Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind
Gazze'de İsrail güçleriyle 15 aydır süren savaşı durdurmak ve kalan rehineleri serbest bırakmak için görüşülen ateşkeste sona varıldı. İsrail ile Hamas'ın 19 Ocak 2025'ten itibaren yürürlüğe gireceği belirtilen ateşkes için anlaştığı açıklandı. İsrail ve Hamas arasında anlaşma sağlandığının… #İsrail #Hamas #Ateşkes #Gazze #Netanyahu
İşte Netanyahu'ya ateşkesi baskıyla kabul ettiren isim! İsrail medyası açıkladı
İsrail medyası Başbakan Binyamin Netanyahu'nun Hamas'la anlaşmaya varılan ateşkes kararını, Donald Trump’ın Ortadoğu elçisi Steve Witkoff'un baskısıyla kabul ettiğini söyledi.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
Tensions are rising in #Netanyahu's cabinet over the #ceasefire deal.
Israeli TV Channel 12 reported that Netanyahu's disagreement with #Smotrich over the prisoner exchange deal haven't been resolved as of last night, and that members of the Religious Zionist Party would meet to discuss the possibility of resigning and leaving the cabinet.
The Ma'ariv newspaper also quoted Ashkenazi as saying: "The opposition of Israel's Minister of Internal Security #Ben-Gvir and Smotrich to the prisoner exchange deal can lead to a dangerous #catastrophe. These ministers should remember that they have failed and are no less responsible than the army and the #ShinBet for the failure of October 7. They are committed to returning all prisoners to their families."
On the other hand, Ben-Gvir also said that he is seeking support to cancel the ceasefire deal, and some in the Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party are trying to convince members of the Religious Zionist Party to resign from the cabinet to prevent the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.
In such an atmosphere, the Ma'ariv newspaper reported that Netanyahu can no longer withdraw from the ceasefire deal and he is trying to survive this internal political battle.
#Gaza #Genocide #Hypocrisy #Politics #Palestine #JewishISIS #USPol
@palestine group @israel group
#Gaza #Gazagenocide #Palestine #WestBank
#israel #netanyahu #israelPariahState #IsraelWarCrimes
LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal up for cabinet vote; 40 killed in Gaza
No pause in Israeli air strikes as Palestinians in Gaza celebrate ceasefire scheduled to start on Sunday.Zaheena Rasheed (Al Jazeera)
> #Netanyahu’s office accused #Hamas of reneging on parts of the agreement in an attempt “to extort last minute concessions.”
#Israel #Palestine
Israel PM Netanyahu says Cabinet won't meet over Gaza ceasefire
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that a “last minute crisis” with Hamas was holding up Israeli approval of a long-awaited agreement to pause the fighting in the Gaza Strip and release dozens of hostages.TIA GOLDENBERG (AP News)
Meanwhile, Israeli strikes killed at least 48 people in Gaza
(AP) #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu #Hamas #ceasefire
Israel PM Netanyahu says Cabinet won't meet over Gaza ceasefire
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that a “last minute crisis” with Hamas was holding up Israeli approval of a long-awaited agreement to pause the fighting in the Gaza Strip and release dozens of hostages.TIA GOLDENBERG (AP News)
#Știri #Israel #Palestina #Gaza #Terorism
Netanyahu acuză Hamas de nerespectarea anumitor puncte ale acordului de armistițiu în Fâșia Gaza
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a acuzat joi Hamas că a renunțat la anumite puncte ale acordului de încetare a focului în Fâșia Gaza și a anunțatRedacția (G4media)
#Skwawkbox | What #Trump promised #Netanyahu for signing #Gaza ‘ceasefire’ makes it a #scam
#CeasefireDeal #Genocide #Palestine
What Trump promised Netanyahu for signing Gaza ‘ceasefire’ makes it a scam
Israeli media-leaked reality shows ‘deal’ is at best temporary reprieve Carrots and gold – Trump’s promises to war criminal Netanyahu. Israeli news channel ynet has publishe…SKWAWKBOX
“L’aggressione di Gaza continua senza sosta nonostante l’avanzamento della trattativa: solo nelle scorse ore sono state uccise altre 13 persone. L’aviazione israeliana ha condotto anche un attacco aereo sul campo profughi di Jenin, in Cisgiordania, uccidendo altre 6 persone.“
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu
#Gaza is celebrating that #Israel and #Hamas have reached a 42-day #ceasefire, but #Netanyahu says the deal's not sorted out yet. And it certainly hasn't been signed.
