Beiträge, die mit MEXICO getaggt sind
escritores para el cambio | writers for change
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#mexico #for #palestine #cdmx #losangeles #nyt #newyear #newyork
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#palestine #gaza #mexico #chiapas #cdmx #estocolm #losangeles #onu #berlin
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#palestine #gaza #mexico #chiapas #cdmx #estocolm #losangeles #onu #berlin
For some reason, to suggest that the Zapatistas do not in fact shit gold and that their word is not gospel is blasphemy in radical discourse, both in the U.S. and Mexico. In preferring hagiographic treatment rather than critical engagement, nothing is accomplished, nothing is learned. What to do?
#Mexico #Chiapas #EZLN
“¿Cuántas veces nos han declarado muertos?”: EZLN - Pie de Página
“Tenemos una causa que es la de la vida, y tenemos un nombre. Somos el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, y cosas terribles y maravillosas habrán de brillar bajo ese nombre”, señaló el EZLN durante el Encuentro de Resistencias y Rebeldías, a …Isabel Mateos (Pie de Página)
Gleaned from a one hour #RATM special @ pOPdEFECT Radio, link below. #Anarchism #Mexico #Insurrection
The Zapatistas and Global Justice Movement : PoP dEFECT Radio : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Gleaned From: Archive
escritores para el cambio | writers for change
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#palestine #gaza #mexico #chiapas #losangeles #berlin #cdmx #freedom
escritores para el cambio | writers for change
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#palestine #gaza #mexico #chiapas #losangeles #berlin #cdmx #freedom
escritores para el cambio | writers for change
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#palestine #gaza #mexico #chiapas #losangeles #berlin #cdmx
EFF refuses to let this blight grow without documenting it, exposing it, and finding ways to fight back alongside the communities that live in the shadow of this technological threat to human rights.
Here’s a galley of images representing our work and the new developments we’ve discovered in border surveillance in 2024."
#USA #Mexico #Surveillance #BorderSurveillance #BorderControl
DEBERIAMOS…Ponernos del lado de la inteligencia y NO en contra: como lo HACEN y provocan coca-cola y todas las corporaciones y sus billonarios dueños; es una prueba de que los seres humanos son fáciles de engañar, solo se debe sabotear la educación, tal como hacen actualmente.
#mexico #cdmx #gaza #losangeles #
Negocios PRIMITIVOS contra negocios SUSTENTABLES
ART Librería – Agencia ecologica para la Sustentabilidad en Chiapas Negar la inteligencia humana crea guerra, pobreza, sufrimiento, enfermedades, intrigas, desigualdad, violencia, pandemias y…escritores para el cambio | writers for change
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#cdmx #mexico #gaza #palestina #paz #amor #españa #catalunya #colombia #monterrey #chile #argentina #honduras #elsalvador #nicaragua #losangeles #berlin #portland #ontario #quebec #estocolm
10 World Conflicts Trump Will Take On in 2025 - EUROPE SAYS
As the countdown to a tumultuous year winds down with just three weeks until President-elect Donald Trump returnsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
10 World Conflicts Trump Will Take On in 2025 - EUROPE SAYS
As the countdown to a tumultuous year winds down with just three weeks until President-elect Donald Trump returnsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
artes, ciencias, naturaleza | arts, science, nature
#gaza #palestina #cdmx #mexico #california #guadalajara #monterrey #amor #love
Democracy heads into 2025 bloodied but unbowed
Overall, there were no attempts this year to prevent a peaceful transfer of power, but autocracies grew more repressive.Mark Bendeich (The Japan Times)
Ante la dictadura de opinión, la censura por parte del Estado y monopolios de la comunicación : IMPRIMASE, DISTRIBUYASE Y PROMOCIONESE para que nuestro pueblo conozca su historia y rompa sus cadenas"
Por si le interesa leer el documento a alguien aquí está:
#media #books #copyleft #mexico
[gift link article]
#CurrentEvents #US #Mexico #racism #TrumpRegime #deportation
#politics #USpol #history #media #border #journalism #Mexico #Texas #news
The Phones Are Still Ringing
Lou Dubose edited the Observer for longer than anyone before or since. He expanded the publication’s coverage south of the border and later co-authored books with Molly Ivins.Gus Bova (The Texas Observer)
#journalism #history #politics #USpol #border #WhiteSupremacy #immigration #Mexico #Texas #media #nonprofit
The Phones Are Still Ringing
Lou Dubose edited the Observer for longer than anyone before or since. He expanded the publication’s coverage south of the border and later co-authored books with Molly Ivins.Gus Bova (The Texas Observer)
#Trump #KristenWelker interview shows his slick talking #disinformation "USA only country that has #BirthrightCitizenship" ‼️
#Canada, #Mexico and maybe 10+ others in #CentralAmerica and #SouthAmerica have it, #Japan has it, but you need to pick only one when you reach 20 yr old
His plan is to cause economic chaos and this IMO, will keep #MAGA voters too confused that it's not their guy who did it, it's them #Democrats and #nextgenamerica
Five companies were involved in this trade, but Syngenta was responsible for 8,282 tonnes of the exports – or 98%.
The UK’s top three banned pesticide exports were all Syngenta products"
#Pesticides #Pollution #PublicHealth #UKPolitics #Brazil #Canada #Mexico
if #fentanyl is produced in #China and imported (as Trump claims)
through #Mexico and #Canada
Why in China and in Mexico and in Canada
(who obviously swim in Fentanyl) there is NO
avalanche of Fentanyl overdoses ?
why only in America ?
If there are 'consumers'... there are sellers.
So the 'problem' is in the #USA which 'buys and consumes'
without demand there is NO supply.