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Beiträge, die mit MEXICO getaggt sind

I have many conflicting thoughts about the Zapatista reorganization effort and their current gathering in San Cristóbal. At the same time, I am hesitant to share them. I've already lost friends and been canceled due to a mild critique of the Zapatistas I wrote about a year ago.

For some reason, to suggest that the Zapatistas do not in fact shit gold and that their word is not gospel is blasphemy in radical discourse, both in the U.S. and Mexico. In preferring hagiographic treatment rather than critical engagement, nothing is accomplished, nothing is learned. What to do?


#Mexico #Chiapas #EZLN

Today is an auspicious day in history. On this day in 1991 the #EZLN, better known to Americans as the #Zapatistas, made their presence known to the world. Zack de la Rocha and #RageAgainstTheMachine, from The Battle Of Mexico City have a few words, and music, for the occasion.

Gleaned from a one hour #RATM special @ pOPdEFECT Radio, link below.

https://popdefectradio.blogspot.com/2011/02/rage-against-machine.html #Anarchism #Mexico #Insurrection

"Some of the most picturesque landscapes in the United States can be found along the border with Mexico. Yet, from San Diego’s beaches to the Sonoran Desert, from Big Bend National Park to the Boca Chica wetlands, we see vistas marred by the sinister spread of surveillance technology, courtesy of the federal government.

EFF refuses to let this blight grow without documenting it, exposing it, and finding ways to fight back alongside the communities that live in the shadow of this technological threat to human rights.

Here’s a galley of images representing our work and the new developments we’ve discovered in border surveillance in 2024."


#USA #Mexico #Surveillance #BorderSurveillance #BorderControl

Negar la inteligencia humana crea guerra, pobreza, sufrimiento, enfermedades, intrigas, desigualdad, violencia, pandemias y hasta fronteras…
DEBERIAMOS…Ponernos del lado de la inteligencia y NO en contra: como lo HACEN y provocan coca-cola y todas las corporaciones y sus billonarios dueños; es una prueba de que los seres humanos son fáciles de engañar, solo se debe sabotear la educación, tal como hacen actualmente.
#mexico #cdmx #gaza #losangeles #

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.0 strikes 25 km E of Acapulco de Juárez (#Mexico) 21 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1748160

In a year in which countries representing almost half the world's population called voters to the polls, democracies endured violence and major scares, but also proved resilient. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/24/world/politics/democracy-2025-bloodied-unbowed/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #us #southkorea #bangladesh #syria #france #germany #mexico #southafrica #india

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.0 strikes 79 km NW of San Jerónimo Ixtepec (#Mexico) 19 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1746637

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M5.0 strikes 995 km S of Acapulco de Juárez (#Mexico) 23 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1744659

"se autoriza la reproducción TOTAL del presente material, siempre y cuando coadyuve al desarollo de la conciencia critica y revolucionaria, citando la fuente.
Ante la dictadura de opinión, la censura por parte del Estado y monopolios de la comunicación : IMPRIMASE, DISTRIBUYASE Y PROMOCIONESE para que nuestro pueblo conozca su historia y rompa sus cadenas"

Por si le interesa leer el documento a alguien aquí está:



#media #books #copyleft #mexico

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.1 strikes 11 km SW of Santiago Pinotepa Nacional (#Mexico) 19 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1742953

Our top story: Once described as "the heart" of the Texas Observer, starting in the late 1980s Lou Dubose became its editor while also writing for us at a prodigious rate, with a special emphasis on Mexico and Latin America. https://www.texasobserver.org/the-phones-are-still-ringing/

#politics #USpol #history #media #border #journalism #Mexico #Texas #news

Our top story: Lou Dubose not only edited the Texas Observer but wrote for the publication at a prodigious rate, with a special emphasis on Mexico and Latin America. He was the “the heart of this office” and the publication. https://www.texasobserver.org/the-phones-are-still-ringing/

#journalism #history #politics #USpol #border #WhiteSupremacy #immigration #Mexico #Texas #media #nonprofit


#Trump #KristenWelker interview shows his slick talking #disinformation "USA only country that has #BirthrightCitizenship" ‼️

#Canada, #Mexico and maybe 10+ others in #CentralAmerica and #SouthAmerica have it, #Japan has it, but you need to pick only one when you reach 20 yr old

His plan is to cause economic chaos and this IMO, will keep #MAGA voters too confused that it's not their guy who did it, it's them #Democrats and #nextgenamerica

"The shipments went to 18 different countries. Top importers included the US, Brazil, Canada and Mexico. A significant amount also went to the EU – where these pesticides are banned – to be re-exported elsewhere.

Five companies were involved in this trade, but Syngenta was responsible for 8,282 tonnes of the exports – or 98%.

The UK’s top three banned pesticide exports were all Syngenta products"

#Pesticides #Pollution #PublicHealth #UKPolitics #Brazil #Canada #Mexico

if #fentanyl is produced in #China and imported (as Trump claims)
through #Mexico and #Canada
Why in China and in Mexico and in Canada
(who obviously swim in Fentanyl) there is NO
avalanche of Fentanyl overdoses ?
why only in America ?
If there are 'consumers'... there are sellers.
So the 'problem' is in the #USA which 'buys and consumes'
without demand there is NO supply.