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Beiträge, die mit HEALTH getaggt sind

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday denounced the International Criminal Court’s issuing of an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he would defy it by inviting him to Hungary. Details by Eliza Herbert.#Europe #EuropeanUnion #USA #Israel #Hamas #war #GazaStrip #food #Health #military #BinyaminNetanyahu #Hungary #ICC #ViktorOrban

More than 50 people in seven U.S. states have had confirmed cases of a human bird flu variant, concerning health experts that another pandemic could be possible. This week, a child in California with no known contact with infected animals came down with the virus. CBSNews@flipboard.com medical contributor Dr. Céline Gounde explains why this is a worrying development and answers other questions about bird flu.


#Health #Virus #BirdFlu #Sick #Pandemic #Doctors

'5 years after Covid, what did we learn?' Dr Tim Spector

#Health #Covid #Covid19
#Pandemic #Zoe

🚀 Dive into the world of administrative data with {healthyR.data}! Discover how this powerful tool can streamline your data exploration and testing processes. Perfect for R programmers and healthcare analysts!

Read more and share your thoughts: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-07-01/index.html

#R #RStats #Programming #Data #Health #Blog #RProgramming

🚀 Dive into the world of administrative data with {healthyR.data}! Discover how this powerful tool can streamline your data exploration and testing processes. Perfect for R programmers and healthcare analysts!

Read more and share your thoughts: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-07-01/index.html

#R #RStats #Programming #Data #Health #Blog #RProgramming

#UNRWA's work is at risk again - The Lancet

"...Several #UN agencies have been clear that UNRWA is irreplaceable, particularly in #Gaza; without it, many more #Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank will be subjected to #death, disablement, #malnutrition, and the deprivation of access to essential water, food, #health, education, and protection programmes..."

#Palestine #War #Israel #Genocide


Responding to concerns (voiced for a while by the BMA) Wes Streeting has announced a review of Physician Associates, who have been deployed quite widely in the NHS to free up doctors time, by taking on roles that did not necessarily require high levels of medical knowledge and/or experience.

For critics the problem has been both how such PAs have been presented to patients, and a stretching of the remit beyond a level that doctors think is medically safe.


John Burn-Murdoch (FT) in a podcast on mental health & being out of work makes the this observation:

What's really changed isn''t the proportion of the young who are out of work, which has remained relatively stable, but rather the reason they say they are not in work.

As he puts it, 'people who were already not in work [are] starting to evaluate that or frame that through the lens of their mental health'.

If correct, does that suggest a recognition that it was always this?

#workers #health

For those in my network who work in #health or #environment, the commentary below about the destruction of Gaza is calling for the scientific community to:
✅ Speak out within their respective institutions,
✅ Advocate for divestment from war-fueling industries, and
✅ Protect early-career researchers and students who speak out in support of social and environmental justice and a ceasefire.


#Gaza #ArmsEmbargoNow #CeasefireNow #PublicHealth

🏥 Unlock the potential of administrative data using {healthyR.data}. Whether you're testing functions or downloading CMS data, this package has you covered.

Explore the details at https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-07-01/ and join the conversation!

#R #RStats #Programming #Data #Healthcare #blog #Health #CMS

Denialism isn't a political stance, it's a philosophical one. That's why both right- and left-wing people indulge in it.

Anybody who can be convinced that something is true against evidence otherwise is wide open to being convinced regarding denialism — of anything. HIV/AIDS, COVID, transgender, sexism, racism, etc.

Which is why political efforts to defeat denialism will never work. The only way to defeat it is through education, from kindergarten up. All age groups, all the time.

#Denialism #Climate #Racism #Bigotry #Sexism #Hate #Health #Religion #Science #Facts #Education

Will this winter bring another NHS crisis?

Doctors in emergency medicine are sure it will, but Labour will argue its not had time to 'fix' the NHS to prevent or reduce the strains on healthcare across the winter.

The difficulty Labor may have, however, is having voted for a party claiming it could rescue the NHS from its ongoing troubles, voters may well expect more immediate results.... and the right wing press will be making a lot of that disconnect!

#health #NHS

If you thought Trump's war on women's reproductive rights (and rights to action contraception) was limited to there USA, think again... as Michael Jennings notes, looking back at Trump's first term, the global negative impact on women's health & healthcare is likely to be relatively immediate.

#women #health


Time is of the essence: #effectiveness of dairy #farm #control of #H5N1 is limited by fast spread

Source: BioRxIV, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.11.15.623774v1?rss=1

The emergence and growth of highly pathogenic avian influenza(HPAI) A(H5N1) in dairy cows poses a growing threat for both the food supply and onward zoonosis to humans. Despite ongoing surveillance and control measures recommended by animal and public health authorities to limit viral spread, new herds continue to report infections. We show here that the continued spread between farms could be explained by the rapid pace of pathogen spread reported within farms, which greatly limits the potential effectiveness of these recommendations. Under reasonable surveillance strategies, we show that the time farms have to mobilize interventions is extremely limited, as few as a couple days and typically less than a week. Our findings suggest that passive surveillance measures, such as detection of H5N1 via weekly bulk milk testing, comes too late such that most infections have already occurred. For current interventions to be valuable, more sensitive and extensive surveillance is needed and an emphasis should be placed on biosecurity practices rather than reactive practices.


#abstract #avianInfluenza #AVIANINFLUENZA #birdFlu #dairyCows #h5n1 #health #news #research #USA

Food system researchers have argued for decades that the UK's food system is dysfunctional is having a detrimental impact on our health.

New research has now put a figure on that damage: £268bn a year - made up of costs to the NHS, the costs of food-related illness & death and other welfare/benefits related costs.

Previous Govt.s however have been relatively reticent about trying to really constrain Big Food & nothings suggests Labour will be different.

#food #health

Doomscrolling dangers

Constantly consuming distressing news can take a toll on our health. Learn how to safeguard your well-being.

Check the meaning of "popcorn brain."

#social #media #doomscrolling #health


Gini Health Mohali expands to Gini Advanced Care Hospital with new 30-Bed ICU facility.


#punjab #mohali #india #press #news #health #medical #Diabetes #DiabetesDay #hospital #ICU #HealthCare #NewFacility

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

#h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #pandemie #hpai #press #news #children #teens #health

«Wer tote Wasser-, Raben- oder Greifvögel findet, sollte den Fund der zuständigen Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsicht des Bezirks melden, damit eine Untersuchung veranlasst werden kann.» Kranke oder verendete Tiere sollten auf keinen Fall angefasst & Federn nicht gesammelt werden.
Geflügelhalter würden gebeten, ihre Tiere jetzt vor dem Kontakt mit Wildvögeln zu schützen.


#h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #pandemie #hpai #press #news #canada #children #teens #health

"Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) betont die Notwendigkeit internationaler Zusammenarbeit, um das Risiko einer möglichen Pandemie zu minimieren. Durch Impfungen und strikte Überwachungsmaßnahmen kann die Ausbreitung der Vogelgrippe eingedämmt werden."


#h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #pandemie #hpai #press #news #canada #children #teens #health

"Warum der kanadische Jugendliche so schwer erkrankte, ist offen. Bonnie Henry hält es Medienberichten zufolge für möglich, dass das junge Alter des Patienten eine Rolle spielte. Womöglich hätten Erwachsene, die früheren saisonalen H1N1-Grippeviren ausgesetzt waren, einen teilweisen Schutz gegen den aktuellen H5-Stamm."


La mort est dans le pré.
[Euronews] - #Pesticides : une menace pour la #santé des européens ?

Les pesticides en #CharenteMaritime, a l'Ouest de la France, sont au cœur d'un vif débat, après une hausse des cas de cancers chez les enfants. Les habitants demandent une action urgente des autorités nationales et de l'#UE.


#PollutionAgricole #AgroIndustrie #AgroChimie #Health
#RevueDePresse #Press

A heartbreaking story of how the problems in the NHS (caused, lets be clear, by 14 years of Tory defunding & attacks on the health service) have real world effects on those depending on the NHS to save their life (or in this case not).

The patient's partner recognises its not the individual staff to blame for what happened, its the way the NHS has been wilfully damaged....

if Wes Streeting thinks league tables will solve these problems he's very wrong!

#health #NHS

One element of the problems the NHS faces is the experience of its staff; as it sees both Covid period returnees retire, and others leaving after burnout or dissatisfaction with working for the NHS, the health service has an increasing proportion of early career staff (see the example of nurses & midwifes below).

Less experienced staff can be slower to diagnose & may (often rightly) seek further tests. This isn't a problem individually but overall can slow down heath care.

#Health #NHS
h/t FT
Chart: The NHS has employed less experienced staff in recent years. Change in nurses and midwives in the UK and nursing associates in England by time since joined the official register (index, 2019=100)

Shows disporpotionat increase (from 100 to over 160) of staff with less than five years experience; other categories (5-10 years, 10-20 years; and over 20 years experience) have shown slight increases (remaining below 120)

Having learnt little from the problems caused by school league tables, now Wes Streeting looks interested in introducing hospital league table into the NHS.

Its just what a workforce already patterned by overwork, exhaustion & burnout, does not need.

With the NHS already losing staff as fast as it can train & recruit them, this just looks like one more body blow intended to strengthen the appeal of the private sector...

not so much a 'solution' as a further attack.

#NHS #health
h/t FT

Big oil = Big tobacco.... both knew the danger heir products were doing & hid it while arguing the science was mistaken.

If you wanted a reason not to trust the corporate world (many Im sure are already well past this point), this would look like a good one.

#FossilFuels #Tobacco #climate #health


Alzheimer’s timeline shows changes start as trickle, become torrent—Jon Hamilton, NPR

#Health #Alzheimers

Political polarization is making us sick, according to new research from a team at New York University. @thetyee’s Crawford Kilian writes about how COVID-19 epitomizes this and whether there’s a possibility of repair.


#Health #COVID #Polarization #Politics #Canada #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday