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Beiträge, die mit BLOG getaggt sind

traveLink: In eigener Sache – Am Ende des Jahres
Wir haben Angst Die Traveling Wilburys waren eine Supergroup bestehend aus George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty und Bob Dylan. Sie bestand von 1988 bis 1990 und produzierte zwei Studioalben. Harrison fragte in seinem Bekanntenkreis herum, wer kurzfristig günstig ein Aufnahmestudio zur Verfügung stellen könne, und lande…

#AudioVideo #blog #politik #SocialMedia #traveLink

Fotografisch (und auch sonst) war es ein gutes Jahr. Ich habe viel ausprobiert und gelernt. Ich habe mich verbessert. Auf ein gutes 2025, für uns alle.


#photography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #shootfilm #35mm #blog #yashicafx3 #gold200 #Italy #Rome

🔢 Tired of messy decimals in your data? Learn how to master R's rounding functions like round(), signif(), ceiling(), and more! This guide is packed with examples to clean up your data and improve precision.

Check it out here: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-31/ 💡

#R #RStats #Programming #Data #Tips #Blog
A code snippet in a dark-themed editor demonstrates various R functions for rounding numbers. The functions listed include `round()`, `signif()`, `ceiling()`, `floor()`, and `trunc()`, each with a comment explaining its purpose. Below the list, an example shows the creation of a vector `prices` with values 19.99, 24.49, and 5.75, and the use of the `round()` function to round the vector to 2 decimal places.

The homepage of the #blog now contains a random command, a #linux command-line tip, and some frequently asked questions: https://linux-audit.com/ 🎉

Makes it a bit more fun and a chance to (re)learn a thing👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

Also implementing some improvements for displaying the page better on mobile devices. Yes, #CSS always keeps you challenged 😇


📢 New Zettelkasten Post: Texan Santa Fe Expedition - Wikipedia

Read it here: https://neuralmarkettrends.com/texan-santa-fe-expedition---wikipedia/
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation

🧵1/4 Le sujet que je voudrais aborder : je pense qu'il crucial pour nos démocraties d'avoir un web qui ne soit pas victime de la censure et qui mettent en avant la pluralité des avis afin de pouvoir se faire un avis de citoyen avec des vrais informations.

Un sujet qui terrorise les gouvernements totalitaires en somme.😣

Sachant que les moteurs de recherche sont nos yeux pour accéder à du contenu et que désormais forums et blogs ne sont plus référencés en France par les grands moteurs que sont Google et Bing.

Il y a des raisons de s’inquiéter, et ont peut avoir l'impression que le web "rétrécie".

#search #searchengine #blog #blogging #google #bing #forum

In 2024, Wesley de Groot launched a new website and released 64 articles throughout the year. The total... https://wesleydegroot.nl/blog/Its-a-wrap-2024 #blog #programming #iosdev #swiftlang

As we approach 2025, I've been thinking about the tools I've been using, and how they've changed over the last 12 months. I decided to write a quick post about what's changed and how it's going!


#blog #photography #video #tech

But wait! THERE'S MORE! A third part to the mysteries advice. Come explore #RPGThoughts about collaboration and hooking less involved players, handling NPC deception, setting emotional stakes, and adapting to player-driven flexibility.

#TTRPG #Blog

Wait, you thought that intro was all the advice I had for mysteries? Oh no, dear friends. There's more! Come find out why active investigations are better than automatic clues, how to use red herrings, how to handle dead ends, and more!

#TTRPG #Blog

Well, I guess I'm not meeting my blog post goal this year... Oh well, I've been busy!

Since 2022, my goal has been to write at least 12 long-form articles a year. I've written 4 articles so far, which means I am behind.

A progress bar showing 4 out of 12.

My December recap is live! Nudi season is well underway here in New England and I'm looking forward to many more macro dives over the next couple months.


