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Beiträge, die mit AUSPol getaggt sind

'Australia' Day.

Functionally it's a great long weekend end to Australia's summer madness but also a fuck off evil reason to celebrate.

A bunch of British Imperial arseholes with ships full of indentured slaves landed on a beach and proceeded to disposes and slaughter everyone already there.

It's a horrid day. Like celebrating the Holocaust. It demeans and shames us all.


What a poor article. Much assertion, generalisation, almost no numbers and definitely no footnotes! And NO ANALYSIS. It looks to me like #ABCNewsAU was fed material by AIG’s Tennant Reed (he of the nice photo) and ABC then sought “balance” from ACF (and not CSIRO, ANSTO, AEMO). #ausecon #auspol

If it wasn’t so bloody serious, it’d be funny. The mimicking of Trump’s agenda is so utterly bereft of anything except ideology. These are not serious people.


#auspol #wapol Libs are already running attack ads against the WA Labor govt ahead of the WA election in March.

#australiaday #venndiagram

Has anyone observed the overlap between those enthusiastically supporting the start of the colonial period in Australia, and those who enthusiastically support Israeli conduct in the OPT?

I have not yet met any exceptions to this. The pro-genocide and ethnic cleansing people stick together, as do (usually) those opposed. Even across time and contexts.

Suspect there is a similar correlation with 'No' voters in the Voice referendum.

#gaza #genocide #israel #australia #invasionday #auspol


Total legend #auspol

16,708km flown on 8 VIP flights by 3 planes in the last few days. That's about 7 hrs and 08 mins costing about $32,590. 5 flights were not properly logged. {429} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Best movie for invasion day. For any one who hasn't seen it or so good to watch again




On January 18, 1788 Great Britain established an off shore detention centre in the Pacific.

It is this tradition, which we still enthusiastically follow, that we celebrate for some unfathomable reason on the 26th.


For some reason I remembered it's the 10th anniversary of Tony Abbott knighting Prince Phillip.



Marching with 30,000+ on unceded Gadigal land in solidarity with all colonised people everywhere.

#Yabun #InvasionDay #Gaza #auspol
Marching with 30,000+ on unceded Gadigal land in solidarity with all colonised people everywhere.
Marching with 30,000+ on unceded Gadigal land in solidarity with all colonised people everywhere.
Marching with 30,000+ on unceded Gadigal land in solidarity with all colonised people everywhere.

Julian Leeser is 85.74% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

The annual reposting of an #australiaday classic ....
#auspol #babekiueria #australia


"Few Aboriginal people would be offended by him and his acolytes refusing to stand in front of our flag. It would be offensive if they did, after all Dutton has said about us."
#AustraliaDay #Australia #colonialism #imperialism #BritishEmpire #auspol https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/comment/topic/2025/01/25/duttons-deliberate-australia-day-cruelty#mtr

The #COALition love a good fantasy - either creating one or telling one.

Building #NuclearPower plants in Australia, #TrickleDownEconomics, #Musk’s mission to Mars, the tooth fairy.

Definitely from the shallow end of the #GenePool the lot of them #auspol



You’re right there’s way too much diversity.

Look at shadow cabinet. You’ve got seven non-men in there, all in the form of women! That’s 35%!

Nip it in the bud. Just yell at them: “You’re fired!”

Cheering you all the way,

All the Non-Woke Blokes

#auspol #dutton #misogyny
What at first glance looks like rows of men in suits is actually one man in a suit who has been replicated again and again like a clone. The many copies of the one man have short dark hair and are identically dressed in a grey suit, white shirt and tie with black and grey diagonal stripes. They all stare rigidly into the distance through metal-framed spectacles. The overall effect is disturbing and creepy.

Sussan Ley compares First Fleet to Elon Musk's Mars mission in Australia Day speech

Susssan Ley is spreading her toxic bullshit again to get noticed by the mainstream media. This time, Sussssan Ley simultaneously called the invasion and colonisation of this continent by England a "daring experiment" and sucked-up to notorious white-supremacist Elon Musk. Susssssan Ley is a crumb maiden of the patriarchy, so it comes naturally for her to echo Peter Dutton's racist garbage on command.

#AusPol #SussanLey #PeterDutton #AustraliaDay #ElonMusk #CrumbMaiden #CrumbMaidenOfThePatriarchy

The best sort of election geekery: answering questions that people ask all the time, with actual facts and numbers.

"my vote ends up with a major party anyway, why bother with anyone else?"

But does it? Does it really?



No cost of living crisis here. Just helping out the hospitality sector. Peter Dutton's free lunches to cost taxpayers under $250m, Coalition claims. Saul Eslake calls it "small business fetishism" - belief SB is better than govt or other business. #auspol https://www.afr.com/politics/dutton-s-taxpayer-funded-business-lunches-to-cost-less-than-250m-20250124-p5l6ye

Eric Abetz, Tasmanian minister for exclusivity and planetary destruction seems to argue that Tasmania's forestry practices are wrong, but others are even more wrong so we should keep doing what we're doing.

#tasmania #lutruwita #logging #australia #auspol #climatecrisis #climatechange


Imagine if world leaders (& some U.S. politicians) gave #Trump a reality check & said to his face, “Fuck off you deluded fool!” the next time he threatened them.

#auspol #USPol

15 VIP flights covering 50,769km in the last few days.That's about 14 hrs and 40 mins and cost about $66,949. 8 flights were not properly logged. {954} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

New petition by @conservbytes to put pressure on universities in #Australia to get off X, similar to the recent wave of departures by universities in Germany, which followed a campaign by @neuSoM and others.

We can get civil society off X, but it's not going to happen without a lot of noise. Keep making noise.



I just don't know what all this fuss is about deductible business lunches.

It doesn't only apply to the wealthy, obviously the poor, the homeless and the unemployed will be able to make deductions also when they take their business associates out to lunch.


Political advertising on Facebook in the last 24 hours: $79,368 (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Inhaltswarnung: auspol, petition, systemic DV

Peter Khalil claimed $178,353 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Dear Independent Candidates.

If you wish to know the true weaknesses of the Labor government have a look at that which they are trying to hide.


They are spending thousands and thousands of dollars to stop us knowing where they will poison the earth for hundreds of years with nuclear waste.

This is just a start.


Oi, you. Yeah, you.

Feeling undesirably placid today?

Wanna get some justifiable climate rage into you instead?

Here ya go.

Burnt mansions: Why the next election is a fork in the road

7am Saturday Paper
Fri Jan 24 2025

As wildfires tore through some of LA’s most affluent neighbourhoods, burning down mansions owned by celebrities, some wondered if it might be a turning point in how seriously we take the climate crisis.

But climate scientist Joëlle Gergis wasn’t sharing that hope.

Instead, Gergis was angered by our heartache for wealthy communities while the impact of climate change disproportionately affects the poor.

And to make matters even worse, a climate denier has entered the White House.

Now, Gergis is turning her attention to the upcoming election here in Australia, where she says we have a choice to make about how comfortable we are being complicit on climate.

Today, climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis, on why the next election is a fork in the road for our climate.

Guest: Climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis
#podcast #AusPol #WhyIsLabor #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance

carry on as you were
#politics #climate #climatechange #environment #climateaction
“State & local action is where meaningful change will blossom. Pressure progressive state politicians to take action on ending fossil fuel projects & making polluters pay… take on corporate energy utilities”
#government #auspol #uspol
raise “the collective appetite for change in people’s everyday lives and livelihoods… the messaging has to get better, get good at organizing our message”
build visible, relatable campaigns of sustained nonviolent civil disobedience (think Rising Tide #australia)

Not sure if the rest of the country is seeing these new Clive Palmer ads. Just watching the tennis when he popped up spruiking all the things we can build like fast trains & stuff. However, wasn't standing with UAP banners. Authorisation from his Mineralogy Pty Ltd. #auspol

Hinkler constituents have been left with no fed representation after Qld LNP MP Keith Pitt scarpered on Sunday. Resigning effective immediately he gave reasons of a new job & climate policy frustration. Speaker Milton Dick is reviewing the matter. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-23/by-election-unlikely-for-hinkler-seat-after-pitt-resignation/104750828

@grogsgamut points out
#australia is
9th richest OECD country
5th highest rate (23%) retirees in poverty
2nd lowest level aged care pension
#poverty #inequality
#laborgovernmentaustralia is trying to change tax so earnings related to superannuation balances (solely) ABOVE $3m would be taxed at 30% – still well below the top tax rate of 45%… this met by fear campaigns from vested interest groups & conservative #media #neoliberalism
“almost the smallest change that could be done – affecting less than 1% – and yet it is unlikely to pass.”


Spot on from @grogsgamut

For most of us, #superannuation is about saving for retirement. For people who are already wealthy it’s an effective tax minimisation system allowing them to pass on more wealth to their kids. Tax concessions to this latter group cost taxpayers - all of us - a motsa, while a quarter of age pensioners live in poverty.

This is so obvious! Yet even the most modest reduction of these tax breaks is greeted with a media scare campaign. And as always, #Labor puts perceived political risk ahead of responsible governance.

#SelfFunded retirees* with huge super balances? #YeahRight We see you. #AusPol 🎪

* This is a diverse group, as I have been reminded in the comments below. Not all are retiring in luxury or passing on millions to their kids.

Misleading fear campaigns may kill Labor’s superannuation changes. But here are the real numbers https://www.theguardian.com/business/grogonomics/2025/jan/23/misleading-fear-campaigns-may-kill-labors-superannuation-changes-but-here-are-the-real-numbers-ntwnfb?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

What absolutely bullshit. Freedom of speech can't be abandoned just because it makes some people uncomfortable. Protests are supposed to make people uncomfortable in any case.

"Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd, has been asked to convey to Canberra Jewish concerns about the impact of the weekly pro-Palestinian demonstrations in central Melbourne.

"At a meeting in Washington last week with Rabbi Abraham Cooper, an expert on online hate and terrorism with the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, the former prime minister agreed to make representations to the Australian government on whether the protests could be shifted away from the CBD streets."

#Melbourne #auspol https://www.smh.com.au/national/rabbi-pleads-with-rudd-in-washington-to-help-end-melbourne-s-pro-palestinian-cbd-protests-20250121-p5l63m.html

$18,164,627 in Federal contracts to the big consultants in 2025. $293,007 yesterday. - Deloitte: $293,007 {1387} (https://politicalgadgets.com) #auspol