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Beiträge, die mit DEPORTATION getaggt sind

Der Kaufmann Moritz Stern aus #Hanau.

Es begann mit Worten.
Es folgten antisemitische Kampagnen, Ausgrenzung, Boykotte, Ausschreitungen und nach wenigen Jahren die #Deportation nach Auschwitz und Mord.

Wäre die NSDAP nicht gewählt worden, wäre er nicht ermordet worden.
Faschisten wählen tötet!
Stolperstein mit der Inschrift:

JG. 1877

If Donnie and Elon Fascist really go through with their plan to evict 15 million undocumented taxpayers the cost will be enormous.

How much would you pay for plane tickets for 15 million people? and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

This is gonna be the biggest government spending spree is history.

#FascistTakover #ImmigrationIsGood #ImmigrantsAreGood #Immigrants #Fascist #Dictator #USpol #USpolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #Deportation #Immigration #MassDeportation

Venezuelan men deported from the United States to Guantanamo allege they were mistreated. @npr has more
#Venezuela #Trump #US #Guantanamo #Deportation

📽️ vidéo en ✊ React avec CLAUDY SIAR - EST-IL PERMIS DE PARLER DE DÉPORTATION pour la traite atlantique et Gaza?: -- jQVcQVFtGy8?version=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQVcQVFtGy8&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Déportation #TraiteAtlantique #Gaza #ClaudSiar #Histoire

📽️ vidéo en ✊ React avec CLAUDY SIAR - EST-IL PERMIS DE PARLER DE DÉPORTATION pour la traite atlantique et Gaza?: -- jQVcQVFtGy8?version=3 #Déportation #TraiteAtlantique #Gaza #ClaudSiar #Histoire

React avec CLAUDY SIAR - EST-I...

Des organisations extremistes juives aux US ciblent et offrent des recompenses pour l'identification de personnes qui soutiennent les palestiniens (une veillée tenue à NY en hommage à la petite Hind où ils filment les participants et les menacent de dénoncer à l'ICE).

Fait suite pls decrets signés par le Pres. Trompe dont "des mesures sans précedents pour combattre l'antisémitisme..." le 30/01/25 après celui anti-immigration pour '"augmenter les controles & repression des detenteurs et demandeurs de visa en fonction de leurs opinions politiques et culturelles"

Des enquêtes lancées ds 5 universités.

#usa #deportation #palestine


On assiste en direct au déroulement du projet initial du « grand Israël », repeint en « droit à se défendre », avec pour horizon une grande déportation des survivants et l’installation d’une French Riviera sur un charnier... Lire la suite : https://lesmutins.org/devant-la-grande-deportation-des

#Gaza #Déportation #crimecontrelhumanité


by Jonah Valdez in The Intercept @theintercept

“#Betar U.S. said it has shared with the Trump administration a list of the ‘names of hundreds of terror supporters’”


#Press #US #Betar #FarRight #Zionist #Palestine #ProPalestine #Deportation #Trump #Israel #Genocide #ExecutiveOrders

Réfugiés/déportés palestiniens

C'est marrant, les trumpistes ne veulent pas de migrants aux USA.
Par contre, ils veulent envoyer tous les Gazaouis, y compris par la force, dans des pays étrangers.
Vous m'expliquez la logique ?
'Suis pas MAGA, je dois avoir trop de neurones pour arriver à comprendre...
#trump #trumpoutine #GOP #facho #Palestine #Palestiniens #Gaza #déportation #nettoyage-ethnique #migrants #USA #États-Unis #politique

Sagt einfach #Deportation oder #Evakuierung ...

"Der #israel ische Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz hat die Armee angewiesen, einen Plan für eine freiwillige Ausreise der palästinensischen Bevölkerung des #Gaza streifens zu erarbeiten. (...) US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte zuletzt davon gesprochen, sein Land wolle den Gazastreifen übernehmen - die #Palästinenser sollten in andere arabische Länder ziehen.Die Vereinten Nationen warnten vor einer ethnischen Säuberung. "


On est en train de vivre une déportation. Comme quoi, c’est pas l’absence de connaissances ou d’infos qui ont permis à l’Allemagne nazie de déporter des millions de personnes y a bientôt un siècle. Aujourd’hui on a des écrits, des reportages, des vidéos. Les nouveaux Hitlers l’annoncent même, et tous les gouvernements occidentaux s’en foutent.

#palestine #israel #génocide #déportation


#LosAngeles high school students walk out to protest #ICERaids

by Kevin Reed, February 5, 2025

"Students from multiple high schools in East Los Angeles walked out of class on Tuesday in support of #immigrants’ rights and against the Trump administration’s policies of arrest, detention and #deportation of migrant workers and their families.

