Beiträge, die mit HOPE getaggt sind
Ich wünsche euch Träume in hoffnungsfrohen Farben, die euch Kraft und Zuversicht schenken und für morgen einen guten Start in den Tag.
Ich hab mir vorgenommen, abends den nächsten Tag besser vorzubereiten um entspannter starten zu können. Wie klappt das bei euch so?
#blog #positivity #hope #inspiration #perspective #perseverance #peace #motivation #living #healing #determination
How To Live More Peacefully In Difficult Times
The times we are currently living in are very difficult times. This is a time of questioning and reasoning, trying to figure out why things are the way they are, wondering if they will end soon, feeling anxious and depressed, and worrying about our …Guest User (Diamante Lavendar)
#peonies #Gardening #buyintoart #Photography #peace #hope #positive #art #visualarts #MastoArt #goodvibrations
#politics #hope #imighthavecriedalittle #letscrymore #drownyourenemiesintears
Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too, covid
Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too
📷 Abdel Kareem Hana/AP
#Capitalisme #Patriarcat #Hope #Anarchisme #Media #MonMétier
Amid the Israel-Hamas cease-fire, Gaza is full of grief and defiance
Since the Israel-Hamas war began in October 2023, Gaza has reportedly lost roughly 6% of its population of over 2 million people. An estimated 100,000 Palestinians have left the strip and more than 55,000 are presumed dead.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#gardening #backyardgardener #seeds #hope
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Amid a #GQP / #TrumpVirus #media/#disinformation #cult - it is important
to stay 'woke' to #truth & maintain #hope
#Sanity / sobriety will somehow return, and with that some restoration of #respect for #law & #Wethepeople without billion$ or delusions that anything Sir StableGenius tries to sell.
#scifi #disability #hope
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #JohnLaFarge #blooming #allegory #hope #blossoms #darkness
Shall bear Hope’s tender blossoms
Into the Silent Land. »
— J. G. Van Salis
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#quotes #JGVanSalis #hope #StandingFirm #perseverance #determination
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Who in Life's battle firm doth stand Shall bear Hope's tender blossoms Into the Silent Land. — J. G. Van Salispoligraf (Tumblr)
— Sri Chinmoy
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#quotes #SriChinmoy #hope #blossom #promise #strength
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Hope knows no fear. Hope dares to blossom even inside the abysmal abyss. Hope secretly feeds and strengthens promise. — Sri Chinmoypoligraf (Tumblr)
— Amy Goodman
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#quotes #AmyGoodman #protest #justice #hope #love
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Protesting is an act of love. It is born of a deeply held conviction that the world can be a better, kinder place. Saying "no" to injustice is the ultimate declaration of hope. — Amy Goodmanpoligraf (Tumblr)
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#arts #artshare #illustrations 🎨 #RockwellKent #peace #hope #angels
— Anne Lamott
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#quotes #AnneLamott #hope #perseverance #DoTheRightThing
— Barack Obama
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#quotes #BarackObama #hope #solidarity #humanity #HumanNature #interbeing
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Hope does not arise by putting our fellow man down; it is found by lifting others up. — Barack Obamapoligraf (Tumblr)
« Ascent, » a poem written in March 2020 which documents some of the challenges of spiritual ascension…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#maturity #destiny #hope #humanity #spirit #karma #faith #maturation #insights
now that the truth is out and edges the windup say did you really doubt of where you would end up…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
Cardinal Pizzaballa: ‘The peak of war in Gaza is behind us’ - EUROPE SAYS
At a press conference with Aid to the Church in Need, the Latin Patriarch highlights his impression “thatEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#gaza #usa #hungary #support #hope #donatenow
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #GeorgeFredericWatts #hope
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
« Hope » (Second Version) by George Frederic Watts compare with : first version · third versionpoligraf (Tumblr)
— Robert Fripp
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#quotes #RobertFripp #hope #love #despair #creativeimpulse #benevolence
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
In strange and uncertain times such as those we are living in, sometimes a reasonable person might despair. But hope is unreasonable and love is greater even than this. May we trust the inexpressible...poligraf (Tumblr)
~ Evan Greer
#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #trans #LGBTQ #hope
Evan Greer on why Dems should stay strong on trans rights
"I wish more Democrats would ask themselves, 'How can we stand for more?' instead of 'How can we stand for less?'"Aaron Rupar (Public Notice)
#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #hope
~ Mark Joseph Stern
#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #hope
Is the Law for Suckers, Now?
Can lawyers be more than stenographers of democracy’s demise?Dahlia Lithwick (Slate)
Search goes into the night for Pennsylvania woman who may have fallen into a sinkhole
A grandmother looking for her lost cat apparently fell into a sinkhole that had recently opened above an abandoned coal mine and rescuers worked late into Tuesday night to try and find her.NPR
#gaza #freePalestine #goodShepherdCollective #hope
A message of hope
Never let anyone convince your hope is naivety. Don't let cynacism blind you from the future of justice and liberation that is rising on the horizon.Lara Kilani (Good Shepherd Collective)
#gaza #freePalestine #goodShepherdCollective #hope
A message of hope
Never let anyone convince your hope is naivety. Don't let cynacism blind you from the future of justice and liberation that is rising on the horizon.Lara Kilani (Good Shepherd Collective)
-- Rebecca Solnit
#hope #RebeccaSolnit #power #action #activism #community #advocacy #AdvocacyMatters