Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind
#Netanyahu #IsraelWarCrimes #ICCArrestWarrant
Conflicto de Oriente Próximo, en directo | El Tribunal Penal Internacional emite dos órdenes de detención contra Netanyahu y Gallant
Israel mantiene el castigo a Ciudad de Gaza mientras Hamás advierte de que las negociaciones para un alto el fuego están en riesgo | El ejército israelí reclutará a ultraortodoxos a partir de agostoEl Pais
From 🇪🇦
La Corte Penal Internacional emite la orden de detención contra Netanyahu por crímenes de guerra vía
La Corte Penal Internacional emite la orden de detención contra Netanyahu por crímenes de guerra
La Corte Penal Internacional ha emitido órdenes de detención internacionales contra Netanyahu y su ex ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, solicitadas en mayo por el fiscalJavier Biosca Azcoiti (
ICC vaardigt arrestatiebevel uit tegen Netanyahu en Hamasleider - Sargasso
Het hing natuurlijk al een tijdje in de lucht, en compleet terecht natuurlijk. Het raakt wel een gevoelig punt, want de vraag blijft hoe lang dit strafhof nog kan functioneren en relevant blijft nu het ook achter ‘ons’ aangaat, in plaats van alleen m…Sargasso
"The Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that Mr #Netanyahu, born on 21 October 1949, PM of #Israel and Mr Gallant, [...], each bear criminal responsibility for the following crimes as co-perpetrators for committing the acts jointly with others: the war crime of #starvation as a method of warfare; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts."
Strafhof vaardigt arrestatiebevelen uit tegen Netanyahu, Gallant en Hamas-leider
De aanklager wil de Israëlische leiders vervolgen voor oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid voor hun rol in de Gaza-oorlog.NOS Nieuws
#InternationalCriminalCourt #Netanyahu #ministerGallant #Hamas #alMasri
International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant against Netanyahu, ex-defence minister Gallant, Hamas's al Masri
The International Criminal Court on Thursday issued arrest warrants against Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu | World NewsHT News Desk (Hindustan Times)
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof erlässt Haftbefehle gegen #Netanyahu und #Hamas-Anführer
Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag erlässt wegen mutmaßlicher #Kriegsverbrechen im Gazastreifen Haftbefehl gegen den israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Netanyahu.
Haftbefehle wurden ebenfalls gegen den Anführer der radikal-islamischen Hamas, Al-Masri, und den früheren israelischen Verteidigungsminister Gallant erlassen.
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof erlässt Haftbefehle gegen Netanyahu und Hamas-Anführer
Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag erlässt wegen mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen im Gazastreifen Haftbefehl gegen den israelischen Ministerpräsidenten
AMSTERDAM, Nov 21 (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court in #TheHague said on Thursday that it had issued warrants for the arrest of #Hamas leader Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri (also known as Mohammed #Deif) and Israel's President Benjamin #Netanyahu and its former defence minister Yoav #Gallant. The #ICC said Israel's acceptance of the court's jurisdiction was not required.
21-11-2024 13:04 CET
#Israel #Palestine
#Știri #Israel
BREAKING Curtea Penală Internațională emite mandate de arestare pentru premierul Netanyahu și Yoav Gallant
Curtea Penală Internațională (CPI) a emis joi mandate de arestare pentru premierul Benjmain Netanyahu și fostul ministru al apărării Yoav Gallant, aFlorin Marinescu (G4media)
#Israel #Gaza #Hamas #Lebanon #Netanyahu
#netanyahu #gallant #israel #ICC #geopolitics @geopolitics
👥: Ok, so where is your "day after" plan? Who can replace Hamas?
Netanyahu: 🫢🤫😶
👥: 😫
#Israel #PoorLeadership
#FreePalestine @israel @palestine #gaza #biden #joebiden #genocide #Netanyahu #DarkBrandon #genocidejoe #aipac #uspol #uspolitics #usa #dnc #votebluenomatterwho #voteblue #Fediantisemitism
Exclusive: White House Says Democrats Who Oppose Weapons To Israel Are Aiding Hamas
HuffPost obtained a White House message to senators ahead of a crucial vote on sending the Israelis more arms amid the Gaza and Lebanon wars. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is helping the administration shield the policy.Akbar Shahid Ahmed (HuffPost)
Virtually no aid has reached north Gaza in 40 days, UN says
The UN says bakeries and kitchens have shut down due to limited supplies in the region.David Gritten (BBC News)
#Childhood in a #Warzone - #Palestinian children.
#Israel #Amsterdam #Maccabi #Netanyahu #politiek
‘Heel Nederland wordt aangevallen!’
Maak het publiek bang voor een verzonnen vijand, verwijt tegenstanders deze vijand in de kaart te spelen, en verklaar jezelf tot redder van de natie. Met deze truc kaapt Benjamin Netanyahu nu ook de gebeurtenissen in Amsterdam.De Groene Amsterdammer
Nota dell'ufficio del Primo Ministro Benjamin #Netanyahu (#Likud|ECR): "A chiunque voglia lasciare questa situazione, dico: chiunque ci porti un ostaggio, troverà una via d'uscita sicura per sé e per la propria famiglia. Daremo anche 5 milioni di dollari per ogni ostaggio. La scelta è vostra, ma il risultato sarà lo stesso: li riporteremo tutti indietro".
Razzi sul quartier generale italiano in Libano, ira di Crosetto. Netanyahu a Gaza: "5 milioni per ogni ostaggio"
Raids on the Italian headquarters in Lebanon, anger of Crosetto. Netanyahu in Gaza: "5 million for each hostage".
