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Beiträge, die mit MIGRATION getaggt sind

“Israel Bleeds: The Impact of ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ on Reverse Migration – Analysis”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff


“Writing on the Al Mayadeen Arabic website, Sharhabil Al-Ghareeb discusses how Israel’s ongoing war w/ Hamas & Hezbollah has triggered a sharp increase in reverse migration, with highly skilled professionals fleeing in search of stability, further deepening the country’s internal crisis.”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #Migration

Ein Monat nach Assads Sturz - Syrien, die Rückkehr-Debatte und ihre Folgen

Im Wahlkampf debattieren Politiker über Abschiebungen oder freiwillige Rückkehr nach Syrien. Kritiker warnen vor Populismus mit Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt.#SYRIEN #MIGRATION #Rückkehr #Abschiebung #Assad

There once was a Syrian refugee so bold,
Whose selfie with Merkel was pure gold.
It changed his life's course,
With kindness as the driving force,
Now his story is widely told.

#GuardianLimerick #Syria #Germany #Migration #Refugees #Europe


The new year, 2025, it seems, is destined to end an era-defining decade just as it began: with #Syria’s displaced at the centre of a consequential chain of events and international #migration at the top of the news agenda. via @TimesofIndia_ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit-page/dont-go-its-westland/

Cyprus’ Role in Syria’s Future: Aiding Chemical Disarmament and Seeking the Missing https://www.byteseu.com/583964/ #ChemicalWeapons #ConstantinosKombos #Cyprus #extremism #ForeignPolicy #InternationalRelations #kurds #Migration #Syria #Turkey
Cyprus' Role in Syria's Future: Aiding Chemical Disarmament and Seeking the Missing

Customs & Border Protection Fails Baseline #Privacy Requirements for Surveillance Technology https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/12/customs-border-protection-fails-baseline-privacy-requirements-surveillance #migration #privacidad #migraciones

Populismus höhlt unsere Wirschaft aus:


#Syria #migration #fachkraftemangel

As some semblance of normality slowly settles in in #Syria questions are turning to what's next for the millions of Syrian #refugees spread out across the world. FRANCE 24's Andrew Hilliar reports from Gaziantep in Turkey, where authorities are starting to expand border crossing capacities to accommodate the influx of Syrians wanting to return. We speak to Susan Fratzke, Senior Policy Analyst at the #Migration Policy Institute’s International Program.
#asylum #Assad

Seguimos la hoja de ruta trazada por el complejo militar-industrial: la guerra es un gran negocio. https://anselmolucio.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/cinco-consecuencias-que-la-guerra-de-siria-esta-teniendo-para-occidente/ #Syria #Siria #migration #refugiados #rearme #genocidio #xenofobia #Gaza

'They threw her body into the ocean' - woman dies on boat headed for French island

#migration #migrants #refugees

The debate(s) over migration involve two clear lapses:

1. we might want to ask ourselves what makes people take such awful risks to leave their homes.... we need to be compassionate not suspicious;

2. what the evidence shows again & again is that migrants are not a drain on society, they make a positive contribution once they are here & have been allowed to get on with their lives.

To deny these two lapses either directly or by staying silent is to collude with the haters!


I apologize for spamming those who following my main blog via RSS. The migration from NearlyFreeSpeech to my own VPS running #OpenBSD is complete!

I'm sure some minor issues will pop-up, but so far it went pretty smooth :)

#migration #blog

Spain's Left-wing government takes steps to make it easier for undocumented migrants to gain residence permits etc. Good news, much needed these days!


#migration #eu

the 'let's roll up our sleeves and get organizing' in response to the election results and potential crises on the horizon is encouraging (albeit frustrating since it's what so many have been pleading for us to start doing since the *last* election), but as things stand right now, i don't see a path toward meaningful organizing gains

until we can reach a critical mass of masking again, working together is a non-starter. we can have our differences but when they put others at risk, we're simply not on the same side. soc-dem, dem-soc, little c communist, liberal, anarchist, leftist, feminist, abolitionist, antifascist, environmentalist... it doesn't matter how you identify unless we find consensus on taking care of each other

developing a culture (counterculture?) of care is step zero and your organizing efforts won't have any support from people like me until we do


#organizing #communityOrganizing #movementOrganizing #activism #ClimateCrisis #election2024 #trump #antifascist #leftistnews #migration #immigration #housingjustice #disabilityJustice #COVID #COVID19 #Palestine #PalestineSolidarity #Gaza #genocide #endtheoccupation #reproductivejustice #feminism #abolition #protest

According to a new report by the #Israeli newspaper #Haaretz, the number of Israelis #relocating to #Canada has increased considerably during the Israeli aggression on both #Gaza and #Lebanon.

