Beiträge, die mit TELEGRAM getaggt sind
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
Telegram Premium startet in Deutschland, das müsst ihr jetzt wissen
Telegram Premium ist seit Kurzem auch in Deutschland verfügbar. Das kostenpflichtige Abonnement bietet Zusatzfunktionen wie unbegrenzten Cloud-Speicher, erweiterte Privatsphäre-Einstellungen und Echtzeit-Übersetzungen.Nadine Juliana Dressler (
I wonder how money-grubbing corporarions advertising on Telegram like the fact that their trash sometimes appears on channels like Unity of Fields?
Imagine a Tesla ad there showing up next to another report of cybertrucks being trashed at a Tesla dealership. Would be like an ad for United Healhcare on Youtube prerolled onto a Defend/Deny/Depose video.
Just saw an ad there for untrustable paid crypto. Any paid crypto author can make more money by selling backdoors to cops, basically acting as a double agent.
Telegram, I will not use you for posting media (e.g for a broadcast channel) because I do not post to ad supported servers. Anything I operate I would sooner shut down than monetize with ads.
When you run ads in places they are unwelcome, you expose your actual customers (users are PRODUCT) to boycotts and harassment.
You also show that you are in it for thr money, no wonder you agreed to cooperate with warrants. That decisiom BTW moved a lot of two-way and closed group comms to far safer Signal, which is always end to end encryptrd and has ensured they don't keep metadata records useful to cops.
Hopefully Signal would respond to a US demand for a backdoor the way they responded to the UK bill: zero compliance, remove servers and offices from rhe offending country if necesary. As one who burned a grand jury subpeona rather than snitch, I do in fact expect the same from any service that wants my trust. You need to be willing to fall on your sword like Lavabit did, not sell out your subscribers for 30 pieces of silver.
#messenger #signal #threema #xmpp #matrix #deltachat #telegram #datenschutz #privacy #sicherheit #security #e2ee
WhatsApp adé: Signal und Threema überzeugen als sichere Alternativen
Signal & Threema sind für die meisten die beste Alternative zu WhatsApp. XMPP, Matrix & Delta Chat für Technikaffine. Vorsicht bei Telegram & Co.!
No, @delta is not the most secure chat solution per se, but it is definitely an alternative if people send you emails because (for whatever reason) they do not use encrypted communication or use emails like chats.
#deltachat #email #whatsapp #signal #telegram #delta #chat #security #itsec
5 Ways Delta Chat is Better than WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram
With Facebook finally changing how WhatsApp works to profit off of the users (as expected),…Jeremy (World Sage)
#messenger #signal #threema #xmpp #matrix #deltachat #telegram #datenschutz #privacy #sicherheit #security #e2ee
WhatsApp adé: Signal und Threema überzeugen als sichere Alternativen
Signal & Threema sind für die meisten die beste Alternative zu WhatsApp. XMPP, Matrix & Delta Chat für Technikaffine. Vorsicht bei Telegram & Co.!
Secure Messaging Apps Comparison | Privacy Matters
This site compares secure messaging apps from a security & privacy point of view. These include Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Skype, Signal, Simplex, Google Messenger, Threema, Riot, Wire, Telegram, and
I like it so much, and I think it should be mainstream so much, that I had just updated my resume to replace my phone number with a Matrix link instead lol - and I feel much better not having my (work) number displayed in public. Idk if that'd be an issue (i.e. for a recruiter), but meh, the link even takes you to a pretty portal (stood up by the Matrix instance) that tells the reader how to reach me (i.e. app options they could launch/install, etc.). All in all, I'm so, so, so SORRY for thinking Matrix is just what #FOSS/#Linux nerds use to be different (to be private, really) when really, it's just a really cool communication protocol/service EVERYONE should use - not freakin' WhatsApp or #iMessage (I see you, Americans).
Hört sich aber interessant an. Bin gespannt, ob das in Zukunft die jetzt üblichen Messenger ablösen kann bzw. wird.
#messenger #rcs #sms #signal #whatsapp #telegram
SMS-Nachfolger RCS: Die Zukunft der mobilen Kommunikation - fosstopia
Technik-Blog für Linux, Unix, Open Source, Cloud Computing, Nachhaltigkeit und Co.MK (MichlFranken)
Perquè creiem que entre totes podem construir l’internet que volem, més amable, més saludable, més nostre!
Per més informació, visita el web ✨
Ens podeu trobar també a #PeerTube ( i us podeu subscriure al nostre canal de #Telegram ( i al nostre #butlletí (
How nice of them... I was thinking about blocking anyone that posts Telegram trash but you are making feel awkward. Don't you have any better sources than this trash?

Telegram’s [Similar Channels] feature, recommends extremist channels even when users browse channels on nonpolitical topics such as celebrities or technology, according to a report by the U.S. legal advocacy organization Southern Poverty Law Center.
#telegram #similar #channels #toxic #socialmedia #it #engineer #media #technology #news
Now that it has lost #Syria, #Russia is preparing for #revolution following it home
"#Roskomnadzor blocked residents in #Dagestan, #Chechnya, and #Ingushetia, which have majority-#Muslim populations, #ISW says... People in those areas couldn't access #Google, #YouTube, #Telegram, #WhatsApp, or other foreign websites or apps—even if they used #VPN s, according to a local #Russian news site"
#telegram #bot #javascript #serverless #coding #blog #tech
Create a Telegram Bot using JavaScript, Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare Workers KV.
Step-by-step guide to set up Telegram bot with Botfather, serverless service Cloudflare Workers, data storage Cloudflare Workers KV and coding using JavaScript.Juan's Tech Blog
Video of the aftermath of last night's massive Israeli bombing of Ladheqhie port in #Syria is available on my telegram channel [](
They at getting an early wake up call about how it feels to be at the mercy of the west governments in modern history who claim to be the moral guardians of the western civilization and interested in peace and coexistence with the neighbors.
#Syria #Israel #US #Invasion #IDF #Netanyahu #Biden #Turkey
In a previous clip, US Senator Marco Rubio, who is expected to serve as Secretary of State in the next #Trump administration, said in response to a question from a pro-Palestinian citizen that he is not calling for a ceasefire in #Gaza, and is calling for the elimination of all #Hamas elements, describing them as “feral animals” for allegedly committing “horrific crimes.” He said that he blames #Hamas for the deaths of civilians in #Gaza, and says that he is calling on #Hamas to stop hiding behind civilians, adding that #Hamas knew this would lead to this, so it must stop building its #military facilities under #hospitals, “according to his claim.
#Israel #Genocide #USpol #Palestine
@palestine group @israel group
#Video from #CodePink is available on #Telegram:
Resistance & Current News videos ☮️🇵🇸
In a previous clip, US Senator Marco Rubio, who is expected to serve as Secretary of State in the next #[url=]Trump[/url] administration, said in response to a question from a pro-Palestinian citizen that he is not calling for a ceasefire in #[url=]Gaza[/url], and is callin…Telegram
#Hezbollah also published a new #propaganda #video titled 'You will not have any tanks left.' []( (video on my #telegram channel)
#Lebanon #Israel #Military
@lebanon @israel
#Aggiornamento #Android #App #Bot #Chat #Comunicazione #Hashtag #iOS #Media #Messaggistica #Notizie #Novità #NuoveFunzioni #Personalizzazione #Qualità #Tecnologia #Telegram #Video
Telegram si rinnova: video migliorati, nuovi strumenti per tutti
Video di qualità superiore, nuovi strumenti per creator e maggiore personalizzazione: Telegram si evolve per offrire un'esperienza utente ancora migliore.CeoTech
I don't think anyone outside the geek cryptographic bubble gives a monkeys about E2E. Not say that e2e is a bad thing. It's a good thing. Just people don't care about sharing stuff
IMO it's used by
- sex bot scammers
- drug deal scammers
- actual drug dealers
- actual sex workers
- people don't want to use a telephone number as their "userID"
- People who wont use Whatsapp because they think it's spying on them
- People who can't use Signal because one of the previous points
I use it because it's got a hyperlocal feature "Show who is nearby", which I have met many non english speaking people on, who I don't think I would have ever met otherwise.
#messenger #briar #discord #matrix #element #imessage #jami #line #signal #simplex #siskin #telegram #threema #viber #whatsapp #wire
Die Messenger-Matrix bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenen (technischen) Merkmale diverser Messenger. Die Matrix wird auf
This is the first time I've seen such a restriction.
#telegram #laws #censorship #fail