Beiträge, die mit Luigimangione getaggt sind
Weekend Update’s Colin Jost, Michael Che Exchange Jokes
Weekend Update's Colin Jost, Michael Che Exchange Jokes - INBELLAINBELLA
"In November, over a year into Israel’s genocide in Gaza, a report by the Gaza-based Community Training Center for Crisis Management produced a grim statistic: “Nearly all children in the embattled Palestinian enclave believe their death is imminent — and nearly half of them want to die."
#Gaza #Genocide #Terrorism #LuigiMangione #Israel #Empire #Imperialism
Israel’s War on Gaza Is a War on Children | Truthout
Children in Gaza are not merely collateral damage; they are often actively being targeted.Merula Furtado (Truthout)
Text from flyer handed out by "Luigis" in Austin, TX:
"On December 4th, UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was gunned down. The bullet casings told the story: this was act of vengeance against UnitedHealthCare, who denies over 30% of health insurance claims—a company emblematic of a system that kills. Every year, over 50,000 Americans die from lack of insurance. 38% percent of us avoid necessary care because we’re scared of the cost. One in twelve is drowning in medical debt. Health insurance companies aren’t doctors. They don’t heal—they profit by restricting access to care. While we ration medications, delay appointments, and worry about bills, they rake in billions. We get sicker and they get richer. This violence isn’t on the evening news. It’s buried beneath their marketing, their endless paperwork, their fine print. But make no mistake: this is violence. And they’re laughing all the way to the bank. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Texas’s largest insurer, denies one in five claims while pocketing $18 billion in revenue. Whether Thompson’s death filled you with joy or horror, it ripped the mask off. The truth was laid bare: these companies are complicit in widespread suffering. Think about the last time you or someone you love worried about a medical bill. Put off care because of the cost. Cut pills in half to make them last. You’ve felt the violence they inflict. Now, the media and government scramble to spin the narrative, calling working-class mother Briana Boston a “terrorist” for uttering “Deny, Defend, Depose” when her claims were denied. We must remain clear headed: a small group gets rich off our illness. The solution is just as simple: abolish these corporations and nationalize health insurance. Single-payer healthcare works everywhere else in the developed world, where people live longer and healthier lives. Texans, by contrast, die three years younger, victims of private healthcare. The only question left is this: When will we stop waiting and take what is ours?"
#DenyDefendDepose #Luigi #LuigiMangione #Healthcare
#LuigiMangione escorted by pigs and Christ escorted by pigs. #unitedhealthcare #ACAB and always have been.
Tagged #JesusChrist
"American terrorist Luigi Mangione could face the death penalty for the crime of killing a CEO, rather than an acceptable victim such as a homeless black man. A Manhattan grand jury indicted Mangione for “murder as an act of #terrorism”, failing to consider this could make him a martyr.
Not even high school shooters are classed as terrorists in the US..."
#LuigiMangione could face #deathpenalty for killing member of wrong demographic #unitedhealthcare
Luigi Mangione could face death penalty for killing member of wrong demographic
It only counts as terrorism when the victims are rich white guys...Laura (Normal Island News)
#classwar #fascism #antifascism
He's popular because he successfully hurt the ruling class during a period when most people feel helpless. That's all there is to it. Note that Chris Dorner is similarly venerated in left online spaces.
Stop talking about Biden or Trump or whoever. Keep talking about Luigi.
#antifascism #anticapitalism #uhc #classwar
Spujb (
Attached: 1 image Mostly unedited surveillance cam footage of the #unitedhealthcare CEO shooting. Just trimmed a bit of the beginning to shrink the size. Not gory. #news #classwarMastodon
~ Gloria Oladipo
Yes. And unfortunately, many of us do not want to hear or think about this important perspective on the Mangione story and why he has been embraced with such alacrity by folks on both right and left — while a man of color or a woman doing what Mangione did would not be similarly embraced.
#LuigiMangione #race #gender
The media has actually been trying pretty hard to shame everyone who is being empathetic to him.
The empathy is coming from social media.
