Beiträge, die mit CHINA getaggt sind
#Musk #Trump #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism
~ Ruth Ben-Ghiat
#Musk #Trump #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #billionaires #autocracy #authoritarianism #Project2025
Wrecking America So That Autocrats Can Prosper: My Q1 2025 Forecast
Today I am making content for premium subscribers available to everyoneRuth Ben-Ghiat (Lucid)
Mit Europa würden auch die Ideen der Aufklärung und Demokratie verschwinden.
Ist das jetzt zu schwarz gemalt?
#Europa #Russland #USA #China
Heute startet die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz - und die weltpolitische Lage ist so angespannt wie lange nicht mehr. Der Podcast 11KM fragt: Was steckt hinter dem Dominanzstreben von China, Russland und den USA?
#11KM #Podcast #Sicherheitskonferenz #USA #China #Russland
11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast
Exklusive Recherchen, packende Geschichten: Victoria Koopmann steigt mit Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus der ARD jeweils tief ein in ein aktuelles
Fünf Prozent des BIP für Verteidigung fordert Trump von NATO-Staaten - ein Wert, den auch die USA nicht erreichen. Nun will Trump Abrüstungsgespräche mit Russland und China - und spricht davon, die US-Verteidigungsausgaben zu halbieren.
#Trump #Verteidigungsausgaben #China #Russland
Researchers at cybersecurity firm Recorded Future on Wednesday night revealed in a report that they've seen Salt Typhoon breach five telecoms and internet service providers around the world, as well as more than a dozen universities from Utah to Vietnam, all between December and January. The telecoms include one US internet service provider and telecom firm and another US-based subsidiary of a UK telecom, according to the company's analysts, though they declined to name those victims to WIRED."
#CyberSecurity #China #SaltTyphoon #StateHacking #USA #BigTelco #Hacking
China’s Salt Typhoon Spies Are Still Hacking Telecoms—Now by Exploiting Cisco Routers
Despite high-profile attention and even US sanctions, the group hasn’t stopped or even slowed its operation, including the breach of two more US telecoms.Andy Greenberg (WIRED)
“In a review of public court documents, the AP found that Tesla won nearly 90% of civil cases over safety, quality or contract disputes brought by customers.”
Please, get rid of your Teslas.
#cars #corruption
Tesla has sued customers and journalists in China — and won most times, review finds
Tesla has sued its own customers and journalists in China for defamation – and won just about every time. Elon Musk's company has pioneered an aggressive legal strategy there.CBS News
Well, it’s kind of obvious companies aren’t happy because GDPR was not made to make companies happy but to protect the privacy of consumers 😄
This regulation is based on fundamental differences between US and EU legal systems. In EU, you own and control your personal data. In US it’s owned by whoever managed to extort it from you, and then aggregate, personalise and resell to any other entity anywhere.
For example, if you want to pay higher insurance premium because you have genetic tendencies to diabetes or obesity - well, that’s the US way of doing business, but it’s not the only one, nor it’s somehow axiomatically “better”. And yes, high insurance premiums also have the effect of increasing overall country’s GDP, just as a house burnt and rebuilt also does this magic, yet somehow few people celebrate it 😉
Then someone asked me if I really “feel that my data is better protected thanks to GDPR”. And yes, as a matter of fact the most invasive behavioural profiling aren’t being rolled out by companies like Twitter or Facebook to EU specifically because of GDPR, while in US they just roll them out without asking anyone.
Anyone… of course except for the states which have regulations very similar or even more restrictive than GDPR, such as California. Yet, because California is “their”, these companies and their CEOs with high media presence simply shut up and make their apps compliant with CCPA without all this barking about “how GDPR kills out business”.
It’s the same with EU VAT, about which Vance also whined, whereas US sales tax accounting rules are not even harmonized across states. But hey, you know what? An US business that has to emply a tax consulting company to get multi-state accounting right also increases overall GDP! 😄
So effectively what in US is perceived as each state’s fundamental right, sign of their diversity and key part of their autonomy, in the EU is portrayed as something equivalent to Soviet Union style central planning. And when they post all the memes about “bottle caps” in EU, they of course never mention a gazillion of state-level archaic or absurd regulations which are nonetheless binding, especially if someone likes to build a class lawsuit around them.
And now as Tesla opened a new factory in #China, I’ve never seen Musk make a single critical remark about the overregulation in China, even though it’s even more complex than EU and US taken together due to its vast geographic and administrative diversity.
