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Beiträge, die mit DISINFORMATION getaggt sind

#Truth in #media. - on ABC bending the knee for #TrumpVirus intimidation and #disinformation - their new standard?

Sadly, I've removed ABC Nightly "News" from my daily routine. **A** **B** ulls**t **C** ompany. Shameful.

Borowitz Report (short, sweet, satire - with a whole lot of truthiness!


#Borowitz #media #FreedomOfThePress #TrumpVirus / #MuskVirus #tools

Twitter is, indeed, for the birds: dodos, cuckoos, turkeys, buzzards, vultures, et al. In spite of what its logo may suggest, there are no quaint bluebirds anywhere to be found in that nihilistic narcissist’s nest.
#ThankMastodon #ThankYouMastodon
#Twitter #BirdSite #ElonMusk #MAGA #RightWing #HateSpeech #AltRight #propaganda #misinformation #disinformation #media

Dan Rather:

>> Is Trump Really Calling the Shots?


"Just when you think it can’t get weirder or more dysfunctional …_"

So, just who is calling the shots/pulling the strings? ( #Elon? #Putin ? #Project2025 ? #Brainspurs on steroids?)

A fair and important question.

Anyone remember long ago - in the days before #MuskVirus - when Sir "danced" with air?

#TrumpVirus #dementia #psychopathology #Article25 #disinformation #fantasy #GQP #media vs. #truth #reality #democracy

"Ciertos fenómenos digitales, como la inteligencia artificial generativa o la #desinformación, pueden recibir una importancia desproporcionada en las narrativas mediáticas y los discursos sociales predominantes" https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/news-events/a-look-back-at-the-year-of-elections-2024-from-a-digital-perspective/ #generativeai #disinformation

#Google tests delisting Danish Union of Journalists website - "the fact that a union’s website is hidden from its own members in Google searches only underlines the extent of Google’s power"


#union #unions #media #MediaLiteracy #SEPM #IFRRO #disinformation #capitalism #exploitation #corruption #ClassWar

“Zionist cutouts and intermediaries:
Real-estate billionaire Barry Sternlicht's Facts for Peace is just one of the covert ops being used by the Zionists to dampen opposition to genocide in Palestine”

by David Miller in Tracking Power Update on Substack



#Press #Sternlicht #Zionism #Billionaires #Support #Israel #Genocide #Gaza #Hamas #Palestine #Delegitimization #Campaign #FactsForPeace #Cutouts #CovertOps #STOIC #Disinformation

Just for it's #disinformation value. Do note that #HTS IS A 'FACTION' of ISIS, and the people CBS is touting, the #SDF, is also rife with #islamists just like the headchoppers of ISIS and #AQ.

American-backed forces work to keep #ISIS at bay in #Syria


"INTRODUCTION: The enemy has a new form. Today's wars are fought from computer consoles; climate #disinformation campaigns are planned in web conferences; decisions to deny #healthcare are codified in software.

Free and just futures demand new strategies."😎

SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS: SIMPLE #SABOTAGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (The most potent tools for fighting #injustice are the ones already in your hands.)

https://specificsuggestions.com Modern #Monkeywrenching #SocialEngineering #SocialHacking


Anxiety looms over Georgia’s election as voters cast ballots – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/548237/ #BidzinaIvanishvili #Disinformation #Elections #Enlargement #environment #Georgia #Media #Neighborhood #RepublicOfGeorgia #Russia #Tanks #UnitedStates #War #WarInUkraine
Anxiety looms over Georgia’s election as voters cast ballots – POLITICO

GetUp's new report, Pro-Nuclear Disinformation in Australia details who is behind the divisive nuclear agenda. You can download the report here.
#democracy #politics #nuclear #marketing #disinformation
Good information about what & who’re driving this

#Syria #Disinformation check.
"This guy just claimed a few hours ago that Sednaya prison contained 150,000 (150 THOUSAND) secret prisoners

Of course, this is completely false, even the White Helmets admitted a maximum of 4000 prisoners in their statement.

