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Beiträge, die mit DEMOCRACY getaggt sind

“If lawyers had followed the norm of no execution without trial, if doctors had accepted the rule of no surgery without consent, if businessmen had endorsed the prohibition of slavery, if bureaucrats had refused to handle paperwork involving murder, then the Nazi regime would have been much harder pressed to carry out the atrocities by which we remember it.”

- On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder


#democracy #autocracy #law #resistance #DoNotComplyInAdvance #USpol

Hey you!
Yes, YOU!
Right Now, in #Virginia there are 3 Special Elections going on:

If You or Anyone you know lives in the DC suburbs of Loudoun County, please VOTE EARLY NOW https://www.loudoun.gov/voteearly and Elect Democrats Kannan Srinivasan for State Senate and JJ Singh for State House

If You or Anyone you know lives West of Richmond; please VOTE EARLY NOW for Democrat Jack Trammell https://trammellforsenateva10.com/

Tuesday January 7 is the FINAL Day to Vote!

#vapol #vapolitics #election #voting #blue25 #VoteBlue #democracy #Democrats #uspol #uspolitics #politics

Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham has dislodged the regime of Bashar al-Assad after a lightning offensive, raising hopes for #Syria's future. Contributing editor Matthew Downhour joins Samantha and Jason on the Neon Liberalism podcast to talk #war, #autocracy, and #democracy. https://www.liberalcurrents.com/neonliberalism/neon-liberalism-7-2/

#democracy #politics #auspol
citizens assembly on housing in #Sydney
Run by Amplify https://www.amplifyaus.org
which seems to be a whole campaign on democracy. Interesting!

The spread of American (Western) democracy in action
THIS is the true nature of the American government. Attacking a defenseless country which poses no threat to the United States, and has committed no act of war or hostility against us.

The United States government is a gangster government, filled with violent, tyrannical, garbage people.
#Pentagon #ISIS #US #american #Western #democracy #imperialism is #war #bombings #deaths for #Syria and #mankind

Les bombardiers B-52 américains bombardent actuellement la Syrie... Ils nettoient les détails pour que personne ne puisse témoigner

#syrie #usa #EL #russie #assad #actu #bombardements #imperialisme #pentagone #syrieecrasee #biden #trump


“Is US democracy a sham? Biden gave us the answer. Were you listening?”

by Jonathan Cook on Substack

“Only in a world of political make-believe would the Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop”


#Press #US #Democracy #Biden #Senility #Empire #DeepState #genocide #BloodLust #Facade #WSJ #CorporateMedia #Propaganda

Best of 2024: Correspondent @stevanzetti untangled a web of “astroturf” right-wing influence, from conservative hotelier Monty Bennett to a California "protesters for hire" company, which supported controversial city charter amendments in #Dallas. https://www.texasobserver.org/dallas-hero-initiative-monty-bennett-crowds-on-demand/

#Republicans #corruption #politics #USpol #Texas #democracy #news #media

'In 2011, weeks before pro-#democracy campaigners began taking to the streets of #Syria, #Vogue ran a now-removed profile of her titled “A Rose in the Desert”. It described her as “the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies”, avoiding any mention of the more than 5,000 #civilians already killed by her husband.'

#assad #putin #russia #journalism

This is just like every story of backing a sociopath/psychopath hoping it will save you from their wrath, only for them to turn on you and the leopard eats your face.
You thought Assad would stick up for you?
You thought Putin would risk his own neck to support you?


#assad #putin #government #democracy
Text of Putin not taking Assad’s calls
Text of Assad not supporting his people

“In the end,” he said, “our belief was strong, and theirs was weak.”

it sounds like another 2024 trouncing of an incumbent -- #legitimacy matters with or without #democracy. But other details like that Assad's most immediate family had been in Moscow for months are still perplexing.

#syria #giftarticle

For forty protestors in prison (nearly half on remand & therefore still formal innocent of any crime), this is very much not the season of goodwill....

The UK (as we know) leads the democratic world in locking up protestors; its not a good indicator of how we value democracy....

Protest is a vital part of democracy, cracking down on it in such a forceful manner tells us much about what the Govt. really thinks about dissent...

#democracy #protest #RuleOfLaw

Dan Rather:

>> Is Trump Really Calling the Shots?


"Just when you think it can’t get weirder or more dysfunctional …_"

So, just who is calling the shots/pulling the strings? ( #Elon? #Putin ? #Project2025 ? #Brainspurs on steroids?)

A fair and important question.

Anyone remember long ago - in the days before #MuskVirus - when Sir "danced" with air?

#TrumpVirus #dementia #psychopathology #Article25 #disinformation #fantasy #GQP #media vs. #truth #reality #democracy

Sadly I was correct in 2019 — The digital information ecosystem extends emotion through manufactured media spectacles. Traditional journalism is obsolesced by the nature of its assumption of a neutral point of view. Return to nature movements — such as anti-vaxxers — retrieve the pastoral impulse for an imaginary kinder society. We're left in a state of constant doubt as conspiratorial content is easier to access than solid scientific information.


#democracy #media
Agnotology: the strategic & purposeful production of ignorance
-danah boyd

McLuhan's media tetrad state that:

every medium - extends a human property,
obsolesces the previous medium (& often makes it a luxury good), retrieves a much older medium &
reverses its properties when pushed to its limits

The digital information ecosystem —

EXTENDS emotion — "media spectacles"

OBSOLESCES neutral POV journalism — structural manipulation of media -"both sides"

RETRIEVES the pastoral impulse — "the undoing of scientific knowledge"

REVERSES into constant doubt — "conspiratorial content is easier to reach than scientific material"

Given the experience in recently #Egypt, #Libya and #Tunisia, elections in #Syria should not be held until #security is permanently guaranteed for all citizens. Otherwise elections will be the first step to the end of #democracy and the re-establishment of an #autocracy. @geopolitics

Republicans: "We're going to put all trans people in a wood chipper."

Democrats: "Please don't put trans people in a wood chipper."

Media: "The Democrats need to stop talking about culture war issues and focus on the economy."

#politics #USpol #LOLGOP #GOP #Democrats #democracy #LGBTQ

Get the fascism out of our universities. Repression of #journalism is repression of free speech and an attack on one of our checks and balances. #democracy

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:iprbrnoiy2q76jcgkdjfhwqv/post/3ldmo4m5o622t

The Declaration on Minority Rights Minority was adopted 32 years ago. For a global overview and data on the worsening situation, see this summary from the World Justice Project:

📖 https://worldjusticeproject.org/news/discrimination-getting-worse-globally

#minority #UN

“The Minorities Declaration is short, but its call to equality is powerful.” Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

📖 https://www.ohchr.org/en/stories/2022/05/30th-anniversary-marks-landmark-moment-minority-rights

#minorityrights #minority #humanrights #UN #democracy #press #activism #politics #law

Oh, not to be forgotten:

The Confederacy was composed of eleven U.S. states that declared secession: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

Now tell me, which of these states didn't enact an insane abortion ban.

#Abortion #AbortionRights #WomensRights #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #ThirteenthAmendment #InvoluntaryServitude #ReproductiveSlavery #Confederacy #GagaMAGA #MAGA #Insurrection #Rebellion #RuleOfLaw #Law #Democracy #USPol #USPolitics

#press #news #democracy #democracynow

"The responsibility of a #journalist is to go to where the silence is—to amplify the voices of those who have been forgotten & forsaken by the powerful. It's the best reason I know for us to pick up our pens, microphones & cameras and go out into our own communities and the wider world.

#Donate online today—when your tax-deductible gift will be doubled—& help us amplify the voices of people who are committed to changing the world."


The UN Declaration on Minority Rights Minority was adopted on this day 32 years ago. This is a good occasion to reflect on the pervasive effects of discrimination. For a global overview and data on the worsening situation, see this summary from the World Justice Project:


“The Minorities Declaration is short, but its call to equality is powerful.” Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.


#democracy #press #UN #law

Interesting #Sunday read.

"If elections are about convincing voters that you’re on their side, then why associate your party with a group that most voters not only don’t identify with but actively resent?"

#politic #democracy #ideas #democrat #journalism #media


Turkey continues arrests for terrorism based on scant evidence, minimal due process: US State Dept. https://www.byteseu.com/557897/ #AKParty #AKP #Democracy #Erdoğan #FethullahGulen #HumanRights #justice #LAW #oppression #PKK #Syria #TheIslamicStateInIraqAndTheLevant(ISIL) #TheNationalIntelligenceOrganization(MIT) #TheRevolutionaryPeople’sLiberationParty/Front(DHKP/C) #TheUsStateDepartment #Turkey
Turkey continues arrests for terrorism based on scant evidence, minimal due process: US State Dept.

“Europe is ready to support safeguarding national unity and rebuilding a Syrian state that protects all minorities.” Ursula von der Leyen @EUCommission @vonderleyen 📖 https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20241209-wary-europe-eyes-syria-with-hope-and-fear

Check the summary from Minority Rights Group on minorities in Syria:

#Syria #minorityrights #humanrights #eu #activism #democracy #politics

Photo credit: Minority Rights Group from https://minorityrights.org/an-uncertain-future-for-syrian-refugees-in-lebanon-new-report-highlights-challenges-of-life-in-exile-and-barriers-to-return/

Nathan Batto comments on President Yoon's declaration of martial law and the subsequent political crisis in South Korea. Problems with the presidential system, polarisation and difficulties in the impeachment process have contributed to the current situation


#SouthKorea #Democracy #MartialLaw

Important we keep a close eye on the #Syrian situation, notably what happens to #Rojava & the #Kurds. The #Kurdish people of NE #Syria assembled a fairly egalitarian, multiethnic, #secular #democracy in their autonomous region, but Erdogan and Turkey will be gunning to dismantle it. #defendrojava ❤️⭐
YPJ members in a greenhouse farm, for ecological cooperative farming https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_Administration_of_North_and_East_Syria

“Europe is ready to support safeguarding national unity and rebuilding a Syrian state that protects all minorities.” Ursula von der Leyen

Visit @EUCommission for further updates

Check the summary from Minority Rights Group on minorities in Syria:


#Syria #Minorityrights #Humanrights #Democracy #EU

Photo credit: Minority Rights Group from https://minorityrights.org/an-uncertain-future-for-syrian-refugees-in-lebanon-new-report-highlights-challenges-of-life-in-exile-and-barriers-to-return/

https://www.europesays.com/1677689/ Lithuania calls for creating a democratic Syria after fall of Assad’s regime #democracy #ForeignMinistry #Lietuva #lithuania #naujienos #Syria
Lithuania calls for creating a democratic Syria after fall of Assad’s regime