#scubaDiving #underwaterPhotography #photography #macroPhotography #nudibranchs #seastars #worms #fish #recap #blog

Herzlichen Dank für eure großzügigen Spenden im Dezember! Eure Unterstützung sichert den Kuketz-Blog und ermöglicht weiterhin freien Zugang zu wichtigen Informationen ohne Paywalls oder Werbung. Gemeinsam bleiben wir unabhängig und kritisch. Einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2025! 🎉 👇


#blog #sicherheit #datenschutz #teamdatenschutz

Prophecies can be such a hard thing to handle at the gaming table. Let's make it easier! Come explore methods performers, would-be prophets, and charlatans have used for centuries to create convincing insights and predictions.

#TTRPG #Blog #GMTips

🇬🇧 I have lots of ideas for interesting (at least I think so) #blog posts, but lately:
1. family
2. work
3. finishing my newly built house
these are my priorities... Eh if I had an alternative source of income for my family I would just sit and write blog posts....

🇵🇱 Mam mnóstwo pomysłów na ciekawe (przynajmniej tak mi się wydaje) wpisy na blog, ale ostatnio:
1. rodzina
2. praca
3. wykończenie świeżo wybudowanego domu
to moje priorytety… Eh gdybym miał alternatywne źródło utrzymania rodziny to bym tylko siedział i pisał na blogu…

My best friend Alex and I can't believe it: we managed to provide our international readers an idea about Italian Artist Marracash's song entitled "victim" it speaks about all those folks who turn their pain into a performance for profit (in money or visibility. https://plusbrothers.net/victim-song-performative-activism/ #blog #music #victim #performance

After taking my youngest to see Sonic 3 at the cinema today I will lead the call in demanding to see a Dr Robotnik movie in which Jim Carey is in EVERY scene. As much as my son LOVED it, I thought scenes without Robotnik were unbearable. And there weren't nearly enough scenes with Robotnik in them (which they obviously tried to compensate for by having Carey play two different Robotniks).
#blog #movies #sonic3

Falls ihr euch wundert, warum es keine neuen #Manga Beiträge auf @nerdjunkblog gibt, so kann ich das erklären.

Ich habe es bisher nicht geschafft, meine Lesebrille zu bestellen. Ich kann den Bums momentan nur mit Mühe lesen 😭

#blog #anime #gaming

F37 Caligari
6 Styles, 1 Axis

By an inspiring type design agency from Manchester.
#blog #type #TypeDesign #typography #font

F37 Caligari type specimen from the F37 Foundry

Heute geht's in unserem #Blog um einen weiteren #Schwurbler in Amt und Würden: Dr. Oz.

Der #Mediziner und #Fernsehstar, der immer wieder unwissenschaftlichen Unfug bewirbt, könnte als Leiter des Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (#CMS ) die rechte Hand von RFK Jr. werden.

Was das bedeuten könnte, erfahrt ihr hier: https://skeptix.org/?p=1441

#CMS #rfkjr

Sign up for a bi-weekly newsletter featuring handpicked website showcases and design inspiration from around the world → https://ronaldsvilcins.com/newsletter/

#design #webdev #webdesign #marketing #newsletter #blog #css #html #programming #coding #javascript

THE WEAKLY 104 is out!
Two years of weekly recap blog posts so far and still going. The anniversary is coming the week after.
#weekly #recap #blog #photography #stuff #etc

#Gaming #pcgaming #blog #blogging

Demnächst kommt übrigens noch ein kleiner Artikel auf meinem Blog online.

In diesem Artikel möchte ich um die 10 Spiele nennen auf die ich mich 2025 am meisten freue😃

Ihr könnt schon gerne Vermutungen nennen welche Spiele dort auftauchen werden😁

Another blog post for the end of the year: a list of the TV shows I enjoyed the most in 2024.

Read here:

What were your favorites?

#TV #TVshows #series #blog

Live updates: Brisbane International day one, United Cup day three https://www.byteseu.com/603515/ #AustralianOpen #blog #BrisbaneInternational #CzechRepublic #Czechia #LiveUpdates #Perth #SummerOfTennis #Sydney #UnitedCup
Live updates: Brisbane International day one, United Cup day three