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Beiträge, die mit PROJECT2025 getaggt sind

#Project2025 #TechBros #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern

#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Analysis demolishes Trump’s 'mandate' claims as poll numbers collapse


Trump Uses Lies to Lay the Groundwork for Radical Change


#Project2025 #TechBros #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern

#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Our Last Stand


In Our Last Stand, Helma, an Assyrian-American school teacher from New York, spends her summer vacation traveling to Iraq and Syria to help raise awareness about the plight of the Christian communities (Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac) threatened by civil war and ISIS...

So, I'm looking over #LawrenceBritt 's #CharacteristicsOfFascism and we're pretty much there here in the good ol' #USA. All 14 of them! And the sad part is that some voters sat out the 2024 US elections, or voted for #Trump, even though #Project2025 was public knowledge. Like I said to a fella who was mocking my protest signs as BS, "You'll find out soon enough." I'm pretty sure he was a veteran. Yup. Thanks for NOT defending #Democracy by voting for #Fascism. #USPol

#Trump und seine Unterstützer:innen treiben das #Project2025 konsequent voran. Viele politische Entscheidungen, die gerade getroffen werden, sind Teil einer Gesamtstrategie, die darin besteht, die #Demokratie weltweit zu untergraben und gleichzeitig autokratische und oligarchische Strukturen zu fördern. Dazu gehört auch der Einsatz von Desinformation und Täter-Opfer-Umkehr, wie wir es vom Putin-Regime kennen und im Fall von Selenskyj und der #Ukraine gerade erleben. https://correctiv.org/aktuelles/denkanstoss/2025/02/21/the-american-way-of-lie

Was genau hat die Schlägertruppe von #Naziboy #Musk mit Bürokratieabbau zu tun?

Ernsthaft, #Musk setzt die in #Project2025 vorgesehene Umstellung von neutralen Beamten zu #Trump Loyalisten um.

Dieses widerliche Merzgetrumpele geht mir mächtig aufs Gemüt.
Ich finde das überhaupt nicht #MAGA und sein #project2025 kann er sich in seinen Allerwertesten schieben und auch in die Hintern aller Beteiligten des Medienunternehmens in #Berlin #TheRepublic.

Update. "The #Trump administration and Elon #Musk are reportedly taking aim at #NOAA, the agency responsible for the National Weather Service and many other crucial functions."

"#Project2025 specifically noted NOAA as a target, as well. The Heritage Foundation’s 900-page right-wing playbook called the agency “one of the main drivers of the #climate change alarm industry” and recommended it be “dismantled and many of its functions eliminated” and instead #privatized. It’s not clear what that would look like, though experts have said it isn’t a good idea—and that private weather companies wouldn’t even want that change because they’d have to bear the cost of collecting weather data that’s currently given to them for free."

#Censorship #DefendResearch #OpenData #Takedowns #Trump #USPol #USPolitics

Update. "Staffers with Elon #Musk’s [#DOGE] entered the headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (#NOAA)…today, inciting concerns of downsizing at the agency."

What's the #Trump or #Trumpist interest here?

1. "#Project2025…called for the agency to be 'broken up and downsized', claiming the agency is 'harmful to US prosperity' for its role in #climate science."

2. Andrew Rosenberg, a former NOAA official, "noted it had been a longtime goal of corporations that rely on NOAA data to prevent the agency from making the data public, instead of giving it directly to private corporations that create products based on it, such as weather forecasting services."

PS: Rosenberg is right. During the GWBush admin, Senator #RickSantorum (R-PA) repeatedly tried to take down NOAA's open weather data, to benefit AccuWeather, the for-profit weather forecaster in his state. I wrote about it often at the time and may have to dig out and reup those old pieces.

#OpenData #USPol #USPolitics

Update. "The mad dash to protect environmental data from Donald Trump"

"Information about climate change vanished from federal websites under Donald Trump, who has repeatedly called climate change “a hoax.” Now, federal agencies could face deep staff and budget cuts overseen by Trump cronies Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. The proposed cuts not only threaten what kind of data the government shares but also whether it can collect and organize it at all....

