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Beiträge, die mit NATURE getaggt sind

Another Minoan seal design, because why the heck not 😄 Evans described it as "goddess reposing on the waves of the sea". Just chillin. It's one of my favorites. 🥰 The second pic is the original artifact.

#archaeology #Minoan #jewelry #Crete #seals #crafts #nature #image
An oval glass pendant on my palm, 2cm wide. It features the black line drawing of a stylized Minoan figure, a woman in a flounced skirt and bare breasts reclining against a blue and green background of stylized waves.
Black and white drawing of a Minoan seal impression, same design as the one before.

Encounter on the morning walk 😊 Waited to make sure they made it across the path into the hedge.

#nature #hedgehog #cute #animals #spring #image
Photo of a hedgehog in grass, surrounded by daisies

For #EarthDay, I am sharing an older blog post:
Folktales about Climate Change

I collected some traditional stories about taking care of our natural home, and what happens when we don't.

Read here:

#Climate #ClimateChange #nature #folklore #folktales

The idea that planets were born from giant clouds in space is called the "nebular hypothesis."

It originated with Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg, way back in 1734. But only now can astronomers directly observe that, yes, planets really do form in clouds around newborn stars. Science takes time.

https://blogs.futura-sciences.com/e-luminet/2016/09/28/cosmogenesis-8-the-nebular-hypothesis/ #science #space #astronomy #nature
The Formation of the Solar System According to Swedenborg.
Swedenborg’s On the Principles of Natural Things consists of three volumes: the first is entitled Natural Principles, the second On Iron and the third On Copper and Orichalcum. In all of them the text is accompanied by elaborate diagrams.
Plate 26, which appears in the third part of Volume 1, is headed “De Chao Universali Solis et Planetarum” and explains the formation of the solar system. In Fig. 1 the crust formed by the original nebula as it solidified is about to burst. Fig. 2 shows the state of confusion and collapse as pieces of the sun are scattered through space. In Fig. 3 the crust has reformed as a disc surrounding the proto-sun. In Fig. 4 the pieces have separated into individual spheres: the planets.

And we have a winner!
There were some close votes, but in the end, Platypus emerged as the most popular unusual animal 😊😊
Thank you all for voting and chiming in! It was silly and fun. You are all great 😄

#animals #nature #UnusualAnimalMessages
Photo of a platypus swimming in water

The last match of this round is Kakapo vs Japanese macaque! Vote in the toot below!

#nature #animals #vote #image #UnusualAnimalMessages
Photo of a green kakapo standing on a log
Photo of a group of Japanese macaques sitting in a hot spring, fur sprinkled with snow

Inhaltswarnung: Pretty spider