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Beiträge, die mit blackAndWhite getaggt sind

Paysages Islandais (2)

Petite mise à jour du portfolio Paysages Islandais avec trois nouvelles photos, prises dans le Landmannalaugar au cours du même voyage. Je dépile peu à peu toutes les photos prises à l’époque, cela devrait me prendre encore un peu de temps pour tout finaliser. Peut-être que j’en ferai un recueil [...]


#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Iceland #Monochrom #landscape
Vue d'un paysage volcanique constitué d'un cône de volcan et de plusieurs monts de lave.

📷 It's FOR[A] Friday! 📷

Shadows cast by the tessellated glass roof of the Queen Elizabeth II Great Court (Foster + Partners, 2000) at the British Museum, London, England.

#London #England #Architecture #Photography #Monochrome #BlackAndWhite #Detail #Window #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #FORAPhotography #FORAFriday

This is just one of the hundreds of images available for purchase at: https://www.foraphotography.com
Black and white photo of a portion of a cylindrical structure, the top edge of which supports an expansive glass and metal roof

Transhumance 366 - La joie

Ce Projet 365 se termine aujourd'hui, et j'ai voulu le faire sur une note de joie. Est-ce que je m'imaginais faire face aux difficultés que j'ai rencontrées ? Assurément pas. D'abord, je n'avais pas prévu de déménager au cours de l'année, ce qui a considérablement modifié mon organisation. Quitter Paris était [...]


#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #Project365 #RicohGRIII
Photo d'un arbre sur le tronc duquel sont plantées 2 pancartes. Celle du haut mentionne la 'Route de la jeunesse' et le 'CR de la jeunesse', celle du bas le 'Carrefour de la beauté'.

Merseyside Morning


Liverpool waterfront, the three graces with the Edward VII Monument , Mann Island. A late spring breezy morning and a gap big enough in the crowds for me to take this shot.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Liverpool #Photography #MonochromeMonday #BlackAndWhite #Travel #Cityscape #Morning
Black and white cityscape photograph showing very grand city buildings to the left of the shot, a statue in the distance to the right, and grey clouds above.

In late 1987 my friends and I hiked through #Lydford Gorge in #Dartmoor. I shot a roll of black and white film, rewound it, and then double exposed it in the camera. The results were astounding. Thank you for developing this roll for me, Andy, wherever you are!

Black and white photograph. A double exposure of people hiking in the woods.
Black and white photograph. A double exposure of people hiking in the woods. In the foreground is an opening where the trail goes through a rock. The people are on the far side of the opening.
Black and white photograph. A double exposure in the woods.
Black and white photograph. A double exposure in the woods featuring trees, a stream, and some sort of arched stone bridge.

Picture a Day: Dec 13 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-dec-13/

#photography #blog #Fuji #XT1 #BlackAndWhite #Yosemite

Chapman's Stardust


Tucked away on the High Street in Swansea is this intriguing building. Opened by Samuel Palmer Chapman as a photographic store and studio in the 1860's which he run with his son Henry Alfred Chapman.
Henry was as talented in front of an easel as he was behind the lens...

#PhotoOfTheDay #BlackAndWhite #Photography #Swansea #PhotographyLovers #Heritage
Black and white square photograph showing a weatherworn tatty old high street building with the name Chapman's embossed upon it.  On the ground floor is an amusement arcade signed Stardust Casino Slots.  There are two cars parked in front.

Widmo Brockenu widziane zza chmury, na której powstało. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień #blackandwhite #bw #nature #mountains #ski #blog #codziennosc #writefreelypl #writeblog(malutka kropka to głowa).
Czarno białe zdjęcie obrazuje tworzenia tzw. widma Brockenu,  widziane zza chmury, na której powstaje. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień na chmurę. 

The black and white photo illustrates the formation of the so-called Brocken spectrum, as seen from behind the cloud on which it is formed. A figure can also be seen casting a shadow on the cloud.

Picture a Day: Nov 19 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-nov-19/

#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #Fuji #GFX50s