I *want* to be optimistic. 🫤
Live updates: Multiple officials tout Gaza ceasefire deal; Israel says details are still in flux
Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages after more than 15 months of war, multiple officials say.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP News)
🔴 Minister Threatens Exit Over Gaza Ceasefire Talks
🪧 Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir threatens to quit Netanyahu's government if a US-brokered Gaza ceasefire deal proceeds.
🪧 Majority of cabinet likely to back the deal, which includes a phased truce and hostage release, despite Ben-Gvir and Smotrich’s objections.
🪧 Critics of the deal argue it risks “capitulation to Hamas".
#Israel #Gaza #Ceasefire #Netanyahu #BenGvir
[1]Ondertussen probeert Netanyahu zijn eigen politieke leven te rekken, uit
PM Netanyahu is now meeting far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, according to Israeli media reports, as negotiations for a ceasefire with Hamas advance.
Netanyahu is trying to persuade Smotrich not to resign from the government over a potential deal, according to Israel’s Walla news site.
Earlier today, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir urged Smotrich to resign alongside him if Israel agrees to a ceasefire, in a last-ditch bid to thwart a potential deal.
Er komt GEEN deal, want dan valt het kabinet van Netanyahu.
[1] - bron: Michael
@therightarticle in
#NoDeal #Gaza #GazaGenocide #ICCisRight #Netanyahu #Smotrich #BenGvir #WarCriminals
EU lends $847 million to Israel amid Gaza genocide
Major bank facilitates crimes against humanity.The Electronic Intifada
🧵 1/4
#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Netanyahu #Genozid #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Baerbock #Grüne
Verweigerte Unterstützung
Mit dem Entzug der Förderung für zwei Organisationen in Israel sendet die Bundesregierung ein verheerendes Signal.Riad Othman (medico international)
Tant de bó s'esquerdi del tot aquest discurs mentider que nega el genocidi contra la nació #palestina .
Tant de bó #Netanyahu sigui jutjat i empresonat per criminal.
Tant de bó aquest sigui el principi del final d'aquesta teocràcia colonial anomenada #Israel
El poble jueu té dret a un estat, pero no així, ni a #Gaza ni a #Cisjordania ni a #Siria .
Guerra en Gaza: Cuba, Irlanda y otros 10 países se unen a denuncia por genocidio de Israel
Países como Cuba, México y España se han sumado a la denuncia de Sudáfrica contra Israel, por cometer genocidio en Palestina.EFE (El Financiero)
#trump#biden #gaza #netanyahu
Gaza ceasefire deal being finalised, Palestinian official tells BBC
President Biden meanwhile says a deal is "on the brink" of coming to fruition and his administration is working on it.Rushdi Abualouf and Maia Davies (BBC News)
C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione di #Gaza avviata dal regime #Netanyahu
"Parlate della mafia. Parlatene alla radio, in televisione, sui giornali. Però parlatene." [Paolo Borsellino] Profile: (Nuddu 'mbiscatu cu nenti)YouTube
Israel has killed many more people in Gaza than reported, top health study says
More than 64,000 people in Gaza died violent deaths between October 2023 and June 2024.Rory O’Neill (POLITICO)
This little baby-girl's name was Badriah Salah. In 2024 she was #MurderedbyIsrael
Some of the last buildings standing in Gaza City. Photo by Mahdi Alashab via X.
Gaza. Totally destroyed Beit Hanoun.
Taraflar arasında anlaşma sağlandığına ilişkin henüz bir açıklama gelmezken Hamas’ın üst düzey yetkilisi… #SonDakika #Hamas #Ateşkes #Netanyahu #Gazze
Son dakika: Hamas'tan ateşkes açıklaması! Anlaşma tamam: Netanyahu'nun onayı bekleniyor
son dakika haberi... Hamas, İsrail ile esir karşılığı ateşkes anlaşmasının tamamlandığını belirterek, 'Arabulucular anlaşmayı duyurmadan önce İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu’nun onayını bekliyor' dedi.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #SUA
Trimisul lui Trump pentru Orientul Mijlociu s-a întâlnit cu Netanyahu. Premierul israelian l-a trimis apoi pe şeful Mossadului în Qatar să negocieze o încetare a focului în Gaza
Steve Witkoff, trimisul preşedintelui ales al SUA, Donald Trump, pentru Orientul Mijlociu, s-a întâlnit sâmbătă cu premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu,Redacția (G4media)
Gazan refugee camp. Photo by paramedic Abdulaziz Mohammed via X.
Somewhere and everywhere Gaza.
