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Beiträge, die mit HOPE getaggt sind

"Die Verzweiflung täuscht häufiger als die Hoffnung" östliche Weisheit

Ich wünsche euch Träume in hoffnungsfrohen Farben, die euch Kraft und Zuversicht schenken und für morgen einen guten Start in den Tag.

Ich hab mir vorgenommen, abends den nächsten Tag besser vorzubereiten um entspannter starten zu können. Wie klappt das bei euch so?


How To Live More Peacefully In Difficult Times
#blog #positivity #hope #inspiration #perspective #perseverance #peace #motivation #living #healing #determination

An angel stands in the foreground in a robe of hearts, sending love to a person who sits beneath a tree covered in heart shaped leaves.  A glowing sun and orange clouds are in the background, sending rays of warmth and light over the scene.

that's a good step for all people in Europe never by a product or other things like facebook Instagram x so long zu digital act is not in Rio and in X and Meta it isn't, ditwe See live what's going on in the United States of America from demokratic state to autocrotty I think so Trump that way for everything destroy justice destroy#Authorities #InzernationaleAbgaben , #FriendStates & #EnemyStates are #same in #Oligarchy of #TrumpAitocracy #Hope #Citizens #vote #by #feet #öeave u can

I'm active in local politics and most of the time it makes me want to shove a rusty fork in my eyeballs but today.. today everyone came together and made a good change. Today it was all worth it. So keep going. Keep trying to make the world a better place in your own way. It matters. I'm proud of you for doing something. YOU MATTER!
#politics #hope #imighthavecriedalittle #letscrymore #drownyourenemiesintears

Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too, covid

Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too

Pensée du jour : "Fermer sa gueule ou ne pas fermer sa gueule? Telle est la question!"
#Capitalisme #Patriarcat #Hope #Anarchisme #Media #MonMétier

Amid the Israel-Hamas cease-fire, Gaza is full of grief and defiance https://www.byteseu.com/690910/ #CeaseFire #Conflicts #defiance #effect #Family #Gaza #Gazans #Grief #Home #hope #Israel #NowLeveledJabalia #palestinians #people #thousand #War
Amid the Israel-Hamas cease-fire, Gaza is full of grief and defiance

As a gesture to hope for the future .. I planted some lettuce seeds today.

#gardening #backyardgardener #seeds #hope

Sad day for #democracy, #environment, #rights, and #truth - but hey, laugh, clowns, laugh...

Cartoon by Mike Luckovich

Amid a #GQP / #TrumpVirus #media/#disinformation #cult - it is important
to stay 'woke' to #truth & maintain #hope

#Sanity / sobriety will somehow return, and with that some restoration of #respect for #law & #Wethepeople without billion$ or delusions that anything Sir StableGenius tries to sell.
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Grump is seen in profile at the inauguration podium, labeled
"Trump Inauguration - 2025"

A collection of VIP's, the SCOTUS Justice, family, etc. are overflowing with laughter, tears in their eyes, mouths-open laughter, as the Justice begins the swearing in:



Perhaps the time is near... When we return to our homes, We weep upon their ruins, For loss, for longing, for pride. 🏚️💔✨ #Hope #Gaza

It was uplifting to read this interview with Alice Wong. Despite her lifelong disability, she's an activist with a strong voice. I share her philosophy derived from SciFi that "These kinds of imaginings of the future give me hope and the idea of infinite possibilities."
#scifi #disability #hope


✊🏽actu militante✊ Hope Amidst Gaza's Struggle: -- dW-ZL1oWyiM?version=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW-ZL1oWyiM&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Gaza #Hope #Struggle #Peace #HumanRights

« Who in Life’s battle firm doth stand
Shall bear Hope’s tender blossoms
Into the Silent Land. »

— J. G. Van Salis

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738442897736744960/who-in-lifes-battle-firm-doth-stand-shall-bear

#quotes #JGVanSalis #hope #StandingFirm #perseverance #determination

« Hope knows no fear. Hope dares to blossom even inside the abysmal abyss. Hope secretly feeds and strengthens promise. »

— Sri Chinmoy

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738350026773921792/hope-knows-no-fear-hope-dares-to-blossom-even

