Beiträge, die mit Hamàs getaggt sind
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“The Israeli army acknowledges the deaths of three soldiers, while Palestinian resistance groups continue to claim heavy Israeli losses in ongoing operations in Gaza.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
„Sie glauben, dass das Militär es nicht bombardieren kann“, erklärte einer der 240 inhaftierten Terroristen den Vernehmungsbeamten.
#Israel #Hamas
De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.
#Israël #Hamas #Gaza
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
Die Enthüllungen im neusten Bericht von UN Watch, «Die unheilige Allianz», werfen ein grelles Licht auf die fragwürdigen Verbindungen zwischen dem Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästina-Flüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA und Terrororganisationen wie der Hamas und dem Islamischen Dschihad.
#Israel #Schweiz #Deutschland #IslamischerDschihad #UNWatch #UN #Libanon #DFLP #Iran #Hisbollah #NaherOsten
Bericht: «Die Unheilige Allianz - UNRWA, Hamas und Islamischer Dschihad» - Audiatur-Online
Bericht: «Die Unheilige Allianz - UNRWA, Hamas und Islamischer Dschihad» - Die Enthüllungen im neusten Bericht von UN Watch, «Die unheilige Allianz», werfenGerardo Raffa (Audiatur-Online)
İsrail'den Gazze tehdidi: Durmayacağız
İsrail Genelkurmay Başkanı Herzi Halevi, İsrailli esirler ülkelerine dönene kadar Gazze Şeridi'ndeki Filistinlilere yönelik saldırıların devam edeceği tehdidinde bulundu.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
Le MAN signe l’appel "Féministes contre l’armement et pour la fin du génocide en Palestine". Rassemblement ce 8 janvier à 18h devant le Ministère des armées.
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #fémonationalisme #pinkwashing
Le MAN signe l’appel "Féministes contre l’armement et pour la fin du génocide en Palestine". Rassemblement ce 8 janvier à 18h devant le Ministère des armées. - [mcInform@ctions]
Le 8 octobre dernier, à l’occasion du triste anniversaire de l’invasion militaire de Gaza par l’armée israélienne, une tribune signée
Plans in motion for Gaza’s future after war in the Middle East ends
Plans in motion for Gaza's future after war in the Middle East ends - CBS News Watch CBS News The United Arab Emirates, the U.S.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
À Toulouse, même MSF n’est pas autorisée à raconter ce qui se passe à Gaza
La mairie de Toulouse a annulé la tenue d’une exposition de MSF consacrée à la situation vécue par la population civile de Gaza.
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #MSF
À Toulouse, même MSF n’est pas autorisée à raconter ce qui se passe à Gaza - [mcInform@ctions]
La mairie de Toulouse a annulé la tenue d’une exposition de MSF consacrée à la situation vécue par la population civile de Gaza. Une dé
Gaza : le gaz au cœur des tensions israélo-palestiniennes
Le champ gazier de Marine, découvert au large de Gaza en 2000, est devenu un enjeu crucial dans le conflit israélo-palestinien.
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #Géopolitique #Hydrocarbures #Conflit
Gaza : le gaz au cœur des tensions israélo-palestiniennes - [mcInform@ctions]
Le champ gazier de #Marine au large de #Gaza exacerbe les tensions entre #Israël et les Palestiniens. Sous blocus depuis 2007, Gaza peine à
Israel strikes Hamas terrorists involved in October 7 attack - EUROPE SAYS
The airstrikes were carried out based on intelligence gathered by the Military Intelligence Directorate and the Shin BetEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Hamas stands by hostage release terms as Trump pushes for deal by Jan. 20
A Hamas official said Trump was rash to say 'all hell will break out' unless the remaining hostages being held in Gaza go free by his Jan. 20 inauguration.Reuters (Global News)
„Mr. Trump … reiterated his #threat that “all hell will break out in the Middle East” if the hostages being held by Hamas are not released (…), repeating the threat 4 times. “If they’re not back by the time I get into office, all hell will break out in the Middle East (…) And it will not be good for Hamas, & it will not be good, frankly, for anyone. All hell will break out. I don’t have to say anymore, but that’s what it is.”
