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Beiträge, die mit Israël getaggt sind

Bombardeios israelenses deixam 33 mortos no Líbano

Confira! 👇

#Líbano #Israel #Hezbollah #Mundo

Bombardeios israelenses deixam 29 mortos no Líbano

Confira! 👇

#Líbano #Israel #Hezbollah #Mundo

"A renowned socialist member of the Israeli Knesset has been suspended from parliament for six months after denouncing his country's brutal war on Gaza, where almost 44,000 Palestinians have been killed and the enclave utterly devastated."

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel


Samah Sabawi delivers the 2024 Edward Said Memorial Lecture: The Ethnocentric State and Our Fragile Australian Democracy - How Support for #Israel Erodes Democratic Values and Practices in Australia and the West. #BDS #StopArmingIsrael

Aid groups accuse #Israel of ignoring US ultimatum on ‘apocalyptic’ #Gaza crisis - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/12/aid-groups-accuse-israel-of-ignoring-us-ultimatum-on-apocalyptic-gaza-crisis "US may soon impose #sanctions as organisations say Israel has failed to help relieve dire humanitarian situation" I really doubt it...

At Investigating the #KillCloud conference Sophia Goodfriend will unpack the genesis of #Israel’s #AI powered targeting in #Gaza. Returning to testimonies offered by Israeli whistleblowers and published in +972s investigations, her talk underscores the violence enabled by the deployment of such systems.

The conference "Investigating the #KillCloud" will take place in #Berlin & online from 29 November - 1 December.

Learn more and get tickets now:

🌍 ■ El "patrón" de los ataques israelíes indican una "violación sistemática" del Derecho Internacional, dice la ONU ■ "Los ataques contra refugios y edificios residenciales siguen matando a un número desmesurado de civiles: mujeres, hombres, jóvenes y ancia[…]

#global #israel #derechoshumanos #crimenesdeguerra #gaza #derechointernacional
Un niño llora a su hermano en el hospital Nasser de Khan Younis. El chico murió al buscar internet en un café de Gaza que fue atacado por Israel, el 12 de noviembre de 2024. (Mohammed Salem / REUTERS)

Hey muslim americans and assorted lefties, how is staying home or voting Stein to "protect gaza" panning out


#usPol #trump #israel #palestine

Le député israélien Ofer Cassif interdit d’activité parlementaire pendant 6 mois pour avoir défendu les droits des Palestiniens

#démocratie #israel #geopolitique


Le mois dernier, nous avons été ravis d’apprendre que plus de 130 réservistes de l’armée avaient publié une lettre ouverte dans laquelle ils menaçaient de refuser d’effectuer leur service militaire si le gouvernement israélien n’acceptait pas une prise d’otages et un cessez-le-feu immédiats pour mettre fin à la guerre. Un refus de servir en temps de guerre d’une telle ampleur en Israël est rare et n’a jamais été observé depuis des décennies. ..


#israel #refractaire

🇷🇺#Rusia cere 🇮🇱#Israel‎ului să se abțină de la a efectua lovituri în apropierea bazei sale din 🇸🇾#Siria.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VVU


“I have to say that as a Jewish Israeli who is a left-wing activist, I feel unsafe and unwelcome in Berlin.”

– Yuval Abraham

#Germany #fascism #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #settlerColonialism #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide #WesternComplicity #warCrimes #antisemitism

Trump triumphant

Hear Tony Pearce’s latest talk on TRUMP TRIUMPHANT

What does it mean for America, Israel and the church?
Is this a ‘divine intervention against the criminal New World Order’ as Archbishop Vigano has said?
Or an open door to another round of deception?

#bible #GlobalCrises #Israel #jesus #Messiah #prophecy #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #SocialCrisis #socialmedia #Trump #USElection2024


"The damage we see from this destruction is much more than destroying buildings. You can rebuild a house, but as a farmer, when you lose your yields over many seasons, you lose everything,” says George Mitri, director of the Land and Natural Resources programme at Lebanon’s University of Balamand"

#Israel #Lebanon #Agriculture #Farming

Cattle, crops and ancient olive groves: Lebanon’s farmers ‘lose everything’ to Israeli bombs | Global development | The Guardian

O gală controversată organizată la #Paris îi întinde covorul roșu extremei drepte 🇮🇱#Israel‎iene înainte de meciul de fotbal dintre 🇫🇷#Franța și 🇮🇱#Israel.
4000 de polițiști și jandarmi, mobilizați pentru acest meci ”de mare risc”.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VVu

#Știri #Sport #Fotbal

Hier sluit ik mij graag bij aan: "Maccabi-supporters kregen geen klappen omdat ze Joods zijn. Ze kregen ze omdat ze zich schaamteloos trots toonden over de haat en de misdaden van hun regering. Of dat pak slaag terecht is, daarover mogen de meningen verschillen." Goed verwoord door Karin Amatmoekrim - ook de rest van het artikel - #israel #Maccabi #gaza


Eine Woche nach den Angriffen auf israelische Fans in Amsterdam gilt das Spiel Frankreich - Israel als heikel. Die Sicherheitsbehörden sind in erhöhter Bereitschaft.#[Frankreich #Fußball #Israel #NationsLeagueA]

"VS waarschuwen Israël bij VN voor hongersnood in Gaza" - Het is te laat voor waarschuwingen! Door het geweld van #israel zijn al duizenden mensen omgekomen en kijken duizenden andere de dood in de ogen. Mannen, vrouwen en kinderen - het geweld van #israel maakt geen onderscheid in #gaza #libanon #westbank - Stop met waarschuwingen! En onderneem actie tegen de #rogue state #israel


Just this summer, my Israeli cousin told me "there is no such thing as Palestinians". In full seriousness. He's educated, well-traveled.

And unrelatedly, Mike Huckabee in 2008:

#Israel #Palestine

#PrimMinistrulIsraelului Benjamin #Netanyahu s-a adresat, din nou, poporului 🇮🇷#Iran‎ian: „Știu că nu vreți acest război. Nici eu nu-l vreau”.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VVi

#Știri #Israel

[07:10] LIVE | VS waarschuwen Israël in Veiligheidsraad voor hongersnood in Gaza

De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.


#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische

Aurore Bergé traitée de "poubelle" par le LFI Delogu lors d'une séance à l'Assemblée hier? L'ex-ministre a pris à témoin le reste de l’hémicycle. Vérification faite, l'Insoumis a déclaré qu'elle finirait "dans les poubelles de l’Histoire", comme l'ont noté les fonctionnaires de la séance. "Tout est bon pour discréditer la gauche, surtout le mensonge", réagit un député insoumis. Bergé ne s'est pas excusée...

#Off #LFI #AuroreBerge #Antisemitisme #Israel #Palestine #NFP #DirectAN #FakeNews

"According to one officer serving in Gaza: The IDF won't withdraw before 2026"

I wonder if in 1967, as the IDF was setting the ground for long term military occupation, endless ethnic cleansing, and the building of massive settlements, they were saying "the IDF won't withdraw before 1969"

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza
Screenshot of a Haaretz article with the headline "IDF Gearing Up to Remain in Gaza Until End of 2025, at Least. This Is What It Looks Like" and the subheading "The images are the same in several part of the Gaza Strip: the Israeli military is widening the roads, building substantial positions and installing long-term infrastructure – including on roads that used to lead to the Israeli settlements. According to one officer serving in Gaza: 'The IDF won't withdraw before 2026'"

[07:10] LIVE | VS waarschuwen Israël in Veiligheidsraad voor hongersnood in Gaza

De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.


#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische

LIVE: Israeli forces attack north Gaza shelters just after UN delivers aid | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Five ‘mass casualty’ events recorded in north Gaza last week
- Senior Israeli army officials say there is ‘procrastination’ over October 7 probe: Report
- Israel let UN mission deliver aid to north Gaza shelters, then attacked the area
- Israeli settlers torch Palestinian vehicles in Jerusalem: Report

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

📰#JerusalemPost: De ce trebuie 🌍#Europa să acționeze contra violenței antisemite în urma atacurilor de la #Amsterdam.
Trei măsuri urgente pentru a descuraja #terorism‎ul.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VVc

#Știri #Israel #Olanda #UE #UniuneaEuropeană #Antisemitism #Rasism #Terorism

Die USA drohten mit einem Stopp der Militärhilfe für Israel, sollte sich die humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen nicht bessern. Das ist nun vom Tisch. Derweil gibt es nach israelischen Luftangriffen offenbar erneut Dutzende Tote.#Israel-Gaza-Krieg #Israel #USA #Waffenlieferungen

Analysis: The Blinken aid-demand letter is now merely a "suggestion".

Blinken's letter purported "to demand Israel improve the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza" & warned that the failure to provide more aid "may have implications for U.S. policy".

The State Department now says "the letter was a suggestion of steps that we think that they should take.”


#GazaStarvation #Israel #USPol #StateDept .

Der Krieg in Nahost ist ein Nährboden für Terror – auch hier in Bayern. Das zeigen Anschläge der vergangenen Wochen und Monaten. Ein Projekt versucht, dem entgegenzuwirken: Indem Juden und Palästinenser gemeinsam Schulklassen besuchen.#Oberbayern #Dialog #München #Schule #Krieg #Palästina #Gaza #Israel #Hamas #Gaza-Israel-Krieg #Nahost

Extremismus vorbeugen: Reden über den Krieg im Gazastreifen

TW violence
"Acclaimed British surgeon specialist in transplantation surgery, #NizamMamode break down briefly while testifying to the #UK Parliament about how Israeli “#quadcopters” would systematically arrive at the scene of airstrikes in Gaza to “pick-off” / “shoot” the injured while they were laying on the floor, including children. Respect to #SarahChampion, Labour MP, for handling it with so much care and precision."
From the IG account @ahmedeldin
#Gaza #Israël #genocide #drones

#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #uscompany

„The company is believed to have judged that it would be difficult to continue business there amid the war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.“


'Gaza’s healthcare system is in apocalyptic condition': Doctor - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #UK