Beiträge, die mit NyTimes getaggt sind
#böhmermann #nytimes #depol #noafd
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Am Sonntag deine Stimme für Liebe und Gerechtigkeit statt Hass und Hetze. #dielinke 🦄 👍
#böhmermann #newyorktimes #nytimes #afd #afdverbot #weidel #höcke
2025-02-20 New York Times - Opinion | Germany’s Far-Right Comeback
Germany is a world champion at confronting its own history. Through memorial after memorial, the country has attempted to atone for its atrocities during the Holocaust and World War II. “Never agai...PeerTube
#LGBTQIA+ #trans #Texas #KenPaxton #media #journalism #Healthcare #transphobia #news #politics #USpol
There Is No Legitimate ‘Debate’ Over Gender-Affirming Healthcare
A recent New York Times article that experts called inaccurate and unethical now serves as evidence in Texas against transgender kids.Kit O'Connell (The Texas Observer)
Apparently ethnic cleansing is now “disrupting a tired diplomatic paradigm”
US media now propagandise that opposing crimes against humanity, genocide, and eternal war is a tired diplomatic paradigm.
#Gaza #NyTimes #Media #Journalism #USPol #Palestine #Israel #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Genocide #Trump
It's framing as if Hamas is the biggest problem. Not only is it stupidly expensive, but it is also not feasible at all, wether there was PLO, Hamas or the illuminati!
#Nytimes #Journalism #Idiocy
#CancelNYTimesSubscriptionsNow #Media #Trump #resist #resistance
Mainstream media paved the way for Trump's anti-trans policies | Xtra Magazine
#media #journalism #LGBTQIA #transphobia #NYTimes
Mainstream media paved the way for Trump's anti-trans policies | Xtra Magazine
OPINION: Years of questionable coverage manufactured consent for Trump’s executive order targeting gender-affirming careZiya Jones (Xtra Magazine)
#NYT #USPolitics #NYTimes #NewYorkTimes #MSM #TheCons #Journalism #Media #ShitMedia #Bias #Clowns #FascistEnablers #GOP #resistance #FascistTakover #ProRegimePropaganda #ProRegimeBias
… and who regrets that he doesn't have an active #Mastodon account …
… you can follow an #RSS feed of his Substack newsletter here on Mastodon =
#Economics #USEconomy #USPol #USPolitics
Paul Krugman on Leaving the New York Times
The paper wanted to take away his newsletter or make him write less frequently, he says.Columbia Journalism Review
#gaza #quakers #IsraelWarCrimes #nytimes
Un butoi cu pulbere gata să explodeze: Sancțiunile și atacul israelian pun Iranul în fața unei crize energetice grave, potrivit The New York Times
Iranul se confruntă cu o criză energetică gravă, forțând școlile, colegiile, birourile guvernamentale și centrele comerciale să funcționeze la oRedacția (G4media)
Who is the Biggest Troll of them all? Donald Trump. The ENTIRE USA is eating out of the #SurkovSimulacra
AOC: vocal center-left Latina
NYTimes: BotH SiDES
(This is a joke from 2018 that still hits)
#nytimes #Journalism #Media #why
Instead of covering what he is doing, instead they engage in hysterics to cover every possible thing he is saying.
Will Trump change how elections are run or give graduating foreign students green cards? Of course not!
Stop covering the lies.
#media #cnn #nytimes #trump
And his decision had a sort of force multiplier effect with the similar conduct by Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos..."
#Journalism #LATimes #WashingtonPost #NYTimes #Trump
#Gaza #Genocide #journalism #Media #NYTimes
How the New York Times' Amsterdam "pogrom" story fell apart
Watch our breakdown of how the paper lied about Israeli football hooligans.Asa Winstanley (Palestine is Still the Issue)
Know Your Enemy: The Infernal Triangle (w/ Rick Perlstein)
Episode webpage:
Media file:
In an internal Times email inadvertently shared with The Electronic Intifada, Dutch reporter Christiaan Triebert explained to a manager that he had pitched “a visual investigation I was conducting into the events of [6-8 November] in Amsterdam.”
“Unfortunately, that story was killed,” he wrote. “I regret that the planned moment-by-moment visual investigation was not further pursued.”
“This has been very frustrating, to say the least,” Triebert wrote.
The email was addressed to senior Times manager Charlie Stadtlander – a former senior press officer for the US National Security Agency and for the US army.
Triebert appeared interested in carrying out reporting that would set the record straight, remediating the false narrative insistently advanced by his own newspaper – that the Israeli fans were victims of mob violence motivated by anti-Jewish hatred.
The correspondence between Triebert and Stadtlander on Friday was triggered by The Electronic Intifada’s requests for comment to The Times regarding the paper’s highly misleading reporting of Israeli mob violence in Amsterdam."
#Israel #Zionism #Amsterdam #Hooligans #Journalism #Media #NYT #NYTimes
NY Times killed investigation of Israeli hooligans, internal email reveals
Reporter reveals frustration that editors blocked story on Amsterdam events falsely portrayed as anti-Semitic.The Electronic Intifada
#NYTimes #Maccabi #Palestine #Israël
😎 This is ALL they have to say:
"However, a report in the New York Times suggests Moscow has achieved its troop build-up in Kursk without any need to pull its soldiers out of #Ukraine.
The paper says North Korean troops are also being deployed in Kursk as part of an imminent Russian counter-offensive."
#Zelensky says #Russia has 50,000 troops in #Kursk
Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia has 50,000 troops in Kursk
Ukraine's president says the incursion is limiting the forces Moscow can deploy inside his country.Patrick Jackson (BBC News)
Mark Ames points out:
>NYT, 3 months ago: "Russia won't take more territory, its forces decimated thanks to US weapons, say US officials"
NYT, now: "Russia taking lots of territory and can't be stopped, Ukraine's fault for not drafting its nearly-extinct teenagers, say the same US officials"
#NewYorkTimes #NYTimes
#wapo #nytimes #journalism #honor
Their worldview is that of a person in #PlatosCave - trying to make sense of an increasingly complex world by looking at a set of carefully curated shadows; the courage needed to crawl out of the cave euthanised by their puppet masters lest they be shocked by the level of their own misinformation.