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Beiträge, die mit CloseUp getaggt sind

Wunderbarer Mikrokosmos Mauermoose
Marvellous microcosm of wall mosses

#Mosstodon #Moos #nature #Natur #Fotografie #photography #closeup
Auf einer Mauer wachsen Moose und Flechten. Die Farben sind braun-gelblich-orange. Die Sporenkapseln mit roten Stielen sind gelbgrün, es scheint als würde die Köpfe durch die Feuchtigkeit nach unten hängen. Der Focus liegt auf den Moosen, die Häuser im Hintergrund sind unscharf.

Mosses and lichens grow on a wall. The colours are brown-yellowish-orange. The spore capsules with red stems are yellow-green, it seems as if the heads are hanging down due to the moisture. The focus is on the mosses, the houses in the background are blurred.

Hey, I can play #SuperbOwlSunday too now! (I didn't have any owl photos until last year:-)

Here's a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) that was kind enough to visit our backyard and hold still for a portrait.

#Birds #Owl #BirdPhotography #CloseUp #GreatHornedOwl #BirdsOfMastodon
Close-up photo of an owl's head, showing the big round eyes, beak and feather tufts on its head.

Kaum geht frau mit nem Helios Gassi, blühen die Haselnüsse.
Schöne Grüße soll ich ausrichten: sie wären dann so weit ;)
Allergiker aller Regionen, wappnet Euch!
Der Rest darf die Farbe bewundern, die sich da in den Zwergen so ansammelt :D

#photography #fotografie #closeUp
Vor mittelbraunem, weichen Hintergrund an einem Zweig eine pinkfarbene, sehr kleine Haselnussblüte.

Orange-cored Shadow lichen (Phaeophyscia rubropulchra) on a tree trunk

#lichensubscribe #Mosstodon #lichen #nature #closeup
The photo shows a rosette-shaped lichen with olive-green leaves (lobes) growing on a dark tree trunk.
The narrow, branched, long lobes are closely connected to the tree trunk and attached with short, black 'hairs' (rhizines) that are visible on the underside of the lobes.
Some of the lobe tips are broken off, and an orange-coloured core can be seen inside the lobes, which is an unusual inner colour for lichens!
In most cases, this inner part of the lobes, called the medulla, is white.
This lichen, the Orange-cored Shadow lichen (Phaeophyscia rubropulchra), is surrounded by a brown liverwort, some moss and some snow.