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Beiträge, die mit PalisadesFIre getaggt sind

#PalisadesFire damage assessment. This work is ongoing. Each time you open the map you will see the most recent information. #LAfires

To search on an address click Menu > Search.

The damage layer is 'on top' and clickable.

The parcel layer (at end of overlay list) includes address and owner's name. To learn how to make that the 'top' layer and clickable, please read the "Map tips" link in upper left corner.

Red - Destroyed > 50%
Orange - Major 26-50%
Yellow - Minor 10-25%
Green - Affected 1-9%
Black - No damage
White - Inaccessible

Open GISsurfer map:

Official CALFIRE damage inspection map for the Palisades Fire as of 1/13/25 0618

(Note they have done 662 inspections, likely there are more than 5000 structures destroyed here in the Palisades Fire. This map also includes damage from the earlier Franklin Fire)

#PalisadesFire #PacificPalisades #Malibu #FranklinFire
Map with many red "destroyed" buildings on it

CALFIRE page for the Palisades Fire (NOTE: activity on this fire has significant, significantly reduced, despite all the media drama and social media craziness elsewhere - it is now in mopup -- but evacuation orders remain)



Status of #LAFires

(Monday, January 13th, 2025)
(5:31 AM, Pacific Time)

(per #WatchDuty app)



(subject to updates, corrections, and revisions)
Screenshots of maps of the active Los Angeles fires (Monday, January 13th, 2025) (5:31 AM, Pacific Time) (from the Watch Duty mobile app).


#RedFlagWarning (red).
#HighWindWarning (diagonals).

For official details from NOAA including timing, open the map, zoom in, click in red area. Scroll down in the popup that appears since there might be multiple weather watches/warnings for the spot you clicked and each one has its own link to the details.
#PalisadesFire #EatonFire #LAfires #SantaAnna

Open GISsurfer map:

Via Steve Lookner: LA County has created Palisades Fire & Eaton Fire damage assessment websites where you can see whether a property has been damaged by the fires (and see photos of some of the properties). You can search by address or by using the map. Palisades Fire site:

#LACounty #PalisadesFire #EatonFire

Oregon State Fire Marshal: ... "We want to clear up any misinformation regarding our deployment to Southern California. Please see our statement below."
#PalisadesFire #EatonFire #LosAngelesFires

‘Will Pay Any Amount’: Private Firefighters Are in Demand in L.A.

“Hiring a private fire crew costs thousands of dollars a day, and most work through government contracts or with insurance companies. Some wealthy property owners are calling them in directly.”

“About 45 percent of all firefighters working in the United States today are employed privately…”

#PalisadesFire #Firefighters #PrivateFirefighters

Gift link:

#NIFC #wildfires #firewx
NIFC New Or Updated Wildfire Perimeter
Incident Name: PALISADES
Acres: 23465.4 acres
Updated: Jan 13, 2025 04:23 UTC
Source: IRWIN
Visual map representation of the PALISADES wildfire, showing the perimeters of the 23465.390643641626 acre fire on a map.

#NIFC #wildfires #firewx
NIFC New Or Updated Wildfire Perimeter
Incident Name: PALISADES
Acres: 23465.4 acres
Updated: Jan 13, 2025 04:23 UTC
Source: IRWIN
Visual map representation of the PALISADES wildfire, showing the perimeters of the 23465.390643641626 acre fire on a map.

LA County Fire Update - from CALFIRE #PalisadesFire #EatonFire


Enslaved government captives are firefighting for $10 per *day*. And being made to work *24-hour shifts*. The ban on enslavement of CA prisoners on November's ballot failed spectactlularly. Californians chose this.

"Along with crews from other states and Mexico, hundreds of inmates from California’s prison system were also helping firefighting efforts. Nearly 950 incarcerated firefighters were dispatched “to cut fire lines and remove fuel to slow fire spread,” according to an update from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Though the state has long relied on prison labor to fight fires, the practice is controversial as the inmates are paid little for dangerous and difficult work. Inmates are paid up to roughly $10.24 each day, with additional money for 24-hour shifts, according to the corrections department."


#Prison #Slavery #LAfires #PalisadesFire #EatonFire #Police #HumanRights #Racism #Abolition

#PalisadesFire - Photos released by the FBI show the damage done to the wing of a Canadian “Super Scooper” plane when it collided with a civilian drone Thursday, forcing it to be temporarily grounded.
Authorities were able to recover some pieces of the privately-owned drone ...

Interesting, the helicopter activity over here has dramatically slowed down. Afternoon break? There are still helos on the fire. Maybe not a ton of need now. #PalisadesFire

#PalisadesFire - REUNITED! - Lost during evacation in Pacific Palisades, 'Oreo' bolted from an open door and ran away. His owner found him today near his burned home

-> #EatonFire #PalisadesFire

Daniel Swain: Following historic wildfire disasters in Southern California, a statewide dry spell intensifies and extreme fire weather conditions persist in the south


“Why don’t you take some of that ‘go to mars’ money and actually help rather than Monday morning quarterbacking during a live fire?”
#USPol #MAGA #disinfo #elonmusk #fascism #trump #pacificpalisades #WatchDuty #palisadesfire

“I don’t know how long it’s going to take for conservative working-class people to believe what’s right in front of their eyes, that the planet is getting hotter, and that we have to come together and stop listening to these clowns who say it’s a hoax.

I mean, look at — it’s all around us.

Why do I have to be on Democracy Now! saying this?

I grew up in Santa Monica. I fled to the Northeast.

It will get worse.

#palisadesfire https://aus.social/@drrimmer/113813444753381345

The hard firefighting work on the ground and in the air over the past 24 hours was successful >>> #PalisadesFire forward progress has been stopped. Thank you firefighters

Photo: @marcel_cameraop

CALFIRE: 🚨 Reminder for California media 🚨
While state law (CA Penal Code 409.5 (d)) grants media access to declared disaster areas, this does NOT extend to private property or federal lands. Thank you for your professionalism and commitment to responsible reporting. #journalism

#EatonFire #PalisadesFire
Graphic that is CALFIRE official that says:



#PalisadesFire damage assessment. This work is ongoing. Each time you open the map you will see the most recent information.

To search on an address click Menu > Search.

The damage layer is 'on top' and clickable.

The parcel layer (at end of overlay list) includes address and owner's name. To learn how to make that the 'top' layer and clickable, please read the "Map tips" link in upper left corner.

Red - Destroyed > 50%
Orange - Major 26-50%
Yellow - Minor 10-25%
Green - Affected 1-9%
Black - No damage
White - Inaccessible

Open GISsurfer map:

If you're trying to grasp just how large the fires in LA are:

"By Sunday morning, Cal Fire reported the Palisades, Eaton, Kenneth and Hurst fires had consumed more than 62 square miles (160 square kilometers), an area larger than San Francisco."

59 of those square miles came from the Palisades and Eaton fires.

"The level of devastation is jarring even in a state that regularly confronts massive wildfires."


#PalisadesFire #EatonFire #LosAngeles

My roommate’s best friend and his gf just lost everything in the Palisades, and they are about to have a baby! If you have the means, please donate and share:


#lafire #palisadesfire

Anyone in LA with diabetes who are currently impacted by the #lafires, here is a master doc to free and low cost care that is being shared around the community:
#palisadesfire #eatonfire #KennethFire #hurstfire #creekfire


Deads: 11
Injuries: 5 (firefighters)
Missing: 12

Deads: 5
Injuries: 8
Missing: 4