Almost 10,000 #settlers moved from Israeli #OccupiedTerritories to Canada this year, as per the report. The newspaper reported that 7,850 Israelis filed for and were given work visas in Canada in 2024, representing a fivefold increase compared to the previous year.

For context, 1,585 Israelis were granted #WorkVisas in Canada in 2023.

The report revealed that the key reasons for the #migration were "Israel's" precarious #political and security position, heightened conflict, perceived #socioeconomic inequities, and the Israeli occupation's unwillingness to address crucial concerns.

According to the most recent data from the #Canadian Ministry of #Immigration, 3,425 temporary work visas and 4,424 regular work licenses were awarded to Israelis between December 2023 and September 2024.

The composition includes two Israeli passports positioned at the bottom right, with the front cover visible, showing the emblem and "STATE OF ISRAEL" in gold. Above, the text "Over 10,000 Israelis left for Canada in 2024" is centered prominently in large, bold yellow letters. The background features a slightly blurred airport scene, indicating travel and movement, enhancing the theme of emigration. The overall color scheme utilizes dark blue and gold for contrast and readability.

Soaring grocery prices and the changing environmetn

A reasonable warming (it was a misspelling of warning but I decided to keep it) - but I am bemused by the suggestion/plea that Economists need a solution. I think that economists are a big part of the problem, and their ‘group think’ exacerbates it.

Come the revolution who do you want to be the first up against the wall? And the second and….


#Environment #Crisis #Food #HungerToCome #Hunger #Migration

Extreme weather is driving undocumented migration between Mexico & the U.S., with climate change fueling droughts, storms, and hardships that push more people to risk border crossings, a new study finds.

Rising sea levels & extreme weather will force millions to migrate, creating a surge of climate migrants. This shift poses major social, economic, and political challenges as nations adapt to new population dynamics.


#climatechange #migration

„From the River to the Sea" kann aus Sicht des Innenministeriums (BMI) ein Ausschlussgrund für die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft sein. So steht es in den "vorläufigen Anwendungshinweisen" des #BMI zum neuen Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz, die Panorama vorliegen…….

WTF? Deutscher #Rassismus kennt keine Grenzen mehr!

Kein deutscher Pass wegen umstrittener Parole?

https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama/aktuell/Regierungs-Dokument-Kein-deutscher-Pass-wegen-umstrittener-Parole,staatsangehoerigkeitsgesetz106.html @israel @palestine

#Germany #Deutschland #Migration #palästina #Antireport #Asyl #Rassismus

Gaza-Geflüchtete mehrfach bestraft

„Wöchentlich werden schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch israelische Soldaten bekannt, ohne dass sie ernsthafte Konsequenzen fürchten müssen – wie im Fall von Vergewaltigungen im Lager Sde Teiman werden sie dafür sogar gefeiert. Das höchste internationale Gericht hält einen Genozid in Gaza für möglich, will sich dazu aber erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt festlegen. Ausländische Journalisten dürfen die Region nicht betreten, die Zahl ihrer getöteten palästinensischen Kolleg*innen ist so hoch wie in keinem anderen Konflikt.

In diese Kriegswüste könnten Geflüchtete bald zurück gezwungen werden. So lässt sich die Antwort des Bundesinnenministeriums auf die Anfrage der Linke-Gruppe verstehen, wonach Asylanträge aus Gaza nicht bearbeitet werden, solange noch Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen laufen. Das Ministerium verschweigt, wer die verheerenden Angriffe in Gaza seit fast einem Jahr durchführt: Das Wort »Israel« kommt in der Antwort nicht vor.…“

@matthimon zum Entscheidungsstopp für Asylanträge von Palästinenser*innen

https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1185546.asyl-entscheidungsstopp-gaza-gefluechtete-mehrfach-bestraft.html @israel @palestine

#Gaza #Israel #Migration #Rassismus #Palästina