#quotes #SriChinmoy #hope #blossom #promise #strength

« Protesting is an act of love. It is born of a deeply held conviction that the world can be a better, kinder place. Saying “no” to injustice is the ultimate declaration of hope. »

— Amy Goodman

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738264430561918976/protesting-is-an-act-of-love-it-is-born-of-a

#quotes #AmyGoodman #protest #justice #hope #love

« Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up. »

— Anne Lamott

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738183071880413184/wikpedia-anne-lamott

#quotes #AnneLamott #hope #perseverance #DoTheRightThing

« Hope does not arise by putting our fellow man down; it is found by lifting others up. »

— Barack Obama

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738080510548541440/hope-does-not-arise-by-putting-our-fellow-man

#quotes #BarackObama #hope #solidarity #humanity #HumanNature #interbeing

📢 new post on The Winged Life !

« Ascent, » a poem written in March 2020 which documents some of the challenges of spiritual ascension…

🔗· https://poligraf.substack.com/p/ascent

#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry

#maturity #destiny #hope #humanity #spirit #karma #faith #maturation #insights

Do you see this child with me?He was in his mother's womb when she was under the rubble, and I was the one who took him out.How happy I felt when he was alive.l saved a soul. Thank God. Let's unite and stay united in this difficult time to help all children Donate here To save them

#gaza #usa #hungary #support #hope #donatenow

Yes, @joyannreid, anger at Biden over #Gaza prompted so many citizens to abstain or to choose Trump. I wish they voted for Kamala Harris, as I did. But they did not make a bad bet, because Kamala Harris acted as if there would be another four years of #genocide in Gaza if she was elected president. With Trump, despite his being the pig that he is, there is at least a chance that Israeli genocide will end within four years, and maybe it will end next year. #Israel #hope #change

« In strange and uncertain times such as those we are living in, sometimes a reasonable person might despair. But hope is unreasonable and love is greater even than this. May we trust the inexpressible benevolence of the creative impulse. »

— Robert Fripp

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/736006450832408576/in-strange-and-uncertain-times-such-as-those-we

#quotes #RobertFripp #hope #love #despair #creativeimpulse #benevolence

“Civil rights were not a winning issue during the Civil Rights Movement. It was an uphill battle. That doesn’t mean fighting for civil rights was wrong. Democrats like [Seth] Moulton are just asking the wrong question. Are we a majoritarian country, or are we supposed to be protecting people and fighting for what’s right?”

~ Evan Greer

#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #trans #LGBTQ #hope


"And those people wound up being vindicated—even if they were in a minority at the time, even if they were censored and silenced at the time. It mattered to future generations and future movements that they were there laying down that marker."

#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #hope

"If you look back at some of the most momentous or egregious injustices and illegal actions throughout our history, like segregation, slavery, Indian removal, the list goes on—you can always find people who were saying, 'This is unlawful. It is wrong. It is shameful, and it violates the Constitution and the laws of this country.'”

~ Mark Joseph Stern

#HumanRights #slavery #segregation #NativeAmericans #deportations #JimCrow #racism #hope


A search is underway for Elizabeth Pollard, a grandmother who fell into a sinkhole while looking for her missing cat, Pepper, in Pennsylvania. Rescuers are working tirelessly, using cameras and excavators, as they hope to locate her. 🐾 Let's keep her family in our thoughts! #MissingPerson #Sinkhole #Pennsylvania #Hope 🙏💖 Read more: https://www.npr.org/2024/12/04/g-s1-36724/search-pennsylvania-woman-sinkhole

i most definitely needed this message of hope from the good shepherd collective in palestine. maybe you do, too, & can share it around to anyone else who might find solace in it.
#gaza #freePalestine #goodShepherdCollective #hope

i most definitely needed this message of hope from the good shepherd collective in palestine. maybe you do, too, & can share it around to anyone else who might find solace in it.
#gaza #freePalestine #goodShepherdCollective #hope

"They want you to feel powerless and to surrender and to let them trample everything and you are not going to let them. You are not giving up, and neither am I. The fact that we cannot save everything does not mean we cannot save anything and everything we can save is worth saving."
-- Rebecca Solnit

#hope #RebeccaSolnit #power #action #activism #community #advocacy #AdvocacyMatters