Beiträge, die mit linkedIn getaggt sind
It’ll be written to fit into the algorithm, but you might find some cool info or news. Most of my upcoming #blog posts on #iam, #zerotrust and #entraID will be posted here first.
Would love it if you could drop us a follow :)
Karrierenetzwerk: Kunden verklagen LinkedIn wegen Datenweitergabe für KI-Training
In den USA werfen Premiumkunden des Karrierenetzwerks LinkedIn vor, private Nachrichten für das Training von KI weitergegeben zu haben. Das Netzwerk weist das zurück.Rita Lauter (ZEIT ONLINE)
Die Bundesnetzagentur lud Plattform-Betreiber mit der EU-Kommission zu einem Runden Tisch in Berlin. Es ging um den Schutz der Integrität der Wahl im Februar.
#Bundesnetzagentur #Bundestagswahl #Bundestagswahl #DigitalServicesAct #EU #LinkedIn #MetaPlatforms #Microsoft #TikTok #news
Auf #LinkedIn? Ernsthaft? 😒
El director general de esta empresa, Guy Bejerano, es un #judío #israelí y tiene la bandera expuesta en su perfil de #LinkedIn...
Más información
LobbyControl Tech (
Amazon, TikTok & Temu continue to rely on manipulative designs, even though the Digital Services Act (DSA) prohibits this, according to consumer group - A Mastodon server for the EU bubble
Seems all apps and websites nowadays lean into video. News sites posting their stuff as a summery videos. LinkedIn promoting video. Even YouTube pushing their "shorts" follow this trend.
And of course TikTok does only this.
I often prefer for the text version myself (or sometimes long-form video). These short-form videos seldom provide good overviews of what they cover IMO.
#media #LinkedIn #YouTube #TikTok
Wir sollten als Partei mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen. Bisher sind wir über #Meta und #google vernetzt, machen Zoom-Meetings und der Großteil unseres SocialMedia-Auftritts findet auf #instagram, #tiktok, #LinkedIn und #Facebook etc. statt.
Das können wir besser. Anfangen könnten wir damit, dass sich hier im #Fediverse alle alle #Volt Mitglieder vernetzen und unser offizieller Account auch Inhalte postet!
Neulich hielt uns jemand für eine lila #FDP 🤔
CEO safety? Corporate security?!! Are corporates considered a life form?
Apparently CEOs are now an endangered species. And we should fight anti-CEO-ism.
#linkedin #ai #llm #socialnetwork
Yes, That Viral LinkedIn Post You Read Was Probably AI-Generated — WIRED
A new analysis estimates that over half of longer English-language posts on LinkedIn are AI-generated, indicating the platform’s embrace of AI tools has been a
After interviewing 1,641 hiring managers, Resume Builder researchers found that 40% of employers posted fake job listings in 2024, and that three in 10 currently had ghost jobs listed. The idea to post them mostly trickled down from HR, followed by senior management and executives, their June 2024 article continued. Though the listings were posted on multiple hiring platforms, the majority of them appeared on LinkedIn and the companies’ websites.
Evidence suggests this trend is taking hold throughout the Bay Area, too.
A collaborative document circulating online reveals a growing list of employers accused of posting ghost jobs. Many of them, it turns out, are tech companies with offices based in California."
#GhostJobs #FakeJobs #Fraud #FakeAdvertising #LinkedIn #TechJobs #TechWork #FraudulentAdvertising