01. 00:00 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Syrischer Außenminister erstmals in Davos ++
Syriens Übergangsaußenminister Schaibani hat seine Teilnahme am Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos bestätigt - eine Premiere für das Land. Die israelische Armee hat einen Militäreinsatz im Westjordanland begonnen. Die Entwicklungen zum
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel
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By dehumanizing Palestinians, media enabled genocide in Gaza
Learning from history necessitates challenging the powerful.The Electronic Intifada
#press #news #Israel #Palestine #Nederland
State Attorney Amit Isman decided to call off the case against the five due to the high chance of 'false confessions and mere bragging''
from #DropSiteNews
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By Mera Aladam
Published date: 21 January 2025 15:50 GMT
"#Israel’s state attorney on Monday dismissed an investigation against five men suspected of killing a bound #Palestinian they held captive in the aftermath of the Hamas-led 7 October attacks.
Despite video evidence and admissions of guilt from the suspects, Amit Isman dropped the investigation citing “low credibility of the confessions, which are likely just bravado”. "
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#Gaza #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Israel drops case against five men accused of murdering Palestinian captive
Israel's state attorney on Monday dismissed an investigation against five men suspected of killing a bound Palestinian they held captive in the aftermath of the Hamas-led 7 October attacks.Mera Aladam (Middle East Eye)
El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja y el Creciente Rojo reclama que tanto #Israel como «Hamas» cumplan la tregua acordada para facilitar el acceso de los gazatíes a insumos vitales y a servicios básicos. “Atravesar grandes multitudes y emociones intensas fue un desafío durante los traslados y, en #Gaza, los equipos del Comité tuvieron que gestionar los peligros de los explosivos sin detonar y la infraestructura destruida”, declaró Mirjana Spoljaric, su presidenta.