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Beiträge, die mit pfas getaggt sind

Der Chemiekonzern DuPont in Parkersburg, USA, hatte wissentlich einen ganzen Landstrich mit der giftigen und krebserregenden PFAS-Variante PFOA kontaminiert, die er für seine Teflon-Produktion nutzte. Wie zufrieden ist der Anwalt, der den PFAS-Skandal damals aufdeckte, heute?

#PFAS #Umwelt


Leading scientists have criticised the UK government for failing to take stronger action to tackle “forever chemical” pollution and refusing to match moves in the EU to ban non-essential uses of the substances.

Prof Halsallrom Lancaster University wanted to know the basis for #DEFRA creating their own PFAS groupings. “Is that scientifically based or is it politically based?" Or just the right bribes been paid?


#Environment #Water #PFAs #TheyDontCare
Photo: someone pouts liquid from a plastic container into a glass bottle. Caption: A researcher pours a water sample for experimentation during drinking water and PFAS research. Photograph: Joshua A Bickel/AP

🕴🏼 #PFAS producers are using a range of tactics to resist the proposed EU PFAS regulation. The evidence of the devastating effects of PFAS (or forever chemicals) contamination on human health and the environment is before us, we cannot afford to clean it up, and we need to turn off the PFAS tap!

👉 Read our report and sign the petition to #BanPFAS for a #ToxicFreeEurope and listen to our podcast about it by searching “EU Watchdog Radio” wherever you get your podcasts!


[FranceInfo] - Scandale des polluants éternels : à #Rumilly, les habitants et #Tefal face à l’ampleur de la contamination aux #PFAS.

"Complément d'enquête" s'est rendu en #HauteSavoie où le groupe, célèbre pour ses poêles anti-adhésives, est pointé du doigt pour avoir rejeté, pendant des décennies, des quantités importantes de boues contaminées aux polluants éternels.


#Pollution #PollutionChimique
#RevueDePresse #Press

Just like with #PFAS-laden #FirefightingFoam, less #Toxic alternatives are out there, but expense is often cited as a roadblock. TBH, things that benefit the environment and society shouldn't cost more than the toxic originals -- and toxic chemicals should be replaced! Period! Make #BigChemical pay! (Since they probably knew about the hazards but hid them from the public. As usual with Big anything these days...!)

A #PinkPowder is being used to fight #CaliforniaFires. It's getting everywhere

by Nadine Yousif, January 13, 2025

"Its use has been controversial in the past over its potential effects on the #environment.

"A lawsuit filed in 2022 by the #ForestServiceEmployees for #EnvironmentalEthics, an organisation made up of current and former employees of the #USForestService, accused the federal agency of violating the country's clean water laws by dumping #chemical #FireRetardant from planes onto forests.

"It argued that the chemical kills fish and is not effective.

"The following year, a US District judge agreed with the employees, but in her ruling allowed the Forest Service to continue using the retardant as it seeks a permit to do so from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

"The case drew the attention of communities devastated by #wildfires in the past, including the town of #ParadiseCalifornia, which was destroyed by fire in 2018.

"Its then-mayor, Greg Bolin, hailed the judge's ruling, saying it ensures communities 'have a fighting chance' in the face of fires.

"The Forest Service told NPR that this year, it phased out the use of one type of #PhosChek formula - #PhosChekLC95 - in favour of another - #MVPFx - saying that the latter is less toxic to #wildlife.

"The Forest Service also has a mandatory ban in place on dropping fire retardant in sensitive environmental areas, like waterways and habitats of endangered species. There are exceptions to the ban, however, in cases 'when human life or public safety are threatened.'"

Read more:
#FireRetardant #FishKills #Wildfires #Firefighting

Das ist lustiges Habeck-Bashing, weil der Artikel mit keinem Wort erwähnt, dass die CDU/CSU, SPD und FDP schon lange das PFAS-Verbot kippen wollen.


#PFAS #Chemie #Lobby #Habeck #cdu #csu #fdp #spd #pfas

Kampf um PFAS: Wie Habeck der Chemie-Lobby auf den Leim geht

PFAS-Chemikalien sollen eingeschränkt werden. Doch Hunderte Firmen kämpfen hart dafür, die Chemikalien weiter zu benutzen. Neue Recherchen zeigen, dass wichtige Politiker falsche Lobby-Behauptungen übernehmen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/ndr-wdr/pfas-chemikalien-lobby-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#PFAS #Chemie #Lobby #Habeck

Zowat alle Vlaamse drinkwatermaatschappijen hebben TFA aangetroffen in het drinkwater.

Die ultrakorte #PFAS er proberen uitzuiveren is één ding, maar we moeten de vervuiling vooral bij de bron aanpakken, zegt geoloog Emmanuel Van Houtte van drinkwatermaatschappij Aquaduin. “Wij worden telkens terechtgewezen, maar ik zie te weinig daadkracht bij politici.”


Bij vijf van de zes Vlaamse drinkwatermaatschappijen zijn de Waalse en Nederlandse richtwaarden overschreden voor TFA, de kortste der PFAS. De omstreden, want zeven keer hogere, Vlaamse ‘gezondheidskundige advieswaarde’ wordt nergens overschreden.


#PFAs #tfa

Researchers introduce an electrochemical method capable of capturing and destroying diverse #PFAS chemicals—including the increasingly common ultra-short-chain PFAS—in water, all in a single process.

https://scitechdaily.com/breakthrough-tech-captures-and-destroys-forever-chemicals-in-a-single-process-a-game-changer-for-clean-water/ #press

Also, #SanfordMaine has elevated #PFAS levels in the water...

Sanford Water District alerts residents of elevated PFAS levels in well

by WGME StaffTue, October 31st 2023 at 9:24 AM
SANFORD (WGME) -- "If you live in Sanford, you may now be getting a letter from the Sanford Water District regarding PFAS.

"The district is letting its customers know one of its water supply sources showed an elevated level of the forever chemicals.

"The district received the test results on September 21 and stopped using the contaminated well immediately."



Het Vlaamse drinkwater zit vol met #TFA, de kleinste telg van de #PFAS-familie. Vlaams minister Jo Brouns legt nu toch een norm vast. Die is wel zeven keer minder streng dan de Nederlandse en Waalse.

Al een jaar zet Apache de problematiek op de kaart: van de verborgen lobby, over de rol van #3M, tot het politieke struisvogelgedrag.

#PFAs #tfa #3m

Wtf, die #PFAS in unserem Blut werden wir nur durch Blutspenden wieder los?

Andererseits, vielleicht löst das jetzt den Engpass?