Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
The mass displacement carried out by Zionist forces in the occupied West Bank is the largest since 1967, according to experts cited by the New York Times (NYT) on 17 February.
“What makes this moment unprecedented is not only the scale of the displacement but also the accompanying
#News #AlAqsaFlood #palestine #repression #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
What is clear is that the agency will stay and deliver its mandate until it is prevented from doing so.”
“We will do this despite the considerable risks to our staff in an increasingly hostile operational environment.”
Philippe Lazzarini
Israel issues tender for 1,000...
- 500 days of Israel’s war on Gaza – by the numbers
- Israel to receive at least four bodies of captives on Thursday: Reports
- Israeli official admits holding up shelters for Gaza
- Palestinian wounded in occupied West Bank as Israel raids continue
- Israeli army targets ‘suspicious vehicles’ in Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel kills Hamas commander in Lebanon as Gaza truce falters
Israel accused of violating terms of truces despite diplomatic efforts to save the Hamas-Israel ceasefire.Usaid Siddiqui (Al Jazeera)
Nonostante la tregua a Gaza, la situazione in Palestina rimane estremamente precaria. Gli aggiornamenti con il giornalista Samir Al Qaryouti e Michele Giorgio, direttore di Pagine Esteri,...Radio Onda d`Urto
Six-Day War
this is still USA bought and paid for genocide.
#genocide #Palestina #colonialism
Forced displacement of Palestinians from occupied West Bank 'largest since 1967'
Tens of thousands have been expelled from several West Bank cities and camps as Israeli forces ramp up their destruction and killing in the
Sono 40.000 le persone costrette ad abbandonare le loro case.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #17febbraio
PHOTOS: Israel ravages West Bank refugee camps
Israeli forces have displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps in the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Quando abbiamo giurato “mai più”, l'intenzione non era solo “mai più” verso il nostro popolo, ma “mai più” verso chiunque."🧵1/7
✍️ Moria Shlomot, direttore esecutivo di "Parents Against Child Detention".
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #17febbraio
#Palestine #WestBank #EthnicCleansing #ForcefulDisplacement #Israel
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #PalestinianLivesMatter #Palestinians #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Gaza #US #USA #Zionism #Zionists #BDS #Ceasefire #ArmsEmbargo
Palestinian boy injured as Israel continues raids across West Bank
A 13-year-old boy was injured by bullet shrapnel outside a school as Israeli forces raided Nablus.Al Jazeera
“Israeli military analysis website floats plan to destroy Aswan dam, kill up to 10.5 million Egyptians”
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“Egypt reacts in fury to Israeli discussion of enormous war crime if threatened over ‘Greater Israel’ land-grab plans”
#Press #Israel #Eqypt #Aswan #Dam #Destruction #WarCrime #Zionism #Barbarity #BloodLust #Palestine #WestBank #Genocide
Israeli military analysis website floats plan to destroy Aswan dam, kill up to 10.5 million Egyptians
Egypt reacts in fury to Israeli discussion of enormous war crime if threatened over ‘Greater Israel’ land-grab plans Egyptian media and political figures have reacted with fury to discu…SKWAWKBOX
Immers, Zionisten claimen en masse dat alle Joden Zionisten zijn, en dat je een antisemiet bent als je de door de Israeli Destruction Forces en Israëlische kolonisten uitgevoerde acties van zogenaamde "zelfverdediging" oorlogsmisdaden en genocide noemt.
Mijn opa was Jood en heeft tenauwenoord WWII overleefd (zijn familie is vermoord door Nazi's). Hij had nooit geaccepteerd dat van meer dan 1 miljoen Gazaanse kinderen het leven is verwoest.
De zoveelste oorlogsmisdaad: "Israël heeft een aanbesteding uitgeschreven voor de bouw van bijna 1000 nieuwe huizen op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever."
En In plaats van dat de beheerders van Auschwitz de genocidale daden van Israël veroordelen, schrijven zij, als marionetten van Netanyahu, in een verklaring onderaan onder meer:
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism. The existence of a free, sovereign, and democratic Jewish State is one of the pillars of world peace.
Als de staat Israël een democratie is (iets wat Israëliërs zélf claimen), hebben zij het recht op een eigen staat in het Midden-Oosten VOLLEDIG VERSPEELD. Niet de Palestijnen maar de Israëliërs zijn de terroristen - want de Israëliërs zijn begonnen (al in 1948).
Het is de hoogste tijd (voor vele tienduizenden zijn we te laat) om Israël KEIHARD te veroordelen en een halt toe te roepen.
#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Libanon #Syrie #GenocideJoden #HufterZionisten #IsraelNietInMijnNaam #NietInMijnNaam #ICJIsRight #ICCIsRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #HRWIsRight #MSFIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #StopCIDI #StopCvI #StopJonet #StopNCAB #StopVerdoner #StopKabinetSchoof #StopJankJoden #Antisemitisme #Jodenhaat #DefinitieVanAntisemitisme
Dode bij Israëlische drone-aanval in kustplaats Sidon in Zuid-Libanon
In dit liveblog lees je het laatste nieuws van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas en andere ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
(AP) #WestBank #Israel #settlers #plantations #landgrab #apartheid
Watchdog says Israel is advancing plans for nearly 1,000 more settler homes in West Bank
An anti-settlement watchdog says Israel has issued tenders for the construction of nearly 1,000 additional settler homes in the occupied West Bank.AP News
Trump’s plan for America to “take over” the Gaza Strip and “permanently” resettle Palestinians elsewhere in Egypt and Jordan – widely criticised as a form of genocidal ethnic cleansing including by UN Secretary-general Antonio Guterres — does not come out of the blue.