"Students at Garfield High School walked out at 10:00 am and marched down Whittier Boulevard, blocking traffic. They waved Mexican flags and carried signs and banners reading '#LuchaContraTrump' [fight against Trump]. Shortly thereafter, students from Oscar De La Hoya, Esteban E. Torres, Bravo Medical and Roosevelt high schools joined the walkout.

"By 1:00 pm, the student demonstration had reached City Hall. A report by CBS News said that student protesters had breached City Hall barriers by 2:30 pm.

"The CBS News report continued:

School officials encouraged students to stay on campus for safety purposes, and to “express their views on campus.” Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho encouraged students not to stay home, and to protest “within the school facilities.”

"The student walkout coincided with a third day of protests in downtown Los Angeles against the Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security (#DHS), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and arrests of thousands of immigrant workers since Trump’s inauguration on January 20.

"Some immigrants have been detained and flown out of the US on military aircraft to countries such Columbia, Venezuela and Guatemala. While the White House is claiming that those being deported are guilty of crimes in the US, the truth is that the migrants being deported on military flights have been caught up in the ICE dragnet regardless of their immigration or legal status.

"Tuesday saw the first US flight of detained migrants to the US naval base at #GuantanamoBay, Cuba, where Trump said a prison camp for 30,000 people is being built. The flight from Fort Bliss in Texas was reported to have a dozen migrants on board, most of whom were from Venezuela and classified as 'high-value' detainees. [I warned you wall that #Trump would start using #Gitmo!]

"The Trump administration, which asserts that the migrants are affiliated with the Tren de Aragua gang, will house these men in cells like those holding the 'enemy combatants' who have been jailed at Guantanamo since the administration of George W. Bush, following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. The 15 detainees remaining have been held in violation of their democratic rights.

"The demonstrations on Tuesday were part of a nationwide #DayWithoutImmigrants campaign, with workers staying home and students organizing walk-outs. The campaign was initiated on social media and took place in many of the cities where ICE raids have already taken place.

"In #SeasideCalifornia, south of San Francisco, hundreds of people marched on Monday, blocking traffic on Fremont Street and Del Monte Boulevard to protest the Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies and plans for mass deportations.

"Protesters reported that on the previous day Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were spotted in Seaside and North Salinas. Many Latino-owned stores in Seaside and down the Central Coast were closed. Lupita’s Bakery on Fremont Avenue in Seaside released a statement that said, 'Our decision today was about more than just business; it was about people, unity, and standing for what is right.'"

Read more:
#AntiICE #AntiTrumpDemonstrations
#Protests #LAProtests

On peut dire que l'on n'est pas surpris, le plan d'avenir de #Trump pour #Gaza est celui de son gendre #JaredKushner et de son père l'escroc pardonné nommé ambassadeur en #France, d'y construire une "Riviera", un Las Vegas local après #déportation de la population palestinienne, dépouillée de sa propriété comme les indiens d'Amérique.
La nouveatè vient de l'annonce de l'annexion aux #USA du territoire volé, et non à #Israël.

Black Maga & Latinos For Trump Gave Away Their Own Civil Rights

> Black Maga told us were exaggerating. Latinos for Trump thought it couldn't be them. Well now we see it was all of us. FAFO.
#ReeseWaters #BlackMAGA #LatinosForTrump #CivilRights #FAFO #Politics #Deportation #BlackMastodon #blacktwitter #BlackFediverse #BlackThreads

“‘Operation Wrath of Zion’ Aims to Dox and Deport Pro-Palestinian Protestors in New York City”

by Jack Poulson in Drop Site News on Substack

“Steered by a ‘right-wing Zionist’ organization, the campaign is using facial-recognition technology to intimidate and out activists demonstrating against Israel”


#Press #Stellar #Betar #Extreme #Zionist #FacialRecognition #AI #Deportation #ProPalestine #AntiZionist #Protesters #NewYorkCity #ICE

This is what bothers me most about this #ICE bullshit

These guys have no tags on their cars, faces are covered/ sunglasses, internet mall tacticool gear, and they are abducting people

Who are they? Or rather, what #terrorist paramilitary mischief can be done under the guise of "#deportation raids" by racists, gangs, etc

But I love the energy of the woman filming this shameful travesty, calling out their bullshit

#Pomona #California

#immigration #USA

“[Electronic Intifada’s] EI’s #Abunimah deported by Switzerland after violent arrest and isolation”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox

“Journalist arrested and held for two days during visit to give talk”


#Press #Switzerlsnd #Zurich #ElectronicIntifada #Journalist #Arrest #Detention #Interrogation #Deportation #Police #MilitaryIntelligence #Gaza #Genocide #Complicity

Die Frage ist: wohin wird #Trump sich selbst #ausweisen? Nach #Schottland oder nach #BadenWürttemberg?!
Er kann dann ja helfen, #Stuttgart21 fertigzubauen: erst Steine schleppen und weil er das eh nicht packt dann als Einlage im Gießbeton.
#Remigration #Deportation #RemigriertEuchInsKnie

Wer #CDU wählt, bekommt anscheinend #AFD.

