Beiträge, die mit iDF getaggt sind
#Settlers #Annexation
A #Palestinian #boy holding his younger sibling.
Zwecks Dokumentation. Sonst ohne weiteren Kommentar.
#cogat #Amsterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #Israel #IDF #media
Medien korrigieren sich nach Ausschreitungen in Amsterdam
Internationale Medien haben ihre Berichte zu den Ausschreitungen in Amsterdam gegen Fans von Maccabi Tel Aviv mit Bildern belegt, die diese Fans eigentlich als Angreifer
"Het afnemen van een Nederlands paspoort van daders van antisemitisch geweld die een dubbele nationaliteit hebben, sluit hij niet uit. Dat zou betekenen dat die persoon het land uit moet."
#Amsterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #IDF #Israel #media #frame
Schoof wil harde maatregelen tegen onversneden antisemitisme, 'we hebben gefaald'
De premier reageert op het geweld vorige week in Amsterdam. Hij neemt opnieuw in felle bewoordingen afstand van de jacht die op Joden is gemaakt.NOS Nieuws
The #Iranian #Hanzala #hackers group has #hacked the personal phone of Major General Ehud Shani, current Commander of the #IDF #Cybersecurity Corps and former Chief of the #Israeli Army's Communications Corps
They released, amongst other things, an image of the him lying naked inside the bath tub, innapropriately touching himself. We have censored the photo.
The hacker group also published Ehud Shani's personal information, including phone number, and threatened to release more sensitive and scandalous information if he does not abide by their demands.
From the Middle_East_Spectator channel on Telegram.
"Waarom de zes precies zijn opgepakt meldt de politie niet. Onder de opgepakte mensen bevinden zich volgens de politie "enkele minderjarigen". Zij zijn nadat de dreiging in de wijk voorbij was weer vrijgelaten, meldt de politie.
"We spelen erg kort op de bal"
#Antwerpen #Amterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #paramilitaireshockteams #IDF #Israel #Gaza #genocide #media
Vrees voor geweld tegen Joden in Antwerpen na rellen Amsterdam: 6 mensen opgepakt
Volgens de politie hadden meerdere jongeren in de wijk afgesproken om "over te gaan tot een soortgelijke actie" als in Amsterdam.NOS Nieuws
Take 23 minutes of your time, listen carefully and spread the word. Because the mainstream media is failing all of us, and for a reason.
⚠️ ❗ 👇🏻
#Israel #Maccabi #IDF #Mossad #Gaza #genocide #GeertWilders #PVV
What happened in Amsterdam
A pogrom? Kristallnacht? Or ... something else?Benjamin Moser (Urubuquaquá)
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"Het is niet duidelijk of er ook Israëliërs onder de arrestanten zijn. Het Openbaar Ministerie zei gistermiddag nog meer aanhoudingen te verwachten, maar wilde niets zeggen over de achtergrond of nationaliteit van de verdachten."
Drie keer raden ... #Amsterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #IDF #Israel #violence
Maccabi-fans hadden planken en riemen, politie neemt beelden mee in onderzoek
De politie zegt dat het onderzoek in volle gang is en dat alle beelden, dus ook die van Maccabi-fans, daarin worden meegenomen.NOS Nieuws
Before the formation of the Israel Defense Forces in 1948, there were three underground #Zionist #militias - The #Haganah, the #Irgun and the #Lehi.
They differed in tactics and beliefs, and at times fought with each other - but together they terrorised #Palestinian villages and executed attacks and #bombings against the #British to force them to give up control of the land.
They blew up hotels in #Jerusalem, embassies in #Europe and #assassinated a UN mediator.
After #Israel was officiated as a state - the three #terrorist militias would create the #IDF - and their leaders would go on to form Israel’s government, become #politicians, #ambassadors and #PrimeMinisters.
And their dark #history would be forgotten.
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„(…) the "cleansing of the space" in northern Gaza is carried out by the IDF under the direction of its commanders (…), who are subordinate to the directives of the political leadership: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the recently fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and his successor, Israel Katz.“
The #UNRWA Health Clinic Center was turned into a Military Base by the #IDF, as shown by images shared by the Reservist soldier, Adi Daniel from the "84th Givati" Infantry Brigade, "424th Shaked" Battalion.
Images display multiple Armored Vehicles, of which included "NAMER" APC and "PUMA" Troop Carriers.
Interestingly, one of the "PUMA" Vehicles has an RWS, turning it into an IFV. [4th image]
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
#Israel #IDF #Gaza #Trump
Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
Video found in a Hamas basement show #Palestinians chained to floors and ceilings in painful positions.
▶️ #IDF betreibt #Staatsterrorismus in #Gaza
U.a.: Angriff von #Israel auf ein palästinensisches Krankenhaus, Darstellung der #Misshandlungen von Patienten und Ärzten. Angaben offenbar aus Berichten aus dem UNO-Umfeld.
Wo bleibt die tabufreie Recherche durch unsere Medien und wenn sich das bewahrheitet: Wo bleiben knallharte Konsequenzen?
LdN406: Verriss der Resolution zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens:
'Beelden van Israeliërs die werden opgejaagd, mishandeld en vernederd in Amsterdam gingen gisteren de hele wereld over. Maar twee dagen na de rellen duiken ook filmpjes op van hoe de voetbalsupporters van Maccabi Tel Aviv na de verloren wedstrijd tegen Ajax zelf op oorlogspad gingen in de hoofdstad.”
#Amsterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #IDF #Israel #media #fakenews
Bender toont de tomeloze nachtelijke agressie van Israëlische hooligans in Amsterdam - Joop - BNNVARA
Bender laat zien dat de honderden hooligans zeer doelbewust te werk gaan.BNNVARA
The #UN rights officer chief calls for ‘due reckoning’ for violations in #Gaza
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Una fonte anonima ci ha raccontato le violenze scatenate dai tifosi dei Maccabi Fanatics di Tel Aviv, descritti come "pericolosi sionisti che hanno prestato servizio nell'esercito israeliano". Gli...Radio Onda d`Urto
#HumanRights #FreePalestine #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel #Zionism #hooligans #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
"Chants echo through the streets of Amsterdam, loud, clear, and passionate. And with absolute impunity.
‘Let the IDF win to f*** the Arabs,’ and ‘There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left,’ as part of a longer song. (If you identify other chants in the reel, DM us)
Now the IDF is sending a rescue team to Amsterdam, so it’s said. One does everything to keep controlling the narrative of being the victims. Will they care more about their hooligans than their hostages, or are the rescue helicopters also a lie?
FIFA, UEFA, Ajax, Ajax players, the mayor, fans, airlines, hotels, restaurants, bars, NS, GVB, and broadcasters all could have stood up for human rights and prevented the drama. But they seem to care more about whatever it is they care about.
This was Amsterdam’s second invitation this year to people committing genocide. Who’s next? Is the King inviting Bibi for Christmas dinner?
For now, olé, olé—Amsterdam’s streets will soon be safe again 🤞🏽"
#UEFA #FIFA #Halsema #Ajax #HumanRights #FreePalestine #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel #Zionism #hooligans #Palestine #Gaza #genocide #racism #Arabs
"… Thursday evening. When everyone stays silent, the media makes no effort to tell the story in the correct order, and the police only protect the perpetrators... it seems that for a group of young people, enough is enough.
The silence broken. A week of silence and inaction. The one-sided approach of politicians, authorities, and the media is once again overwhelming.
The silence broken. The framing screams. The double standard in full daylight.""
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
"… Wednesday night. A group of Maccabi fans goes hunting to remove Palestinian flags from buildings. The police watch as this happens on the Rokin, the flag is taken, and later set on fire by a group with loud cheers.
Wednesday night. Maccabi fans attack a taxi driver. A video shows a fan using a chain to attack the taxi. In the distance, you can see the headlights of two police cars, but they don’t intervene. The taxi drivers do. The rioters hide in the casino.
Thursday afternoon. Maccabi fans bring banners to Dam Square, displaying emblems of IDF units and names of fallen soldiers. Including a radical unit that even the U.S. has sanctioned.
Thursday evening. On the way to the subway, a large group of Maccabi fans, under police protection, chant for the IDF to "destroy the Arabs." The police does nothing.
Thursday evening. The one-minute silence for Valencia is rudely interrupted by Maccabi fans. After all, Spain recognizes Palestine and has condemned Israeli war crimes from the beginning.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
From New Neighbours Utrecht:
"“My whole life, the news has told our stories in reverse order.”
This was a statement made this morning by a Lebanese man from our community. Because Femke Halsema, the police, and everyone else: this is what really happened... an anthology.
Sunday. A man wearing a kufiya returns from a peaceful protest, is attacked, and beaten into the hospital. People start warning each other to be careful in Amsterdam next week. The atmosphere becomes threatening.
From Monday. Groups advocating for Palestinian rights are flooded online with violent threats in connection with the match. Halsema and the police are aware of this.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
Are you there @gemeenteamsterdam? Please inform Halsema! This is unacceptable and should never happen again! Starting with breaking all ties with Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel.
Footage from Mokum Tegen Fascisme.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel #violence #hooligans #squad #Palestine
Israeli police briefly detained two French security officials in a diplomatic incident that prompted the cancellation of a local visit by France's foreign minister.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot had planned to go to the French-owned Eleona church compound in Jerusalem during a visit to the region attempting to calm tensions in the region.
However, he said that the compound visit was called off "because Israeli security forces entered with weapons, without prior French authorisation, without agreeing to leave today."
Speaking at the scene, Barrot called the situation "unacceptable" and said that it's "likely to weaken the ties” between France and Israel.
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Middle East Eye
Middle East Eye is an independent online news organisation founded in April 2014. We aim to be the primary portal of Middle East news and our target audience are all those communities of readers living in and around the region that care deeply for it…YouTube
Brig Gen Itzik Cohen said in a briefing that aid would only be allowed to enter south of Gaza Strip, not the north.
„The Israeli defence ministry said on Thursday (Nov 7) it had signed an agreement to acquire 25 next generation F-15 fighter jets from Boeing.
It said the US$5.2 billion agreement was part of a broader package of US aid approved by the US administration and Congress earlier this year and included an option for 25 additional aircraft.“
Israel signs deal to acquire 25 F-15 fighter jets from Boeing
The Israeli defence ministry said on Thursday (Nov 7) it had signed an agreement to acquire 25 next generation F-15 fighter jets...The Business Times