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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

"Schon vor dem 7. Oktober 2023 war die deutsche Position zur israelischen Politik gegenüber den Palästinenser:innen zunehmend fragwürdig geworden. Nicht zum ersten Mal warnte auch medico vor Bestrebungen der Regierung #Netanjahu, die Repression nach innen auszuweiten, um israelische Kritiker:innen von Ethnonationalismus & Siedlungspolitik mundtot zu machen [...]"


🧵 1/4

#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Netanyahu #Genozid #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Baerbock #Grüne

"Schon vor dem 7. Oktober 2023 war die deutsche Position zur israelischen Politik gegenüber den Palästinenser:innen zunehmend fragwürdig geworden. Nicht zum ersten Mal warnte auch medico vor Bestrebungen der Regierung Netanjahu, die Repression nach innen auszuweiten, um israelische Kritiker:innen von Ethnonationalismus und Siedlungspolitik mundtot zu machen [...]"


🧵 1/3

#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus

From Haaretz

“The Israeli government has announced regulations that could see NGO workers barred from the country. Three senior officials in the field worry the move will stop humanitarian aid to the West Bank and Gaza. 'This will basically cut the head off of 200 organizations,' says one.”

"We're dealing with a state that is …actively obstructing aid, whether that be in #gaza or the #westbank.”


++ 🔔 Norway to host talks on Mideast two-state solution on Wednesday ++ ⚠️ Yemen: Sanaa forces conduct two military operations deep within Israeli entity ++ 📌 Italy urged to arrest Israeli General for crimes against humanity ++ 📌 Red Cross: ICRC president arrives in Tel Aviv for visit to Israel, Gaza, West Bank ++ Five ISR soldiers killed in Northern Gaza amid fierce battles with Resistance ++

🌃 Night Shift News rundown 00:30 CEST #gaza #westbank #mena

w/ updates


Next documentary about the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

No Other Land - https://www.videoneat.com/documentaries/26281/no-other-land/

Incredible documentary showcasing how Israel is treating these humans from WestBank like worthless animals. How not to want to join some "terrorist" groups and revenge on Israel when you are treated like that?!

#israel #palestine #westbank #wat

++ Netzarim Axis consumes 11% of #gaza amid Israeli expansion ++ Iran conducts war drills amid tensions with Israel, Trump's return ++ Syria must not become a hub for terrorist groups: Egypt FM at Riyadh meeting ++ Yemen’s army reiterates rocket attack on USS Harry Truman ++ ⚠️Violation of truce (VOT) Israeli bombing of houses in Aita al-Shae, South #lebanon ++ ⚠️ ISR forces raid Haris village in Salfit district #westbank ++

🌃 Night Shift News 22:00 CEST


#israel #palestine: #war / #gaza / #opt / #westbank / #palestinianauthority / #taxrevenue / #energy

„Israel plans to use tax revenue it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to pay the PA's nearly 2 billion shekel ($544 million) debt to state-run Israel Electric Co (IEC), Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Sunday.“


LIVE: Israel killed 70 Palestinian children in five days, Gaza agency says | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Smotrich says Israel will use Palestinian tax funds to pay electric debt
- Netanyahu thanked Biden for ‘lifelong support of Israel’: White House
- Israeli raids reported in Dura for third night
- Palestinians in northern Gaza have been living for 100 days without food, water and medicine

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

For the next few days there will be one documentary posted on VideoNeat to better understand the situation in Israel - West Bank - Gaza.

Let's start with "The Bibi Files" - https://www.videoneat.com/documentaries/26275/the-bibi-files/

Likely the reason Israel started to become more and more draconian for the past years with the Palestinians. Couple with the fact that Israel pumped money into Hamas for their own interests. Very telling documentary.

#israel #bibi #gaza #westbank #war

#israel #palestine : #settlers / #violence / #opt / #westbank / #inpunity

„Palestinian authorities said a man was shot in the foot and several others were injured as settlers carried out attacks in three Palestinian towns Saturday (…).

According to official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa, citing the mayor of Yatma, the man was shot by an Israeli soldier as Palestinians from the village attempted to fend off an attack on homesteads by settlers.“

In an address to the inaugural Palestine Festival of Literature in 2008, John Berger gave a moving reading of Ghassan Kanafani’s „Letter from Gaza“, written in 1956. English Translation originally published by The Committee for a Democratic Palestine, New York, 1972 & The Tricontinental Society, London, 1980.