#Trump #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #WhiteSupremacy
Trump’s Gaza Plan is a White Supremacist Agenda, and the Homeland is Next – Byline Times
Trump's Gaza plan 'does not come out of the blue' argues Nafeez Ahmed, it is 'part and parcel of a broader white supremacist agenda'Nafeez Ahmed (Byline Times)
#Israel #WestBank
»“Operation Iron Wall,” Israel’s largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada, has displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps since it was launched on Jan. 21. Wahaj Bani Moufleh photographed the extreme destruction.«
PHOTOS: Israel ravages West Bank refugee camps
Israeli forces have displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps in the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
- Developing
Israeli army confirms it attacked targets in Lebanon
- Riot breaks out at Israel’s notorious Ofer military prison: Report
- Israeli forces destroy infrastructure in occupied West Bank
- Netanyahu orders negotiating team to fly to Cairo for truce talks
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA
LIVE: Israel’s Netanyahu meets Rubio as Gaza suffers water shortages
Hamas says Israeli attack that killed policemen in southern Gaza a ‘serious violation’ of ceasefire deal.Virginia Pietromarchi (Al Jazeera)
"De bottomline is dit: er is geen manier waarop een Palestijn géén verzet kan plegen, omdat er geen manier is waarop Israël een Palestijn in #Palestina zijn eigen leven zal laten leiden, minding his or her own business." #Gaza #Westbank #verzet
Wat is verzet, vraagt Ramsey Nasr zich af, als de bezetter bepaalt dat jouw bestaan al verzet is
Israël zegt dat het Palestijns verzet wil breken. Schrijver Ramsey Nasr ziet vooral dat het weefsel van een samenleving, een cultuur, wordt geannihileerd. Is het als Palestijn mogelijk géén verzet te plegen, vraagt hij zich af.Ramsey Nasr (DPG Media)
A Palestinian prisoner is reuniting with his son.
#MustSee #Israel #IsraelWarCrimes #Gaza #Westbank #DriesVanAgt #FrancescaAlbanese
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🌃 News rundown 00:30 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
#WestBank #Apartheid #Palestine
Smiling Israeli soldier films herself throwing grenades over wall in West Bank
No way to see who’s on other side of wall as murderousness of Zionism exposed again A female Israeli soldier has posted a social media video of herself smiling as she throws and fires grenade…SKWAWKBOX
- ‘Spain will not allow’ Trump to displace Palestinians from Gaza, PM says
- Israel should ‘bring down hell on Hamas,’ Ben-Gvir says
- WATCH: Palestinians forced to live in Gaza cemetery
- Pace of aid entering Gaza ‘unacceptable’, Arab League says
- Israeli settlers, under army protection, attack village of Jalud near Nablus
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Three Israeli captives, 369 Palestinians set for release in Gaza deal
Sixth exchange of captives for Palestinian prisoners due later today with release of three Israeli men held in Gaza.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
#rewatch #press
📲 Video credit: UNRWA / msc
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#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid #IGH #Rassismus #Rechtsextremusmus #SPD
#love #valentine #activism #activist #freepalestine #freegaza #freewestbank #freethewestbank #fromtherivertothesea #palestinewillbefree #fromtherivertotheseapalestinewillbefree #gaza #westbank #ramallah #rafah #jerusalem #palestine #palestina #vivapalestina #stopnetanyahu #israelisacolonialiststate #israelisaterroriststate
"Queste azioni portano un messaggio e ne rivelano lo status assiomatico in Israele: non solo non ci sono innocenti a Gaza, ma non ci sono palestinesi innocenti, punto. Tutti, senza eccezione, sostengono il terrorismo."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #14febbraio
"Israele risponderebbe esattamente come ha fatto con le sue idee di deportazione, con l'estasi della destra e l'indifferenza del campo centrista."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #14febbraio

#keyboard #legends #music #freedomOfExpression
#gaza #westbank
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È il simbolo del giornalismo, dentro e fuori Gaza, e della resilienza di un popolo."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #14febbraio
Wael Al Dahdouh. Raccontare l'orrore di Gaza mossi da una “determinazione infinita”
Il capo della redazione di Al Jazeera nella Striscia ha perso dodici familiari sotto le bombe dell'esercito israeliano dopo il 7 ottobre 2023, tra cui tre figli e la moglie.Anna Maria Selini (Altreconomia)
„The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has voiced deep alarm at the growing number of children killed, injured and displaced in the occupied West Bank, as violence continues to escalate.“
13 children killed in the West Bank since year began: UNICEF
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has voiced deep alarm at the growing number of children killed, injured and displaced in the occupied West Bank, as violence continues to escalate.UN News