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Beiträge, die mit iCJ getaggt sind

🇮🇪 Premier ministre irlandais Simon Harris:
"Je rejette catégoriquement l’affirmation selon laquelle l’Irlande est anti-israélienne. L’Irlande est favorable à la paix, aux droits de l’homme et au droit international"

Que des trucs qu'Israël bafoue, quoi 🙃
Forcément, ils se sentent visés.



#Israel #Irlande #Palestine #Genocide #Syrie #Liban #Peace #HumanRights #InternationalLaw #ICC #ICJ

Israel to close its Dublin embassy, accuses Ireland of ‘crossing red line’ by supporting ICJ genocide petition – Firstpost https://www.byteseu.com/564176/ #Gaza #GazaStrip #GazaWar #GideonSa #ICC #ICJ #InternationalCourtOfJustice #Ireland #Israel #IsraelIreland #IsraelToCloseDublinEmbassy #IsraelHamasWar #Palestine #SimonHarris #SouthAfrica
Israel to close its Dublin embassy, accuses Ireland of 'crossing red line' by supporting ICJ genocide petition – Firstpost

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #USA #Germany #UN #ICJ #CeaseFireNow #StopArmingIsrael #StopGazaGenocide #ChildrenRights #ProtectChildren #news

"A new study of children living through the war in Gaza has found that 96% of them feel that their death is imminent and almost half want to die as a result of the trauma they have been through."


@stephie_hamburg L'ICJ a ordonné à Israël de prendre des mesures immédiates pour fournir des services essentiels et une aide humanitaire aux Palestiniens à Gaza. Pourtant, les actions d'Israël aggravent la situation, rendant l'accès à l'aide presque impossible. 😔 La communauté internationale doit agir pour garantir le respect de ces ordres et protéger les droits humains. #Gaza #ICJ #DroitsHumains #AideHumanitaire #Justice

#Genocidio a #Gaza :

Ipotesi accettata come plausibile dalla #ICJ che sta indagando:


Ipotesi confermata da Amnesty International in un rapporto di 300 pagine:


Ipotesi confermata nei rapporti dell'ONU


Ipotesi suffragata dal discorso genocidario di pubblici ufficiali israeliani raccolto in un database:


Ipotesi condivisa dal Papa che sostiene le indagini:



Amnesty International : "Israel's Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza Revealed Through Evidence and Analysis" #AmnestyInternational #StandWithGaza #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #ICJ #ICC #TheHague #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #NeverAgain #NeverAgainIsNow #apartheid #racism #BDS #UNRWA #GenevaConvention #WarCrimes #Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8_18UuiAm4

#AmnestyInternational #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #USA #Germany #UN #ICJ #CeaseFireNow #StopArmingIsrael #StopGazaGenocide #news

“Our damning findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide. It must stop now.

States that continue to transfer arms to Israel at this time must know they are violating their obligation to prevent genocide and are at risk of becoming complicit in genocide.”


Amnesty International accuses Israel of genocide:

“Israel imposed conditions of life in Gaza that created a deadly mixture of malnutrition, hunger and diseases, and exposed Palestinians to a slow, calculated death.”

“genocidal intent can co-exist alongside military goals and does not need to be Israel’s sole intent.”


#Genocide #ICJ #ICC #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Amnesty #CrimesAgainstHumanity

"Acts of Massacre and Ethnic Cleansing": +972 Magazine journalist Haggai Matar on Gaza War, ICC Arrest Warrants & More #StandWithGaza #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #ICJ #ICC #TheHague #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #NeverAgain #NeverAgainIsNow #apartheid #racism #BDS #UNRWA #GenevaConvention #WarCrimes #Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GYxQf_EuLU

Australia accused of undermining landmark climate change case brought by Pacific nations in international court
Vanuatu leads the charge of several nations arguing developed nations have a legal responsibility beyond non binding promises https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/dec/03/australia-accused-of-undermining-landmark-climate-change-case-brought-by-pacific-nations-in-international-court #auslaw #auspol #climate #ICJ #Vanuatu

Cry me a legal river.
#ICC suggests it should have more power to issue meaningless double standards that #Putin laughs at while the #UN has youth events.

Do your job. Free the #hostages

"ICC president says the court's existence is 'under threat'"

Outright genocidal intent from Bezalel Smotrich - and the Western media covers it up #media #StandWithGaza #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #ICJ #ICC #TheHague #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #NeverAgain #NeverAgainIsNow #apartheid #racism #BDS #UNRWA #GenevaConvention #WarCrimes #Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILTsXB-jtpo

So, after a long debate and trial ignited by a denunciation of South Africa, the #icj issued a sentence of strong condemnation for the acts perpetrated by #israel in the #gaza Strip since the beginning of the hostilities between the two Countries in October 2023, foreseeing a change for war crimes for its prime minister #netanyahu and the former defence minister.
Let’s see how this ruling will be enforced by the International Community as from this depends the credibility of #international #law

#NetanyahuWarCriminal now!
He doesn't care.

