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Beiträge, die mit DRUGS getaggt sind

Breast milk protein’s superpowers lead to breakthrough for new class of oral drugs


Technion researcher Dr. Assaf Zinger says his team’s work shows that the proteins cover and protect nanoparticles as they pass through intestinal layers, conveying therapeutics

Illustrative: Bottles of expressed breast milk are seen on top of an incubator of a premature baby at Burnley General Hospital in Burnley, north-west England on May 15, 2020. (Hannah McKay / POOL / AFP)

TLDR: Pandas are dope fiends!?

TIL that 🐼 Pandas aren't born loving 🎍bamboo, but that it's an addiction with a dopamine component.

Those cute furry pandas are actually carnivores. 🍖

But they sit on their butts all day eating plants 🌿 and getting 🌀👃🌀 high instead of chasing animals. 🐁

Quote: "some of the bamboo-derived miRNAs were found to regulate dopamine pathways, driving food motivation and the reward system linked to it. So if eating bamboo is a pleasurable, satisfying experience for a panda, it's more likely to be solely driven to seek out this trigger." https://newatlas.com/biology/pandas-bamboo-micro-rna/

Pandas! :pandahype: :pandabighype:

#drugs #dopamine #pandas #bamboo #miRNA #RNA

As Hong Kong bans ‘space oil’ drug, social workers urge care for teen mental health




The Take: Where will Captagon users get the drug after Assad’s fall? | Drugs News https://www.byteseu.com/761338/ #Conflicts #Drugs #MiddleEast #News #Syria
The Take: Where will Captagon users get the drug after Assad’s fall? | Drugs News

Trump nixes Gaza deployments, but Forever Wars continue https://www.byteseu.com/723294/ #Conflicts #Death #Drugs #Gaza #ISIS #killed #PlaneCrash #Syria #Terrorism #War
Trump nixes Gaza deployments, but Forever Wars continue

What Trump didn’t say in his inauguration speech

The simple truth is that Donald Trump gave a major speech, the first speech of his second presidency,
and ignored almost every significant issue facing the working families of this country.
How crazy is that?

Our #healthcare system is broken, is dysfunctional and is wildly expensive.
We remain the only wealthy nation not to guarantee healthcare for all.
Not one word from Trump about how he is going to address the healthcare crisis.

We pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for #prescription #drugs
– sometimes 10 times more than the people in other countries
– and one out of four Americans is unable to afford the prescriptions that their doctors prescribe.
Not one word from Donald Trump on the high cost of prescription drugs.

We have 800,000 Americans who are #homeless and millions of our people spend 50% or 60% of their limited income on housing.
We have a major #housing crisis in America
– everyone knows it.
And Trump, in his inaugural address, did not devote one word to it.

Today in America, we have more income and wealth #inequality than we have ever had.
The wealthiest three people in America now own more wealth than the bottom half of our society.
But Trump had nothing to say about the growing gap between the very rich and everybody else.
And maybe that’s because he had those three people – the three wealthiest people in America – sitting right behind him at his inauguration.
And, I should add, those three people – if you can believe it – saw their wealth increase by more than $233bn since the November elections.
No wonder they were sitting right behind Trump. They couldn’t be happier.

During his inaugural speech, Trump did not have one word to say about how we are going to address the planetary crisis of #climate ##change.
The last 10 years have been the warmest ever recorded, and extreme weather disturbances and natural disasters are taking place all over the world
– from California to India, across Europe to North Carolina. Not one word about climate change
– except, of course, to make it clear that he intends to make this horrific situation even worse with “drill, baby, drill”.


More than 32,000 people have been displaced in Colombia after renewed violence between warring drug traffickers has sent citizens fleeing and threatens the country’s path to peace. Read more from @CNN
#Colombia #Drugs #SouthAmerica #LatinAmerica #Narcotics

दिल्ली पुलिस ने कसी कमर: विधानसभा चुनाव और गणतंत्र दिवस के लिए सघन अभियान।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #police #elections2025 #RepublicDay2025 #security #weapons #drugs #MoneyLaundering #safety #security

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, the Mexican drug lord who founded the Sinaloa cartel with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, is in plea talks with U.S. federal prosecutors to avoid a trial. @abc has more.


#Chapo #Mayo #Mexico #Sinola #Cartel #US #Drugs

"Before the end of the year, nitrous distributors had cleverly changed their packaging and introduced flavoring. Into smoke shops and onto Amazon came enormous tanks of nitrous."

Ezra Marcus, @nymag


#Longreads #Journalism #Drugs #Health #Nitrous

I have argued for many years that Westminster's refusal to allow Scotland to follow other European countries on more positive approaches to handling drug addiction has been a key contributor to a long standing problem - one rooted in poverty. But at the same time there needs to be a dual track and there is little doubt that the SNP dropped the ball on drug and alcohol rehabilitation.


#Scotland #Drugs #Rehabilitation

About the savagery and brutality of the British military

Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drug dealers and lewd officers who celebrate 'rape lists' as crews share Top Trumps-style cards of worst offenders, whistleblower says
And there are disturbing claims of rapes and sexual assaults taking place, as well as a culture of cocaine use among some sailors serving on nuclear submarines and some stationed at the navy's nuclear submarine HQ, HMNB Clyde, in Faslane, Scotland.

'I know of people who have been gang raped,' an insider said. 'I saw initiation ceremonies. One lad was on his knees ion his compartment with three lads and was trying to [perform a sex act on them].'

The former sailor claimed: 'On HMS Vengeance eight kids tried to kill themselves, three were raped and two have now died. Honestly, it's f***ing disgusting.'


The claims are the latest to rock the submarine service following allegations of sexual bullying, misogyny and abuse against women were revealed by the Mail.

In October the head of the Royal Navy was forced into offering a grovelling apology for sexual attacks and bullying of women on submarines, after it was exposed by the Mail.


The Navy published a 140-page report into its findings, about two-thirds of which is completely obscured by a security censor's black ink, covering up shocking details of the abuses.

#Western #NATO #UK #britain #england #british #britisharmy #navy #military #savagery #rape #drugs #antihumanity

British Military Must Die!

Captagon was a pharmaceutical drug created in Germany in the early 1960s to treat conditions like attention deficit disorder, then became a party drug in Eastern Europe. @npr looks at how it became a major source of funding for the Assad regime during Syria’s civil war.


#Syria #Captagon #MiddleEast #Drugs #Assad

What will happen to al-Assad’s Captagon empire now? | Syria’s War News https://www.byteseu.com/571372/ #ArabLeague #BasharAlAssad #Bulgaria #Conflict #Conflicts #Drugs #Europe #Explainer #Features #Iran #Lebanon #MiddleEast #News #SaudiArabia #Syria #Syria'sWar
What will happen to al-Assad’s Captagon empire now? | Syria's War News


Syria & the Fall of Bashar al-Assad - Why Assad's military folded and what's next


#Syria #russia #iran #curruption #nepotism #drugs #cartell

#Ukraine #UkraineWar #StandWithUkraine

Busted! High-ranking Mexican cartel leader arrested and charged with drug trafficking.

Gutierrez-Ochoa "allegedly faked his own death and assumed a false identity to evade justice and live a life of luxury in California."

The Jalisco cartel produced millions of doses of fentanyl & disguised them to look like Xanax, Percocet or oxy, resulting in ~70K overdose deaths/yr in the U.S. #drugs #press


Largest drug "super lab" in Canada's history busted with record amount of fentanyl, chemicals and guns seized

Wonder how bad NATO is? Latest Afghan data makes even Taliban heroes in comparison http://infobrics.org/post/39108/
Western sources estimate that up to 99% of opium production has been stamped out in provinces like Helmand, which previously cultivated more than half of Afghan poppy. This effort effectively eliminated the global heroin supply, with some rightfully calling it the most successful counter-narcotics effort in human history. Since banning poppy cultivation in April 2022, the Taliban brought down poppy cultivation to less than 1,000 hectares in Helmand, prompting farmers to start planting actually useful crops, like wheat, slowly eliminating the famine created by Western sanctions. The Taliban also banned ephedra cultivation, leading to a mass shutdown of the previously extensive network of ephedrine labs across the country, effectively dismantling the methamphetamine industry.

So, how does the mainstream propaganda machine respond to actual, functioning anti-narcotics efforts? If you guessed by praising it, you'd be wrong. Quite the contrary, there's nothing but "severe criticism" of these supposedly "medieval policies and bans". In its late October 2022 piece, the CIA front Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) claimed that the Taliban were "turning a blind eye to opium production", while Foreign Policy's February report insisted that "the Taliban's war on drugs could backfire". And pro-narcotics propaganda continues to this very day, as the so-called United States Institute of Peace (USIP) claimed as late as June that "the Taliban's successful opium ban is bad for Afghans and the world".
#USA #us #nato #Afghanistan #drugs