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Beiträge, die mit Gáza getaggt sind

"The bombing in #Gaza has stopped, but the genocide continues"

Frank Barat discusses the #GazaCeasefire with Palestinian jurist #DianaButtu


#GazaGenocide #oPt #Palestine #Israel #Palestinians #geopolitics #ColonialViolence @palestine @israel
thumbnail for the video entitled "DIANA BUTTU : The bombing in Gaza has stopped, but the genocide continues" published by the YT channel of Frank Barat

image: Diana Buttu (at right) in video interview with Frank Barat (at left)

L'Anticapitaliste📣 4 février à 20h - Émission spéciale : Après le cessez-le-feu, continuer à parler de Gaza: Émission spéciale Palestine le mardi 4 février à 20h Après le cessez-le-feu, continuer à parler de Gaza. Quel rôle… 📣NPA-A #Palestine #Gaza #RésistancePalestinienne #Genocide #Colonisation

4 février à 20h - Émission spé...

Mehdi Hasan talks with Peter Beinart, author of the just-published Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning.

"In the book, Beinart calls on the Jewish community to abandon a long-held narrative of persecution and victimhood in the wake of Oct. 7 and Israel’s war on Gaza. He urges Jews to tell a new story, one that recognizes victims can also be victimizers."

#Israel #Jews #Palestine #Gaza #antisemitism #Islamophobia #victimhood #nationalism #Zionism


Yanis Varoufakis speaks with Francesca Albanese, 🔵 UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, about the latest #ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, the deepening humanitarian catastrophe in #gaza, and the broader implications for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. With precise legal insight, Albanese explains why Israel’s actions constitute genocide, exposing the international community’s complicity and failure to act.

📲 ⬇️ Subtitles in Greek (DiEM25)


🇨🇦 In response to Donald Trump’s tariff and annexation threats, Canadian officials have endorsed his reactionary ‘secure borders’ agenda and announced that Canada could dramatically increase military spending to reach 2% of GDP over the next two years.


@flawed @lebanon
@irannachrichten @yemen #SettlerColonialism

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Nanterre. Pour un concours, la fac déroule le tapis rouge à BNP Paribas, complice du génocide à Gaza: Du 15 octobre au 2 février, la fac de Nanterre organisait un concours d'entreprenariat étudiant avec la BNP Paribas, banque… 🚩RP #Nanterre #BNPParibas #Gaza #Étudiants #Écocide

Nanterre. Pour un concours, la...

The Western Way of Genocide

Gaza is a wasteland of 50 million tons of rubble and debris. Rats and dogs scavenge amid the ruins and fetid pools of raw sewage. The putrid stench and contamination of decaying corpses rises from beneath the mountains of shattered concrete. There is no clean water.



@flawed @lebanon
@irannachrichten @yemen

Amazing how "impressions of safety" are now being weaponised to shut down criticism of the Israeli government's actions in Gaza.

The argument goes like this... if you criticise the Israeli government you make me feel unsafe, therefore your freedom of speech must be overridden and you must be sacked from your job.

Of course, it doesn't apply to anyone hearing other countries' governments being criticised. Imagine if we were told to stop criticising the US president because it upsets his followers...

#gaza #israel #palestine

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Nanterre. Pour un concours, la fac déroule le tapis rouge à BNP Paribas, complice du génocide à Gaza: Du 15 octobre au 2 février, la fac de Nanterre organisait un concours d'entreprenariat étudiant avec la BNP Paribas, banque française écocide et soutien complice du génocide à Gaza. Un partenariat à l'image de la politique universitaire du gouvernement au service des intérêts privés.Jeunesse /… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Nanterre-Pour-un-concours-la-fac-deroule-le-tapis-rouge-a-BNP-Paribas-complice-du-genocide-a-Gaza?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Nanterre #Gaza #Banque #Écologie #Université

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🕦 03.02. 23:39 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Forum de l'Emploi : Paris 1 accueille des entreprises impérialistes et complices du génocide: Du 3 au 6 février, l'université de Paris 1 organise son le « Forum Objectif Emploi », dans lequel elle invite des entreprises complices du génocide à Gaza et du colonialisme français, au moment même où le Conseil d'Administration s'apprête à entériner 13 millions de coupes budgétaires. Symbole… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Forum-de-l-Emploi-Paris-1-accueille-des-entreprises-imperialistes-et-complices-du-genocide?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #ForumEmploi #UniversiteParis1 #Palestine #Gaza #Colonialisme

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Nanterre. Pour un concours, la fac déroule le tapis rouge à BNP Parisbas, complice du génocide à Gaza: Du 15 octobre au 2 février, la fac de Nanterre organisait un concours d'entreprenariat étudiant avec la BNP Paribas, banque française écocide et soutien complice du génocide à Gaza. Un partenariat à l'image de la politique universitaire du gouvernement au service des intérêts privés.Jeunesse / Université /… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Nanterre-Pour-un-concours-la-fac-deroule-le-tapis-rouge-a-BNP-Parisbas-complice-du-genocide-a-Gaza?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Nanterre #BNP #Gaza #Concours #Écocide

As social movements in the U.S. plan ahead for the Trump administration, we should look to the campus Palestine movement for lessons on how to organize under the repressive conditions we will all soon face.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

The Israeli army is expanding its offensive in the northern West Bank and employing some of the same tactics that it has used in Gaza over the past 15 months, including the mass expulsion of residents, airstrikes, and large scale demolitions.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

The Trump regime requested Congressional Leaders approve a Massive Arms Sale worth roughly $1 Billion to Israel, including 4,700 Mark-83 1,000lbs Bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Kits worth $700 Million, as well as Caterpillar D9 Armored Bulldozers and other Equipment worth over $300 Million.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Voces #Palestinas
| Lama Khouri: «#Gaza Nos Liberó» #vídeo

“Palestine Action start applying heat to yet ANOTHER genocide-complicit company”

by The Canary @thecanaryuk


Overnight, activists from Palestine Action Scotland targeted the Glasgow and Edinburgh premises of Biffa Limited. [..] Biffa dispose of hazardous waste for Leonardo and Thales, two weapons companies based in Scotland which arm Israel”


#Press #Palestine #Action #PalAction #Biffs #Leonardo #Thales #Scotland #Israel #Genocide #Gaza

Zeitung: USA wollen für eine Milliarde Dollar Waffen an Israel verkaufen

Die neue US-Regierung hat einer Zeitung zufolge den Kongress um eine Genehmigung für den Verkauf von Waffen im Wert von etwa einer Milliarde Dollar an Israel gebeten. Darunter seien etwa 4700 1000-Pfund-Bomben im Wert von mehr als 700 Millionen Dollar, berichtet das "Wall Street Journal" unter Berufung auf Insider. Auch gepanzerte Bulldozer v…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-234.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Zeitung-USA-wollen-fuer-eine-Milliarde-Dollar-Waffen-an-Israel-verkaufen
🕤 03.02. 21:36 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Those “genocide Joe” comments sure lead to an improvement. #gaza

We must never forget - and never allow others to forget - that no matter how much one disagrees with #Netanyahu's conduct of the war - it was the war #Hamas wanted, it was the war Hamas started, it was the war Hamas kept going by continually firing rockets toward Israel and refusing to free hostages.

It was the #Hamaswar because if you call it anything else you legitimize what Hamas did to #Gaza and to #Israel. You legitimize #Iran's machinations and propaganda.

Hamas created the situation in Gaza. Any attempt to divide the blame between Hamas and Israel plays right into Iran's hands. You take the spotlight off a terrorist organization that exists for only one purpose and intensify the antisemitism that strengthens the Netanyahu government.

Gaza acusa a Israel de no cumplir compromisos: “Están demorando la aplicación del protocolo humanitario” | vía #UChileRadio


#altoelfuego #estadosunidos #franjadegaza #gaza #hamas #israel #palestina

Opferzahl nach Anschlag nach oben korrigiert

Bei einem Anschlag mit einer Autobombe sind im Norden Syriens laut Regierung mindestens 20 Menschen getötet worden. Das Büro des syrischen Übergangspräsidenten Ahmad al-Scharaa erklärte, es handele sich um einen "verräterischen, terroristischen Bombenanschlag gegen Zivilisten" in der Stadt Manbidsch im zwischen kurdischen und pro-türkischen Gruppen umkämpften Norden des…

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🕘 03.02. 20:46 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Syrischer Staatschef: Präsidentenwahl in vier bis fünf Jahren

Die erste Präsidentenwahl nach dem Machtwechsel in Syrien wird nach Worten des Interims-Staatschefs erst in vier bis fünf Jahren stattfinden. In einem ersten Interview im syrischen Fernsehen nach seiner Ernennung äußerte sich Ahmed al-Scharaa vage über die politische Zukunft des Landes.

Die künftige Regierung werde Syrien rep…

🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/syrien-nach-assad-sturz-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

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🕣 03.02. 20:21 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

#gaza #genocide #palestine #palestinian #children #israel #netanyahu #warcrimes #atrocities #CrimesAgainstHumanity #healthsector #doctors #hospitals
#theguardian #opinion


"As a surgeon in Gaza, I witnessed hell visited on children."
Dr. Nizam Mamode, retired professor of transplant surgery and volunteer surgeon in an emergency medical team in Gaza, which was organised by Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) in August/September 2024


The IDF reported the continuation of the counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm.

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Tulkarm

Benjamin Netanyahu believes working closely with the US President will help him to further change the face of the Middle East, after the pause in fighting in Gaza.

But weeks after signing the ceasefire agreement with Hamas, Israel has ramped up attacks on refugee camps in the Occupied West Bank.

Experts warn the military raids are aimed at annexing more Palestinian territory.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine