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Beiträge, die mit macroPhotography getaggt sind

You can probably imagine my disappointment when I opened up these images and saw I had missed focus by fractions of a milimeter.

The woodlice have been eating my strawberries, but I tried to make the most of it by getting some strong red backgrounds and interesting scenes from it. I nearly managed, but just marginally missed as the little guys were moving around so fast.

Oh well, maybe next year

#photography #MacroPhotography #macro #fail #woodlice #nature #garden #strawberry
a photo of a woodlouse, head on to the camera, climbing out of the hole it has eaten in a strawberry. the strawberry fills the rest of the frame. the woodlouse's face is just marginally out of focus
a woodlouse poking its head out of a strawberry that it has eaten a hole into. it is facing to the left of frame and is just slightly out of focus. the strawberry creates a large, bright, red blur for the remainder of the frame

My December recap is live! Nudi season is well underway here in New England and I'm looking forward to many more macro dives over the next couple months.


#scubaDiving #underwaterPhotography #photography #macroPhotography #nudibranchs #seastars #worms #fish #recap #blog

L'abella solitària Megachile sculpturalis és una espècie al·lòctona present a Catalunya des del 2018 i des de fa més d'una dècada a diversos països europeus. Coneguda en anglès com abella gegant de la resina (Giant resin bee), ja que pot mesurar fins uns 24 mm., és un megaquílid molt més gran que altres membres de la família. A la imatge es pot veure una femella entrant al seu niu aprofitant els forats de la paret.

#bee #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology

Sometimes I feel like an alien on this planet. At other times I feel alienated from those who populate it 🤷‍♂️.

I find comfort in being in the moment & nothing brings me closer to calm than #photography and #gardening.

#bees #BloomScrolling #nature #MacroPhotography #MastoArt #AltText
Extreme closeup photograph of a bee sitting on the petals of a Rudbeckia flower next to the flower's conical center. Rudbeckia have yellow and maroon petals that radiate from a center filled with dark brown florets. I wasn't able to ID this bee species but it has the typical bee features and yellow, brown, black colors. The bee is facing the camera with its body behind it. Only the area in the same focal plane as the bees face and head are in focus.

Una papallona zebrada o reina zebrada (Iphiclides feisthamelii) amb les ales completament intactes. Al mostrar-se molt territorials, és freqüent que pateixen cops i fregaments amb la vegetació, així com en els enfrontaments aeris amb altres congèneres.

#butterfly #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #lepidoptera

Les flors del Card girgoler (Eryngium campestre) són visitades i pol·linitzades per una ampla varietat d'insectes. Aquí podem veure dos exemplars de vespa de l'espècie Scolia hirta.

#wasp #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #eryngium

Did you know that New Zealand and other land masses in the south-west Pacific are home to LEAF-VEINED SLUGS?!

Unlike their omnivorous European relatives, these unique leaf-mimicking slugs eat only fungi. They breathe mainly through the skin of the back, which is kept moist by secretions passing along the many grooves.

What amazing creatures!

#Macrophotography #SoilEcology #Gastropod #SoilBiodiversity #Entomology
A photograph of a pair of slugs, which have veins on their bodies that resemble the veins of leaves.

Allez, c'est reparti, on va faire quelques pouets #macrophotography dans ce cadre ce matin... #LesPyreneesCestMoche
La vue vers le val d'Azun et le village d'Arrens-Marsous depuis le col du soulor. Le plafond nuageux est assez bas et accroche des montagnes de taille intermediaire, mais il y a de beaux eclairages de soleil sur certaines pentes aux couleurs d'automnes, et sur le village et la vallée. Au 1er plan, des collines d prairies avec des fougeres cramoisies. Teintes pastel vert, rouge-pourpre, brun.

Did you know that New Zealand and other land masses in the south-west Pacific are home to LEAF-VEINED SLUGS?

Unlike their omnivorous European relatives, these slugs eat only fungi. They breathe mainly through the skin of the back, which is kept moist by secretions passing along the many grooves.

I think they're utterly amazing, and apparently so do mesostigmatid mites (look at that mite party by the green slug)!

#Mollusc #MacroPhotography #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #Nature #SoilBiodiversity
A photograph of a pair of slugs on a decaying log. One is orange and the other is green, but both have distinct venation on their back, similar to the veins of a leaf.