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Beiträge, die mit PRIVACY getaggt sind

Get Ready for Generative AI’s Next Assault On Your #Privacy - https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/get-ready-for-generative-ais-next-assault-on-your-privacy/ it's going to get worse... #GenAI

"Las compañías de seguros gastan miles de dólares en la compra de datos de su automóvil para tener en cuenta estos 'conocimientos selectos' sobre su comportamiento de conducción. Luego, esos conocimientos se tienen en cuenta en su 'puntuación de riesgo', lo que potencialmente puede aumentar sus primas de seguro". https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/car-makers-shouldnt-be-selling-our-driving-history-data-brokers-and-insurance #privacy #privacidad #motor #consumo #seguros

🥳 After five years of dreaming, listening, writing, editing, and hustling, our book THE SECRET LIFE OF DATA is finally available to the public!!!

Happy launch day to my dear friend and coauthor @jesse and thanks to the @themitpress team for all the support.

Buy it here: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262048811/the-secret-life-of-data/

#newbook #books #bookstodon #data #surveillance #privacy #commodon
Launch day flier for The Secret Life of Data featuring a quote from Nick Couldry: "Smart, extremely well-informed, and highly recommended."

Changes in the UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will exacerbate the existing power imbalances that migrants, refugees and asylum seekers have over their data.

This will lead to significant harms and an expansion of the #DigitalHostileEnvironment.

Read our briefing for more ⬇️

#dataprotection #DPDIBill #privacy #migrants #GDPR #ukpolitics


"Jennifer Pinsof, staff attorney at Electronic Frontier Foundation, said the technology has been used in too many nefarious circumstances to be trusted... There are several local and state-level regulations in place... to mitigate inappropriate data sharing. Police departments, for instance, are not supposed to share the license plate data with other states, nor with federal law enforcement agencies, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That, however, hasn’t stopped at least 73 departments throughout California from violating those rules...

"We found that many California law enforcement agencies share this data not just out of state but specifically with agencies in states that ban abortions, and those law enforcement agencies who now have access to this highly sensitive location data can use it to prosecute things that are crimes within their state but not within the state of California,” she said."


#Privacy #Surveillance #CivilRights #Abortion #PublicPolicy #Police

European Court of Human Rights Confirms: Weakening #Encryption Violates Fundamental Rights - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/european-court-human-rights-confirms-undermining-encryption-violates-fundamental #privacidad #privacy

"For years, the antivirus software company harvested information from users’ web browsers without their consent." #infosec #privacy

Its clients have included Home Depot, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, and McKinsey.


Legal campaigners challenge UK.gov decision to redact #NHS-#Palantir contract - https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/20/legal_campaigners_challenge_government_decision/ "the Palantir contract drew criticism owing to sections relating to data privacy being heavily censored." IOW, we won't have data #privacy...

Federal Trade Commission Warns Data Brokers about the Uncontrolled Sale of Raw Location Data - https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/federal-trade-commission-warns-data-brokers-about-the-uncontrolled-sale-of-raw-location-data/ interesting and important move by #FTC on #privacy here

‘The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) is imposing a fine of €10 million on Uber. The fine is in response to the company's failure to disclose the full details of its retention periods for data concerning European drivers, or to name the non-European countries in which it shares this data. The DPA also found that Uber had obstructed its drivers’ efforts to exercise their right to privacy.’ https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/en/current/uber-fined-eu10-million-for-infringement-of-privacy-regulations #uber #law #tech #gdpr #privacy #surveillance #dataprotection

#NHS England published heavily redacted #Palantir contract as festivities began - https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/02/nhs_england_published_heavily_redacted/ "most of the section describing "protection of personal data," blacked out, which confirms plenty of evil stuff to hid there. this must be stopped... #privacy

OpenStreetMap supports mapping surveillance cameras.

Cameras can be identified by location and type.

The area being observed can be disclosed.

Surveillance under Surveillance/https://sunders.uber.space is an OpenStreetMap instance focused on surveillance cameras, the data used is not visualized on the OpenStreetMap.org instance.

Website: https://www.openstreetmap.org
Mastodon: @openstreetmap

#OpenStreetMap #Surveillance #CCTV #Privacy #FacialRecognition #Tracking #BiometricData #VoicePrint #Gait
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France.
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (1x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (2x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (3x zoom).

If the government has its way, we'll be vulnerable to our data being used against us and less able to do anything about it.

Here's what's wrong with the #DataGrabBill ⬇️

🦾 Take action: https://action.openrightsgroup.org/hands-off-our-data

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrab #GDPR #DPDI #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics
The Data Grab Bill will: Make it harder to access your data by giving organisations more powers to refuse requests / Increase the role of automated decision-making / Expand exemptions for data sharing, use and reuse / Increase political interference over the ICO without oversight / Create new powers to approve international data transfers

Tiny Mastodon Tip About Blocking Threads/Meta :facebook::nes_fire:

With this week's news
about Meta starting to test Threads integration with ActivityPub (the protocol that makes the Fediverse interconnected): https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/13/meta-starts-testing-threads-integration-with-activitypub/

Many people, like myself,
might feel uneasy about this. There are many reasons to be:

Whether it is due to Meta's (mal)practices when it comes to moderation, disinformation, politics, or problematic privacy, to say the least, your discomfort with this is very valid :valid:

On Mastodon,
know that you can pre-block a whole domain at the account level ⛔️

Now, this is not a complete solution and might not prevent all of your data from passing through, but it should prevent Threads accounts on these instances from following you and seeing most of your posts, and you theirs.


1. On desktop, go to "Preferences" > "Import and export"

2. On your computer, create a text file and copy the 2 following lines in it:


3. Change the ".txt" extension of this file to ".csv"

4. Go back to Mastodon's Preferences and go to the "Import" section in the left side menu.

5. There, for "Import type" select "Domain blocking list"

5.1. On the right, make sure to select "Merge" and not Overwrite in order to keep your previously blocked Domains, if you had any.

5.2. In "Data" on the left, click on "Browse" and select the ".csv" file you just wrote.

5.3. Click "UPLOAD" at the bottom.

6. You will then see a message to confirm. Click "CONFIRM" :blocky_white_cursor:

7. Done! And good riddance! :blobcatrainbow:​​✨

#TinyMastodonTip #Mastodon #Meta #Threads #Facebook #Privacy

#QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

#Scammers have used #QR codes to steal personal information by imitating legitimate companies or sending deceptive emails and text messages, the Federal Trade Commission said.
#privacy #ftc


The outgoing Biometrics Commissioner has warned that regulation is falling behind advances in biometric surveillance.

The #DataGrabBill will gut the controls on the use of facial recognition and Automatic Number Plate Recognition, allowing for intrusive surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition #surveillance


'As part of its bonfire of regulations' the #DataGrabBill will scrap the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner in the UK.

The Bill moves the Commissioner's duties to the Information Commissioner's Office and removes the Surveillance Camera Code governing police and local authorities.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition


Facial recognition is expanding in the UK with little oversight, despite privacy risks and biased algorithms.

The #DataGrabBill will only widen the regulatory gap over the use and rampant collection of biometric data for surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition


Videovigilancia: cómo la policía utiliza cámaras privadas en red para monitorear pequeñas ciudades estadounidenses https://netzpolitik.org/2023/videoueberwachung-wie-die-polizei-mit-vernetzten-privaten-kameras-amerikanische-kleinstaedte-ueberwacht/ #privacy #privacidad

New Book - The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation by Cory Doctorow @pluralistic https://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/products/3035-the-internet-con My current reading... #copyright #privacy #competition #netfreedom