Beiträge, die mit Elonmusk getaggt sind
Musk urges German far-right supporters to move beyond 'past guilt' in surprise AfD campaign appearance
Addressing the crowd via video link, the world's richest man said: "I think you're really the best hope for Germany. Fight for a great future for Germany."Samuel Osborne (Sky News)
Elon Musk tells far-right AfD party it is ‘the best hope for the future of Germany’ as election nears
#TwitterIsGoingGreat #Elno #FuckElonMusk #ElonMusk #Shitter #EETD #ElonPutz #Swastikars #NaziMusk
Elon Musk tells far-right AfD party it is ‘the best hope for the future of Germany’ as election nears
AfD is polling at around 20% ahead of the Feb. 23 legislative election, and the mainstream conservative CDU/CSU alliance has about 30%.Edouard Merlo (Fortune)
#News #WorldNews #ElonMusk #Germany #Holocaust #Israel #Judaism #AntiSemitism
Elon Musk's call for Germany to 'move beyond' Nazi guilt is dangerous, Holocaust memorial chair says
Musk's AfD support, followed a gesture many said resembled a Nazi salute, and came as leaders are due to observe the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation.Freddie Clayton (NBC News)
Sebbene campeggiasse su tutti i principali media ha avuto pochissima diffusione su Facebook, ad esempio, facendo sospettare a molti la pratica dello #ShadowBanning che limita la copertura di certi contenuti.
#gazastrip #socialjustice
(Ph: #larepubblica )
Elon Musk: Er ist wieder da
Nach seinen Sympathiebekundungen für die AfD auf X und dem Gespräch mit Parteichefin Alice Weidel nahm der Milliardär Elon Musk in Halle mit einer Videoschalte an einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung der Rechtsextremen
Starmer doing ‘very good job,’ Trump says after Musk’s attack on UK leader – POLITICO
“I may not agree with his philosophy, but I have a very good relationship with him,” Trump says of British prime minister. Listen AI generated Text-to-speech ShareBYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Starmer doing ‘very good job,’ Trump says after Musk’s attack on UK PM – POLITICO - EUROPE SAYS
“I may not agree with his philosophy, but I have a very good relationship with him,” Trump saysEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Kdo so ljudje, ki v Evropi mislijo podobno kot najbogatejši človek na svetu? - EUROPE SAYS
Drugi najpomembnejši človek administracije Donalda Trumpa in najbogatejši človek na svetu Elon Musk ne vzbuja pozornosti le zEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Medien zu Trumps Amtsantritt: Erst die Ruhe, dann der Sturm
Donald Trump hat seine Präsidentschaft in den USA angetreten. Schon am ersten Tag war von Hitlergruß bis zu Anordnungen gegen Einwanderer aus Lateinamerika alles dabei. Aber nur wenige deutsche Medien reden
Susssan Ley is spreading her toxic bullshit again to get noticed by the mainstream media. This time, Sussssan Ley simultaneously called the invasion and colonisation of this continent by England a "daring experiment" and sucked-up to notorious white-supremacist Elon Musk. Susssssan Ley is a crumb maiden of the patriarchy, so it comes naturally for her to echo Peter Dutton's racist garbage on command.
#AusPol #SussanLey #PeterDutton #AustraliaDay #ElonMusk #CrumbMaiden #CrumbMaidenOfThePatriarchy
Sussan Ley compares First Fleet to Elon Musk's Mars mission in Australia Day speech
Sussan Ley says Australia Day is a day of celebration, likening the arrival of the British First Fleet to Elon Musk's efforts to build a colony on Mars.Jake Evans (ABC News)
Autism does not make a person perform a Nazi salute.
Autism does not excuse someone using a Nazi salute.
Autism and Nazis are oil and water. Nazis killed us during WWII eugenics programs. Fascism as a whole always ends up with varying degrees of ableism and discrimination against neuro-minorities.
We do not advocate for Elon's behavior and do not approve of the symbolism he has used.
Elon Musk has, despite being Autistic himself, spouted plenty of ableist rhetoric throughout the years. He has caused great harm to our image and community both up to this incident and with it.
#Autism #ActuallyAutistic #ElonMusk #Nazi #Fascism
Er hat nämlich ein Genozid politisch, finanziell und militärisch unterstützt. Ist doch klar.
#musk #ElonMusk #baerbock #GenocideJoe #netanjahu #Israel #freepalestine
Assume every American journalist is a Nazi unless they can prove otherwise.
#media #fascism #ElonMusk
Why Won’t the US Corporate Media Call a Nazi Salute a Nazi Salute?
The mainstream press failed to accurately describe the hand gesture that Elon Musk made twice at Trump’s Inauguration Day rally, setting a troubling precedent for the second Trump era.pete-tucker (Common Dreams)
Elon Musk gab 44 Milliarden Dollar für Twitter aus. Er gewann politisch an Einfluss, wirtschaftlich lassen die Erfolge aber offenbar bis heute auf sich warten.
#ElonMusk #SocialMedia #Wirtschaft #X #news
He needs to be stopped before it’s too late.
#tech #elonmusk #donaldtrump #politics #fascism
Elon Musk is a fascist
The richest man in the world intends his far-right project to go globalParis Marx (Disconnect)
#fascism #elonmusk #1933 #cbs58
What Happened to Sam Kuffel From CBS58? Details on Firing
On Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, CBS58 meteorologist Sam Kuffel was fired. Here's everything you need to know, including why she was let go.Allison DeGrushe (Distractify)
Alle Infos:
#appgefahren #Apple #AppleBlog #iPhone #iPad #Mac #SocialMedia
Reddit: Hunderte Subreddits sperren Links zur X-Plattform
Nach der jüngsten Geste von Elon Musk während der Trump-Amtseinführung regt sich Empörung im Netz: Viele Subreddits sperren X aus.Mel (
will den #Hitler gruß relativieren, mit dem gemeinten inhalt
> #elonmusk kann ja kein #Nazi sein, den er hat schlieslich israel Prositiv herbei geqwatsch (Autobahn Gebaut) <
Hätte das ein nicht #jude wer es nicht interesant Öffenlich anzumerken.
indirekt muss man es als #Hitler verehrung bezeichnen oder es war im immer eine nützliche angelegenheit für Netanyahu, dem #Holocaust für dem #Völkermord in #Gaza zu Rechvertigen
Netanyahu link für zu elonmusk
(* the ADL is one of the main pro-israeli ideological pressure groups in the US, like LIC(R)A in France. They spied on anti-apartheid groups in US universities for the South African gov in the 80’s)
#adl #elonmusk #AntiDefamationLeague #palestine
Mariya Petkova (
Attached: 1 image What the Anti-Defamation League had to say about the #Musk Nazi salute.Mastodon
Why was it removed?
#ShameTesla #ElonMusk #mastodonSocial #tesla #fascism #mastodon #fediverse
Tech-Milliardär und Tesla-Chef Elon Musk fällt auf – auch mit politischer Unterstützung für Rechtspopulisten. In manchen Chefetagen werden Konsequenzen gezogen.
#Elektroauto #Elektromobilität #ElonMusk #Tesla #news
Germany’s Trump problem – POLITICO - EUROPE SAYS
In 2019, one Germany’s leading policymakers Thomas Bagger laid all this out in an essay detailing the consequencesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Elon Musk’s ‘Nazi’ salute sparks fury from Europe’s left wing
Lawmakers and media pour scorn on the key adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump.Elena Giordano (POLITICO)
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
#ElonMusk #GenerativeAI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Google #GoogleGemini #KIUpdate #Linux #OpenAI #Roboter #SamsungGalaxy #news
He wasn’t actually saying he was Autistic (he very pointedly didn’t say that, but used the outdated term).
No, he was just covertly saying he admired Asperger, an actual Nazi.
#ElonMusk #HansAsperger #Nazi
Zahlreiche Subreddits verbieten Links auf X, hunderte erwägen Bann
Nach einer umstrittenen Geste oder besser gesagt einem mutmaßlichen Hitlergruß von Elon Musk wächst auf Reddit der Widerstand. Zahlreiche Subreddits beschlossen bereits ein Verbot von Links zur Plattform X, viele weitere erwägen einen solchen Bann.Witold Pryjda (
#x #twitter #elonmusk #musk #Reddit
Hundreds of Subreddits Are Considering Banning All Links to X
Dozens of big subreddits have already banned all Twitter links, and posts about potential bans are some of the most popular on the site.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
Das Projekt, in dem Firmen 500 Milliarden US-Dollar für KI-Rechenzentren investieren wollen, sei unterfinanziert, behauptet Elon Musk und verfolgt eigene Ziele.
#ElonMusk #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Rechenzentrum #news
"Whether that means breaking up his companies, revoking his government contracts, or holding him responsible for his alleged crimes, the time to act is now" #news #press #media #russia #usa #musk #elonmusk #trump #us #china
#inauguration #donaldtrump #ukraine #socialmedia #twitter
stimmt es, dass sich unser #Bundeskanzler #OlafScholz [ #SPD ] & der #TecMilliardär #ElonMusk beim "#WeltWirtschaftgipfel 2025" (virtuell) treffen werden um zu besprechen, dass der #Hitlergruß in #Deutschland Pflicht wird ?
Bereits zum 16. Mal treffen sich am 27. / 28. Januar 2025 Top-Entscheider aus Wirtschaft und Politik zum WELT-Wirtschaftsgipfel in Berlin.Carina Gies (Media Impact)
#ElonMusk #Tesla #fascism #USA #TeslaShame
Shame Tesla (
Attached: 1 image Take Easy and Effective action against #Musk Research shows many #Tesla car owners are ashamed because of the actions of #ElonMusk. They should be. Take action! Let Tesla owners world-wide know who they are supporting.Mastodon
Any questions? Consult the handy reference guide in image 2. #USPol #USPolitics #Fascism
#SocialMedia #eXodus #eXit #TwitterMigration #ElonMusk #Twitter