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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

They developed the ghettos to concentrate the perceived enemy. To ensure that so much pressure was exerted on the population that they would always turn to violence.

They starved the people, turned them against each other, and blamed the people for their own demise.

We call those that do this Israelis

#Gaza #WestBank

LIVE: Israeli attacks on Gaza kill at least 47 in last day | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israeli settlers attack Umm Safa in the occupied West Bank
- At least 10 people killed in Israeli bombing of Beit Lahiya
- ‘I am starving in Gaza, and I don’t believe the world can’t do anything’
- Netanyahu addresses Israeli Supreme Court
- WATCH: Lebanon struggles with war wounds and shrinking GDP

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

Herod's Palace is an archaeological site within the fortress of #Herodium, #WestBank, #Palestine

We need to become more creative in our #PalestineSolidarity.

There are angles and vulnerabilities within the system that we have yet to explore, or leverage effectively.

Times are incredibly difficult, but as long as we still breathe, hope is alive.

#Gaza #Lebanon #WestBank #Palestine

#UN employee shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank

"Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad, a sanitation worker with the UN agency for #Palestinian #refugees, was the first #Unrwa employee killed in the #WestBank in more than a decade. Shot in the early hours of Thursday morning in el Far’a camp, he left behind a wife and five children.
...The killing came days after Israeli airstrikes on a school-turned-shelter in Gaza killed six UNWRA staff members, bringing the total number of agency employees killed in this war to at least 220. Israel’s military said three of the dead Unrwa workers were Hamas employees, without providing evidence."


LIVE: Israel kills 40 in Gaza’s Jabalia; Lebanese mourn Nasrallah | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- No medics, no ambulances to rescue trapped Palestinians in north Gaza
- Four killed in Israeli attack on southern Gaza
- Israeli forces launch air attacks on Jenin
- Which countries recognise Palestine in 2024?
- Israeli forces carry out raids across the occupied West Bank

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

My prediction: around X-mas, when the western world is occupied with their shiny tiny kitschified legend, #Israel will create facts in the #WestBank and finally annex the rest of it, letting #Palestinians either die immediately or in the concentration camps around the country, preferably in desert in the south.

#BPK zum Haftbefehl von #Netanyahu.


#Netanjahu #Gallant #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Westbank #Rechtsextremismus #Rassismus

T contrast tussen Israëliërs die even hun huis gaan bekijken en eisen dat hun huis nog veiliger wordt gehouden en Palestijnen die alleen nog naar steenhopen (ooit?) kunnen terugkeren is wel bijzonder schrijnend.

#Israel #Libanon #Gaza #Westbank

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People celebrated at S. Jorge castle, #Lisboa a place that has seen countless Palestinians and Arabs live and thrive in peace with other ethnics and faiths in Al-andalus during all those centuries ago with Mouraria and Mouraria still testimony to a rich and deeply rooted legacy in Portuguese identity. ##alandalus #Palestinesolidarity #JusticeforPalestine #ceasethemassacrenow #Gaza #Westbank #Cisjordânia #palestinaemportugues #genocide

Genocidal Scorecard - The Chris Hedges Report


> "The latest U.N. report chronicles Israel’s advances in its genocidal assault in Gaza. Israel is intent, the report warns, on expelling the Palestinians, recolonizing Gaza and turning on the West Bank."

Each paragraph is a completely heart-shattering description of this awful and colonial genocide, which is backed, not surprisingly, by the old colonial powers. The moment when the colonial West is losing its grip on the world, is when it's showing its strongest and most harmful violence.

#ChrisHedges #Israel #Genocide #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Nakhba
Benjamin Netanyahu touching the pregnant belly of apparently a woman, but whose head is a skull and who holds a scythe. That is Death, of course.
Netanyahu's expression is vicious, like enjoying violence and wanting more of it, it will never be enough, forever worse atrocities.

"Western hypocrisy knows no bounds"


"France on #ICC arrest warrant for #Putin: No-one should escape justice"

"#France believes Israel's #Netanyahu has immunity from ICC arrest warrant"

#Palestine #Gaza #Westbank #Ukraine #UkraineWar ##Europr racism #colonialism #imperialism

"ir haben analysiert, wie oft das #ZDF den Begriff „barbarisch“ in seiner Berichterstattung nutzt. Dabei wurden über 500 Beiträge des @ZDF und der Social Media Kanälen von ZDF-heute seit Oktober 2023 betrachtet. Das Ergebnis ist klar: Für das ZDF ist „barbarisch“, was Israels Regierung als „barbarisch“ vorgibt."


