Beiträge, die mit Birdphotography getaggt sind
#owl #birdsofmastodon #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife #NatureCommunity #Photography #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching #Canon90D
#GeschichtenAusDemGarten #birds #birdphotography #robin #NiemalsZuVieleRotkehlchen #friday
#vulture #bird #birdphotography #zimbabwe #africa #flying #nature #scavenger #flight #soaring #gliding #wildlife #wildlifephtography #safari #wings #AYearForArt #buyIntoArt #giftideas #wallart #artforsale @joancarroll
#birdphotography #birds #wildlife #nature #naturephotography #olympus #omsystem #olympusphotography
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #nature #naturephotography #vogelflausch #ptaki
Here's my first post:
Still lots to learn about bird photography - but hey - its a start.
#photography #blog #post #pictures #birds #bird #birdphotography #birb #gayphotographer #gayphotography
Birds of North Carolina
Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a wildlife / nature / landscape photographer. There's so many amazingly beautiful places out there that I'd love to see and share with the world. Specifically birds.Kristopher Koeller (Whispering Yak)

Here's a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) that was kind enough to visit our backyard and hold still for a portrait.
#Birds #Owl #BirdPhotography #CloseUp #GreatHornedOwl #BirdsOfMastodon
#birds #wildlife #nature #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #raptors #birdwatching
#RecordShot #AmateurPhotography #NoCopyRight #DSCRX10MIV #Wildlife #Nature
(Give the species name, scientific name, and its approximate location)
Radjah Shelduck (Radjah radjah)
LC Least Concern
#birdphotography #birdsoffediverse #ornithologie #ornithology
After seeing a pair soaring over a glen this past week, I started to think about adventures I've enjoyed out west, watching these majestic birds.
Here's a photo from a Mull Charters trip, to see the eagles close up.
#whitetailedeagle #Mull #scotland #wildlife #birdphotography
gestern hab ich keine Fotos gemacht, hab einfach Wind, Sonne und mehr genossen. Heute wollte ich eigentlich Fotos vom Wiedehopf machen, es hat sich aber keiner gezeigt, so bin ich dann nochmal zu den Kuhreihern. Und da hat es mir besonders dieser Teenager angetan.
Er ist immer auf den Bürgersteig, wenn keiner gekommen ist und hat ein wenig dusselig geschaut und ist dann immer wieder schnell zurück auf die Wiese.
Tiere sind Freunde und kein Essen oder eine Plage.
Bleibt gesund, glücklich und verliebt.
Der schlimmste Seelenschmerz ist das Fernweh.
My favourite life forms and life non-forms,
I didn't take any photos yesterday, just enjoyed the wind, sun and more. Today I actually wanted to take photos of the hoopoe, but none showed up, so I went back to the cattle egrets. And I was particularly taken with this teenager.
He always came out onto the pavement when no one was around, looked a bit silly and then quickly returned to the meadow.
Animals are friends, not food or a nuisance.
Stay healthy, happy and in love.
The most terrible pain in the soul is wanderlust.
#kanaren #canaryIslands
#spanien #espana #spain #españa #morroJable #Jandia
#birds #birdsOnMastodon
#Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #Photography #Nature #Wildlife #Luonto #Luontokuvaus #Valokuvaus #Linnut
#photography #fotografie #naturfotografie #naturephotography #vogelfotografie #birdphotography #schwan #swan #muteswan #höckerschwan
A male, taking flight from the moorland.
#redgrouse #grouse #birdphotography #highlands #scotland
#photography #naturephotography #naturfotografie #fotografie #vogelfotografie #birdphotography #vogel #bird #swan #schwan
#StormHour #birds #birding #BirdPhotography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #nature #photography #AltText
es waren wunderbare Abende bei den jungen Steinkauzen.
Es gab verschiedene Pfosten auf denen die jungen Steinkauze sitzen und auf Beute lauern konnten.
Ich hoffe ja, dass sie heuer auch wieder brüten.
Tiere sind Freunde und kein Essen oder eine Plage.
Bleibt gesund, glücklich und verliebt.
Der schlimmste Seelenschmerz ist das Fernweh.
My dear life forms,
They were wonderful evenings with the young little owls.
There were various posts on which the young little owls could sit and wait for prey.
I hope that they will breed again this year.
Animals are friends, not food or a nuisance.
Stay healthy, happy and in love.
The most terrible pain in the soul is wanderlust.
#neusiedlersee #wasen #Hanság #oesterreich #burgenland #ungarn
#eulen #owls #littleowl #steinkauz #birds #bird #vogel #vögel #natur #nature #nationalpark #owl #eule #heimischetiere #biodiversität #biodivserity
#artenvielfalt #birdwatching #vogelbeobachtung #birding
#wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifefotografie
#birdphotography #vogelfotografie
#vogelfreund #naturfotografie
#veganerfotograf #veganefotografie
#Crow #Crows #bird #birds #suffolk #norfolk #wildnature #ukwildlife #Wildlife #rspb #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdwatching #nature #naturephotography
#birdsofmastodon #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography
#nature #birds #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #UK #BirdScrolling #floof #borb
Diary of Anne Frank, Jan 13, 1943
(Description in ALT.)
#birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photography #nature #naturephotography #HoosierMast
while we did see the owls they were too far away with fading light so were unable to get any pictures.
This American Kestrel seemed unimpressed with all the hubbub over the Owls.
#birds #birding #BirdPhotography #nature