#Telsa #Musk #China #Lawsuits #Defamation
AP investigates Tesla's aggressive legal strategy in China
Tesla has sued its own customers and journalists in China for defamation – and won just about every time.ELSIE CHEN (AP News)
Zhang Yazhou was sitting in the passenger seat of her Tesla Model 3 when she said she heard her father’s panicked voice: The brakes don’t work!
Tesla sued her for defamation for complaining publicly about the car’s brakes — and won. A Chinese court ordered Zhang to pay more than $23,000 in damages and publicly apologize to the $1.1 trillion company.
#Tesla #China #defamation #press
AP investigates Tesla's aggressive legal strategy in China
Tesla has sued its own customers and journalists in China for defamation – and won just about every time.ELSIE CHEN (AP News)
⚠️ #Dominica, #China & #Honduras most affected by extreme weather events between 1993 and 2022.
➡️ Read the full report:
Climate Risk Index 2025
The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranks countries by the human and economic toll of extreme weather. The latest edition highlights increasing losses and the urgent need for stronger climate resilience and
Dissidents silenced by China's hand,
Exiled voices they try to muffle,
In their quest to quell the shuffle,
In the fight for freedom they take a brave stand.
#GuardianLimerick #China #Russia #Europe #Uyghurs #Media
Where voices were swiftly silenced, hell-bent.
Exiled dissidents tried to speak,
But in China, truth was bleak,
Their cries for freedom often went unmeant.
#GuardianLimerick #China #Russia #Europe #Uyghurs #Media
Silenced by the government's might,
Exiled for their views,
They pay heavy dues,
Speaking out is a dangerous fight.
#GuardianLimerick #China #Russia #Europe #Uyghurs #Media
Silencing those who dare shed light
Exiled dissidents they chase
Hiding in fear, in disgrace
China's iron grip holds on tight
#GuardianLimerick #China #Russia #Europe #Uyghurs #Media
"This kind of cut would kill American #science and boost #China."
Two sources told Ars the science agency should expect to see steep cuts in Trump's forthcoming budget request. In recent years, #NSF has received annual budget of approximately $9B, vast majority of which is spent on research. Cuts could be as deep as 66%, with one person indicating top-line budget number for NSF could start at $3B.
White House budget proposal could shatter the National Science Foundation
“This kind of cut would kill American science and boost China.”…Eric Berger (Ars Technica)
#china #technology
Yet Chinese leaders remain confident that, even if the country’s economy suffers, four years of Trump is unlikely to send it into a full-blown crisis. And they anticipate that if Trump follows through on his declared policies, such as those on trade and territorial expansion, he could do severe damage to the United States’ credibility and global leadership. Beijing thus sees Trump’s second term as a potential opportunity for China to expand its influence farther and faster. In this view, competition with the United States is not in itself the driving force behind China’s grand strategy. It is instead one component of a larger process: China’s rise and displacement of the United States as the world’s leading superpower, what Xi often describes as “changes unseen in a century.” Beijing assumes that Washington’s own policies will dismantle the foundations of U.S. global hegemony, even if it creates a lot of turbulence for other countries in the process. China’s top priority, then, is simply to weather the storm."
#China #USA #Trump #Imperialism
China’s Trump Strategy: Beijing Is Preparing to Take Advantage of Disruption
Beijing is preparing to take advantage of disruption.Yun Sun (Foreign Affairs Magazine)
Europa wäre gut beraten, diesen Weg nicht zu wählen, der auch uns drohen könnte, wenn sich mehrheitlich die nationalstaatlich geprägten Regierungen mit konservativer bis rückwärts gewandter #Wirtschaftspolitik durchsetzen.
Hier eine Grafik mit der Verteilung der weltweit erteilten #Patente (als ein Indiz für Innovationskraft und Kreativität) bzw. deren Inhaber nach Staaten für das Jahr 2023:
Quelle: WIPO Statistics Database, August 2024
Interactive Charts: Intellectual Property Facts and Figures
Explore WIPO's latest complete data on intellectual property activity around the world. For the full datasets behind these interactive charts, visit the WIPO IP Statistics Data
‘Gaza belongs to Palestinian people’: China opposes Trump’s plans to take over enclave
China’s foreign ministry said on Thursday that “Gaza belongs to the Palestinian people” and is not a “bargaining chip for political games,” in response to US President Donald Trump’s plan to take over Gaza…
#China #Trump #Gaza #HandsOff #NoDeal #Colonialism #Absurdity
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Was die Großmächte Trump-USA, Putin-Russland und Xi-China auf der Welt anrichten, geht auf keine Kuhhaut.
