Beiträge, die mit covidIsNotOver getaggt sind
The anti mask, anti-vaxx crowd are angry… but they’re also terribly misinformed and on the wrong side of history.
Those of us with disabilities are livid … but we aren’t heard. We’re treated as even more invisible now than we were five years ago. An unwelcome reminder of Covid and the frail nature of the human condition.
But what about everyone else? The anti mask crowd may be the loudest, but they’re far from the majority.
Why aren’t the rest of you angry? Why are so many people content to accept and normalize mass death and disability?
An article came out in PBS today that puts the total COVID deaths at over 20 million.
20 million people. Those are fathers, mothers, spouses, grandparents, siblings and children. Each number represents a loved one to someone else.
Where’s the outcry?
400 million are dealing with Long Covid. That’s an obscene amount of people whose lives are forever changed. Who may never again know what it’s like to be healthy or exist in a body that isn’t rife with suffering.
Where’s the rage?
We know how to prevent covid. We’ve known for years. Yet rather than adapting our lifestyle and being humble in the face of a novel virus - we’ve given it the reins.
We’ve conceded defeat before we even put up a fight. Accepted repeat infections as inevitable. Shrugged our shoulders as we report more and more deaths. Aggressively minimized and disappeared those with Long Covid.
This should make you angry. It doesn’t need to be this way.
What would success look like? What would fighting back entail?
🫶Mandatory masking in all healthcare facilities (with respirators)
🫶Free tests and vaccines for everyone
🫶Better funding of anti virals and other treatments
🫶Clean air in all public spaces with transparent data visible to the public
🫶Clean air on school busses and anywhere that children congregate
🫶Paid time off for everyone who’s sick
🫶Free respirators in public places AND freely available to anyone who can’t afford precautions
🫶A robust public health campaign about how to properly wear a respirator
🫶A brutally honest public health campaign about the dangers of COVID. We have to stop treating it like a respiratory virus and make the public aware that it’s a multi system vascular virus with immune damaging capabilities
Doing even a few of those things would make a huge difference. Doing all of them would end the pandemic.
Get angry. Get loud. Demand better. Demand transparency.
Say that 20 million dead is not “mild”. That 900 dying every week in the U.S. is not “over”. That 400 million disabled will NOT be ignored.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #longcovid #pandemic #cleanair #wearamask #disability #ableism #eugenics
#COVID #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SARSCoV2 #cancer #journalism #publicHealth
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces DNA damage, through CHK1 degradation and impaired 53BP1 recruitment, and cellular senescence - Nature Cell Biology
Gioia, Tavella et al. show that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 causes DNA damage through CHK1 degradation and impairs 53BP1 recruitment to DNA lesions.Nature
So, yes, this is what failure looks like."
thinking about
#COVID #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SARSCoV2 #journalism #publicHealth
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
In this interview, Dr. Chakravarty discusses the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and public health globally five years after the initial outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan, China.World Socialist Web Site
"SARS-CoV-2 causes the same genetic changes as every other virus known to cause cancer. [The idea that viruses can cause or lead to cancers is not new. Viruses like the Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses, HIV and human papillomavirus are well-known pathogens associated with malignancies]."
This is just one excerpt that I could've pulled from the interview. I thought that this one was a shocking enough one that it might help some people pay attention, though.
This is a long read, and I know most people don't want to take the time to read, let alone understand it. Yet, this is one of the shortest and most accessible overviews of the mistakes in public health and messaging over the last five years that I have found to date.
This article finally gives me a piece of data that I've been looking for: 10 viral particles is all it takes for COVID to transmit from one person to another (and yes, I will be looking for other sources of this number somewhere out there in the data). As a infectious disease lay person nerd, that number means a lot to me. It means Covid is as transmissible as Norovirus. Actually, it is more transmissible.
To everyone still #masking, cleaning the air, monitoring CO2, and being conscious about not being a spreader of any disease, I thank you.
It sucks that we are in the minority.
You're doing the right thing, though. You're doing what you should be doing to effect public health, while everyone else, including public health officials, has lost their minds. Stay strong. The fight is not over.