#MedicareForAll #Medicare #Medicaid #Healthcare #Insurance #UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #Luigi #UnitedHealth #FreeLuigi #Politics
#MedicareForAll #Medicare #Medicaid #Healthcare #Insurance #UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #Luigi #UnitedHealth #FreeLuigi #Politics
Luigi Mangione could face death penalty for killing member of wrong demographic
It only counts as terrorism when the victims are rich white guys...Laura (Normal Island News)
If not, then at least kudos for totally owning the mug shot.
#classwar #anticapitalism #anarchism #andersonexpressinc #andersonexpress #muskegon #antifascism
And given all the debates about #UnitedHealthcare and #LuigiMangione , I must say that I am seeing these tale in a new light. In our age, too, great villains are rising to the top of nations and businesses and we know, deep down, that they will never face justice for their misdeeds - no matter how much we wish for it. Thus, revenge fantasies about such villains are only to be expected.
#healthcare #tyranny #plutocracy #oligarchy #capitalism #fascism #LuigiMangione #FightThePower #NYPD #corruption
Let's just say I've examined the recording of the incident. Repeatedly. With popcorn and schadenfreude.
They can lock up as many patsies and crisis actors as they want. We all know the real shooter got away with it.
Oh, and there are plenty of copycats in the making out there sayin' "swiggity swooty" cuz they're comin' for that CEO booty.
Happy holidays 😘
#freeluigi #luigi #media #murder #us
Shockingly high number of young voters say UnitedHealthcare CEO's murder was "acceptable"
While a portion of younger voters found the actions of the accused killer “acceptable," most voters opposed the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson...Daniel Miller (Yahoo News)
#CoryDoctorow 's prescience made the @TheGuardian
For important reasons 🤨😒😕
#LuigiMangione #MedicareForAll
Nothing about his philanthropy or coaching his kid’s team or whatever.
Seems like he was nothing more than the cutthroat CEO of a particularly evil company.
He must have been a huge prick if they couldn’t come up with some kind of gauzy profile to make him a proper martyr.
#media #LuigiMangione
Luigi Mangione’s 15-day path from New York to Altoona McDonald’s
Details from charging documents, court proceedings and news conferences show a troubled young man.The Japan Times
Kyle Rittenhouse was a hero but Luigi Mangione deserves the death penalty. Why isn’t Luigi being given star-status on Xitter or offered an internship?
The kids aren’t to know which are good murders and which ones are bad.
#LuigiMangione #KyleRittenhouse
Republicans Are Falling All Over Themselves to Embrace Kyle Rittenhouse
Some GOP candidates aren't just defending Rittenhouse as a victim—they're celebrating him as a hero.Cameron Joseph (VICE)
Luigi Mangione's perp walk was orchestrated to send a message, but some questioned the theatrics of the spectacle and argued it only cast him in a more positive light.
#crime #justice #media #Trending #USNews #LuigiMangione
Is enforcing capitalism on entire populations terrorism? Also a good question.
At least Luigi was prepared to own it and do the deed himself face to face rather than get other people to do it for him.
#LuigiMangione #capitalism
The BBC made a complaint to apple after Apple Intelligence, which summarizes and groups together notifications, falsely created a BBC News headline that murder suspect Luigi Mangione had shot himself
Reporters Without Borders has also called on Apple to remove the technology
#BBC #ReportersWithoutBorders #apple #appleintelligence #LuigiMangione #murder #media #news #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #technology #tech
Apple urged to scrap AI feature after it creates false headline
Reporters Without Borders has called for Apple to remove Apple Intelligence.Graham Fraser (BBC News)
Luigi Mangione's perp walk was orchestrated to send a message, but some questioned the theatrics of the spectacle and argued it only cast him in a more positive light.
#crime #justice #Trending #USNews #LuigiMangione
dehumanize, 'deny, defend, depose'
#dlf #LuigiMangione
#luigimangione #nyc
The state must find rare citizens to ensure the outcome it wants.
#NewYork #LuigiMangione #UnitedHealth #justice
Luigi Mangione Prosecutors Have a Jury Problem: 'So Much Sympathy'
A former prosecutor has said he has never seen so much sympathy for a person accused of murder.Sean O'Driscoll (Newsweek)
via PublicCitizen
An abomination of corp greed.
#UnitedHealthcare #Medicare #LuigiMangione
#insurance #eattherich #taxtherich #inequity #greed