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1 Million Kinder werden gezwungen, ihre Kultur zu vergessen
Menschen auf der ganzen Welt fordern den UN-Menschenrechtskommissar zum Handeln aufAvaaz
by Pepe Escobar in The Cradle
“While Trump runs riot w/ his global land grab projects, multipolar visionaries in Valdai were mapping out the actual, tangible territorial routes that will define this century's geopolitics and geoeconomics”
#Press #Moscow #BRICS #ASEAN #WestAsia #Trump #Gaza #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #Occupation #Reconstruction #GlobalRegimeChange #AbrahamAccords #Syria #Turkiye #Iran #China
In Valdai, confronting the “American problem” in West Asia
While Trump runs riot with his global land grab projects, multipolar visionaries in Valdai were mapping out the actual, tangible territorial routes that will define this century's geopolitics and
La Corte Penal Internacional condena las sanciones de Trump y promete continuar con su labor
La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) ha condenado este viernes las sanciones impuestas por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, y ha prometido continuar con su labor pese a esta decisión.Anna Buj (La Vanguardia)
China fails to slow down US #Navy by losing economic control of #PanamaCanal.
"China lashes out at US ‘coercion’ after Panama declines to renew infrastructure agreement."
China lashes out at US 'coercion' after Panama declines to renew infrastructure agreement
China on lashed out at what it called U.S. “coercion” after Panama declined to renew a key infrastructure agreement with Beijing following Washington’s threat to take back the Panama Canal.AP News
Gestern kündigte Panama an, Chinas "Neue Seidenstraße" zu verlassen. Die Führung in Peking reagiert nun verärgert: Sie beschuldigt die USA, das Land im Streit um den Panamakanal unter Druck gesetzt zu haben. Von Eva Lamby-Schmitt.
#China #Panama #USA
“13 things you should know about Starmer's nuclear plan”
by Another Angry Voice on Substack
“Keir Starmer is very clear about how he's planning to bulldoze opposition to his new nuclear plan, but he's being deeply deceptive about his motivations, and who the eventual benefactors will be”
#Press #UK #Starmer #Labour #Nuclear #Energy #Putin #Bogeyman #France #China #Misinformation #Disinformation #Lies #Ofgem #Profiteering
13 things you should know about Starmer's nuclear plan
Keir Starmer is very clear about how he's planning to bulldoze opposition to his new nuclear plan, but he's being deeply deceptive about his motivations, and who the eventual beneficiaries will beAnother Angry Voice
(how many impoverished, homeless Americans could have been housed or provided health for with 98$ million of our tax $$?)
Panama verlässt die chinesische Investitionsinitiative "Neue Seidenstraße". Sein Land habe kaum davon profitiert, sagte Präsident Mulino. Doch offenbar spielte auch der Besuch des neuen US-Außenministers eine Rolle.
#Panama #Seidenstraße #China
“Any arrangement on the future of Gaza must respect the will and independent choice of the Palestinian people, and must not be imposed upon them.”
China's Foreign Ministry
@gazawatch @flawed
@irannachrichten @yemen
"end ridiculous war": (in #Ukraine )
(In charge) #Trump to the world :
#Threatens to send #troops :
* to #Panama🤦🏼♂️
* to #Greenland 🤦🏼♂️
* to #Gaza #Billionaires #Riviera 🤦🏼♂️
#Threatens with #commercial #wars:
* #Canada 🤦🏼♂️
* #Mexico 🤦🏼♂️
* #Denmark 🤦🏼♂️ (sends Air Vessels)
* #France 🤦🏼♂️
* #China 🤦🏼♂️
* All (the majority?) of #UE countries 🤦🏼♂️
Gosh : this has become a #thread ...
Are you f__cking kidding us ?
La Casa Blanca se reafirma en el plan de Trump para controlar Gaza pese al estupor de la comunidad internacional
Washington matiza que el presidente “no se ha comprometido a desplegar soldados estadounidenses sobre el terreno”. Los expertos advierten de que el proyecto puede hacer estallar otra vez el polvorín de Oriente PróximoMacarena Vidal Liy (Ediciones EL PAÍS S.L.)
Langsam frage ich mich, ob die berechenbare Überwachungsdiktatur von #China gegenüber den unberechenbaren Herrschaftsfantasien der #USA nicht das kleinere Übel ist. (Natürlich nur rethorisch.)