One key resource that could languish under the Trump administration is the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool, #EJScreen.…Even if it stays online, the tool is not as useful without constant upkeep....

Much of the environmental data included in EJScreen is collected by the #EPA itself. The EPA isn’t likely to abandon its air quality monitors anytime soon, but #Project2025…proposes eliminating the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights that manages the tool...."

#Climate #ClimateChange #Environment #Takedowns

This is another loyalty test to see if #SCOTUS will take a broad or narrow approach. ie is it in on #Project2025 or not. Silly question really, after past Roe and the immunity decisions. Trump hasnt even prioritised new appointments to bench.


Recall the pre-election disclosure: "Dictator for a day". Now a very loooooong day. It was called #Project2025 not Project 20 January.

These kind of statements are propaganda work aligning patriotism, loyalty and law to the regime change. They set the stage for only one person to declare the law and for any opponents to be labelled lawbreakers. The way Russia does.


MAGA wants you to protect on weekdays. 🤯
I have been noticing the activity on Meta (Facebook), and it seems Donald Trump's people not only expect people to protest, they are counting on it.

The goal is to infiltrate groups and communities, and convenience people to protest when the least amount of people can or will. That means on days when people would be less able or willing and show up in fewer numbers. Then have the mass media report on protests only when there is a low turnout.

Ideal times include weekday when people have work and school, or when the weather is unfavorable as some of these people are checking the extended forecast.

1 of 2

#Protest #Strike #GeneralStrike #Project2025 #Coup #CoupDetat #UnitedStates #DonaldTrump #Trump #CivilUnrest

#Project2025 only exists because no one paid attention to Project1968, 69, 70, 71.. 2K...23, etc @CBSNews No one gave fucks until it 'came for them'. They DESERVE to 'own nothing, eat bugs and be happy' too. #greatreset

Microsoft and the United States Government have a working partnership. You should consider try using Linux.

For a newbie, I would suggest Ultramarine Linux (KDE Plasma) or MX Linux (KDE Plasma). But ultimately, your goal should be to try using Linux.

If you need to keep a copy of Windows for gaming, that's fine. But still try using Linux too.

#Project2025 #Fascism #Nazis #DonaldTrump #Trump #ElonMusk #Musk #Privacy #Security #UsJurisdiction

#MediaFuzzing is the tactic of overwhelming media with outright lies, bunk causes, statements and controversy in order to put the media and the general public into a state of disarray and confusion.

#Politics #Trump #Project2025 #Media #fuzzing #psyop #democracy #liberty #unity

"What the Lord established": Elon Musk is camouflaging a #ChristianNationalist takeover

Project 2025 was clear: First, #purge federal workers. Then replace them with theocrats & fanatics

"Musk is following the #Project2025 playbook...

The explicit plan is to replace federal workers who #Musk forces out with people who pass "ideological purity tests," largely based on their eagerness to make #America something very much like a #theocracy."

#ElonMusk #Coup #News #USA
News headline and photo illustration with credit.

"What the Lord established": Elon Musk is camouflaging a Christian nationalist takeover

Project 2025 was clear: First, purge federal workers. Then replace them with theocrats and fanatics

By Amanda Marcotte
Senior Writer
Published February 14, 2025 5:59AM (EST)

Photo: A creepy looking Elon musk standing in front of a scary red sky with a giant cross over his shoulder.

Credit Elon Musk (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Inhaltswarnung: U.S. Politics, deportations

"MAGA Women Think Musk is Robin Hood" - This woman's take is EXACTLY what I am hearing on the ground. 100%.

#DOGE #Politics #USPolitics #USPol #News #Project2025 #Fascism


*Must read* & please boost

“The Mafia State”

by Chris Hedges in The Chris Hedges Report on Substack

@UKLabour take note!

“The mafia state cannot be reformed. We must organize to break our chains, one-by-one, to use the power of the strike to cripple the state machinery”


#Press #US #Trump #Musk #Mafia #State #Poverty #Immiseration #Decline #Destruction #Billionaire #Economy #Control #Surveillance #Project2025 #Christian #Fascist #MagicalThinking #Capitalism

Der WDR will mehr #noAfD wagen, die #Tagesschau zitiert einen Initiator von #Project2025 zur Akzeptanz desselbigen…
#Strobl-Effekt, vorauseilender Gehorsam, oder einfach nur ein fataler Fehler?
Für den #ÖRR wird es Zeit Fehler zu korrigieren.

"Republicans have long been immersed in transnational networks dedicated to wrecking democracy and now this can be an official part of foreign policy. America will increasingly be part of this autocratic axis."

#Musk #Trump #Republicans #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #authoritarianism #autocracy #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism

"This goes beyond the destruction of democracy as a political system: the kneecapping of public health, disaster response, climate crisis mitigation, and global influence (through the suspension of foreign aid) affect every area of civil society and government. Putin’s dream is to make the United States into a version of 1990s Russia: Trump and his allies seem to be motivated by a similar goal."

#Musk #Trump #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism

"A unifying theme of the actions taken by the new Donald Trump administration and its Project 2025 and other allies is wrecking the United States as a democratic power, to the benefit of Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and other autocratic adversaries, and creating the conditions for the U.S. elites and oligarchs to prosper."

~ Ruth Ben-Ghiat

#Musk #Trump #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #billionaires #autocracy #authoritarianism #Project2025


🤦🏼‍♀️ Diese Art "Gehorsam" ist äußerst beunruhigend. Da läuten alle Alarmglocken im Kopf!
#project2025 #putsch #coupdetat

Via Kyle Griffin:

Heads up: The co-author of #Project2025 just issued a directive to halt almost ALL activity out of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Russ #Vought instructed employees to "cease all supervision and examination activity" and pause all pending investigations. #VoughtFraud

Hier eine Kolumne über #Project2025 vom Juli 2024. Man vergleiche, was da versprochen wurde mit dem, was jetzt passiert. https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/project-2025-der-masterplan-fuer-den-fossilen-gottesstaat-der-rationalist-kolumne-a-0ea020d7-082f-4398-ac84-59a1db6c3932

#NOAA, #USAID, #CDC und die National Institutes of Health (NIH), standen im #Project2025 auf der Streich-/Gängelungsliste. Trump setzt die Pläne aus diesem Papier, von dem er sich im Wahlkampf unglaubwürdig zu distanzieren versuchte, eins zu eins um. https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/angriffe-auf-wissenschaft-wo-donald-trump-und-elon-musk-europa-nuetzen-koennten-a-737d2505-dfc7-436f-a983-de064cafcfdb

Donald #Trump gaat met hulp van Elon #Musk het staatsapparaat met botte bijl te lijf. #Project2025, de blauwdruk voor dit revanchistische beleid, is de laatste telg in een serie van dergelijke conservatieve plannen voor ingrijpende verandering, schrijft historicus Colin Gordon.


Sen. Slotkin NAILS IT! Very much worth watching. Please do so and share.

#Politics #USPolitics #USPol #News #Project2025 #Fascism

Senator Slotkin in red at podium giving speech

"Here are all of the conservative organizations involved with #Project2025" (src https://www.newsweek.com/project-2025-full-list-organizations-proposals-1923240)

* 1792 Exchange
* American Accountability Foundation
* AAPLOG - American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs
* Alabama Policy Institute
* Alliance Defending Freedom
* American Center for Law and Justice
* American Commitment
* American Compass
* American Cornerstone Institute
* The American Conservative
* American Council of Trustees and Alumni
* American Family Association
* America First Legal
* American Juris Link
* American Legislative Exchange Council
* The American Main Street Initiative
* American Moment
* American Principles Project
* The American Family Project
* The American Redistricting Project
* Americans United for Life
* AMAC Action - The Association of Mature American Citizens
* The Bull Moose Project
* California Family Council
* Calvert Task Group
* Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University
* Center for Equal Opportunity
* Center for Family & Human Rights
* Center for Immigration Studies
* Center for Military Readiness
* Center for Renewing America
* Center for Secure Free Society
* Citizens Against Government Waste
* The Claremont Institute
* Coalition for Liberty
* Coalition for a Prosperous America
* Committee for Justice
* Concerned Women for America
* Conservative Partnership Institute
* Consumers Defense
* Defense of Freedom Institute
* Eagle Forum
* Ethics and Public Policy Center
* Fairer America
* Family Policy Alliance
* Family Research Council
* Feds for Freedom
* First Liberty
* ForAmerica
* Forge Leadership Network
* Foundation for American Innovation
* Foundation for Government Accountability
* Freedom's Journal Institute
* The Frederick Douglass Foundation
* Gun Owners Foundation
* The Heartland Institute
* The Heritage Foundation
* Herzog Foundation
* MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates
* Hillsdale College
* Honest Elections Project
* Independent Women's Forum
* Institute for Education Reform
* Institute for Energy Research
* Institute for the American Worker
* The Institute for Women's Health
* Intercollegiate Studies Institute
* Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
* The James Madison Institute
* Job Creators Network
* Keystone Policy
* Leadership Institute
* League of American Workers
* Liberty University
* Mackinac Center for Public Policy
* The Malone Institute
* Middle East Forum
* Media Research Center
* Mississippi Center for Public Policy
* Moms for Liberty
* Mountain States for Policy Center
* National Association of Scholars
* National Center for Public Policy Research
* National Religious Broadcasters
* National Rifle Association
* National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
* Native Americans for Sovereignty & Preservation
* Nevada Policy
* Noah Webster Educational Foundation
* The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
* Project 21
* Pacific Research Institute
* The Palm Beach Freedom Institute
* Palmetto Promise
* Patrick Henry College
* The Patriot Foundation Trust
* Personnel Policy Operations
* Public Interest Legal Foundation
* Protect Our Kids
* Recovery for America Now Foundation
* Republican Overseas Foundation
* SAVE - Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
* STARRS - Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services
* Students for Life of America
* Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
* Tea Party Patriots
* Texas Public Policy Foundation
* Teneo
* Turning Point USA
* Young America's Foundation

I was at a protest of one today in #PortlandMaine (not the first time). Unfortunately, I wasn't there on #January20 because I was getting over being sick, but there was a great turnout that day.

And it seems #AugustaMaine had a decent turnout today as well, so that's good.

But even though I was there by myself, most folks who saw me were supportive, a few thanked me, and only one #MAGA-type said that my protest was "Bullshit!" To which I replied, "You'll find out soon enough."

I don't mind being a protest of one, but next time, I plan on bringing some pepper spray just in case, and some cash for unhoused folks - who were way more supportive than some of the well-off passerbys.

#ProtestOfOne #50501Movement #50501Protests #ResistFascism #Resist #EndCitizensUnited #BlackLivesMatter #NoJobsOnADeadPlanet #WaterIsLife #ClimateChangeWeatherWheel #Project2025 #Resistance
A person with white hair, wearing sunglasses, a black mask, and a black hoodie, standing on a street corner in the city. A sign that reads, "End Citizens United" is behind them.
Protest signs in the snow, near a sidewalk.
1. End Citizens United
2. Resist Fascism
3. There are No Jobs on a Dead Planet
4. Climate Change Weather Wheel
Protest signs in the snow, near a sidewalk, at the base of a statue.
1. Water Is Life
2. Climate Change Weather Wheel
4. Black Lives Matter
4. End Citizens United
5. Resist Fascism