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Beiträge, die mit amWriting getaggt sind

I submitted the manuscript for my next book!

It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.

It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄

#nature #animals #bookstodon #books #AmWriting

Francis Bacon provides “a tight and fitting set of lessons for development into a strong and well-thought-of worker in any area of endeavor” #blog #amwriting #literature


I am working on this "folktales about misunderstood animals" collection for children. However, I am accidentally accumulating a bunch of tales about misunderstood animals that are only fit for adults* 😄

I don't think my publisher would go for it, but now I want to work on it anyway...

(* no, not THAT way, just in terms of violence or complexity.)

#folklore #folktales #AmWriting #books #nature #animals

Looks like my next folktale collection is going to be about misunderstood animals 🥰😊 What are your favorite misunderstood, misrepresented, or underappreciated animals?

#nature #animals #folklore #folktales #AmWriting #storytelling

I once asked a writer friend why she wrote, and she replied, with total sincerity: "For revenge."

#amwriting #writing #WritingCommunity #humor #humour
sign in the shape of an artists palette, with brushes on the side, that says: Study Art for prestige or spite

Time for the last read-through of this manuscript, or as I like to call it, De-Semicolonization



I am finishing up my mythology manuscript this week, and it is really hard to let this one go... I had too much fun with the stories. I found a lot of forgotten Greek and Roman myths or myth variants that surprised and delighted me. It was like a huge puzzle to play with.

#AmWriting #writing #mythology

I have seen more neighbors today than any time we've lived here.

Because it's a holiday and everyone is working in their yards.

Of course, the pupper dog wants to go outside and meet everyone but I want to work on my #AmWriting #Writing #Editing

Who will win?...