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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

“In November 1989, while #Netanyahu served as a junior minister in Shamir’s government, he spoke at Bar-Ilan University, the academic mecca of religious nationalism in Israel. He said:

“#Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in #China in #Tiananmen Square, when the world’s attention was focused on what was happening in that country, to carry out #mass #expulsions among the #Arabs of the territories.“


#deportation #Gaza #continuity

'The calculated nonsense from Israel’s perennially opportunistic PM, which merely serves as a means to preserve his country’s impunity, has one implication: the stated exceptionalism of a modern colonising, displacing and dispossessing power that deems its policies above international law. Defenders of international law are, in turn, treated as Jew haters.'
#Gaza #Adass #Australia #Palestine #Hamas #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Yemen #Iran #Syria #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #USA #Netanyahu #Biden #Genocide #Orban #Israelism #ICC #amnesty_international https://johnmenadue.com/the-melbourne-synagogue-fire-antisemitism-political-meddling-and-exceptional-victimhood/?


“L’escalation di violenza nella Striscia di Gaza non si ferma mai: l’aviazione israeliana ha bombardato di nuovo il campo profughi di Nuseirat, uccidendo 20 persone, tra cui 6 bambini e 5 donne. Gli aerei israeliani hanno bombardato una casa che era appena stata evacuata — il numero di feriti causati dall’incidente è imprecisato…”


#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

"Die Bundesregierung will mit Resolutionen gegen #Antisemitismus vorgehen. Doch anstatt jüdisches Leben zu schützen, kriminalisiert sie vor allem die #Palästina-Solidarität. Eine Anwältin ist dagegen vor Gericht gezogen. Denn sie sagt: Deutschland ignoriert das Völkerrecht.


Sowohl für die UN-Institutionen als auch die Mitgliedsstaaten ist das, was der IGH sagt, verbindlich."


#Israel #Gaza #Westbank #Genozid #Rechtsextremismus #Netanjahu #Netanyahu #Gallant

Honger als wapen: Zo ziet de uithongering van #Gaza eruit. Een beknopte analyse van de uithongering, in beeld, woord en cijfers:



#israel #Netanyahu #Oorlogsmisdaden #UNRWA

This is #foreigninterference and #electioninterference

"Australia’s peak Jewish groups saying they feel betrayed by the Albanese government"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate this reprehensible act from the extreme anti-Israeli position of the Labor government in Australia,”

“Anti-Israel sentiment is antisemitism,”

Says the #warcriminal #netanyahu

Get fucked #israel 🖕🏻
Stop interfering in elections/countries/governments

Fuck #hasbara propaganda.



A Massive Database of Evidence, Compiled by a Historian, Documents Israel's War Crimes in Gaza - #Haaretz

"I wrote this so that in another half-year or in 100 years, people will go back and see that this is what it was possible to know, as early as January, and that those among us who didn't know, chose not to know."

Archive link https://archive.ph/LIEG8

#Israel #Netanyahu #Warcrimes
Portrait of historian Lee Mordechai. 
"I wrote this so that in another half-year or in 100 years, people will go back and see that this is what it was possible to know, as early as January, and that those among us who didn't know, chose not to know."Credit: Olivier Fitoussi


“Le IDF hanno attaccato di nuovo gli ospedali della Striscia di #Gaza: l’ospedale Kamal Adwan è stato colpito diverse volte nel corso della giornata — è stato poi lanciato un raid che ha costretto pazienti e staff sanitario a lasciare la struttura. Un numero imprecisato di persone è stato fatto prigioniero.”


#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

The #Daesh terrorists taking advantage of the situation in Syria at Hama and started its attack on the territories under the control of the Syrian government army.

In an official statement, Daesh announced that many places in the east of Homs came under their control and Daesh soldiers were able to control the "Khanfs" industrial area located in the southeast of Homs province and the strategic hills of the north with their attack. take out.

ISIS fighters have opened a 3rd front against the demoralized, tired, broke and under armed Syrian army.

In the mean time US and Israeli fighter jets attacking Syrian positions and Israel bombed the border ot Lebanon and Syria to prevent the Lebanese volunteers to join the fight against AlQaeda and ISIS in Syria.

Once again (just like under Obama) we see US, Turkey and Israel openly and shamelessly supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria while the media is completely silent about the disgusting hypocrisy of these countries.

#ISIS #Turkey #Syria #US #Israel #Lebanon #Terrorism #Homa #Homs #RegimeChange #Politics #Hypocrisy #Terrorism #Islamists #AlQaeda #USpol #Biden #Netanyahu #Assad
@palestine @lebanon @israel

#Frankreich soll helfen, dass die Waffen in #Libanon dauerhaft schweigen – trotz der angespannten Beziehungen zwischen Tel Aviv und #Paris

Frankreich und die #USA überwachen den Waffenstillstand zwischen #Israel und dem #Hizbullah . Dabei hatte sich der israelische Ministerpräsident #Netanyahu bis zuletzt gegen eine Beteiligung der alten #Kolonialmacht gewehrt.


Dans ce nouveau rapport d'enquête, Amnesty International documente de manière accablante le #génocide perpétré à #Gaza par les troupes de #Netanyahu.
#Israel #Palestine

🚨* Trump ally warns UK, it will "crush" their economy if they attempt to arrest #Netanyahu, after the International Criminal Court issues a warrant for the #Israeli PM's arrest!

And so the reign of global #Fascist tyranny begins. #Trump is above #US law, & now #MAGA is above international law.

BTW, this is the same Lindsey Graham who welcomed the ICC arrest warrant when issued in 2023 for #Putin l, hut has s8nc3 backtracked!

