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Beiträge, die mit USPOl getaggt sind

Hey fellow Americans! Please show up for your state's 50501 protest on Wednesday at your state capitol building.

50 states, 50 protests, 1 day.

I know it's a work day for most, but it's happening from 12-7pm. If it's possible, show up and let your voice be heard.

Bonus points: print some copies of the poster for your state and put them up them around your town!


Please boost. We desperately need some anti-fash energy.

#USPol #AntiFascist #protest #50501movement

Unfortunately, the opinion journalism business works largely through the recycling of clichés: liberal elites, wokeness, national reckoning, the end of X, and so and so forth. One must be careful not to reify the clichés: just because everyone says it’s real doesn’t make it real. Or rather, it does, and that’s the problem.

#fascism #MAGA #media #uspol

#Ontario cancels #Starlink contract in latest #Canadian tariffs protest


>> The Canadian province of Ontario on Monday announced it was cancelling a C$100 million ($68.12 million) contract with Elon #Musk's Starlink, the latest retaliatory move against tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald #Trump.


Wenn ich von Quellen direkt verlinke, werde ich in Zukunft möglichst viel die Hashtags #depol und #uspol verwenden (und ähnlich Kategorien), damit es möglich ist danach zu filtern. Mir ist bewusst, dass das für einige ein gutes Mittel ist, mit der Flut an 💩 Nachrichten klarzukommen.

Bei Boosts ist das schwer umzusetzen, da #Mastodon noch keine Quoted Replys erlaubt. Muss mal überlegen, was ich da übergangsweise mache. 🤔

Free speech paragon Meta's been shadow banning Australia's Legalise Cannabis Party. Pages. Ads. Whatever.

Because of course they have.

Reportedly give the same treatment to abortion pages in the 'States.


#auspol #uspol #socialmedia

so Greenland, Panama, Canada & now South Africa is there anywhere else the wannabe turd emperor wants to annexe? I'm sure certain quislings in Oz (Gina, Peter et al I'm looking at you) want him to make Oz a client state #Auspol #uspol

It's wonderful to see all of the released prisonders but the reality remains that the genocide is on going and it's now most active in the West Bank and Lebanon.

This video below is from Jenin in the West Bank from a day or two ago. This can't be acceptable or normalized.

#Jenin #FreePalestine #IOF #Israel #USPol

DEI literally never existing.

As far as I'm concerned it was never anything more than a corporate buzz phrase and a handful of pizza parties.

It had minimal effect on Black employment and had no impact on the absolute collapse of Black business creation(as measured in loan activity and VC dollars).

In real terms Black Americans did worse during the DEI era than before. DEI was lip service to distract from the fact we were loosing significant ground and still are.


Just speculating, but the US 'brain drain' must be off the charts. All that human capital - the basis of all capital - fleeing for its literal liberty and life.

Australia should seriously consider adding the United States to its refugee convention. Cynically, the generational economic gains could be stupendous.

#auspol #uspol

Oh, I'm sure this ends well.


'It's a Coup': Musk's DOGE Granted Access to Treasury System That Pays Out Social Security

"In an op-ed published by MSNBC on Saturday, Owens went into greater detail about her concerns, outlining three reasons why Musk might want access to the Treasury payment system.

He could use it to stop payments to certain programs in order to work around the courts' block on the administration's spending freeze. He could access the list of blacklisted federal contractors in order to boost his own or his friend's companies and harm his competitors. (One of the DOGE allies granted access to the payment system, Tom Krause, is also a Big Tech CEO who leads Cloud Software Group, according to The New York Times.) He could use it to reduce Social Security or Medicare payments as part of DOGE's goal of cutting $2 trillion in federal spending.

Owens noted that Musk wasn't "chasing these cuts for their own sake. He's helping congressional Republicans attempt to pay for a new round of tax breaks for corporations and the ultrawealthy—including Musk himself."

