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Beiträge, die mit LONGCOVID getaggt sind

The Orexin System and Its Impact on the Autonomic Nervous and Cardiometabolic System in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19


From latest Science for ME weekly update

#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @auscovid19 #auscovid19
The Orexin System and Its Impact on the Autonomic Nervous and Cardiometabolic System in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 — Ruhrländer et al.
Review. "We assume that several symptoms that occur after COVID-19 are due to an imbalance in the OX system. In particular, factors such as vascular tone, cardiac and endothelial function, lipid metabolism, and neuropeptide regulation are crucial to the pathophysiology of the OX system, as well as PASC."

Inhaltswarnung: Long-covid, request for advice

"Certainly the silent organ damage is a real problem, we think, for future development of disease. When you're young and healthy, you can take a certain amount of damage to the system without it showing up. [...] But as people age, their capacity to buffer against that particular set of damage might decline and we might see increased risk of other symptoms, particularly heart, lung, brain, emerging in people's fifties and sixties."


🔗 I'm a long COVID researcher—and I have long COVID


Help support Long COVID Recovery- Surgeries


#LongCovid #Covid #Cancer #Disability #DisabilityMutualAid #BlackMutualAid #MutualAid

Long COVID Essentials

a resource sheet series
by The Sick Times x Long COVID Justice

short link to this page: tiny.cc/LCE


#LongCovid #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #Disability #Health

"Without treatment, 400 million people worldwide could suffer indefinitely. “Do no harm” means providing access to treatments — not withholding them."

~Julia Moore Vogel, Ph.D., MBA, ‘Do no harm’ is hurting 400 million long Covid patients worldwide

#Covid #COVID19 #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #Healthcare #Disability

Sign the petition: Urge the Biden administration to bring back COVID-19 support!


#COVID #Covid19 #LongCovid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

What's in your Covid Emergency Kit?


Violet Blue has been doing amazing work with collecting and sharing resources for #Covid and if youre able to follow you get updates every Thursday (free and paid options!)

#Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne


Original thread on Twitter by Fannie @IfuekoNadine:
If this is helpful to you AND you have the funds for it, you can ALWAYS slide money over! It goes towards getting PPE and shipping supplies. Remote, mid-level marketing job leads are great, too!

Venmo: @ IfuekoOsaro
PayPal: https://paypal.me/ifuekoosaro
Cash App: $IfuekoOsaro​​​​​​​


#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

"COVID goes against a lot of what people in the United States have been told about viruses and what has come to be common sense. The most common viruses in the U.S. are seasonal, but COVID circulates year-round, more like tropical viruses. Moore highlights that this makes COVID fundamentally different from the flu and, crucially, the vaccination cycle for the flu, where annual vaccination works because it can account for the variants that have evolved in the opposite hemisphere. Since COVID circulates everywhere year-round, annual vaccinations are not enough to keep up on the latest variants. Beatrice Adler-Bolton adds that COVID surges in the United States are not related to seasons but rather to moments of intense travel, like Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, the holidays in November and December, and Spring Break."


#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

"You Have to Live Your Life:" Responses to Common COVID Minimizing Phrases


this is like good for starter points for how to respond to people and i like the pictures (found on the site) for like reminding you that being covid conscious is hard and its okay to feel like shit about it and to keep going if you can

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #Advocacy

"The Patient-Led Research Collaborative is a group of Long COVID patients and patients with associated illnesses such as ME/CFS and POTS, who are also researchers. We were born out of the Body Politic Slack support group and did the first research on Long COVID in April 2020. We are all researchers in relevant fields – biomedical research, participatory research, neuroscience, cognitive science, public policy, machine learning, human-centered design, health activism – in addition to having intimate knowledge of COVID-19."


#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

Woman, 36, almost passed out while walking. She was in heart failure due to COVID-19


on the one hand, i am extremely thankful that 1) she is recovering and 2) this made national news

but i am absolutely terrified that if she hadn't been a white woman, hadn't had good insurance, hadn't had the ability to take off work then we never would've known. and that means this has definitely happened to people who were not privileged enough to receive support to recover.