📲 You can find his reading here on YT --
video source: The Palestine Festival of Literature 👇🏾 #nakba #gaza #westbank #books #education #childrenofgaza


Not blocking eveyone:

The screenshot below is taken from https://mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseum/113809844147896003 and the topmost reply.

See my explanation in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113806514477624693 https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113696893677268390

Please stop the REPEATED ABUSE of victims of WWII for Israeli propaganda!

#Auschwitz80 #NeverSayNeverAgain #ProGenocide #Hypocrisy #WWIIGenocide #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
At the top, the Alt text of an image in https://mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseum/113809844147896003 is visible.

The reply from contrasocial @contrasocial@mastodon.social (EN) thai I boosted, reads:


Hopefully it can serve as a reminder to current generations not to remain silent when genocide is being committed against living people today.

Particularly to those with the platforms that potentially have global reach. It would be a crime against these dead to avoid that charge.

Never again, to anyone, anywhere.

This sunday, I'd like to keep my very focus on the little ones, we call children. 🧒🏽 👧🏾 👶🏾 👇🏾

No news, no nudging of the headlines flood, but a flood of compassion for the innocent victims of our wrongdoings, and of course I'll begin with the children of #gaza and the #westbank, they need us most right now.

Please feel free to post your thoughts on this, photos that you may have in mind or lyrics, music, videos about the precious innocent human beings, -- boost a piece of peace, and humanity 🤍

"Fifteen months and counting of support for Israel’s horrific assault on #Gaza has violated virtually every international norm on the protections of civilians in war and left America’s moral credibility in tatters. Biden showed that international law is little more than a cudgel to be used against our enemies while being treated as optional for our friends."


🧵 1/2

#Westbank #Palestine #Israel #genocide #imperialism #classism #racism #USA

The issue of #gaza and #westbank comes down to empathy. Would you be OK for your family to be shot by MAGA supporters because you voted for Biden? Would you be OK for MAGA supporters to harass, shoot at you and set fire to your property to evict you from the house where you, your father and grandfather & great-grandfather were born? No, you would not be OK with it. Then why is it ok when it happens to someone else?

I'm sick and tired of greed, lies and cruelty.

LIVE: Women, children among the dead in Israeli attack on north Gaza | Gaza News | Al Jazeera

- 3 Palestinians injured, 4 detained in Israeli settler raid in West Bank
- Photos: Crowds of Palestinians wait for food in central Gaza
- Israeli army again targets a tent sheltering displaced Gaza family
- Lebanese army deploys in more southern areas vacated by Israeli troops

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

This is a part of a news headline:

"special forces snatch man from street"

Take a wild guess where unsuspecting people get snatched by special forces hiding in delivery vans or ambulance cars.

Yep, in the #WestBank, by Israeli forces.




Daniel Levi Sends Shockwaves by Calling Out Deceptions Crafted by Isráel and the West to Take Gáza. - YouTube

(Click-bait title, sadly, which this channel seems to do regularly. I suspect many avoid their vids as a result.)

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA #BDS

Occupied West Bank arson: Israeli settlers attack Palestinian homes - YouTube

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

🍉 ❝In de Gazastrook zijn fors meer doden door oorlogsgeweld gevallen dan de officiële cijfers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza.❞

[1]Niet alleen doden. Van de aanvankelijk meer dan 2 miljoen nog (min of meer) levende Gazanen "wonen" verreweg de meesten niet eens in barakken, maar in lekkende en soms ijskoude tenten.

Zij hebben geen luchtafweergeschut om zich tegen de steeds intensievere bombardementen te beschermen, geen zwaar materieel om overlevenden onder het puin te halen en geen fatsoenlijke wegen om hen te vervoeren. De weinige overgebleven ambulances hebben geen brandstof meer of worden bestookt. Ziekenhuizen zijn grotendeels vernietigd en medisch personeel zit, zonder enige vorm van proces, in Israëlische martelinstellingen.

Kinderen worden door Israëlische sluipschutters "geëlimineerd", onder meer als zij, uitgehongerd, met een pannetje aan wat eten proberen te komen. Zij dragen geen kogelwerende vesten. En de wereld kijkt weg.

🇮🇱 ❝De Poolse regering van premier Tusk heeft een resolutie aangenomen waarin staat dat "vrije en veilige" toegang wordt gegarandeerd aan de "hoogste vertegenwoordigers van de staat Israël" als ze bij de ceremonie op 27 januari willen zijn. Netanyahu wordt niet bij naam genoemd.❞

Kan *IEMAND* mij uitleggen waarom verantwoordelijken voor een *voormalig* concentratiekamp, ÜBERHAUPT (mede-) verantwoordelijken voor een *huidig* concentratiekamp genaamd Gaza, verwelkomen bij een herdenking?

Ongeacht of zij Netanyahu heten?

[1] https://nos.nl/liveblog/2550696-nieuwe-studie-fors-meer-doden-door-oorlog-in-gazastrook#UPDATE-container-83197358

#AuschwitzMemorial #ArabHaters #MuslimHaters #GayHaters #Gaza #GazaGenocide #IOFTerrorists #IDFTerrorists #Westbank #Lebabon #Syria #AuschwitzMuseum #AuschwitzMemorial #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #FrancescaAlbanese #KaagHeeftGelijk #ConcentrationCampGaza #ConcentratieKampGaza #Netanyahu #Herzog #BenGvir #Smotrich #Bastards #Propaganda #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #NietInMijnNaam #WTF

Israel’s leaked plan for annexing the West Bank, explained
#Gaza #Gazagenocide #Israelwarcrimes #Palestine #WestBank #MiddleEast

Al-Qassam Claims Responsibility for Funduq Shooting Op Near Qalqilya


The al-Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility for the al-Funduq shooting operation near Qalqilya, which resulted in the killing of three Zionist settlers and the wounding of several others on Monday.

The military wing of the Hamas movement said late Wednesday that the operation was carried out in coordination with the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.

Al-Qassam stressed that joint operations would serve as the most powerful message of unity and cohesion among the various Resistance factions against anyone attempting to undermine the Resistance.

The brigades announced that one of its commanders, martyr Jaafar Ahmad Dababsah, was the mastermind behind the operation, through which the Resistance delivered a message of field unity.

Following the operation on Monday, Hamas said in a statement that the shooting attack “confirms that the Resistance in the West Bank will continue despite the occupation’s terrorism and security measures.”

The Palestinian group called the attack a “heroic response to the ongoing crimes and war of extermination committed by the Zionist occupation against our people.”


#alQassam #gaza #hamas #palestine #westAsia #westBank

DFLP Statement on the 15th Month of Al-Aqsa Flood War


At the conclusion of the October War, its 15th month “Democracy”: Through national and societal dialogue, and translating its outcomes, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, protect the blood of our people, and break the fascist attack.

With the conclusion of the savage October War, its 15th month, and its entry into its 16th month, and in light of the legendary steadfastness of our people and our resistance in the Gaza Strip, and the continued rise of the mass movement in the West Bank, and its confrontation with the occupation and settlers, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement, in which it confirmed that through national and societal dialogue, and translations of what is agreed upon, and the preservation of the blood of our people, and blocking the path to sedition, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, and deepen our unity in the field, and pave the way towards a comprehensive national programmatic vision, capable of breaking the back of the invasion and occupation, and thwarting the “day after” projects for the Gaza Strip, and confronting the annexation and decisive projects in the West Bank, and defending our national project, as approved by the Palestinian legitimacy in the National and Central Councils, in freedom, self-determination and independence, and the right of return for refugees, and expelling the occupation and dismantling the settlements, and liberation from the “Oslo restrictions” and the “Paris Economic Protocol.”

The Democratic Front said: Our Palestinian people and our valiant resistance in the Gaza Strip confirm, day after day, their steadfastness and high readiness to stand firm and thwart the Zionist project drawn up for the Strip, which requires stopping the state of political and media conflict over the national approach and plan to block the Israeli-American project for the “day after” for the Strip, which was reaffirmed by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in his media statements.

The Democratic Front stressed that returning to commitment and respect for what was agreed upon in Beijing, in terms of activating the unified and temporary leadership framework, and forming a national consensus government of competencies and activists, managing the general affairs of the situation in the Gaza Strip, as in the West Bank, and preserving the territorial integrity of the State of Palestine, is the way to block the Tel Aviv-Washington projects, and to preserve the precious sacrifices of our people and their resistance, and to rise to the national level that befits what the proud sector has offered in terms of martyrs and wounded, pain, tears and blood, and to take the national situation out of revolving in a vicious circle, in the search for a solution for the national role in the sector, in light of the war and after it.

As for the West Bank, and in light of the Israeli attack, the Democratic Front called for the removal of everything that would inflame and ignite the national atmosphere, and incite the ignition of the fire of sedition, from whose harm no one will escape, and which will only benefit the Israeli enemy and its liquidation projects.

In this context, the Democratic Front called for launching a national and societal dialogue in the West Bank, to discuss the general conditions, including agreement on the principle of the Palestinian people’s right to resist the occupation by all possible and available means, which are mandated by the decisions of Palestinian legitimacy, represented by the National and Central Councils, and translations of national dialogues, the most recent of which is the “Beijing Dialogue”, and international legitimacy and laws.
The Democratic Front stressed that this requires the Palestinian Authority, which holds the reins of decision-making in the West Bank, to assume its national responsibilities, including ending its siege of the city of Jenin and its camp, returning security personnel to their barracks, abolishing all armed manifestations inside the city and camp, stopping the Authority from issuing security summonses to individuals and activists, releasing those detained among them, stopping distorting national figures and leaders, neutralizing the official media, considering it a media for everyone, not for one group over another, and not involving it in political disputes between the parties of the national situation, and focusing its efforts instead on confronting Israeli barbarism in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Relief Agency, and the national rights of our people.

The Democratic Front concluded its statement by emphasizing that, through all of this, we are re-correcting the course of national relations, and deepening our national ability to confront the projects that are being prepared to be implemented, within the framework of the American-Israeli alliance, and at the expense of the legitimate national rights of our people and their political and national future.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Paletine
Central Media


#alAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #palestine #westAsia #westBank

DFLP Statement on the 15th Month of Al-Aqsa Flood War

At the conclusion of the October War, its 15th month “Democracy”: Through national and societal dialogue, and translating its outcomes, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, protect the blood of our people, and break the fascist attack.


#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #palestine #WestAsia #WestBank

As the genocide of Palestinians continues, the images and stories coming from #gaza and the #westbank are almost unbearable.

Israeli soldiers openly confess to genocidal intent, while Palestinians livestream their own destruction.

Despair feels inevitable—but surrendering to it is not an option.

Video credit: DiEM25

📲 In this video, Yanis Varoufakis dissects the reality behind the headlines:


LIVE: Israel kills 50 in Gaza as fuel shortages threaten 3 key hospitals | Al Jazeera

- UNRWA says ceasefire in Gaza ‘more critical than ever’
- Death toll from Israel’s attack on Nuseirat rises to four
- Six more Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza
- Lives of 15 newborns in incubators at risk amid fuel shortages, says MSF
- Palestinian fighters in West Bank claim hit on Israeli bulldozer

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

The Israeli army killed three Palestinians, two of whom were children, in a drone strike in #Tamun, northern occupied #WestBank.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine@a.gup.pe @israel @palestine@lemmy.ml

We have some updates:

++ Israel violates Lebanon ceasefire yet again ++ 📢 Public order in #gaza undermined by Israel; Euro-Med Monitor denounces actions of gang looters ++⚠️ ISR bombs school housing ++ Lebanon approves extradition of Abdul Rahman Al-Qaradawi to UAE ++ #yemen 📢 Sanaa urges 🔵 UN to intensify peace efforts ++ 📢 Human rights group calls on ICC for investigation into PA crimes in #westbank, 🛑 ISR forces detain 45 Palestinians ++

🌃 News rundown 12:30 CEST


LIVE: Israeli raid kills 15-day-old baby as Gaza mourns aid worker, doctor | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israeli forces kill 15 Palestinians in northern Gaza since dawn
- Israeli forces arrest 6 Palestinians in raids on Qalqilya, Tubas
- Qatar condemns maps published by Israel claiming Arab territories
- Another baby killed in Israeli attacks on central Gaza

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel