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Beiträge, die mit Ai getaggt sind

In der EU treten im Gegensatz dazu nächste Woche Regelungen der KI-Verodnung (#AI Act) in Kraft. Allerdings mit jeder Menge Ausnahmen, die unsere Grundrechte in Gefahr bringen. Eine gute Einschätzung gibt es im Kommentar auf Radio Eins.


📢 New Zettelkasten Post: President Donald Trump says he'll 'demand that interest rates drop immediately'

Read it here: https://neuralmarkettrends.com/president-donald-trump-says-hell-demand-that-inter/
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation

📢 New Zettelkasten Post: Ireland on alert as Trump pulls US out of global tax deal – The Irish Times

Read it here: https://neuralmarkettrends.com/ireland-on-alert-as-trump-pulls-us-out-of-global-t/
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation

“Since Oct. 7, the Israeli military has relied heavily on cloud and AI services from #Microsoft and its partner #OpenAI, while the tech giant’s staff embed with different units to support rollout, a joint investigation reveals.
Prior to 2024, OpenAI’s terms included a clause prohibiting the use of its services for “#military and warfare” activities. But in January 2024, as the Israeli army was ramping up its reliance on #GPT-4 while pummeling the #Gaza Strip, the company quietly removed this clause from its website and expanded its partnerships with militaries and national intelligence agencies.
In October, OpenAI publicly stated that it would examine cooperation with security agencies in the United States and “allied countries,” believing that “democracies should continue to take the lead in #AI development, guided by values such as freedom, fairness, and respect for human rights.”

#Israel #Palestine #IDF

ai and music: a harmonious fusion of creativity and technology https://buff.ly/3Pu6iXQ #blog #music #ai

Engadget: Google reportedly made sure Israel’s military had access to its AI tools. “Google has been a much larger facilitator of tools to Israel during its war with Hamas than previously disclosed. A new report from The Washington Post found that Google employees have repeatedly worked with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israel’s Defense Ministry (IDM) to expand the government’s […]


"More than two-thirds of 100 companies behind the AI tools most commonly used and recommended by journalists are insufficiently transparent about their ownership, finances and other critical data."


(via @reutersinstitute)
#ai #journalism #transparency

I am sick of the #AI hate. People don't even understand what they are hating or why.

"AI" runs the traffic lights, develops new medications, inspects medical scans, searches our universe for life.. and you hate all this?

I saw a #media story about facial recognition. Of course they stuck "AI" in the title, even though there was zero discussion or mention of it in the interview.

AI is data processing. AGI is data processing through a neural network capable of learning. That's it.

#ai #media

Once again - yet again - AGAIN: as of right now, there is no such thing as artificial intelligence outside the realm of science fiction. This is a news article about *algorithm-driven* pharmaceutucal drug development. Every journalist that calls these algorithms "AI" is doing tech companies' advertising for them, and is implicated in the harms that result.


#AI #Tech #BigPharma #Medicine #Data #Journalism #Media #MediaLiteracy

If would be interesting to see the overlap between

(a) Sectors where unionization activity and other labor unrest has appeared; and
(b) Sectors where the AI maniacs are claiming AI will soon take over jobs

My suspicion is that one of the functions of generative AI is labor discipline: frighten workers so that they stop making demands of employers for fear of losing their jobs or benefits. Labor discipline is a well-documented strategy the powers that be have been using for at least a century for exactly this purpose. Clara Mattei's excellent book and articles on this subject, which I think make this case incontrovertibly.

I don't think it's coincidental that there is so much enthusiasm for generative AI among powerful state and corporate actors despite a corresponding dislike and fear of it among working class folks: that's a common pattern in labor disciplining policies and is how they function. I also don't think it's coincidental that the generative AI rhetoric, and the latest hype cycle, kicked off in the wake of COVID-related state interventions: as Mattei argues, austerity policies are consciously brought to bear on behalf of wealthy capitalists whenever the state is forced by circumstances to take actions benefiting workers. The recent historic rise in unionization activity was met with mass layoffs (read: labor discipline), a rise in interest rates (read: financial pain inflicted on the non-wealthy) and attempts to "cool off" the economy (read: force a bunch of people to become unemployed, another labor disciplining tool). I think generative AI is, in part, an attempt to squash hope and force workers to be docile again through fear and acquiescence, which again is a labor disciplining strategy Mattei has documented is consciously brought to bear by the powers that be.

Therefore it wouldn't surprise me at all to find that (a) is nearly identical to (b), or contained within it.

#AI #GenAI #GenerativeAI #labor #LaborDiscipline #austerity

Received a Whatsapp video showcasing an "automated" cooking machine demo to a reporter. The media guy reported it as an "AI" machine. Even the video was shared with a message stating it as an AI machine.

#AI #Whatsapp #Cooking #TV #Media

हाल ही में मैंने एक वीडियो देखा, 'AI के सबसे सम्मोहक चेहरों का अनावरण: सौंदर्य का सेल्डन मानक!' इसने आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस द्वारा सौंदर्य की परिभाषा को चुनौती दी है। नए विचारों की तलाश में, आइए विचार साझा करें!

यूट्यूब पर वीडियो देखें।: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGACfb4vFIw

पूरा लेख यहाँ पढ़ें: https://medium.com/@rahul.mehta_63218/%E0%A4%86%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%9F%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%AB%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%B2-%E0%A4%87%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%9F%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%9C%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%B8-%E0%A4%94%E0%A4%B0-%E0%A4%B8%E0%A5%8C%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AF-%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%87-%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%8F-%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%A1-%E0%A4%8F%E0%A4%95-%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%9A%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%B6%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%B2-%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE-84c9bf7ad25e

[AI Generated] #ai #beauty #philosophy #video #blog

Dozens of former members of #Israel ’s Unit 8200 - a secretive cyber warfare team accused of building the AI systems that helped enable the Gaza genocide - are now building #AI systems for the world’s biggest tech and AI companies.

....This investigation shows that former #Israeli spies who helped construct the architecture of occupation, apartheid and genocide are deeply embedded in the biggest tech companies in the world. After constructing an architecture for #genocide, these former spies are now constructing the AI infrastructure that will shape our societies in fundamental ways.

For the #tech companies themselves the presence of so many of these individuals in key roles should raise serious ethical questions. And we should all be worried about AI systems with the capacity to restructure our world being engineered by the same people responsible for engineering psychopathic AI that generates indiscriminate kill lists.
#NoTechforAparthied #TechForGenocide #Gaza #google #meta #apple #nvidia #amazon #openai

Macht das meta mit whattsapp und faecesbook auch ? (Bald ? )
#warning #corporate_ai_hell
#Ai #ki

I can't believe I have to write this, but people keep asking for it.
Here are my reasons as to why this kind of #LLM-usage is bad, wrong and needs to be stopped:

1) It's a kind of grave-robbbing and incredibly disrespectful to the real Anne Frank and her family. She, her memory and the things she wrote get abused for our enjoyment, with no regard or care for the real person. How anyone thinks this is even remotely appropriate is beyond me.


#AI #LudditeAI

Ah, hier werden neue KIs („kapitalistisch-ausgebeutete Inder“) gesucht. #KI #AI
Ein Zettel an einem Baum. Es werden Personen für „mobile work“, 
„copy paste job“, „writing books“ und 
„form filling“ gesucht.
#ai #ki

We are hiring! We currently have several great job openings at the Interaction Design Lab at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences: https://idl.fh-potsdam.de/de/jobs/ Apply Now! #DesignResearch #HumanComputerInteraction #AI #Teaching #DigitalLiteracy #Design

I stopped sending money to The Guardian a while ago because of the transphobic content coming from a few of its staff members in the UK.

But now I'd have another concern: its use of AI, including during a recent 4-day strike. As of now, it's not being used to write stories but rather to suggest headlines and alt text.

Also, The Guardian has appointed "a senior Google executive" to its board.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2025/01/17/guardian-accused-undermining-strikes-using-ai-write-stories/ or

h/t @ai6yr
#AI #unions #journalism #TheGuardian

Journalists have to find new career paths::
"As part of the agreement, OpenAI will display content and links attributed to Dotdash Meredith in relevant ChatGPT responses," ... "OpenAI will also collaborate with Dotdash Meredith to create new #AI products and features for its readers and use historical and ongoing DDM content to enhance its model's performance." #Media
#ai #media

🧵 …zum Thema #AI / #KI auf TikTok wollte ich erst gar nichts teilen, da dies dort alles andere als verwunderlich ist. Ich bin sogar der Meinung, #TikTok wird leider deswegen noch als #realistisch wahrgenommen.

»KI-Avatare echter Personen sollen auf TikTok #Werbung machen:
Das neue Tool "Symphony" erstellt erschreckend realistische #Avatar'e echter #Personen für Werbemittel.«

🤖 https://futurezone.at/b2b/ki-avatare-tiktok-symphony-digital-werbung-influenzer-creator-kuenstliche-intelligenz/402914765

Everything is a Remix (2023 Edition) - YouTube

Interesting; recommended.

#Culture #Copying #Memes #Media #Music #Creativity #AI #GenAI

Proposed a Fourth Law of #Robotics: “A #robot or #AI must not deceive a human by impersonating a human being.” via IEEE


Every time I run into discussions over generative AI on social media, and read more than three comments, I really just want to scream into the void.

It doesn't even always take three before someone goes "people will just pay more for quality!"

#AI #GenAI
#ai #genai

https://www.europesays.com/1776779/ History Says the Nasdaq Will Soar in 2025: 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock to Buy Before It Does #AI #ArtificialIntelligence
History Says the Nasdaq Will Soar in 2025: 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock to Buy Before It Does

Inhaltswarnung: FediBlock newsmast

I don;t know because I don;t buy new stuff (someone out there will no doubt tell me) but, if I wanted to, I bet I could buy:

An AI washing machine
An AI fridge
An AI water heater/boiler
An AI cooker/stove
An AI door entry system
An AI curtain system
An AI car
An AI computer
An AI phone
An AI security camera



when proponents of AI (especially those who stand to gain financially from it) say that it increases accessibility to the creative arts, they're trying to solve the problem of an obstacle created by capitalism rather than by the lack of technology.
AI is not the answer; the dismantling of capitalism is, because the pursuit of profit doesn't value the creative arts.
#AI #art #capitalism

AI is like israel: it doesn't do the things it says it exists to do.

Zum Wochenende: Wo sind die neuen KI-Jobs?

Die Revolution des maschinellen Lernens verspricht viele neue Arbeitsplätze. Doch wo sind sie und wie heissen sie?

#KI #AI #Arbeitsplätze #Künstliche_Intelligenz #WEF #Linux