#UK, we've been warned! 😳


'Het Internationaal Strafhof vervolgt sinds kort ook regeringsleiders als de Israëlische premier Netanyahu en de Russische president Poetin. Tegelijkertijd intimideren en ondermijnen Israël, de VS en Rusland het hof.'


#ICC #Israel #Netanyahu

From 2017: Revealed: #Blackwater Founder #ErikPrince's Business Ties With #Netanyahu’s Disgraced Chief of Staff

U.S. businessman at center of storm over allegedly setting up back-channel between #Trump and #Putin has ties to #AriHarow and an Israeli financier

by Hagai Amit, Dec 6, 2017

"His involvement in foreign policy raises eyebrows because of his involvement in Blackwater (now known as #Academi), the multinational security firm that operates around the world. Though he sold the company in 2010, Prince has made a fortune from wars – from #Iraq to #Afghanistan. He has also attracted bad press: In September 2007, Blackwater employees escorting a convoy killed 17 Iraqis. They claimed it was an ambush, but Iraq claimed the killings were unprovoked. The Iraqi government refused to renew Blackwater’s license in 2009.

"Five years ago, well before anybody predicted Trump’s election, Prince visited Israel and was hosted by Harow. At the time, Harow was a businessman with a private investment fund as well as being chief of Netanyahu’s bureau. Harow tried to interest Prince in investing in Indigo Strategic Capital, a venture capital fund that Harow was co-managing with Dorian Barak.

"How much Prince invested in Indigo remains unknown, but it is known that through Indigo he invested in the Israeli companies #NowForce (security) and #AgentVi (real-time video analytics)."

Read more:

#ErikPrinceIsAWarCriminal #IsraeliWarCrimes #BibiIsAWarCriminal #ErikPrinceColonialism

Julian Borger: ‘The whole foundation is rocking’: inside the explosive film about the investigation of Benjamin Netanyahu: The Bibi Files contains leaked footage of the Israeli PM being interrogated by police over allegations of corruption – and argues that these are partly why he has taken the region into the abyss. We meet the journalist behind it

#Netanyahu #BibiFiles #bibi #film #israel

"Het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag wordt bedreigd, afgeluisterd en gechanteerd door Israël. De aanklager van het Hof kreeg de Mossad op bezoek. Het Strafhof doet onderzoek naar zware oorlogsmisdaden in Gaza en wil Netanyahu laten arresteren.

Maar Nederland blijkt niet veilig voor medewerkers en getuigen van het Strafhof. Dat is onacceptabel."


#InternationaalStrafhof #israel #netanyahu

#gaza #genocide #palestine
#israeli #warcrimes #childmurder #netanyahu #atrocities #crimesagainsthumanity #Völkermord #USA


#UN Security Council hearing. #American #paediatric surgeon Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan speaks the truth. Long version.


#gaza #genocide #palestine
#israeli #warcrimes #childmurder #netanyahu #atrocities #crimesagainsthumanity #Völkermord #USA


#UN Security Council hearing. #American #paediatric surgeon Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan speaks the truth...


« L'historien #VincentLemire répond aux questions de #LOrientLeJour concernant le mandat d'arrêt émis par la #CourPénaleInternationale contre le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin #Netanyahu. »


#Netanyahou #Israël #Palestine #Gaza #CPI @palestine @israel

Above the Law

𝙸𝚜𝚛𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢, 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚍, 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙸𝙲𝙲 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛.

Israeli Mossad targets ICC prosecutor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qNqBCnESI
#Israel #ICC #MaxBlumenthal #TheGrayzone #Netanyahu #FreePalestine

Ministrul securității naționale din 🇮🇱#Israel spune că #Netanyahu este deschis ideii de a încuraja emigrarea palestinienilor din #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Yvx

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza

Gruparea ☪️#Hamas a publicat o nouă înregistrare video cu un ostatic care îi cere lui #Netanyahu să-l salveze.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Ysf

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #Terorism

when I hear of a boat capsizing & refugees being drowned, I name the people I wish had been on the boat . . . #Putin, #Felon45, #Netanyahu, & every #Billionaire I can think of

#USPolitics #Russia #Israel #Fascism #Genocide

☪️#Hamas a publicat o nouă înregistrare video cu un ostatic reținut în #Gaza. Este un tânăr cu dublă cetățenie care li se adresează lui #Trump și #Netanyahu – VIDEO.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Yp4

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #SUA #Terorism

"Le mandat d’arrêt contre le Premier ministre israélien, Benyamin #Netanyahu, s’inscrit dans un contexte mondial d’affirmation du Sud global et met à l’épreuve la légitimité de l’Occident en tant que puissance hégémonique" #Palestine #Israel #Liban #Crimes https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/analyse-la-decision-de-la-cpi-est-un-pas-de-plus-vers-un-nouvel-ordre-postoccidental_225008

#Skwawkbox | Video: #Lammy misleads over #Netanyahu extradition in testimony to Foreign Affairs Committee

A stammering David Lammy has tried to con the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee about the procedure that would have to be undertaken if wanted war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant entered British jurisdiction. This is not the first time the Starmer government has used this lie.


#ICC #Gaza

#BPK zum Haftbefehl von #Netanyahu.


#Netanjahu #Gallant #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Westbank #Rechtsextremismus #Rassismus


“L’aggressione di #Gaza continua indisturbata: nelle scorse 24 ore l’esercito israeliano ha ucciso 48 persone nella Striscia di Gaza. Negli attacchi sono rimaste ferite anche 53 persone. … Finora il numero di morti contati è di 44.330 persone, a cui si devono aggiungere più di 100 mila feriti e più di 10 mila persone disperse.”


#TheSubmarine #gazamassacre #gazagenocide #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu