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Beiträge, die mit TIKTOK getaggt sind

Kaum ein US-Thema hat die letzten Tage so dominiert wie das mögliche Ende von #TikTok. Klar ist: Trump wird die Auseinandersetzung nutzen, um seine Macht mit der Video-Plattform zu stärken. Ein Kommentar.


»Eine repräsentative Umfrage des Instituts Allensbach im Auftrag der FDP-nahen Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung zeigt nun, dass Verschwörungstheorien besonders unter #TikTok-Nutzern verbreitet sind. […] Ein knappes Drittel (30 Prozent) erkennt nicht, dass Russland gezielt Desinformation verbreitet. […] [+ 44% dt. TikToker glauben, dass die "Pandemie absichtlich von Regierungen oder Eliten erzeugt wurde, um die Bevölkerung stärker kontrollieren zu können"]«


China ermahnt USA wegen TikTok

Die Führung in China hat vorsichtige Kritik am Umgang der USA mit TikTok geäußert. Unternehmen sollten nicht aufgrund ihrer Herkunft benachteiligt werden, hieß es aus Außenministerium in Peking.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/china-tiktok-usa-trump-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#China #TikTok #Trump #USA

Good afternoon. It's 12PM, Monday, 20th January. The headlines: Donald #Trump has been inaugurated as the 47th US president. #TikTok makes a comeback in the US after a directive from #Trump. In the Middle East, a ceasefire between #Israel and #Hamas is underway, with three individuals freed by Hamas now stable in an Israeli hospital. #DonaldTrump #BBC #News

"TikTok is back in the US after a brief shutdown, reportedly because Trump pledged to suspend the Biden administration’s ban. A Gaza ceasefire has also finally emerged due to pressure from Trump after Biden stalled for 15 months, and NBC News is reporting that the Trump administration plans on pressuring the Israeli government throughout negotiations to establish a permanent peace beyond the 42 days scheduled for the first phase of the agreement.

Remember this: it’s not that Trump is good, it’s that Democrats are just that bad. Biden’s completely unconditional facilitation of Israeli atrocities has actually been the exception rather than the norm among US presidents, as Trita Parsi explained in Foreign Policy last April. From what we are seeing so far, Trump is just returning things to their horrible standard baseline.

Trump will go on to do many evil things as president, just as he did during his first term, but none of this will reverse the fact that Biden just spent four years advancing genocide, nuclear brinkmanship and authoritarianism. The Democratic Party plays just as crucial a role in promoting the tyranny and abuse of the US empire as the Republican Party does, and it is nonsensical to think of either of them as a lesser evil. The empire itself must end."


#USA #Trump #Biden #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #TikTok

Stand gestern Abend (Tagesschau): Tiktok läuft wieder, oder doch nicht mehr?

Trump und Biden-Administration suchen Auswege für #Tiktok | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Tiktok-Verbot-Trump-und-Biden-Administration-fuer-Aufschub-10244665.html #SocialMedia

Did you just join us?

Welcome to Vivaldi Social, Mastodon and the Fediverse.

If you are coming from a place like X, Facebook or TikTok, this place is different. The good thing is that you only see things in your feed from people you follow. The content is shown reverse chronological.

This means that you will likely see a lot less misinformation, hate speech and AI crap.

But if you do not follow anyone, your feed will feel empty. So go ahead and find people and organizations that you like and follow them. Make things interesting. There is a lot of interesting people out there.

The search is great for finding content and who to follow. Hashtags are useful when searching as well.

#fediverse #Vivaldi #X #Twitter #Facebook #TikTok #SocialMedia

TikTok inszeniert Chaostage: Kurzzeitige Abschaltung vor Verbotsfrist, dann Wiederkehr. Trump plant Executive Order zur Fristverlängerung. Rechtliche Grundlage unklar. #TikTok #SocialMedia https://winfuture.de/news,148253.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

The #HOA of the Fediverse never changes!

Not only are they talking about defederating all #Pixelfed servers, but defederating anyone who talks about Pixelfed in a positive manner.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Whatever qualms you may have with Pixelfed, it is a vast improvement over #Instagram—which has moved moderation services over to Texas, and is therefore subject to laws over there.

In contrast, you can run a Pixelfed server wherever you like, in your own country if you choose, or at least in a place with demonstrable better laws than Texas.

But more than that, we don’t get to choose which Fediverse services prove to be popular. Folks from #TikTok and #Instagram are coming to Pixelfed, not #Mastodon, and we should be welcoming them with open arms.
RE: https://spanner.works/users/bouncinglime/statuses/113856316093137340

I was opposed to the whole “TikTok ban” situation. But ByteDance may have proven Congress’s point.

Biden noted he would not enforce the ban and allow the next administration figure it out. ByteDance still turned off their services to Americans, blaming the Biden admin.

And then they turned it back on, thanking Trump.

The congressional mandated ban was already in flux. The shutdown was self-imposed. This was all planned.

Maybe congress actually did have a point.

#ConspiracyTheory #TikTok

I’m feeling so sick to my stomach with this whole #tiktok situation. I’m going to just stay on #bluesky and try to figure out #mastodon. But if you love #books that are diverse and reading stories about marginalized communities please add me! #booktok #bookstodon #read #reading


#tiktok major stakeholder and the guy who helped found it with his money is *the* largest #GOP donor and funds a #rightwing thinktank in #Israel to warp the judiciary and keep #netanyahu in power:



#tiktok is no friend of #Palestine

#tiktok is no friend to #activism

Never was

Anyone who believes otherwise is being played for a fool, spied on and manipulated, helping everything they stand against


I really have no idea what Trump’s motive is regarding TikTok, not sure he is either but the real reason #TikTok was banned was the inability of US/Israel to control the narrative on the platform.
What controls or censorship US will have on TikTok in the future is purely speculative at this point.


Israeli trolls are on full power with their lies and disgusting propaganda on social media

Of course #TikTok refuse to remove them.

#propaganda #Genocide #Israel #Missinformation #Gaza #SocialMedia @palestine @israel


Wir sollten als Partei mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen. Bisher sind wir über #Meta und #google vernetzt, machen Zoom-Meetings und der Großteil unseres SocialMedia-Auftritts findet auf #instagram, #tiktok, #LinkedIn und #Facebook etc. statt.

Das können wir besser. Anfangen könnten wir damit, dass sich hier im #Fediverse alle alle #Volt Mitglieder vernetzen und unser offizieller Account auch Inhalte postet!

Neulich hielt uns jemand für eine lila #FDP 🤔

Just to make sure everyone has the facts straight: the push for the #tiktokban did not start with #Trump and it didn’t start with coverage of #Palestine, although I’m sure those things added fuel to the fire.

#Zuckerberg started a lobbying campaign to get #TikTok banned in 2021 because it was eating #Meta’s lunch, especially with young people.

The Washington Post covered it in 2022, back when it was still a real newspaper.

#USpol #uspolitics


Did they really only ban #TikTok for like 12 hours lmao

Trump will TikTok in den USA per Dekret erhalten

Die App TikTok ist in den USA derzeit abgeschaltet. Doch nun kommt Trump dem chinesischen Tech-Konzern zu Hilfe: Er will morgen ein Dekret unterschreiben, um den Betrieb weiter zu ermöglichen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/trump-tiktok-aufschub-104.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #Trump #TikTok #OberstesGericht

#TikTok ist bis auf weiteres in den USA nicht erreichbar. Wann zieht denn Europa nach? Und noch viel wichtiger: Wann begreifen endlich die Nutzenden, wie schlecht die Plattform ist, für die User und für die Gesellschaften, in denen sie leben?


TikTok goes dark in the US ahead of ban
App no longer available on US Apple and Google stores after supreme court upholds lawmakers’ ban

Mir war TikTok immer schon ein Dorn im Auge. Ich hatte nie einen Account dort. Aber wann immer ich dort geguckt habe, wollte ich schreien. Ich kenne viele Leute, die nach einem Besuch dieser Plattform ihre Augen gepflegt mit Sandpapier bearbeiten wollten. Ich konnte diesen ganzen Quatsch nie nachvollziehen. Aber nun kommt alles noch viel besser: Der Laden ist zumindest in den USA nicht mehr erreichbar. Nun hoffe ich, dass es hierzulande weitergeht. Macht es einfach dicht. Worauf wartet ihr noch?


TikTok: Aus und vorbei - Bild von antonbe auf Pixabay

Hello, friends!

New arrival to #Mastodon from #TikTok, #Instagram, or #Facebook?

Introduce yourself with a few words and some relevant hashtags. Use #introduction to say hello. Lots of us watch for this hashtag to help new folks.

I’ve been here a while now, and I’m a moderator. I wrote a piece on search and another on hashtags that you might find useful:



Happy to help or answer questions. Check in with @FediTips and browse #Mastodon.


Anyway. If you are new here from #TikTok, first of all, my condolences. And welcome!

Second, follow @FediTips for great fediverse 101 stuff.

Third, make an introduction post, using the #introduction hashtag so folks can find you easier

Fourth, follow the hashtags #TikTok and #TikTokRefugee to follow fellow TikTok migration folks.

And lastly, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask!

Woah, da hat der Joe Biden als letzte Amtshandlung richtig Mut gehabt, obgleich die meisten Amerikaner das wahrscheinlich nicht zu würdigen wissen. 🙄😉

#TikTok #JoeBiden #Amerikaner