Bloomberg: #ICC #ICJ Issues #ArrestWarrant for #Netanyahu

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2024-11-21/bloomberg-intelligence-icc-warrant-for-netanyahu-podcast #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #Israel #IDF @palestine @israel

Kommentar in der SZ von heute:

"Der Haftbefehl des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegen Benjamin Netanjahu und Joav Gallant wurde unisono als skandalös und einseitig zurückgewiesen, als absurd und antisemitisch. Nichts davon hält einer sachlichen Überprüfung stand."..."Der Haftbefehl ist nicht antisemitisch, sondern richtig"


#israel #gaza #gazawar #netanyahu #icj #gallant

They can't stop pretending to be victims: "Israel’s opposition leaders fiercely criticized the ICC’s move. Benny Gantz... saying it showed “moral blindness” and was a “shameful stain of historic proportion that will never be forgotten.”"
#genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #legal #ICC #Israel #fascism #Zionism #GenocideJoe #ICC #ICJ #UN

#warcrimes #Israel #Hamas #palestine #GazaWar #IsraelWarCrimes - The international criminal court ( #ICJ ) has issued arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the country’s former defence minister Yoav Gallant and the Hamas leader Mohammed Deif for alleged war crimes relating to the Gaza war.

“States must take action to stop #Israel’s attacks against the Palestinians and end its unlawful occupation. All States have a legal obligation to comply with the #ICJ’s ruling and must promote adherence to norms that protect civilians:

- Immediately review all diplomatic, political, and economic interactions with Israel.

- Take all measures to ensure the recognition of the State of Palestine.

- Impose a full arms embargo on Israel.

- Ban goods and services emerging from both the colonisation of occupied Palestinian territory.

- Cancel or suspend economic relationships, trade agreements and academic relations with Israel that may contribute to its unlawful presence and apartheid regime in the occupied Palestinian territory.

- Impose sanctions, including asset freezes, on Israeli individuals, entities including businesses, corporations and financial institutions, involved in the unlawful occupation and apartheid regime.



#UN #Internationallaw

I want every #US citizen and #USPol representative to watch this.

Understand #USA and #Israel are the only countries on earth justifying #genocide when there is none or ever has been any justification for genocide.

Remember this is the raw truth of what #America is and its collapse will come from within. What you sow will be #Trump ed by what you reap. #History will not remember USA kindly.

#CeaseFireNow #ArmsEmbargo #Palestine #Lebanon #UN #UNSC #ICC #ICJ #Zionism


International Court of Justice likely to rule that Israel is committing genocide in #gaza: Legal expert

#icj #TheHagueAwaits

📰 Report Selman Aksunger for Anadolu 👇


#Norway to ask #ICJ for advisory opinion condemning Israel’s stance on #Unrwa - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/19/norway-to-ask-icj-for-advisory-opinion-condemning-israels-stance-on-unrwa "Draft resolution for UN general assembly seeks to protect the aid agency and allow it to keep functioning in #Gaza"

“Statements... by Starmer [re] the bombardment of Vukovar to the #ICJ in 2014 highlight the.. cynical hypocrisy in which... Labour... is currently engaged.... [he] clearly and unequivocally condemns the killing of 1100 in Vukovar in statements... just a decade ago - the ruination of family homes; targeting of electricity, water and sewage systems and the destruction of the cultural fabric of Vukovar through the shelling of religious buildings, schools, kindergartens and public buildings."

🧵 1/3

Just finished listening to the last interview by #ElectronicIntifada with Craig Mokhiber. Really worth a watch. Among other things, Mokhiber talks about the continuity of pro-Zionist policies by both Republicans and Democrats, and how some of the worst scenarios that open with the Trump administration, such as the annexation of the West-Bank, are decades long processes where both parties endorse the same agenda.

Worth a watch: https://electronicintifada.net

#Palestine #Gaza #ICC #ICJ @palestine

Comme Sunak, , #KeirStarmer (pour lequel les médias british ont écarté Corbyn sur des Kompromats et ds campagnde presse de propagandes) , refuse de reconnaître le génocide d'Israël sur les palestiniens #Gaza #ICJ

Quelles information Israël détient-il sur Keir Starmer pour qu'il campe dans ce #négationnisme ?

Assange-Playbook zu #Gaza

"Dem Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshof Karim Khan wird sexuelles Fehlverhalten vorgeworfen. Er weist dies zurück. Nun soll eine unabhängige Untersuchung die Vorwürfe beleuchten."


#IStGH #ICJ #Israel #Palästina #WestBank #Genozid