In 2025, Israel’s Gaza Campaign Is Not Over
As the new year begins, Israel will need to find a strategy for the war in Gaza. Several factors are at play in this decision. First, the war has gone on for more than fifteen months since it began with the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Știri #Palestina #SUA #Terorism
Donald Trump ameninţă Hamas cu "infernul" dacă gruparea palestiniană nu va elibera ostaticii înaintea învestirii sale
Preşedintele ales al SUA, Donald Trump, şi-a reiterat cu forţă ameninţarea privind situaţia ostaticilor deţinuţi în Fâşia Gaza într-o conferinţă de presăRedacția (G4media)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“[..] the Israeli army has confirmed the killing of a commander in the 932nd Company of the Nahal Brigade during ongoing battles in the northern Gaza Strip.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Strikes in Nuseirat | Commander Killed | PA Forces Storm Tulkarem - Day 459 - Palestine Chronicle
A Palestinian was killed, and several others were injured, in an airstrike targeting a house south of Nuseirat.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“The spokesperson for Hamas’ military wing, Abu Obeida, praises the operation near Kedumim that killed three Israelis, affirming that Israel’s attempts to undermine West Bank resistance in support of Gaza will fail.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
'Price of Blood' - Abu Obeida Praises Kedumim Operation - Palestine Chronicle
The spokesperson for Hamas' military wing, Abu Obeida, praises the operation near Kedumim that killed three Israelis.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
#arabes #aurianneor #Cassin #civiles #convenciondeginebra #crimendeguerra #democracia #derechoshumanos #dictadura #emigrantes #etica #extremistas #Gaza #guerra #hamas #humanidad #inflacion #Israeli #judios #justicia #masacres #militar #moralidad #mundo #poderadquisitivo #religion #Roosevelt #Taiwan #terrorismo #Ucrania #universalidad
De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.
#Israël #Hamas #Gaza
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.
#Israël #Hamas #Gaza
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
Three Zionist settlers were killed in a shooting attack near al-Funduq in the northern occupied West Bank, Zionist media outlets reported
The spokesperson for the Shomron Regional Council confirmed a shooting attack targeting two cars and a bus on Route 55, between the village of al-Funduq and Kedumim
#AlAqsaFlood #hamas #palestine #pij #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
Israel accuses Hamas of 'psychological terror' for naming dozens of hostages it said it is ready to release - despite not even confirming if they are ALIVE - EUROPE SAYS
By ANDY JEHRING Published: 19:13 EST, 6 January 2025 | Updated: 19:41 EST, 6 January 2025 Israel hasEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
- mpr21
Hamas reorganiza sus fuerzas mientras Israel se estanca en Gaza - mpr21
Hamas “ha logrado reconstruir sus fuerzas y reclutar nuevos combatientes, mientras Israel sigue estancado en una situación compleja, de la que es difícil escapar, y espera la conclusión de una tregua”, asegura Yossi Yehoshua, analista militar del can…Redacción (mpr21)
Fratricidal war in Jenin as Palestinian Authority security forces clash with militia alliance
Clashes in the refugee camp since mid-December have resulted in the deaths of six soldiers, four militants, and three civilians. The Palestinian government has banned Al Jazeera from broadcasting over its coverage on the conflictFrancisco Peregil (special correspondent) (Ediciones EL PAÍS S.L.)
The Bias of Verification: How the Media Trust Terrorists but Question the IDF | HonestReporting
Trusting someone is tricky because it isn't automatically clear if they are telling the truth or not. To assess reliability, one usually takes intoRinat Harash (HonestReporting)
Zu Beginn des neuen Jahres überschlagen sich Denkfabriken und politische Kreise mit Ideen über die „Zukunft“ des Libanon , Syriens, Palästinas, Jemens, kurz gesagt, des Nahen Ostens. Einige Prognostiker sprechen lieber von einem „neuen Nahen Osten“, der durch die „Befreiung“ Syriens, die fast vollständige Vernichtung der #Hamas und den ernsthaften Bedeutungsverlust der #Hisbollah und der Huthis ...
