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Beiträge, die mit ROME getaggt sind

Lead Pollution Linked to IQ Decline in Roman-Era Europe



Fotografisch (und auch sonst) war es ein gutes Jahr. Ich habe viel ausprobiert und gelernt. Ich habe mich verbessert. Auf ein gutes 2025, für uns alle.


#photography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #shootfilm #35mm #blog #yashicafx3 #gold200 #Italy #Rome

They used convents, farms and even flats beside the SS headquarters. When Rome was liberated, 6,425 of O’Flaherty’s escapees were still alive. 2/2

#HughOFlaherty #Ireland #IrishHistory #Holocaust #Cork #Rome #Vatican

Hugh O’Flaherty, from Lisrobin, Kiskeam, County Cork, was ordained on 20th December 1925 and posted to the Vatican. Early in the war he visited POW camps and then used Radio Vatican to pass on word of prisoners to their relatives. When Germany occupied Rome in 1943, O’Flaherty and some like-minded friends hid Jews and Allied soldiers from the Nazis. 1/2

#HughOFlaherty #Ireland #IrishHistory #Holocaust #Cork #Rome #Vatican
Head and shoulders portrait of Hugh O’Flaherty in his priest's cassock and clerical collar.

The Venn diagram of "women who wrote travel journals about visting Rome" and "known lesbians in historical eras" has a quite significant overlap.

I don't know what it means, but there it is 😄

#travel #history #WomensHistory #LGBTQ #QueerHistory #Rome

So now that I have a database of 60+ women who have written about visiting Rome between the 15th century and the 1960s... should this be a book? I would love to make this a book.

#Rome #travel #WomensHistory #Italy #books #bookstodon #writing #history

All I want is a list of travel diaries written by women who visited Rome, is that too much to ask?!

#books #bookstodon #AmReading #Rome #travel

Finished watching #ThoseAboutToDie

Things I liked:

- chariot racing!
- people having different accents
- Iwan Rheon bossing every scene he is in
- Sara Martins bossing every scene she is in
- non-traditional gladiator story arc

Things that sucked:
- crap CGI
- bad costuming on charioteers
- all Romans are decadent and evil
- annoying and glaring inaccuracies
- worst off-Broadway production of Lion King ever

All in all, 2.5/5

#TV #Rome #history

Today's #MythologyMonday is celebrating #InternationalMuseumDay with talk about mythological art in museums :)

One of my favorite museums in the world is the Villa Giulia in Rome. It houses the National Etruscan Museum. It falls outside most quick tour routes, and it is a lovely, peaceful, elegant museum with a very rich collection.

See the pretty vases below, with various mythological scenes :) Recongize them?

#Rome #Museum #mythology #Etruscan #Archaeology
Black figure vase with the god Dionysos sitting on a stool in the shade of vines heavy with grapes.
Black figure vase painting depicting four men holding a large spit, poking out the eye of Polyphemus the Cyclops.
Black figure vase with Herakles fighting the Hydra

I found my new favorite coffee shop in Budapest 🥰 Pompeii Latte Art Cafe. They have a bookshelf entirely filled with books on Greek and Roman mythology! And archeology. And the coffee is amazing too. And you get quotes from Classical authors with your drink, on little scrolls. How cool is that?

#mythology #archeology #coffee #Budapest #cafes #Rome #Greek #image
Interior photo of the shop. Round tables and art deco chairs, decorated with colorful mosaics. A bookshelf featuring several books on mythology (and more books under the sugar and coffee bean cups on every table). Quotes painted on the walls.

Day 17 of the 2023 #dragonfly #AdventCalendar. Delving back into the past to find a pink species for the third Sunday of advent. Violet Dropwing doesn't occur in the UK - this was in #Rome in 2016 at the Villa Ada park. They are an African species which is spreading north through southern Europe in recent years but is still a long way from reaching us. #DragonflyAdventCalendar #wildlife #insects #wildlifephotography #invertebrates
A dragonfly sits on the end of a stick. Its body is a mix of shades of pink, purple and red, its eyes are reddish-brown and its wins have prominent red veins towards the front of each wing.

Doing some #storytelling today at the Aquincum Amphitheater in Budapest 😊 Two-day Roman festival, gladiators, battles, living history, all kinds of fun.

I have two sets of stories, one of little known Greek and Roman myths (such as an alternate version of Achilles' heel), and one of Caucasian Nart sagas (since we have Sarmatian reenactors on site). My little archeologist heart is happy 😊

#Rome #Romans #LivingHistory #reenactment #Budapest #Aquincum #archaeology #histodons
Selfie with the ruins of the Amphitheater in the background. I (30s white woman, red hair, glasses) am wearing white and blue Roman garb. Behind me in the arena there are tents and yurts for the reenactors, and a large square of sand for the upcoming gladiator fights.