"It's nice to believe in a fantasy in which Musk and DOGE work alongside civil servants to improve technology and services for Americans and save a few bucks along the way. But all evidence points to the contrary," Owens continued. "The richest man in the world, whom no one elected to any government position, is seeking unprecedented access to confidential information, including information pertaining to his own business interests, and seems hell-bent on cutting off as much funding as possible for the programs that matter to the rest of us."

I mean if I'm being honest, I don't think Owens criticisms or predictions of potential disaster go far enough. Yes, it's bad enough that a billionaire Afrikaner who literally believes billions of people are useless eaters who can and should be sacrificed for the goals of creating billions of "artificial minds" and escaping to Mars after rich people have burnt the planet to the crisp, has his fingers inside the payment system that supports America's most vulnerable people, and sure it's not at all good that Musk has access to information he can use to make himself even richer. But as long as you're committed to not actually calling Elon on a fascist, it's hard to understand the scope of what's just occurred here.

For starters, there probably isn't a more identifying clutch of sensitive personal information than the Treasury Department payment system; Musk, a literal billionaire nazi supervillain, now has more personal information on the political enemies of the American fascist movement (read: anyone who isn't going for this Pork Reich bullshit) than the fucking FBI and we know for a fact he's a vindictive little fash muppet who absolutely delights in targeting people who criticize or oppose his frankly quite unhinged agenda. If Musk/Trump/America First want to target, detain, or even eliminate whole swathes of their political enemies and people the fash think shouldn't exist, they now have access to more than enough information to start rounding folks up and conducting political purges.

Furthermore, and while this might not be "news" to folks who've been closely following this fascist movement and Musk's (successful) attempts to buy it, this makes it absolutely clear that the guy running this shitshow isn't an elected official at all - it's Musk. The fact is, a government is at its heart, a system of taxation and spending; if Musk and his allies in the tech industry now have their hands on the purse strings (and all the juicy data that entails) they are in all reasonable sense of the words, in charge of the government. Trump might have "won" an election in a rigged oligarchy, but the fascist wearing the pants in this arrangement is very clearly Elon Musk; a guy in a fascist death cult, who can't run a social media company, builds cars that burst into flames, and wants to eliminate vast portions of the media because they make fun of him for being the most divorced man ever.

Given all that, I am once again asking my fellow Americans if they're sincerely planning to just let this all happen for four years on the off chance a party full of collaborators wholly owned by the same rich people that own Trump, may win a potentially hypothetical election in a rigged oligarchy. Or, are you ready to start becoming ungovernable and shut this shit down, knowing that there will be personal costs involved, the fascist police state will respond with violence, and the liberal establishment which is openly musing that they're happy to let you suffer under authoritarianism to teach you a lesson about not voting for them, will be of no assistance whatsoever and in fact will likely help the fash punish you.

The choice is yours, and it's not a good one; but I still hope you choose wisely.

#USPol #Fascism #Treasury #Musk #Trump #SocialSecurity #PoliceState #Coup #PorkReich #AmerikanMusik

Who is going to come straight out and say that these tariffs are absolute bullshit being inflicted on our allies by a deeply stupid and evil man for his own ego gratification? That they can't possibly be "worth it" to any other person on this planet. Why do Democrats and the media "take it as read" that there is one tiny speck of justification for this? It makes no sense to me.


Maybe it's time we renamed Wayne Gretzky Drive...

Donald Trump again touts Wayne Gretzky for 'governor' of Canada | National Post

#yeg #cdnpolli #canpoli #uspol


Wrote to my Senators, with a polite WTF? Waiting until Monday instead of meeting over the weekend? Could we please show some sign of urgency? (And maybe drop the bipartisan part?)

"Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire is the top Dem on Senate Foreign Relations. Wall Street Journal reporter Alex Ward says on X she told him this situation is 'incredibly serious and unprecedented' & a 'bipartisan' group of senators will discuss what to do tomorrow when Senate is back."


(Sorry for the Bluesky link. I don't have a Bluesky account but sometimes I check in on a few people.)


My local brewpub, Kulshan Brewery, has this poster in their front window. More businesses need to take a stand, post similar messages publicly, and identify themselves as safe spaces in the resistance.

#USPol #USPolitics #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Resist
Poster on the window of a business that reads B KIND. This business values diversity and seeks to provide a safe and inclusive space that rejects intolerance. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who uses derogatory or violent language or who attempts to intimidate our customers or staff.
Downtown Bellingham Partnership, 1310 Commercial Street, Bellingham, WA

I don't have any idea how likely this is to make it out, but some fucked up Rs are trying to remove Washington state's amazing voting through mail in ballots. This morning is a great time to do a quick "NO THANK YOU" comment on this bill: https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/1584

#Washington #Seattle #PNW #USPol

Trump is sabotaging the health system, imperiling Americans’ lives, & vuln ppl from around the world, esp. those impacted by ending life-saving foreign aid.

Trump doesn’t have a strategy for a healthier America: RFK Jr suggested regenerative AG (not part of HHS), & would ban mifepristone if Trump asks him to. He’s more focused on getting rid of ideas & initiatives he doesn’t like than fixing the problems of cost & access that pervade the #healthcare ecosystem.


"Musk has become a kind of digital necromancer, like the white wizard Saruman, using his privileged position in the West to channel the dark autocracy of Sauron in his Kremlin towers to the east. (Perhaps, as in Tolkien’s epic, Musk deploys an all-seeing ‘Palantir’ courtesy of his tech ally and fellow South African Peter Thiel – whose surveillance company shares that name)."


#USpol #uspolitics #Russia #Musk #Twitter #palantir

Und das sind nur die "wirtschaftlichen Folgen". Was das mit den Menschen macht, kann nicht beziffert werden.

Aber #Trump denkt nun mal in Zahlen.

Das ist ein komplett kurzfristiger Sell-out. Noch mal 4 Jahre aus den Menschen alle heraussaugen, was geht. Aber danach?

Wie soll es mit den USA weitergehen?


Alles, was #Trump macht, wird dem Land unendlich teuer zu stehen kommen.

* Ausländer raus? Keine "billigen" Arbeitskräfte mehr.

* Krankenversicherung killen? Keine gesunden Arbeitnehmer*innen.

* Zölle hoch? Importe werden teurer, Waren werden teurer, Menschen haben weniger Geld.

* Eingeschränkter Zugang zu diverser Information. Größere Herausforderungen für Menschen.

* Repression und Angst. Mehr psychische Erkrankungen.

Was ist das für eine Agenda?


#Trudeau says Canadians are “perplexed why our closest friends & neighbors are choosing to target us instead of so many other challenging parts of the world.” He adds: “I don’t think there’s a lot of Americans who wake up in the morning, saying ‘Oh, damn, Canada. Oh, we should really go after Canada.’”

Trudeau calls on Canadians to choose Canadian goods, to forgo Florida orange juice, Kentucky bourbon, or holidays in the United States.

#economy #tariffs #Canada #geopolitics #law #USpol #Trump

Prime Minister Justin #Trudeau says #Canada will retaliate by placing 25% tariffs on $106B worth of American products.

Trudeau says Canada’s retaliatory #tariffs against the #UnitedStates will start with 25% tariffs on approximately $20B worth of US goods on Tues, with $85B more to follow within 3 weeks, to permit Canadian #SupplyChains to adjust.

#economy #prices #inflation #cost #geopolitics #law #USpol #Trump

too tired to write about it rn, but working on a site to index government data scrapes via RSS feeds of torrents by category. so people can track and distribute scraping more easily, collect all the scraping that's already been going on, and contribute whatever spare storage they can instead of relying on single large archives. if that sounds interesting to you i'll have something for you tomorrow.

#safeguardingresearch #USDataPurge #USPol


#GeneralStrike #Labor #Strike #USpol

There's momentum building around a general strike in the US. A general strike is an all-industry labor shutdown until demands are met. This seems different from the previous calls for a general strike, although it's early, since there's ongoing work with organizing and network building, and an actionable, actively developing plan, including demand areas. The goal is 11 million people pledging to strike; 3.5% of the population.