#Italy #Lebanon #Netanyahu #Palestine #Crosetto #Gaza
Israele - Hamas, le notizie di oggi in diretta | Razzi di Hezbollah contro unità israeliane in missione in Libano
Le notizie di mercoledì 20 novembre sul conflitto tra Israele e Hamas e sui fronti con Hezbollah, in Libano, e con Teheran, in direttaRedazione Online (Corriere della Sera)
Let it be known to all.
#Palestine #FreePalestine
#netanyahu #apartheid
Netanyahu va a Gaza: «5 milioni di dollari a chi liberi ostaggi»
Netanyahu in Gaza: "$5 million to those who free hostages"
#Netanyahu #Palestine #Gaza
Netanyahu va a Gaza: «Cinque milioni di dollari a chi liberi ostaggi»
(LaPresse) Il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, in visita nel corridoio Netzarim a Gaza, ha ribadito la sua offerta di fornire 5 milioni di dollari a chiunque consegni un ostaggio a Israele: «La scelta è nelle vostre mani, ma il risulta…Corriere TV (Corriere della Sera)
Die Verhandlungen über die Freilassung der Hamas-Geiseln laufen seit Monaten - bisher ohne Erfolg. Kritiker warfen Israels Premier Netanyahu wiederholt vor, einen Deal zu torpedieren. Nun hat er ein Angebot gemacht.
#Israel #Hamas #Netanyahu #Nahost
#DonaldTrump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #xenophobia #Project2025
#Christofascism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#Gaza #Palestine #HumanRights #freedom #Israel #Netanyahu #genocide #WarCrimes #ICC #ICJ
#resistance #protest #solidarity #organizing #unions
What is resistance? From a second Trump presidency to the carnage in Gaza, it takes various forms
Resistance doesn’t exist on its own, but in opposition to a larger force. Often these bigger forces — like capitalism, white supremacy, the patriarchy — shape the power structures that rule society.The Conversation
”Suntem provocați să acționăm”.
#Știri #Israel
Netanyahu anunţă în Parlament că ”un element al programului nuclear” iranian a fost atins în atacul de la 26 octombrie în Iran / ”Suntem provocaţi să acţionăm”
Atacurile desfăşurate de către Israel la sfârşitul lui octombrie în Iran au atins ”un element al programului nuclear” iranian, anunţă luni premierulRedacția (G4media)
'The Bibi Files' Review: How Netanyahu Used Gaza to Escape Scandal
Alexis Bloom's riveting film is built around leaked tapes of Netanyahu's interrogation by police. He's as sly an actor as he is ruthless an autocrat.Owen Gleiberman (Variety)
Investigation Underway After Explosive Device Thrown Into Netanyahu's Caesarea Residence Courtyard:
Authorities are exploring political, ideological, and foreign involvement as potential motives behind the flare attack Netanyahu Security Breach.newspiler (Newspiler)
trump and bibi have learned:
- genocide is okay if you don't tell people that you're nazis
- genocide is okay if the victims aren't jewish
Are there enough learned people left in the world to stand up to this?
#Genocide #Nazism #Fascism #trump #Israel #Netanyahu
~ Jason Burke
#Trump #Netanyahu #Israel #Palestinians #Gaza
Raz’s book, released in May of this year, sheds light on a controversial policy whereby Netanyahu’s governments for years routinely approved and encouraged the transfer of Qatari funds into Gaza to prop up Hamas. While noting that the Israeli media has devoted more attention to this policy in the aftermath of October 7, Raz told +972 that this is “just a sliver of the bigger picture,” which is rooted in Netanyahu’s broader opposition to a just resolution to the conflict. “People need to understand the full scope of Netanyahu’s strategy,” he said.
According to Raz, Netanyahu’s priority is not maintaining Israel’s security but preventing any real chance of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the division of land, ending the occupation, or a two-state solution. Keeping the cash flowing to Hamas served this objective by ensuring the Palestinian national movement remained splintered between Hamas in Gaza and the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank, thus allowing Israel to maintain its dominance over the whole of the land. Even after the devastating events of October 7, Raz warns that Netanyahu’s playbook remains unchanged."
#Israel #Netanyahu #Hamas #Palestine #Gaza
The not-so-secret history of Netanyahu's support for Hamas
From sabotaging Oslo to funneling Qatari cash into Gaza, Bibi has spent his career bolstering Hamas to help perpetuate the conflict.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
#Propaganda #HaltDieFresseBild #AxelSpringer #Netanyahu #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid
A little #Palestinian #girl who has luckily survived an #Israeli attack but lost several family members.
Trei suspecţi, arestaţi după ce două rachete de semnalizare au fost trase asupra reşedinţei premierului israelian Netanyahu
Trei suspecţi au fost arestaţi după ce două rachete de semnalizare au fost trase asupra reşedinţei private din Cezareea a prim-ministrului BenjaminRedacția (G4media)
"De Israëlische politie doet onderzoek naar de stafchef van premier Netanyahu. Dat melden Israëlische media. Tzachi Braverman wordt ervan verdacht dat hij ongeoorloofde wijzigingen heeft aangebracht in documenten die gaan over de gebeurtenissen op 7 oktober 2023, toen terreurorganisatie Hamas een grootschalige aanval op Israël uitvoerde."
Niet dat het ook maar iets zal uitmaken. #Netanyahu #Braverman #Israel
Israël voert luchtaanvallen uit op Libanese havenstad Tyrus • Stafchef Netanyahu verhoord door politie
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
#Warzone in Gaza - two #Palestinian children.