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Beiträge, die mit TIKTOK getaggt sind

TikTok stellt Betrieb in den USA ein

Nach einer langen Zitterpartie hat TikTok den Betrieb in den USA vorerst eingestellt. Doch diese Pause könnte nur von kurzer Dauer sein: Der künftige US-Präsident Trump hat bereits eine Verlängerung der Frist in Aussicht gestellt.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/usa-tiktok-104.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #TikTok

Even if it is, this really goes to show that the Biden administration is a joke!

If you're going to do something, go through with it!

The Biden White House says TikTok’s threat to go dark is a ‘stunt’


#TikTok #Biden #US #Ban #SocialMedia #Tech

Chinese rival app #Xiaohongshu is overwhelmed by ‘#TikTok refugees’ in US - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/18/chinese-rival-app-xiaohongshu-is-overwhelmed-by-tiktok-refugees-in-us "Social media accounts blocked for breaking Beijing rules as millions of users join up before ban takes effect"

One absolutely fantastic feature of the #Fediverse is that because a Mastodon user can view a PixelFed user's content, you only have to use 1 account and you can connect with any #ActivityPub user content. #Mastodon #PixelFed #Friendica #Lemmy #Loops

#instagram #TikTok #reddit #Facebook DO NOT have this feature. You need to have individual accounts with each #SociaMedia service.

This can help simplify life a little in this crazy world we live in!

Kicking The Can Down The Road..

Donald Trump says he will 'most likely' give TikTok a 90-day extension to avoid a ban
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #TikTok #Breaking #BreakingNews
Donald Trump as a broken, orange brick

& they are trying to sell the indoor venue for security reasons. :(
Feels more like a security state issue to me.

Was für ein Kasperletheater.... Eine Plattform, die niemand wirklich braucht und Akteure, die aus Eigennutz geltende Gesetze umgehen und aushelbeln wollen. Das ist wohl genau die Art von Oligopol, vor der Biden in seiner Abschiedsrede gewarnt hat und deren Mitglied er offensichtlich selbst ist. #tiktok #musk #oligarchie #oligopol

Good afternoon. It's 12PM, Saturday, 18th January. The headlines: A ceasefire in #Gaza is due to commence at 06:30 GMT on Sunday. In #England, owners of newly constructed homes report major roof leaks. Manchester United pays tribute to the late Denis Law. Russian attacks in Kyiv result in three fatalities. South Korea's ousted president is set to appear in court. The US Supreme Court supports a #TikTok prohibition, casting uncertainty over the app's future in America. #BBC #News

PAP to jednak jest, ekhm...no, PAP. W poniedziałek zapewne zobaczymy nagłówek w stylu: "skazany przez sąd diler narkotyków zagroził, że bez gwarancji ze strony dyrektora nie będzie już rozprowadzać prochów w szkole"

Byłoby śmieszne, gdyby nie to, że to duża państwowa agencja informacyjna, a nie lokalna bulwarówka...

#tiktok #pap #media
Screen ze strony pap.pl z nagłówkiem o treści: "TikTok zagroził wygaszeniem aplikacji bez dodatkowych zapewnień ze strony Białego Domu"

When you realize we're losing to China at 4D Chess don't feel too bad, they invented it.

It's called Go.

#Rednote #TikTok

If you have Meta apps on your phone, consider deleting at least one of them. Don’t have to delete your account. But take some action . IG, Whatsapp, Facebook, Threads, Messenger..

Because fuck Washington. They respond to pressure, always remember, but if we’ve learned anything it’s this: positive change requires real pressure by the people. Congress is full of asshats that have no interest in doing a good job, only lining their own pockets at our expense.

#TikTok #RedNote #immigration #USPol

It is not a news that #TikTok ban is almost a fact now and many Americans have discovered the REDnote app as an alternative and migrating there. After landing on this new app and interacting with Chinese counterparts many in America are for a cultural shock and I was seeing a few of their reactions. What really struck me is a common theme that I saw in at least half a dozen American reactions. All of them said something similar to "Oh god.. they can afford food.. lots of food" and that is a real shocker for me, a reaction coming from a supposedly rich America!

Current social media forecast for Friday, January 17th, 2025.

Strong legal headwinds are driving many users from #TikTok to #Instagram, Google shorts, and ironically, #RedNote, another Chinese app.

Meanwhile, increasingly regressive vibes from Meta's Zuck are driving many Instagram users to #Pixelfed

In turn, Pixelfed recently officially launched it's own mobile app.

Forecast calls for continuing rain of cat and dog photos, although it's not clear where they will be landing by next week.

TikTok fordert Klarheit von Biden-Regierung

Eigentlich soll TikTok in den USA morgen verboten werden. Doch weder Präsident Biden noch sein Nachfolger Trump scheinen dies umsetzen zu wollen. Nun fordert die Social-Media-Plattform konkrete Garantien von der Regierung. Von Nina Barth.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/tiktok-usa-verbot-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#TikTok #USA #Trump

Tik Tok for Tik Tok!

TikTok says it will go dark on Sunday unless given 'definitive' assurances

The announcement comes as both the Biden administration and President-elect Donald Trump have said they’re looking for ways to let TikTok continue to operate
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #socialmedia #Fediverse #Breaking #BreakingNews #TikTok


Good evening. It's 9PM, Friday, 17th January. The headlines: Sir Keir Starmer has held talks with the Polish Prime Minister. #Israel is set to sanction a #Gaza truce, beginning with prisoner releases on Sunday. The US Supreme Court has endorsed the #TikTok prohibition, coming into force this Sunday. Security worries will move the US #inauguration indoors. #BBC #News

Johnathan Greenblatt is leaked complaining about the "#TikTok problem", and then immediately our politicians start moving to ban the app. No coincidence there. #israel #AIPAC

News at 6PM: #Israel's cabinet is set to vote on a #Gaza truce after clashes resulted in 80 fatalities. Netanyahu confirms #Israel's assent to a prisoner swap. The US Supreme Court has affirmed a prohibition on #TikTok, with enforcement expected by Sunday. Sir Keir Starmer and Poland's PM have conducted a joint briefing. President #Trump's #inauguration is slated for Monday. In Pompeii, archaeologists have uncovered significant finds, such as a private bathhouse. #BBC #News

I think the media is way too focused on the shiny thing of TikTok and what's going to happen to it. Does anyone else outside a super small group and Meta C-suite people really care?

#TikTok #SocialMedia #Journalism

Was hinter dem Streit über TikTok steckt

Seit Monaten wird in den USA über die chinesische Videoplattform TikTok gestritten. Worum geht es dabei? Welche Rolle spielt das Urteil des Supreme Court? Und wird die App jetzt verboten? Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/tiktok-faq-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#TikTok #FAQ

📰 | „Du bist dem #Universum scheißegal“: Warum #Manifestieren #Unsinn ist

Millionen #TikTok-Clips zeigen, wie man sich seinen „#Crush, #Geld und #Erfolg“ manifestiert. Dabei bringt die Wünschelei kaum was außer Frust.

Ein #Blog-Artikel von Bernd Harder.


RedNote erlebt durch das TikTok-Verbot in USA einen Boom mit über 700.000 neuen Nutzer in wenigen Tagen. Die chinesische App plant nun aber, ausländische User auf separate Server auszulagern. #RedNote #TikTok https://winfuture.de/news,148220.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Ich behaupte: #TikTok wird absichtlich genutzt, um demokratische Systeme zu destabilisieren und Spaltung zu fördern. Der Algorithmus verstärkt polarisierende Inhalte wie Fake News und Hass und schafft Filterblasen, die gesellschaftliche Konflikte anheizen. Es fehlt an Transparenz, eine Regulierung ist dringend erforderlich.

Ha, ha "Ein weiteres Zeichen dafür, wie hoch die Plattform inzwischen in der Gunst von Trump steht: TikTok-Chef Shou Chew soll laut Medienberichten wie auch die Chefs der großen amerikanischen Tech-Konzerne auf der Tribüne bei Trumps Amtseinführung am Montag sitzen."
#trump #tiktok #usa #press