Trump has done more to unify Canada against 'conservatives' than frankly any of us could, and my feeling this is deep, angry and lasting

Own a Tesla here? You are considered a true fuckhead, expect damage

Snowbirds selling their Florida and Arizona homes

And watch mutual aide get killed - if Canadian 1st responders feel threatened, they won't cross the border

Fun times

#CDNpoli #USpol #USpolitics #BCpoli

This is very welcome news in the face of Trumpist depredations of US public data.

"In recent months the Harvard Law School [@harvard_law] Library Innovation Lab [@harvardlil] has created a data vault to download, sign as authentic, and make available copies of public government data that is most valuable to researchers, scholars, civil society and the public at large across every field. To begin, we have collected major portions of the datasets tracked by data.gov, federal #Github repositories, and #PubMed...."

#DataGov #Libraries #OpenData #Preservation #Trump #USPol #USPolitics

Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too

And there's this now:

First government agency of many to ONLY use Musk's platform to disseminate official US government information
#uspol #coup #Musk #Trump #NTSB #planecrash
NTSB Newsroom & @NTSB_Newsroom For media covering the airplane crashes in Washington and Philadelphia —all NTSB updates about news conferences or other investigative information will be posted to this X account. We will not be distributing information via email. 9:00 AM • Feb 1, 2025

The term “DEI” is being used as a cover to tear apart much of the federal government. It’s not that this language didn’t exist before, but it’s being weaponized now. Suddenly the cold, impersonal-sounding acronym DEI has replaced “diversity initiatives,” “civil rights,” “equal rights,” “fairness,” and “anti-discrimination” in everyday conversation. I would suggest that one small thing we can do is return to using those actual words. This week's comic:
#cartoon #uspol


Man points at sign saying DEI and CRT


ROB: Radical Oligarchic Billionaires
Billionaire: I KING NOW!

NIS: Nazis in Sportsjackets

CCD: Climate Crisis Deniers
Man hugging oil barrel as fires rage behind him: NO PROBLEM HERE!

KKK: Don't forget this classic!



Man in wheelchair: I’VE GOT A COUPLE LETTERS FOR YA -- AN F AND A U!

©2025 Jen
Sorensen - Be a subscriber!

Trump regime anti-immigration news roundup;

"Trump’s blitz of new policies gives anti-immigration beliefs a troubling platform”


"Trump gives ICE power to deport immigrants who came legally under Biden”


"Modi’s government planning to repatriate 18,000 Indians living in US illegally”


"Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed”


"Trump revokes temporary protected status for 600,000 Venezuelans”


1383/ 🧵

#OrganisedAffiliatedFuckers #DontPayTheGuardian #USpol

If it were up to me all war criminals should be refused entry into #NewZealand. If you have committed a serious criminal offence you would expect to be refused entry into either NZ or USA. I have no idea why #WarCrimes should be exempt in NZ unless of course our government is complicit in these crimes against humanity. #NZPol #Israel #USPol #TedCruz


Cliodynamics: History as Science
Empires rise and fall, populations and economies boom and bust, world religions spread or wither…
The Wealth Pump pumps.



#USPol #USPolitics #politics #UKpol #UKPolitics #History

"A helicopter collided with a passenger plane and almost 70 people died. When this collision occurred, the Federal Aviation Administration was leaderless. Why? Musk had Trump fire the former FAA leader as soon as he got into office, because the former leader had investigated and fined one of Musk’s companies, Starlink. This was a sheer vengeance firing. This was not about competence or even truly about political affiliation. Elon Musk was just mad at this guy for investigating his company and wanted him gone on Day 1."



Our top story: Jaeson Jones is trained as a cop—not a journalist. Yet the 51-year-old holds a lucrative correspondent contract at one of the country’s most prominent MAGA-aligned television networks. https://www.texasobserver.org/the-border-propagandist/

#politics #USpol #media #MAGA #Trump #Texas #border #police #news