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Beiträge, die mit HARRIS getaggt sind

Racism at its best

I am so pissed off 😡

This man doesn't even know where Greece is

No matter where he is, he has to find something to spread malice

It makes me really sick

I really have to pull myself together not to become verbally aggressive...

#trump #harris #USA #milwaukee #giannis #greece #basketball #Antetokounmpo #bucks #mastodon #fediverse #democracy #election #racism

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Dear US Voters:

-- ignore the polls!
--pay no attention to the trolls
--Don't worry about intimidation tactics
--gather your ID and a snack
--go VOTE
--Harris has your back.

#Vote #US #Harris

from #972Magazine [published in Israel]

Why the #Democrats were #Israel’s perfect partners in genocide

By masking support for Israel with hollow humanitarian gestures and empathy for #Palestinians, #Biden and #Harris have diluted pressure to end the war.

By Tariq Kenney-Shawa
October 29, 2024


#CeasefireNow #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Gaza #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #USElection #KamalaHarris #DemocraticParty
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

The thing about "pre-Roe," is that Roe changed everything. Roe ushered in the end of clients being free to say they didn't want to work for a woman lawyer. When neither birth control NOR pregnancy was covered by insurance (pregnancy is a natural state, not an illness.) When I was told I would never make as much $ as the men (bullshit to that). Roe v. Wade didn't just give reproductive freedom. It recognized that women deserve freedom.

We still do.


Fascism starts slowly until it doesn't. Not only Bezos and the billionaires who are hedging and hoping to remain untouched/unharmed if trump wins. How about the National Archives rewriting — whitewashing — history —
h/t @acdha
[The Atlantic: What it feels like when Fascism starts https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2022/12/the-oppermanns-book-holocaust-nazi-fascism/672505/]
#USpol #USpolitics #USelections #election #elections #Harris #Walz #HarrisWalz #vote #VoteBlue #VoteSmart #misinformation #disinformation #fascism

Unipolar Multipolar 💥 Farbrevolution

In dieser Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben zunächst über die bevorstehenden Wahlen in den USA und die Frage, welche Bedeutung der Ausgang derselben für die Konflikte in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten hat. Außerdem diskutieren die beiden die Wahlen in Georgien und den Vorwurf, dass diese von Russland beeinflusst wurden. Darüber hinaus geht es um Soldaten aus Nordkorea, die in der umkämpften Region Kursk zum Einsatz kommen sollen, wie es zahlreiche westliche Politiker behaupten. Des Weiteren wird in der neuen Folge die Lage im Nahen Osten rund um einen neuen Chef der Hisbollah sowie den anhaltenden, schweren Beschuss des Libanon thematisiert. Zum Abschluss wird noch auf die schwere Krise des VW-Konzerns sowie ein geleaktes Papier von Finanzminister Christian Lindner eingegangen.

#germany #podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #trump #harris #ukraine #middleeast #georgia #interference #colorrevolution #russia #kursk #northkorea #soldier #israel #hisbolla #lebanon #vwcrisis #leak #christianlindner

🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-Farbrevolution-visit-11563.html


How the WWE proves America is NOT a Democracy by #Uncivilized

#USpol #Gaza #Palestine #Lebanon #Trump #Harris #HarrisWalz #MAGA


Please watch this, if the invidious link is broken look for "uncivilized" in yt.

Palestinian Historian #RashidKhalidi: ‘I Won’t Vote For Either’ #Trump Or #Harris


#KatieHalper #Palestine #Palestinians #Gaza #WestBank #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide

"Declines" is a polite way of saying "Refuses".

#Michigan congresswoman #RashidaTlaib declines to endorse #KamalaHarris

The Palestinian American ‘squad’ member has been critical of Harris and the #DemocraticParty’s inaction on Gaza

Michigan congresswoman Rashida #Tlaib declined to endorse Kamala #Harris at a union rally in #Detroit, where the war i⃥n⃥ ON #Gaza is the top issue for the largest block of #ArabAmericanVoters in..."
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/02/rashida-tlaib-decline-endorsement-kamala-harris @palestine #Palestinians #election2024

Harrison Ford Endorses #Harris: ‘We Need a President Who Works for Us All’ via @RollingStone


If this accurate… 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Via Kyle Griffin:

Breaking: New Des Moines Register poll

#Iowa: Likely voters

#Harris 47%
#Trump 44%

Trump lead Biden by 18 points back in June.

#RuwaRomman #Georgia #Muslim #MuslimAmerican #Palestine #Genocide #Israel #Voting #Harris


Times of Israel

Die palästinensisch-amerikanische Kongreßabgeordnete stellte sich gegen K. Harris und billigte sie nicht als Kandidatin.

Sie empfahl, an der Wahl teilzunehmen, erwähnte aber Harris Namen nicht.




Dear US citizens, are you not feeling like voting for #Harris because she doesn't share your view on #Palestine?

Here's the thing: Either Harris or #Trump will win, no one else. It's not just unlikely that a third-party candidate will win, it's completely impossible. Any vote for another candidate is worthless.

Worse: Decrementing Harris' vote count by taking away one vote from her increments Trump's, because the election is a zero-sum game.

Except that defending democracy is not a game.

“If you want to beat Donald Trump, get Kamala #Harris to stop killing Arab people!”

Activists for #Palestine repeatedly interrupted the Kamala Harris / Beyoncé rally in #Houston on October 25, demanding an end to genocide. The crowd reacted with hostility, even throwing a bottle at the head of one protester. Two members of the group reached out to me to discuss their experiences, out today in Deceleration: https://deceleration.news/protesters-disrupt-harris-houston-rally-to-demand-an-end-to-genocide/

#Texas #KamalaHarris #election2024 @palestine #activism #news #politics #USpol #genocide

Cardi B is bringing the 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


#Harris #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue

#CardiB On Why She's Supporting Kamala #Harris For President



Trump was a historically unpopular president who attempted a hamfisted coup before his hand-picked justices stripped away a long-held right to bodily autonomy.

Normalcy bias is why Nate Cohn wouldn’t believe his own poll if it showed Harris with a healthy lead.
#Election2024 #trump #harris #media

It’s hard to overstate how traumatic the 2016 and 2020 elections were for many pollsters. For some, another underestimate of Mr. Trump could be a major threat to their business and their livelihood. For the rest, their status and reputations are on the line. If they underestimate Mr. Trump a third straight time, how can their polls be trusted again? It is much safer, whether in terms of literal self-interest or purely psychologically, to find a close race than to gamble on a clear Harris victory.

At the same time, the 2016 and 2020 polling misfires shattered many pollsters’ confidence in their own methods and data. When their results come in very blue, they don’t believe it. And frankly, I share that same feeling: If our final Pennsylvania poll comes in at Harris +7, why would I believe it? As a result, pollsters are more willing to take steps to produce more Republican-leaning results.