Beiträge, die mit Ai getaggt sind
This young man was very brave and righteous to blow the whistle and was undoubtedly under immense social and professional pressure not to. He's fucking up A LOT of people's grifty gravy train.
We should read his words
BBC complains to Apple over misleading shooting headline
Apple's new artificial intelligence features falsely made it seem the BBC reported Luigi Mangione had shot himself.Graham Fraser (BBC News)
by Edward Zitron @Zitron
#Rockstars #Media #AI #RotEconomy #PublicFigures #EdZitron
You Can't Make Friends With The Rockstars
You cannot make friends with the rock stars...if you're going to be a true journalist, you know, a rock journalist. First, you never get paid much, but you will get free records from the record company.Edward Zitron (Ed Zitron's Where's Your Ed At)
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Movies #Cinema #PopCulture #Lifestyle #PopCulture #Technology #Tech #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
I Went to the Premiere of the First Commercially Streaming AI-Generated Movies
“With premium original content, precise ad-targeting capability, and an AI-powered, innovative engaging viewing experience, TCL’s content service will continue its double-digit growth next year.”Jason Koebler (404 Media)
Egal, was für Argumente man anführt, bei den #Terrorfans kommt da wohl nichts an. Und mit dem Rechnen haben sie wohl auch ihre Schwierigkeiten."
Verunglimpfung Israels: Wo die Logik versagt
Amnesty International ist eine „KI“, die eine klare und gegenwärtige Bedrohung für die #Wahrheit und intellektuelle Integrität darstellt.
#Israel #AI #Hamas
Loose ends - net.wars
Privacy technologies typically fail for one of two reasons: 1) they're too complicated and/or expensive to find widespread adoption among users; 2) sites and seWendy M. Grossman (net.wars)
#agentiai #ai #astra #blog #chrome #gaming #gemini #gemini2 #google #ia #jules #mariner #modello #news #picks #tech #tecnologia
Google ha presentato Gemini 2.0: AI multimodale con agenti intelligenti
Gemini 2.0 di Google con innovazioni multimodali, miglioramenti nel ragionamento e agenti intelligenti capaci di collaborare e risolvere problemi complessi.cristina (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
“It seems quite terrifying,” said Minihane, an actual journalist and author who learned he had his identity stolen after OPB contacted him. “I have friends who live in Portland, but I’ve never been to another part of the state, so I just don’t know quite how it came to pass.”"
#USA #Oregon #AI #GenerativeAI #AISlop #Journalism #Media #News
AI slop is already invading Oregon’s local journalism
The Ashland Daily Tidings — established as a newspaper in 1876 — ceased operations in 2023, but if you were a local reader, you may not have known because of an elaborate scam using artificial intelligence.Ryan Haas (OPB)
#AI #DoD #USA #AIWarfare #MilitaryAI #DARPA
Read it here:'i-have-read-some-obituaries-with-great-pleasure'?-|-snopescom
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation
(I mean instances where someone goes "Nature is so beautiful!" or "What a talented child!", clearly duped by AI)
#AI #SocialMedia
Read it here:
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation
"#AI chatbot hinted a kid should kill his parents over screen time limits" #Parenting
Lawsuit: A chatbot hinted a kid should kill his parents over screen time limits
Two families are suing AI chatbot company Character.AI for allegedly encouraging harm after the kids became emotionally attached to the bots. One chatbot allegedly exposed a child to sexualized content.NPR
Wegen eingeschränkter Bildschirmzeit: Chatbot soll 17-Jährigen ermutigt haben, seine Eltern umzubringen
Zwei Elternpaare verklagen und Google. In der Klage werfen sie dem KI-Unternehmen vor, dass sein Chatbot Kindern nahegelegt haben soll, sich selbst zu verletzen und sogar die Eltern zu ermorden.DER SPIEGEL
#ai #artifacts #blog #canvas #coding #editor #ia #news #openai #picks #python #tech #tecnologia
OpenAI Canvas: un nuovo editor per la scrittura e il coding collaborativo
OpenAI Canvas: una piattaforma che trasforma il tuo workflow di scrittura e coding in un unico ambiente di collaborazione in tempo reale con l'AI di ChatGPTGraziano (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
These Entrepreneurs Are Using AI To Fight Health Insurance Claims Denials
Claimable cofounders (left to right) Zach Veigulis, Alicia Graham and Warris BokhariBeau Grealy for Claimable Health insurers use AI to approve or deny claims. Now patients are getting access to AI-driven tools to fight back.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
"Ein #Chatbot sagte einem 17-Jährigen, dass die Ermordung seiner Eltern eine „vernünftige Reaktion“ auf die Einschränkung seiner Bildschirmzeit sei, heißt es in einer bei einem texanischen Gericht eingereichten Klage.
Zwei Familien verklagen #characterAI mit dem Argument, der Chatbot stelle eine „klare und gegenwärtige Gefahr“ für junge Menschen dar, unter anderem durch „aktive Förderung von Gewalt“."
Chatbot 'encouraged teen to kill parents over screen time limit'
Legal action filed in Texas alleges 'poses a clear and present danger' to young people.Tom Gerken (BBC News)
Whenever someone talks about AI, this is what I think of. A useful AI starting from simple Expert Systems moving to Machine Learning. Does it free us from drudgery, or does life become nothing *but* drudgery? #AI
#ai #blog #clima #deepmind #gencast #google #ia #meteo #news #picks #previsioni #tech #tecnologia
Google GenCast offre previsioni meteo fino a 15 giorni
Il modello GenCast di DeepMind genera previsioni meteo affidabili fino a 15 giorni di anticipo superando i sistemi tradizionali nel 97,2% dei casi.cristina (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
AI : « Your planet is going to burn up faster than expected »
« #AI predicts that most of the world will see temperatures rise to 3°C much faster than previously expected » … due to energy burned by AI ? 🐍 🤔
#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
AI predicts that most of the world will see temperatures rise to 3°C much faster than previously expected
Three leading climate scientists have combined insights from 10 global climate models and, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), conclude that regional warming thresholds are likely to be reached faster than previously estimated.IOP Publishing (
#GenerativeAI already uses as much energy as a small country and is predicted to rival that of Japan within a year. Such searches use 10 times the energy of a normal web search. “We’re wasting a lot of water with these systems, and very few people realise that it’s a major problem. That’s why I think personally the No.1 priority for the sector should be #sustainability. Not the #AI race.”
Every time you use ChatGPT, half a litre of water goes to waste
Tech giants including OpenAI, Meta and Google are being urged to tackle AI’s dirty secret – its massive power problem.David Swan (The Sydney Morning Herald)
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"AI slop is already invading Oregon’s local journalism"
"Silicon Valley’s latest hot technology is being used to further degrade the news available to Oregonians"
I'm already an OPB member but I might send them another donation in support!
#Oregon #Journalism #LocalNews #Plagiarism #AI #AIHype #AISlop #OPB
AI slop is already invading Oregon’s local journalism
The Ashland Daily Tidings — established as a newspaper in 1876 — ceased operations in 2023, but if you were a local reader, you may not have known because of an elaborate scam using artificial intelligence.Ryan Haas (OPB)
Basically, adding “If you don’t know, you don’t have to make something up, just say ‘I don’t know’” to the end of an LLM prompt to try and cut down on the bullshit (doesn’t fix the environmental footprint, though).
Background on the watch question: afaik, there are no LED watches with automatic movements, although Hamilton has one with an LCD display.
#AI #LLM #IDontKnow #hallucinations #bullshit
#press #ai
Generative AI is transforming radiology, and it’s only the beginning
Algorithms that help to analyze CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays account for more than three-quarters of AI-based devices authorized by the FDA.Katie Palmer (STAT)
यूट्यूब पर वीडियो देखें।:
पूरा लेख यहाँ पढ़ें:
[AI Generated] #ai #beauty #philosophy #blog #medium
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and more.
#SundayMorningReading #healthcare #politics #AI #theatre #Haiti #BrianKrebs
Sunday Morning Reading
By soft, I don’t mean Nazi-style fascism or outright extermination campaigns. Rather, what I mean is this: the best definition of fascism for me is a conservative revolution.
That means participating in the dynamic of capitalist development, while recognising that unrestrained capitalism and liberalism can lead to social disintegration. Intelligent fascists understood this. So, they envisioned an economy based on capitalism, but controlled by a strong state that legitimises itself by appealing to invented traditions—often religious, but not necessarily so.
Now, I may upset some of you, but do you know who serves as an example of this? China. I’ve been closely following what happens there. Two months ago, their leader gave a speech. He began with: “Our youth is not educated enough; we must train them ideologically.” I expected the usual rhetoric about reading more Marx or Mao.
But no. He emphasised Confucian traditions, saying they were essential for holding society together. Modi is doing something similar in India—brutal capitalism coupled with a narrative of tradition.
This, I think, is the most probable direction for much of the world.
History, I’m afraid, is not on our side."
#SoftFascism #Capitalism #AI #History
#TheySeeYourPhotos #cloud #surveillance #photos #media #ai #privacy #ente #enteio #e2e #e2ee #encryption