#NaherOsten #Israel
Der neue Nahe Osten und der Elefant im Raum - Audiatur-Online
Der neue Nahe Osten und der Elefant im Raum - Zu Beginn des neuen Jahres überschlagen sich Denkfabriken und politische Kreise mit Ideen über die „Zukunft“ desGastautor (Audiatur-Online)
Hamas Is Not 'Militant': The Media's 'Terrorist' Cover-up | HonestReporting
There's a well-known quote that goes: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Evidently, many media outlets subscribe to this relativisticGidon Ben-Zvi (HonestReporting)
„Israel and Hamas wrangled on Sunday (5 January) over the details of a deal to halt fighting in the Gaza Strip and return hostages home, as Palestinian officials said intensified Israeli bombardments had killed more than 100 people over the weekend.“
See also:
„Hamas, Israel wrangle over talks as Israeli strikes in Gaza intensify“
Hamas says it has approved Israeli list of 34 hostages for possible deal
A renewed push is underway to reach a ceasefire in the 15-month war between Israel and Hamas and return IsraelGeorgi Gotev (EURACTIV)
Israel’s Red Sea conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran - EUROPE SAYS
Now Israel is setting its sights on the Houthi rebel group in Yemen, who represent a lingering problem,EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
"Ynet reported that Hamas fired at Israeli settlements for nine consecutive days since last week...The resurgence of Hamas rocket fire on Sderot has angered settlers in the city"
"“We have returned to a state of war; this reality is unbearable,” another resident told the Hebrew outlet" Zionist settlers being the most fucking unbearable Karens in the Middle East and beyond.
Israeli settlers in Sderot claim Hamas rocket fire 'intolerable' as new barrage launched from Gaza
Israel continues its heavy bombardment of Gaza during ceasefire talks in
#Știri #Palestina #Terorism
Gruparea teroristă Hamas pretinde că a selectat 34 de ostatici care urmează să fie eliberați. Israel: Fără sens. Este lista noastră din iulie
O listă cu 34 de nume de ostatici israelieni deținuți în Gaza, care ar putea fi eliberați în prima etapă a unui acord evaziv de încetare a focului cuRedacția (G4media)
Israel has said that Hamas had not yet provided the status of 34 hostages the group declared it was ready to release in the first phase of a potential exchange deal.
#Israel #Hamas #34 #first
In response to ill-conceived claims that #Hamas is using hospitals: The first claim was not about the #AlShifaHospital but #Qatar's hospital in #KhanYounis where a water well was painted as a "Hamas tunnel". The #Israelis are to be accused of conflated war politics.
De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.
#Israël #Hamas #Gaza
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.
#Israël #Hamas #Gaza
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
Israel’s Red Sea conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran
Now Israel is setting its sights on the Houthi rebel group in Yemen, who represent a lingering problem, regularly firing missiles at Israel—and it is a problem with few clear ways to handle.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“According to Israeli media, the #soldier wanted in #Brazil for war crimes escaped the country and is reportedly en route to Israel.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistances #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Palestinian Resistance fighters have carried out a series of significant operations against Israeli occupation forces across Gaza, causing casualties.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistances #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Hamas insists on a comprehensive deal involving Israeli withdrawal, a ceasefire, and prisoner release.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistances #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust #Prisoner #Exchange #Release
Hamas: No Prisoner Exchange Deal without Israeli Pullout and Ceasefire in Gaza - Palestine Chronicle
The Palestinian movement Hamas insists on a comprehensive deal involving Israeli withdrawal, a ceasefire, and prisoner release.admin (Palestine Chronicle)