Beiträge, die mit USLaw getaggt sind
The judge ruled in response to a lawsuit from 22 state attorneys general that says the NIH cuts are unlawful.
#uspol #uslaw #NIH
Tractor Rage: Intellectual Property, Agriculture, Competition Policy, and the Right to Repair - IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
This article considers the relationship between intellectual property and competition policy in the context of agriculture in the United States. It provides an analysis of the debate over the right to repair in respect of agricultural machinery.SpringerLink
* Trump2 will exploit religion, pander to white evangelical base
#USpol #USlaw #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #OpusDei #theocracy #whiteSupremacism #DominionTheocracy
#antiLGBT #ParentalRightsMovement #transphobia
#Christofascism #transgenocide
#FamilyResearchCouncil #FRC #LibsOfTikTok #MomsForLiberty #AcPEDs
#WomensRights #misogyny
Trump Will Bulldoze the Separation of Church and State
We can expect Trump to continue to exploit religion and pander to his base of white evangelicals.Annie Laurie Gaylor (
#MariannBudde #courage #honor
#USpol #USlaw #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #extremism #Project2025
#xenophobia #racism #ChristianRight #Catholicism #whiteSupremacism #hatred
#antiLGBT #TitleIX #transphobia
#Christofascism #transgenocide #theocracy #DominionTheocracy
#sexism #paternalism #HegemonicMasculinity #ToxicMasculinity
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #abortion #SelfDetermination
"I don't need to apologize": Bishop who angered Donald Trump with sermon speaks out
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde said she felt no need to apologize for asking the president to "have mercy."
'Moore told the Associated Press in 1994 that he joined the legal effort after learning, despite his million-selling records, that his pension amounted to just $2,285, which he could take as a lump sum or in payments of $73 monthly.'
“Two thousand dollars for my lifetime?” Moore said then. “If you’re making a profit off of me, give me some too. Don’t give me cornbread and tell me it’s biscuits.” #uslaw #music #copyright
#education #uslaw #uspol #IP #innovation @pamelasamuelson
Volume 39, Issue 3 - Berkeley Technology Law Journal
COMPLETE VOLUME 39, ISSUE 3 Complete Issue FRONT MATTER Front Matter ARTICLES Preface: Pamela Samuelson and the Promotion of Progress by Molly Van Houweling Pam and Inspiring Technologists by Joseph Lorenzo Hall, PhD Second-Degree Intellectual Proper…BTLJ (Berkeley Technology Law Journal)
#Media #News #TheOnion #Infowars #AlexJones #USLaw #Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy judge rejects The Onion’s bid to buy Alex Jones’ Infowars
A bankruptcy judge on Tuesday rejected a bid by The Onion’s parent company to buy Alex Jones’ far-right media empire, including the website Infowars, ruling that the auction process was unfair.David Ingram (NBC News)
Laurence H Tribe and Dennis Aftergut
Americans are desperate for the top court to be reformed. Kamala Harris could deliver change if she wins #SCOTUS #uspol #uslaw
President also considering support for constitutional amendment to eliminate immunity for top officeholders #SCOTUS #uslaw #uspol
Ex-president determined to destroy independence of justice department if he regains control of White House #uslaw #uspol
#righttorepair #colorado #uslaw #uspol
Governor Polis Signs Right to Repair Law, Legislation to Strengthen Colorado’s Economy, Create Jobs & Support Creative Industries | Colorado Governor Jared Polis
ESTES PARK - Today, Governor Polis signed the following bills into law in ceremonies in Denver, Commerce City, and Estes
Trump found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in first criminal trial against a US president #uslaw #uspol
Documentary Filmmaking Community Files Amicus Brief in Important Fair Use Case Involving Tiger King
Today five organizations representing the nationwide documentary community filed a brief amicus curiae in a massively important case involving fair use.UCI IP, Arts & Tech Clinic
Suit by former employees, including ex-CEO Parag Agrawal, follows a separate legal complaint by other workers seeking $500m. #uslaw #socialmedia
PolitiFact - Red light on ‘greenwashing’? US regulatory agency takes fresh look at deceptive climate claims
With increasing attention on climate change, the U.S. government is targeting "greenwashing" — companies’ use of false o@politifact