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #Disability



#Covid #Masking #Masks #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid



#Covid #Masking #Masks #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

Take a look inside my Long Covid body!

note: eye contact from 0:11-0:14, very intense eye contact from 2:41 until the rest of the video


#LongCovid #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

this is a reminder as to why white people need to be accomplices: https://med-mastodon.com/@luckytran/112765502618803272

marginalized people have been screaming this shit for years but have (1) privileged white person say something and all of a sudden some shit is taken seriously

i appreciate what violet is doing (especially since her parents sure aren't doing the same thing as far as we can see) and it's important but i want us to remember that for every white person who is recognized for speaking up there are countless people of marginalized identities who've been saying the same thing, longer and have been ignored if not outright violently silenced

#Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #COVID19

No Mask Bans (Actions You Can Take)


Politicians across the US – from North Carolina, to New York State to Chicago – are pushing for mask bans. We all have a responsibility to fight this attack on our rights, our bodily autonomy, our privacy and our health. If you stopped masking, now is a good time to reengage with this practice in public spaces, and particularly in political gatherings. If you are organizing an event, please require and distribute high quality masks as visible expressions of solidarity.

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #Covid19 #LongCovid

Safer Air Safer Schools is an advocacy group based in Massachusetts that fights for cleaner air in schools.


Environmental pollutants, allergens and respiratory pathogens all impact the health and learning of our children and their teachers.

We believe in the power of information. When folks understand how to achieve optimal health, it unlocks their potential. We want community members to have the knowledge and the tools needed to support this effort. When we work together, we can elevate the minds and health of the next generation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and beyond.

#CleanAir #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

Template to Write Against the NYC Mask Ban


#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

"But if the plight of adults with long COVID remains poorly understood, the millions of children who have it worldwide are practically invisible, their suffering — and the formative years they're losing to this disease — obscured by the myths that COVID is "harmless" for kids and the pandemic is "over".


#LongCovid #Covid #Children #Covid19 #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

Medical Costs & Housing


"In March of 2020 I was attacked on my way home from work.
The man grabbed me, shook me, coughed in my face & laughed ‘You’re sick now’
I thought it was a cruel joke. I was wrong.
I had contracted Covid & I never recovered.

I have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, POTS & MCAS.
I am mostly bed bound & barely able to manage the most basic of tasks.
I have no financial support from from family or government & no supplemental insurance.
I have been unable to work since, after over 2 years my savings have been wiped out & my hope of a spontaneous recovery has dwindled.
I’ve lost my business & my autonomy."

#Covid #LongCovid #MutualAid #Disability #MECFS #POTS #MCAS #CFS


less than 25% funded and its been up since 2022 (last update was may 11th shared down below)


Help support Long COVID Recovery- Surgeries

"I have no recent news concerning my surgeries as I have been treated for different respiratory conditions since my last post.

This GoFundMe was created since November 2022 and I didn’t change the goal as I realized that many people didn’t support my cause.

I want to Thank everyone once again that helped support my cause. Many things have changed and my family and I are trying to do our best to survive every medical crisis our family is facing.

My first born daughter has one of the most aggressive form of cancer including my first son that also needs immediate medical treatment and financial support.

It’s devastating for me as illnesses serve as a barrier and a set back for me and my children in the last few years.

This is another call out for support. Please share the link to anyone that can help thank you."

#MutualAid #CrowdFund #LongCovid #COVID #Cancer

Air Cleaner Recommendation Tool


#COVID #Covid #LongCovid #AirPurifier

C19LAP Assessment of Long COVID Disability Applications.
Are you a person with Long COVID or a caregiver for a person with Long COVID?


In Jan 2022, C19LAP data highlighted 44% of our respondents in a survey of over 400 people, said they had applied for SS disability.

We are interested in seeing how many people, as of mid 2024, with Long COVID have been applying for Social Security Disability, and what that process has been like for them.

We are asking the Long COVID community whether they have applied or not, to take this survey, as we would like to utilize the data in our advocacy efforts. This form is anonymous.

#Covid #LongCovid

Ten new books about Long Covid, chronic illness, and disability by The Sick Times


#Covid #LongCovid


This woman's gofundme has been up for OVER A YEAR and is not even halfway to her goal. one of her kids posted on birdsite about how they're terrified that so soon after celebrating her birthday, they may have to plan for her funeral. donate and share.


Originally for this woman's recovery from Long Covid and payment for surgeries needed to help her breathe and move, most of the money is now going towards her daughter who is battling stage two breast cancer (the most aggressive type, which you can see in the updates).

#Disability #Covid #Covid19 #LongCovid #Cancer #MutualAid #BlackMutualAid #BlackMastodon

"What's Up with Covid and How to Protect Yourself 2024 Edition" zine by Hazel Newlevant


#COVID #LongCovid

Mask Buying Guide

By Mask Bloc Seattle

If you find any dead links in this guide, please reach out to us and let us know

IG: @MaskBlocSeattle

Email: maskblocseattle@proton.me


#COVID #LongCovid