For everyone not doing any mitigations to prevent being a viral reservoir in which COVID can continue to mutate -- know you can change your habits! You can change what you do in your life to protect yourself and others, even now, even after repeated infections. I highly encourage you to consider starting taking precautions again.
It's not difficult and it's not prohibitively expensive. I would argue that precautions are much less expensive in the long run than fighting cancer, immune deficiency, repeated bouts of pneumonia, etc. -- yet I understand it feels like swimming upstream.
Most people don't want other people to think that they are weird. Most people don't want to stand out. Nobody wants to be the tall poppy. But what we are losing in health and productivity and longevity because we have given into rampant transmission and reinfecfion with this virus is obscene.
You might have an employer who is hostile to the idea of taking your health in your own hands. You may be in a workplace that is designed to encourage viral spread. Your family or roommates might be entirely hostile to you taking precautions.
They are wrong.
A lot of money was wasted in the first couple of years of the pandemic not doing the things that we could've done to protect people and workers indoors -- filtering the air, monitoring indoor air quality, implementing UV technology, having people mask when they have symptoms or they think they've been exposed, and providing enough paid sick leave so that people can isolate and not infect others. Those are not our culture. We still have a long uphill battle on multiple fronts in that regard.
We're basically 100% in individualist Wild West territory at this point. It's going to get worse as the new administration enters the picture in the United States. More mask bans, more ignoring science, more "Let Er Rip" mentality. It's easy to give up and just go with the flow, though the price of that flow is two or three or five infections a year, each of which will lead to further health problems down the road.
It takes a lot of time and energy to resist. I'm in a position from which I can resist, though. Few others are in my particular situation. I have time and energy to devote to understanding the effects and costs of failed public health. I have a deep and abiding interest in understanding infectious disease as a lay person. Part of this is baked into the ethics and responsibilities of my profession. I hope that as I digest this information, it is helpful to you as a person who doesn't have these same privileges.
My personal stance is, I don't give a rat's ass what anybody thinks about me and my continued infection precautions. I know that I'm moving as ethically and responsibly as I can in the world. I also understand the risks of infection for my own self (high, terrible) and the risks of potentially infecting others.
I'm an outlier. But I ask you to consider joining me as we enter the second half of this pandemic's first decade. This is the only way public health is going to happen -- if we take it into our own hands and stop believing convenient fairytale bullshit and weakened public health entities.
Breakdown (tl;dr):
-- Public health has failed
-- disinformation is rampant, even from organizations that should be trustworthy
-- COVID is airborne and only takes a few particles to infect someone
-- COVID continues to evolve and evade rather than become "milder"
-- COVID can break your DNA, becoming a cancer precursor
-- vaccines are your LAST line of defense
-- Immunity debt is bullshit!
-- Masks work; even a beat up 30 day old 3M Aura mask filters well
-- Cleaning the air with HEPA filters is highly effective at reducing transmission indoors
For those of you still with me on this subject, those who have made it this far reading, as well as those of you who are becoming precaution-curious, here's a cookie:
"I think that if you’re out there taking COVID seriously, and if you’re out there still trying to avoid repeated infections, you’re still doing the right thing. It is still possible to avoid being infected and a worthwhile goal."
#MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCausesCancer #CovidKills
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
In this interview, Dr. Chakravarty discusses the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and public health globally five years after the initial outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan, China.World Socialist Web Site
Respirators protect you from all kinds of airborne viruses - including Covid.
If you can’t afford one - check for a mask bloc in your area.
Make 2025 the year you up your mask game!
#maskup #CovidIsNotOver #covidisairborne #longcovid #publichealth
to be kind to the one
with the needle in their hand,
about to draw your blood.
Today, I chose not to be
after her disdain for my HEPA,
I gave her attitude back,
knowing full well
that she might hurt me.
But she didn’t.
Instead, she softened,
her tone turned kind—
as if my defiance
made me human to her
Covid is surging. RSV is too.
For the sake of everyone else - please stay home. If you can’t - wear a respirator.
Some of us spent our holidays alone. Isolated because no one will take precautions
Many of us have necessary hospital appointments and/or in person needs in the New Year
We don’t deserve to be infected because you took risks & then deluded yourself into believing you were “fine”.
Wear the mask.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #longcovid #sarscov2 #ableism #disability #wearamask
Someone told me their dad refused to mask because he wanted to “live his life fully”. He caught covid & died
This person genuinely seemed to believe that her Dad lived more fully than people who mask…because he died living the way HE wanted
Given they’re likely experiencing grief - I pushed back as gently as possible. I explained that you can do almost all activities while wearing a respirator - but you can’t live life if you’re dead.
There was zero recognition of the point I was trying to make. They stood their ground.
I don’t know how we reach people like that. They’re so entrenched in their beliefs that even losing a close family member wont shake their denial.
Because it’s an airborne virus - his choice likely harmed others.
Thats the reason I keep advocating. Your “freedom” to risk your health stops when it puts the lives of others at risk.
Perhaps you’re genuinely ok losing your life just to avoid wearing a mask - but don’t presume to make that decision for other people.
Masking is kindness. It saves lives.
#covidisairborne #CovidIsNotOver #sarscov2 #longcovid #wearamask #maskswork
MakeMyTestCount: Report COVID-19 home test results safely and
My teen son was sick all last week. Said "everyone" at school is sick & NO ONE is masking (except him). Symptoms presented like a head cold. 3 rapid tests 48 hours apart all negative. He's better now.
But 10 days after his 1st symptoms, I got sick. Yesterday's rapid test was negative, but after a 102.5 F fever last night, today I am positive.
I'm SOOOO upset because there are things I could have done to prevent this, but I didn't. Here are my Lessons Learned:
... Collectively, our findings provide mechanistic insights underscoring the oral cavities’ diverse susceptibilities to SARS-CoV-2 infection, prompting a reassessment of oral opportunistic infection risks and their potential long-term impacts on oral health."
#SARSCoV2 #FungalInfection #PublicHealth #CovidIsNotOver
SARS-CoV-2 infection of salivary glands Compromises the production of a secreted antifungal peptide with potential implications for Development of oral candidiasis
Author summary Saliva contains antimicrobial peptides part of host innate immunity crucial for protection against colonizing microbial species. Most notable is the antifungal peptide histatin-5 produced in salivary glands
"#LongCovid is more common in Ireland among women and people who reported doing regular exercise before their illness, according to a new report."
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC @covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
Women and an unusually healthy cohort at greater risk of long-Covid, HSE study suggests
Long-Covid is more common in Ireland among women and people who reported doing regular exercise before their illness, according to a new report.Eilish O'Regan (Irish Independent)
Neuroimaging markers of cognitive fatigue in individuals with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
#CovidBrain #NeuroPASC @longcovid
#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #PASC #postcovid
@covid19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver #auscovid19 @auscovid19
@lonelinesscorps #CovidIsNotOver #PandemicIsNotOver
...they are actually speaking from a place of caring about me and being worried for me.
But wow.
It hurts. And it's exhausting.
@lonelinesscorps #CovidIsNotOver #PandemicIsNotOver
Please be that one masked weirdo who still cares. It will give the second, third and fourth weirdos permission to care too.
Do me a favor and go #Boost their post into low earth orbit! (with any luck it'll knock one of Elon's stupid satellites out)
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #PleaseBoost
Broadwaybabyto (
My latest article is about the shooting of CEO Brian Thompson and how NYC Mayor Adams seems poised to use it as an excuse to bring in a ban on masks (which he’s wanted to do for awhile). Mask bans are discriminatory, ableist and put lives at
Mask bans are discriminatory, ableist and put lives at risk.
We are still IN an airborne pandemic. Everyone - whether disabled or not - should have the legal right to protect themselves from infection.
People need masks for all kinds of reasons. Pollution, wildfire smoke, allergies AND Covid. No one should be forced to risk their health because a necessary medical device has been criminalized for absolutely no reason.
Make no mistake - these bans won’t stop crime. Studies have shown that sunglasses obscure identity more effectively.
The only reason to ban masks is to pander to those on the right still angry about mask mandates - and to make it easier for the government to surveil its citizens.
Ironically those who screamed the loudest about freedom and bodily autonomy during mask mandates are eerily quiet about mask bans - despite the fact that they represent escalating fascism and government overreach.
We really are on our own.
Please - mask up. Do it in solidarity with disabled people who NEED masks in order to safely access public spaces. Do it to support the Covid aware people who just want to avoid infection. Do it to send a message to the government that you don’t believe anyone is expendable. Do it to protect our right to mask in the future.
It’s not too late - but we must get loud, work fast and wear our masks.
#maskbans #nomaskbans #noNYmaskban #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #wearamask #respirator #brianthompson #luigimangione #ableism #discrimination #disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #maskup
NYC Mayor Wants to Ban Masks in the Wake of Shooting Death of CEO Brian Thompson
A look at how the shooting death of Brian Thompson is being used to re-ignite interest in banning masks in New York City - a move which would be a devastating blow to the disabled community.Broadwaybabyto (The Disabled Ginger)
I find it extremely concerning that the media reports about Luigi Mangione say he had a gun, ammo and “box of masks” in his backpack. As though they’re the same.
Masks are a personal protective tool. They can’t harm anyone else.
The U.S. has a terrible problem with gun violence. Yet whenever a mass shooting occurs and someone suggests banning guns - they scream about their right to carry & “freedom” to protect themselves.
How far we’ve fallen that people are more concerned with banning masks than guns.
Masks bans won’t stop crimes. All they will do is fuel hateful anti-mask rhetoric and make public spaces even less safe for disabled and high risk individuals.
If the “freedom” to protect oneself is truly of paramount importance - the right to wear a mask needs to be preserved.
If you’ve stopped masking - please mask back up. We need you now more than ever. Send a loud and clear message that masking should not be considered a crime - and that you refuse to contribute to the spread of a dangerous virus.
#nomaskbans #noNYmaskbans #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #luigimangione #brianthompson #ericadams #ableism #discrimination #disability #disabilityjustice #sarscov2
I’ve completed a three part series on MCAS and a separate three part series on POTS which I’ve compiled into a mega thread I will link below.
People have already provided great suggestions for a follow up series - including things like how to regulate temperature, how to handle dating and/or sex, how to discern which condition is driving which symptoms, how to talk to doctors in a way that will get them to understand, and how to cope with being a parent to a kiddo with these conditions.
If anyone has other suggestions - please reach out! I’m also working on a series about EDS which I hope will tie some of these topics together. As they say - when you can’t connect the issues think connective tissues!
Also - if you’re a parent to someone with any of these difficult to manage conditions and want to provide feedback, suggestions or contribute - please get in touch. I would love to connect!
#longcovid #mecfs #pots #mcas #EDS #chronicillness #spoonie #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #disability
Broadwaybabyto (
If you’re dealing with Long Covid - there’s a chance you’re also dealing with MCAS and/or POTS/Dysautonomia. They’re common comorbids and can have a devastating impact on quality of
In other words it would be a LESS FIT virus if it did NOT cause LC. Water runs downhill; viruses do not evolve to become less fit.
#LongCOVID #COVID #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
Bosses are actually punishing workers for the Pandemic? #CovidIsNotOver
I cover everything I learned the hard way over years of living with this condition.
Salt, fluids, compression, medication, mobility aids and all the lifestyle adjustments you can imagine.
Patients can wait years for a diagnosis - being gaslit and dismissed along the way. When they DO get diagnosed - they’re often not given much in the way of support or coping tools.
It can be devastating when you’ve spent years suffering and then assume you’re finally going to get the help you need.
Doctors don’t understand the condition very well - and as a result we learn a LOT from other patients and painful trial and error.
My hope is this guide can serve as a soft place to land and find support, tips and ways to cope and stay safe:
#pots #dysautonomia #chronicillness #spoonie #longcovid #MECFS #mcas #disability #accommodation #accessibility #covidisnotover #covidisairborne
Learning to Live Horizontally - Your Guide to All Things POTS
When you have POTS - being upright is a challenge. We deal with fatigue, tachycardia, dizziness, fainting and more. Adapting to living life horizontally can make symptoms more manageable.Broadwaybabyto (The Disabled Ginger)
It’s an act of solidarity with disabled people.
It’s an act of resistance against governments trying to convince you the covid threat is over and that certain people are “expendable”.
It’s an act of compassion. You’re showing your unwillingness to be responsible for the death or disability of another person.
It’s self care. You’re protecting your health and the health of those around you.
We could have chosen to learn from the early period of the pandemic. We could have been excited about eradicating an entire strain of the flu - and adopted masking as a powerful public health tool.
Instead we made them political - and to this day people are willing to be repeatedly infected with Covid rather than do something different.
They cling to the narrative “we didn’t mask before Covid so why should we now?”
The answer is simple. When you know better - you do better.
We know Covid is a serious multi system virus that’s causing long term harm. We know a good respirator prevents catching or spreading it.
We need to adapt - and it’s not too late.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #longcovid #wearamask #disability #ableism #cleanair
Discover amazing developers from across the
I just saw this post on 🦋. Hiccup in the ordering process. We will not have it for Christmas.
#CovidIsNotOver #covidIsAirborne
For folks with bit hopes for mucosal vaccines:
"➡️ 5 mucosal vaccines are currently authorized for use, at least 1 in each of 6 countries. However, none have been authorized by a drug regulatory agency designated stringent, or listed, by WHO.
➡️ 31 mucosal vaccines have reached clinical trial, although some of the vaccines are no longer in development. The vaccines that have entered clinical trials are tracked in a table below.
➡️ In addition to the 5 authorized mucosal vaccines, 4 have reached phase 2 trials, and another 2 have reached phase 2/3 trial."
#SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver
A Bumper Month for Trial Results of NextGen Covid Vaccines (Update 23) - Absolutely Maybe
There is a lot to dig into in this monthly update! There are 7 new reports of data from clinical trials for…Hilda Bastian (Absolutely Maybe)
If someone dies or becomes disabled - the first question is almost never a compassionate one. It’s “how many comorbids did they have?”
People desperately wanted to go back to normal - so they accepted the narrative that THEY were safe and only those “other” people would become disabled and die.
First - it’s not true. Covid is a risk to everyone.
Second - you can’t decide to toss entire groups of people to the wayside and not have it impact your moral compass.
It may be subconscious - but it IS happening.
You’re being taught that it’s ok to harm people as long as they belong to an undesirable group. You’re being conditioned to believe you’re superior.
It’s not at all hard to see how this can pave the way for authoritarianism.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #eugenics #ableism #discrimination #disability #longcovid #fascism #authoritarianism
How Did We Get Here and What Comes Next?
Disabled people have been warning others for nearly 5 years that eugenicist Covid policies would lead to a rise of fascist, racist, bigoted, misogynistic hatred. It's here now. So what’s next?Broadwaybabyto (The Disabled Ginger)
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #neutrophils #LongCovidKids #LongCOVID
Long COVID syndrome in children: neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction and its correlation with disease severity - Pediatric Research
Pediatric Research - Long COVID syndrome in children: neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction and its correlation with disease severityNature
I read this Nature paper as absolutely puting to rest claims that children aren't getting LC or that it's post-2020 trauma and so on. There's been other evidence before but I don't remember other gaps that were so clean.
h/t a half dozen and other fedisci folks
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #neutrophils #LongCovidKids #LongCOVID
Long COVID syndrome in children: neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction and its correlation with disease severity - Pediatric Research
Pediatric Research - Long COVID syndrome in children: neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction and its correlation with disease severityNature
Recovering From Shock: Antifascist Struggle in an Ongoing Pandemic
How the shock of the pandemic, and its mishandling, has for too long been exploited by right-wing interests.Jay Baker (MediaActivist)