👉If they maintain these ridiculous lies even now #Assad is gone, imagine the lies they were willing to invent when he was still in power.👈"

Via Middle_East_Spectator https://t.me/Middle_East_Spectator/13685

〝Feedback is instant, and the right “bits” get laughs and likes. Influencers — and political leaders — can quickly adapt their messaging to their audiences’ tastes, preferences and grievances, as well as to the events and trends of the day, unencumbered by the lag of traditional news media.〞

#media #improv #Disinformation #SocialMedia


#Trump #KristenWelker interview shows his slick talking #disinformation "USA only country that has #BirthrightCitizenship" ‼️

#Canada, #Mexico and maybe 10+ others in #CentralAmerica and #SouthAmerica have it, #Japan has it, but you need to pick only one when you reach 20 yr old

His plan is to cause economic chaos and this IMO, will keep #MAGA voters too confused that it's not their guy who did it, it's them #Democrats and #nextgenamerica

Offshore wind does not harm whales
[what Dutton won’t tell you] 
#disinformation #democracy #politics #AtlasNetwork #lnp #auspol #energy #wind #wildlife #ocean #marketing #socialmedia
Image of wind turbine in the sea “Offshore wind does not harm whales [what Dutton won’t tell you]

The Conversation: Social media platforms are throttling access to news – with far-reaching implications for democracy. “API restrictions – such as those suddenly imposed by X before the US presidential election – limit what goes in and what comes out of a platform, including news…. The net result is that it is getting harder and harder for the public to access high quality, […]


Fuck you CBS
A history of the western destabilization of syria since 2011:

"While #disinformation on the scale/success of #HTS’ incursions abounds on social media, establishment news outlets remain a redoubtable source of manipulation and deceit. No context to the current upsurge of violence is provided, although reference has been widely made to supposedly “peaceful” protests in 2011 that produced the decade-long Syrian civil war...

#Syria #DirtyWar’s Secret Origins

Dec 2023 - International Centre for Counter-Terrorism:
"How #Russia uses the #Israel-#Gaza Crisis in its #disinformation campaign against the West"

Jill Stein of the #Greens is the prime example.

#misinformation #genocide #Trump #auspol


A history of the western destabilization of @syria since 2011:

"While #disinformation on the scale and success of ,#HTS’ incursions abounds on social media, establishment news outlets remain a redoubtable source of manipulation and deceit. No context to the current upsurge of violence is provided, although reference has been widely made to supposedly “peaceful” protests in 2011 that produced the decade-long Syrian civil war...

#Syria #DirtyWar’s Secret Origins

"If you saw through the lies about #Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about #Iraq, they lied about #Libya, they lied about #Ukraine, and they’re lying about #Syria too..."

They Lied About Gaza, And They’re Lying About Syria – #CaitlinJohnstone @syria #Propaganda #Lies and the #Liars who tell them #DisInformation #MisInformation #MSM

https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/12/01/they-lied-about-gaza-and-theyre-lying-about-syria/ @palestine


"The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has decided it will no longer post content on Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, from 20 January 2025, when Donald J. Trump will officially become the 47th President of the United States."



#ConspiracyTheories #disinformation #hatred #media #Medien #Musk #propaganda #SocialMedia #Twitter #X

This week for #FactFriday I want to point out some of the more subtle ways that #misinformation and #disinformation is spread on #blogs and #SocialMedia by people I am dubbing the #Disinformati (the #Illuminati of disinformation 😉 ) as a cautionary tale of what to be aware of when on these sites. I have encountered all of this in the realm of #Mathematics #Maths #Math but the take-aways apply equally to all subjects....

The European Federation of Journalists, #EFJ, says starting January 20, it will discontinue posting content on the #ElonMusk-owned #SocialMedia platform #X.

In a statement on its website, EFJ says it can no longer ethically participate in a social network whose owner peddles #disinformation and #propaganda.

#Journalism #Europe


Laura Tingle: "the government finds itself outgunned by a man with simple and angry messages"

#ABC News Director Justin Stevens is a willing accomplice for Peter #Dutton's #disinformation.

#journalism #misinformation #HateSpeech #Trump #auspol


The absolute meltdown of the self proclaimed champions against #disinformation, the world #media lead by Reuters. Even when the facts were handed to them, they persisted in their disinformation. Their reporters who accidentally presented the correct information can expect punishment. How can i trust them ever again? This is sheer evil.