Beiträge, die mit iCJ getaggt sind
"Je rejette catégoriquement l’affirmation selon laquelle l’Irlande est anti-israélienne. L’Irlande est favorable à la paix, aux droits de l’homme et au droit international"
Que des trucs qu'Israël bafoue, quoi 🙃
Forcément, ils se sentent visés.
#Israel #Irlande #Palestine #Genocide #Syrie #Liban #Peace #HumanRights #InternationalLaw #ICC #ICJ
« L’Irlande a franchi toutes les lignes rouges » : Israël ordonne la fermeture de son ambassade à Dublin
Israël accuse l’Irlande de mener des initiatives « anti-israéliennes » et dénonce une « rhétorique antisémite » des autorités.Par AFP (Le Soir)
Israel to close its Dublin embassy, accuses Ireland of ‘crossing red line’ by supporting ICJ genocide petition – Firstpost
Israel’s Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar announced that the Jewish nation will shut down its embassy in Dublin, a week after Ireland decided to support a petition at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocideread moreIsrael announce…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Israel to close its Dublin embassy, accuses Ireland of 'crossing red line' by supporting ICJ genocide petition – Firstpost - EUROPE SAYS
Israel’s Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar announced that the Jewish nation will shut down its embassy in Dublin, aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#DianaButtu speaks w/ jurist #NimerSultany about the cases before the #InternationalCriminalCourt and the #InternationalCourtOfJustice wrt to #Israel, #Gaza and the other #OccupiedPalestinianTerritories
#oPt #ICJ #InternationalJustice #InternationalCriminalLaw #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #GazaGenocide #UNGenocideConvention @palestine @israel
"A new study of children living through the war in Gaza has found that 96% of them feel that their death is imminent and almost half want to die as a result of the trauma they have been through."
Ipotesi accettata come plausibile dalla #ICJ che sta indagando:
Ipotesi confermata da Amnesty International in un rapporto di 300 pagine:
Ipotesi confermata nei rapporti dell'ONU
Ipotesi suffragata dal discorso genocidario di pubblici ufficiali israeliani raccolto in un database:
Ipotesi condivisa dal Papa che sostiene le indagini:
Gaza, il Papa: indagare se è in atto un genocidio. Salviamo la dignità umana
Il quotidiano La Stampa oggi in edicola anticipa alcuni brani del libro che Papa Francesco pubblica per il Giubileo 2025. Il volume “La speranza non delude mai.Vatican News
An Irish barrister working on a case in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of Genocide said: “Ireland must go beyond strong statements.”
#Irish #theInternationalCourtofJustice #ICJ #Israel #Ireland
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“Our damning findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide. It must stop now.
States that continue to transfer arms to Israel at this time must know they are violating their obligation to prevent genocide and are at risk of becoming complicit in genocide.”
Amnesty concludes Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
Our research reveals that Israel has persisted in committing genocidal acts, fully aware of the irreparable harm it was inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza.Amnesty International
“Israel imposed conditions of life in Gaza that created a deadly mixture of malnutrition, hunger and diseases, and exposed Palestinians to a slow, calculated death.”
“genocidal intent can co-exist alongside military goals and does not need to be Israel’s sole intent.”
#Genocide #ICJ #ICC #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Amnesty #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Amnesty concludes Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
Our research reveals that Israel has persisted in committing genocidal acts, fully aware of the irreparable harm it was inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza.Amnesty International
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Vanuatu leads the charge of several nations arguing developed nations have a legal responsibility beyond non binding promises #auslaw #auspol #climate #ICJ #Vanuatu
#ICC suggests it should have more power to issue meaningless double standards that #Putin laughs at while the #UN has youth events.
Do your job. Free the #hostages
"ICC president says the court's existence is 'under threat'"
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Do not support the first genocide carried out by Big Tech
This Black Friday, boycott Amazon to end Big Tech’s complicity in the mass murder of Palestinians.Tauriq Jenkins (Mondoweiss)
Let’s see how this ruling will be enforced by the International Community as from this depends the credibility of #international #law
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He doesn't care.
Bloomberg: #ICC #ICJ Issues #ArrestWarrant for #Netanyahu #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #Israel #IDF @palestine @israel
Bloomberg Intelligence: ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu - Bloomberg
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"Der Haftbefehl des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegen Benjamin Netanjahu und Joav Gallant wurde unisono als skandalös und einseitig zurückgewiesen, als absurd und antisemitisch. Nichts davon hält einer sachlichen Überprüfung stand."..."Der Haftbefehl ist nicht antisemitisch, sondern richtig"
#israel #gaza #gazawar #netanyahu #icj #gallant
Der Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu ist nicht antisemitisch, sondern richtig
Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof macht einfach seine Arbeit. ...Peter Münch (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Australia is now ‘officially’ complicit in genocide by the apartheid state of Israel.
#genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #legal #ICC #Israel #fascism #Zionism #GenocideJoe #ICC #ICJ #UN
International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas officials
The court accused the Israeli PM, his former defense minister and Hamas officials of war crimes and crimes against humanity over the war in Gaza and the October 2023 attacksThe Canadian Press. All rights reserved. (Toronto Star)
- Immediately review all diplomatic, political, and economic interactions with Israel.
- Take all measures to ensure the recognition of the State of Palestine.
- Impose a full arms embargo on Israel.
- Ban goods and services emerging from both the colonisation of occupied Palestinian territory.
- Cancel or suspend economic relationships, trade agreements and academic relations with Israel that may contribute to its unlawful presence and apartheid regime in the occupied Palestinian territory.
- Impose sanctions, including asset freezes, on Israeli individuals, entities including businesses, corporations and financial institutions, involved in the unlawful occupation and apartheid regime.
#UN #Internationallaw
Understand #USA and #Israel are the only countries on earth justifying #genocide when there is none or ever has been any justification for genocide.
Remember this is the raw truth of what #America is and its collapse will come from within. What you sow will be #Trump ed by what you reap. #History will not remember USA kindly.
#CeaseFireNow #ArmsEmbargo #Palestine #Lebanon #UN #UNSC #ICC #ICJ #Zionism
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#icj #TheHagueAwaits
📰 Report Selman Aksunger for Anadolu 👇
International Court of Justice likely to rule that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza: Legal expert
John Quigley suggests that provisional measures could expedite the process - Anadolu Ajansı
#DonaldTrump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #xenophobia #Project2025
#Christofascism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#Gaza #Palestine #HumanRights #freedom #Israel #Netanyahu #genocide #WarCrimes #ICC #ICJ
#resistance #protest #solidarity #organizing #unions
What is resistance? From a second Trump presidency to the carnage in Gaza, it takes various forms
Resistance doesn’t exist on its own, but in opposition to a larger force. Often these bigger forces — like capitalism, white supremacy, the patriarchy — shape the power structures that rule society.The Conversation
🧵 1/3
Worth a watch:
#Palestine #Gaza #ICC #ICJ @palestine
Quelles information Israël détient-il sur Keir Starmer pour qu'il campe dans ce #négationnisme ?
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"Dem Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshof Karim Khan wird sexuelles Fehlverhalten vorgeworfen. Er weist dies zurück. Nun soll eine unabhängige Untersuchung die Vorwürfe beleuchten."
#IStGH #ICJ #Israel #Palästina #WestBank #Genozid