Und verliert vielleicht am Ende Freunde, Nachbarn, Kollegen oder seinen Arzt durch #Deportation?

Und der „Hand-heben Vortrag“ von Friedrich #Merz? Leeres Geschwätz, oder?


All administrations have made arresting criminals a top priority, & #ICE officer teams typically develop target lists of immigrants who have disregarded #deportation orders.Officers may also #arrest other immigrants who cannot prove they have legal status, a tactic the agency refers to as “collateral arrests.” Biden largely banned such arrests in hopes that Congress would pass a law making #undocumented immigrants eligible for #citizenship.

#law #immigration #CivilRights #Trump #Gestapo

Gedenken an Deportationen in Nazi-Zeit an Bahnhof in Dresden

#Bahnhof #Deportation #Dresden #Eisenbahngeschichte #Gedenken #Geschichte #Sachsen


#ICE #pogrom #deportation #Trump

More bad news from Flori-Duh: we have the Lake County Commission begging ICE to begin mass deportations in Central Florida.

One ICE van reported spotted on I-4 near Plant City but this could have been total chance, some motor pool vehicle going to Staples or Office Depot for some toner cartridges and paper.

I hope to hell this is nothing, but Central Florida activists need to be ON ALERT, and keep an eye on this
Lake County Commission request to ICE for mass deportation of Central Florida Latino folks

Trump’s plan for Iran and post-Biden Democrats reset https://www.byteseu.com/626256/ #Conflicts #Democrats #deportation #DonaldTrump #Editorial #FastTakes #Hamas #Hezbollah #Iran #Israel #Japan #JoeBiden #Manufacturing #Mergers&Acquisitions #Opinion
Trump's plan for Iran and post-Biden Democrats reset

Excellent podcast breaking down the overwhelmingly positive economic impact of immigrants on countries clever enough to not keep them out or deport them:


Key takeaways:

-Remember the Chinese Exclusion Act? This 1882 law was America's 1st shot at restricting immigration. It was an economic disaster. The number Chinese workers in the US dropped by 65%, which led to businesses - especially in small towns in the West, where the Chinese Exclusion Act was the most popular - shutting down due to the sudden drop in (Chinese) patrons. This, in turn, threw non-Chinese workers out of work. The negative impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the US economy lasted 58 years!

-Over 20 years of research on the economic impact of immigration found that countries that welcome immigrants reap massive economic benefits from doing so. Five reasons for this:

1) Talent: immigrants typically fill jobs that non-immigrants can't or won't do, or when there's simply not enough workers available to do those jobs.

2) Consumption: Immigrants increase the demand for goods and services, not leaste because they have to replace everything they left behind when they immigrated! But they also introduce new categories of products, services, and brands from their old lives to their new countries.

3) Taxes: Immigrants - even undocumented immigrants - pay sales taxes, payroll taxes, road tolls, etc. So much so that the taxes they pay in their new countries exceeds the amount of government services they use, which means that they actually subsidize government services for non-immgrants! How much? Each immigrant to the US pays out $250,000 more in taxes than they use in services, on-average, over their lifetimes.

4) Investment: For every 1% increase in the number of immigrants in a particular US state, that state is 50% more likely to receive foreign investment from the country those immigrants came from (what, did you think it was a coincidence that California has 72 Jollibee locations?). Also, immigrants are 80% more likely than non-immigrants to start their own businesses in their new countries.

5) Innovation: One out of every three patents in the US are filed by immigrants. Almost half of all Fortune 500 companies are headed by an immigrant or the child of immigrants.

Kiss all of that goodbye in 2025, America!

#immigration, #deportation, #trump, #migrants, #illegalimmigration

Austria Considers Repatriation: Syrian Refugee Dilemma https://www.byteseu.com/555975/ #Asylum #Austria #deportation #FreedomParty #Immigration #Nehammer #repatriation #Schallenberg #Syria #SyrianRefugees
Austria Considers Repatriation: Syrian Refugee Dilemma

“In November 1989, while #Netanyahu served as a junior minister in Shamir’s government, he spoke at Bar-Ilan University, the academic mecca of religious nationalism in Israel. He said:

“#Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in #China in #Tiananmen Square, when the world’s attention was focused on what was happening in that country, to carry out #mass #expulsions among the #Arabs of the territories.“


#deportation #Gaza #continuity