Zionist Federation v Mary Kostakidis: A defining moment for press freedom
Genocide is occurring in Gaza and Israel is currently a rogue state — but let’s be sure not to offend anyone by reporting the facts, writes managing editor Michelle Pini.Independent Australia
A #Palestinian woman holds her child who has just passed away. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
Netanyahu and Australia - Pearls and Irritations
Netanyahu has demonstrated that he has the complete measure of the Labor-Coalition political class, that he only has to snap his fingers.Peter Henning (Pearls and Irritations)
The role of #Germany’s largest newspaper in the ‘#Bibileaks’ scandal highlights the need for a broader reckoning on #Israel-#Palestine in German media.«
Bild published pro-Netanyahu disinformation. Where is the outcry?
The role of Germany’s largest newspaper in the ‘Bibileaks’ scandal highlights the need for a reckoning on Israel-Palestine in German media.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
#Știri #Israel #Polonia
Netanyahu poate participa la comemorarea de la Auschwitz fără a fi reținut, afirmă premierul Poloniei
Premierul polonez Donald Tusk a garantat că premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu poate călători în siguranță la un eveniment care marchează cea de-aȘtefan Munteanu (G4media)
[1]Niet alleen doden. Van de aanvankelijk meer dan 2 miljoen nog (min of meer) levende Gazanen "wonen" verreweg de meesten niet eens in barakken, maar in lekkende en soms ijskoude tenten.
Zij hebben geen luchtafweergeschut om zich tegen de steeds intensievere bombardementen te beschermen, geen zwaar materieel om overlevenden onder het puin te halen en geen fatsoenlijke wegen om hen te vervoeren. De weinige overgebleven ambulances hebben geen brandstof meer of worden bestookt. Ziekenhuizen zijn grotendeels vernietigd en medisch personeel zit, zonder enige vorm van proces, in Israëlische martelinstellingen.
Kinderen worden door Israëlische sluipschutters "geëlimineerd", onder meer als zij, uitgehongerd, met een pannetje aan wat eten proberen te komen. Zij dragen geen kogelwerende vesten. En de wereld kijkt weg.
🇮🇱 ❝De Poolse regering van premier Tusk heeft een resolutie aangenomen waarin staat dat "vrije en veilige" toegang wordt gegarandeerd aan de "hoogste vertegenwoordigers van de staat Israël" als ze bij de ceremonie op 27 januari willen zijn. Netanyahu wordt niet bij naam genoemd.❞
Kan *IEMAND* mij uitleggen waarom verantwoordelijken voor een *voormalig* concentratiekamp, ÜBERHAUPT (mede-) verantwoordelijken voor een *huidig* concentratiekamp genaamd Gaza, verwelkomen bij een herdenking?
Ongeacht of zij Netanyahu heten?
#AuschwitzMemorial #ArabHaters #MuslimHaters #GayHaters #Gaza #GazaGenocide #IOFTerrorists #IDFTerrorists #Westbank #Lebabon #Syria #AuschwitzMuseum #AuschwitzMemorial #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #FrancescaAlbanese #KaagHeeftGelijk #ConcentrationCampGaza #ConcentratieKampGaza #Netanyahu #Herzog #BenGvir #Smotrich #Bastards #Propaganda #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #NietInMijnNaam #WTF
Polen: Netanyahu wordt niet gearresteerd bij Auschwitz-herdenking
Het Internationaal Strafhof heeft een arrestatiebevel tegen Netanyahu uitgevaardigd in verband met de oorlog in Gaza. Polen erkent het Strafhof en zou Netanyahu eigenlijk moeten aanhouden als hij in het land is.NOS Nieuws
by Declan O’Mulrooney in the spectacle on Substack
“Andrzej Duda’s bizarre request to shield Netanyahu exposes Western hypocrisy and undermines the International Criminal Court’s credibility.”
#Press #Poland #Netanyahu #WarCriminal #ICC #Auschwitz #Liberation #Anniversary
-- Congresswoman #RashidaTlaib
#ICC #Sanctions
"...the House may vote as early as tomorrow on a bill that would impose sanctions on the #ICC, a blatant act of retaliation for its decision to issue the arrest warrants. House #Republicans are prioritizing protecting #Netanyahu — a wanted war criminal — from prosecution, so much so that it is one of the first bills they are bringing in the new Congress."
from #TheWire
[online publication of #JewishVoiceForPeace #JVP in #USA]
#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Act now to stop shameful bill sanctioning the ICC - JVP
In November, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. Now, House Republicans are trying to reimpose Trump-era sanctions on the court.Madeleine Hall (Jewish Voice for Peace)
Benjamin Netanyahu to be 'protected' from arrest warrant in Poland
Leadership from Poland has previously stated that should Netanyahu enter the country, they would enforce the warrant.By JOANIE MARGULIES, AMICHAI STEIN (The Jerusalem Post)