#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Propaganda

Outright genocidal intent from Bezalel Smotrich - and the Western media covers it up #media #StandWithGaza #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #ICJ #ICC #TheHague #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #NeverAgain #NeverAgainIsNow #apartheid #racism #BDS #UNRWA #GenevaConvention #WarCrimes #Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILTsXB-jtpo

https://taz.de/Sourani-ueber-das-Recht-der-Palaestinenser/!6053307/ taz: Verteidigt d #Palästinensische Zentrum für #Menschenrechte (#PCHR) auch Fälle von #palästinensischen Opfern gegen palästinensische Gruppen?
Sourani: In den letzten 30 Jahren haben wir Hunderte von Fällen bearbeitet und die #Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde in #Ramallah oder die #Hamas in #Gaza kritisiert. Sourani: Wir sind romantische Revolutionäre. Wir glauben an die #Rechtsstaatlichkeit, an diese zivilisierten Normen und Werte. #Israel #Palästina #Westbank #Gaza

#Mohawk Warrior Society Flags Fly over #Palestine

June 3, 2024
via #CensoredNews

"The flag of the Indigenous Kanien'kehá (Mohawk) nation in the mountains of #Nablus city in the #WestBank, #Palestine, symbolizing a shared struggle against #SettlerColonialism from #TurtleIsland to Palestine."

"A Mohawk Warrior Society flag was photographed in #Jenin today following an Israeli incursion and attack in the city. The flag was photographed alongside a sign for the Jenin Brigade, illustrating the joint struggle against settler #colonialism by indigenous people everywhere."

Photographed today at Jenin refugee camp in Palestine. June 1, 2024, via Twitter/X.


#FreePalestine #PalestinianSolidarity #CeasefireNow

The ‘business as usual’ approach in the occupied #WestBank, amid Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza, ‘doesn’t merely highlight the decline in the role of #municipalities; it lays bare the complete dysfunction of the #Palestinian political system.’


#Palestine #Israel #Zionism #Zionist #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinians #Lebanon #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Democrats #Liberals #Liberal

#AnthonyBourdain - "The world has visited many terrible things on the Palestinian people, none more shameful than robbing them of their basic humanity."

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown -Jerusalem

#Palestine #Jerusalem #WestBank #Gaza

A strong message from the world, clearly aimed at the US and Israel. They won't listen, let alone care, but the statement needs to be made so they have no excuses.

American weapons, at the hands of Israeli Occupation Forces, killed more humanitarian workers in a year than in any other conflict has in the past, and not by a small margin.


#Gaza #Westbank


Biden announces that he has FINALLY secured an internationally backed PERMENANT #CEASEFIRE between the government of #Israel and the #Lebanon militia
group #Hezbollah.

While it is unclear how he managed this, if it means anything for #peace in #Gaza, the #WestBank, and #Palestine, or whether it will actually last, it marks MAJOR progress in deescalating the #Netanyahu regime's constant warfare and aggression which has gone on for the two decades since Netanyahu first came to power. It is likely that nations in Europe and the #MiddleEast will now attempt to leverage this and other factors, such as the Biden administration's sanctions against #Israeli #settlers and other #terrorist groups, to attempt to deescalate the situation in Palestine.

(Now if only he had managed something like this BEFORE the damn election...)


Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich calls for “voluntary migration” to cut Gaza’s population to “less than half its current population within two years” and serve as a model for the West Bank. www.thenational.scot/news/2475082...#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Genocide

Israeli minister calls for 'vo...

»In West Bank Raids, Palestinians See Echoes of #Israel’s Gaza War«
»#WestBank residents say Israeli forces are adopting tactics similar to the ones they are deploying in #Gaza, including airstrikes and the use of Palestinians as human shields.« https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/24/world/middleeast/west-bank-raids-gaza-war.html?unlocked_article_code=1.c04.uhAj.dQkGTSi84ak8

'Israël akkoord met VS-voorstel staakt-het-vuren met Hezbollah'

Nee, dat schreef de NOS zondagavond al (https://nos.nl/liveblog/2544915-israel-akkoord-met-vs-voorstel-staakt-het-vuren-met-hezbollah-opnieuw-israelische-aanvallen-beiroet#UPDATE-container-82220775).

De #NOS doet dapper mee aan de propaganda dat Netanyahu ditmaal mogelijk níet naar Ben Gvir, Smotrich en andere oorlogshonden zou luisteren.

Ik moet nog zien dat hij, om de mogelijk resterende geloofwaardigheid van "het vredesproces" niet geheel te doen verdampen, deze ene keer wél akkoord gaat met een staakt-het-vuren.

Tijdelijk, dat minder lang stand zal houden dan overeengekomen.

As we speak, ondertussen in Gaza en op de Westbank...

#HeartBREAKING #VoorDeBuhne #Afleiding #FakeNews #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #Libanon

📌 Another war criminal:

TEL AVIV, NOV-26 – The head of the Religious Zionism Party, the extremist Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, called for reoccupying the Gaza Strip and displacing half of its population, in an attempt to further the genocide committed by the occupation army since October 7, 2023.

This came during a speech by Smotrich at a conference of the Israeli Settlements Council.

#gaza #westbank

📰 Full Report: WAFA 👇🏾 (link safety checked)


Say it with me:

Israel has no right to self-defence against people they occupy. To attack those you occupy is a crime against humanity.

Palestinians have a codified right under international law to armed resistance to occupiers.

As much as war crimes were committed on Oct. 7, this does not give Israel a right to respond, let alone commit genocide.

This is how international law works. Don't like it? Find another planet to live on

#Gaza #WestBank

Remember PFLP-GC Night of the Gliders


October 7th was not the first time that resistance fighters utilized gliders to fly over our occupied lands.

Today, we remember the Night of the Gliders operation carried out by the Syrian Arab martyr Khaled Aker and the Tunisian Arab martyr Milood bin Al-Najjah on behalf of the PFLP-GC on November 25th 1987.

Our heroes flew into an IOF base in occupied Palestine on hang gliders all the way from Syrian-controlled South Lebanon armed with AK-47s, silenced pistols, and hand grenades. Aker was captured and martyred. Al-Najjah swept in, killing six IOF soldiers and injuring eight more as he fired his AK at the usurpers without mercy and hurled grenades into IOF tents.

These martyrs were hailed as heroes, and the slogan “six to one” or “6:1” became popular among Palestinians mocking settlers in Gaza. Just two weeks later, the first intifada was declared from Gaza, and this heroic operation undoubtedly sparked it.

Victory to our resistance!
Glory to our falcons!
Glory to our martyrs!

Source: RNN



#gaza #nightOfGliders #palestine #pflpGc #westBank #westeAsia

Remember PFLP-GC Night of the Gliders

October 7th was not the first time that resistance fighters utilized gliders to fly over our occupied lands.

Today, we remember the Night of the Gliders operation carried out by the Syrian Arab martyr Khaled Aker and the Tunisian Arab martyr Milood bin Al-Najjah on behalf of the PFLP-GC on November 25th 1987.

Our heroes flew i


#Analysis #gaza #NightOfGliders #palestine #pflpgc #WestBank #WesteAsia

"Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel #Smotritz: "It is possible to conquer #Gaza and cut the population in half [by "voluntary migration"] within two years."


#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestine #WestBank #genocide #racism

Uit https://nos.nl/artikel/2545940-geweerde-pro-palestijnse-activist-khatib-spreekt-via-video-in-wageningen:

Faber en haar collega Van Weel van Justitie onderbouwden het inreisverbod vorige maand als volgt: "De organisatie Samidoun, waar deze man toe behoort, spreekt steun uit voor verschillende terroristische organisaties, vraagt om de vrijlating van terroristen en noemt het plegen van terroristische aanslagen verzet. Voor het zaaien van haat en verheerlijking is absoluut geen plek in Nederland."

Israël noemt het plegen van genocide zelfverdediging en kritiek daarop antisemitisme.

Ter aanvullende illustratie steel ik één van de plaatjes uit een toot (https://mstdn.social/@doronhirsch/113545779584987767) van Doron Hirsch Boaz
(@doronhirsch) die o.a. schreef: "dat het dan uiteindelijk om een 13-jarig meisje uit België bleek te gaan" - bevestigd door dezelfde K-krant (https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/365079411/politie-houdt-minderjarig-meisje-aan-voor-bedreiging-scholen-breda - K staat niet voor kwaliteit, keurig etc).

#AdministratieveDetentie #Haatzaaien #DesInformatie #Roeptoeteren #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #ICCisRight
Een screenshot van een tweet door Caroline van der Plas, op X bekend als @lientje1967.

De tekst boven een foto van een politieauto bij een schoolgebouw luidt:
Pro-Palestinagroepen mogelijk achter dreigen met schietpartijen op scholen: "Doel om chaos te creëren"

Onderin de foto is te lezen:
Pro-Palestinagroepen mogelijk achter dreigen met schietpartijen op scholen: "...

Links onder de foto staat:
Van telegraaf.nl

"Die Bundesregierung hat zu diesen Haftbefehlen [(#Netanyau & #Gallant)] zunächst erstmal viele Tage geschwiegen, nurum sich jetzt darauffolgend um klare Bekenntnisse zum Völkerrecht zu winden.


Es lässt den Verdacht aufkommen, dass die Achtung des internationalen Strafrechts seitens der Bundesregierung immer nur dann ernst genommen wird, wenn es eben gerade politisch passt." #Linke-Voritzende Ines Schwerdtner


#Netanjahu #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank